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Draper Leaves, Chariho Looking for New Finance Director

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

July 31st 2024

Richmond – Ned Draper, who has served as the Director of Administration and Finance for the Chariho School District since 2020, has left the district and has already begun working at the University of Rhode Island’s College of Business as its Chief Business Officer.

“I think URI has a pretty broad and ambitious strategic plan, and I think the opportunity to both return to that environment as well as jump in at a time when they’re really looking to expand their reach and their capabilities is exciting,” he said.


The Chariho Years


Draper said he had enjoyed being a member of the Chariho administrative team and working with Superintendent of Schools, Gina Picard.

“Chariho’s got a great culture, and by that, I mean the school district as well as the community,” he said. “There’s a lot of support for the schools and what they do, and the folks who work for the district are very vested in it, and I had the benefit of working with Gina, who pretty much started around the same time, so she was really able to define direction for the district and I was able to participate in that.”

Recalling the COVID pandemic, Draper said he believed that Chariho had risen to the challenges.

“Getting through COVID, as much in-person as we were able to do, was really good.,” he said. “The academic achievements that the teaching staff and the students and the parents were able to accomplish throughout all of that was remarkable.”


A long term challenge, Draper said, has been finding funding to maintain and improve Chariho’s facilities.

“Adequately meeting the capital needs, that’s been an ongoing challenge. Obviously, the process to get funded. On the one hand, it makes it difficult to get resources sometimes, when you have a failed budget vote or a failed bond vote. Alternatively, it’s a challenge and an opportunity, right? So, the challenge is the community has to be bought in to the goals, but alternatively, you get honest feedback, and you adjust,” he said.


Communication Skills


Draper holds a Master’s degree in management from Salve Regina University and was often recognized at Chariho for his ability to explain complex subjects in ways that everyone could understand. It’s a skill he said he had made a conscious effort to develop.

“That’s certainly cultivated,” he said. “I started out in public [sector] years ago and prior to that, I was at the Rhode Island School of Design. So, you had a very diverse population there that had different expectations of budgets and resources, so through that process initially, and my public experience before, there was a lot of time spent presenting things in different ways, particularly to visual learners, so that it was understandable.”

Chariho, Draper noted, takes public participation to another level.

“…there’s so much public participation required to move finances forward, you really have to come up with a way to present information that a very wide audience can grasp and work with,” he said.

Gina Picard said Draper had introduced measures to make the district’s finances easier for residents of the three Chariho towns to understand.

“He was very conscious of the need for us to continue to find ways to become more and more transparent as we make sure our communities understand the budget,” she said. “I think Ned definitely took a position that was well-established and continued to enhance and improve our work.”


Draper acknowledged that the defeat of the bond for the construction of new schools had been disappointing.

“A lot of work from our team went into that,” he said. “I think, from a value standpoint, because of the state investments, I think there’s some opportunity costs there, but that’s community preference and that’s okay, too.”


The Search for a Finance Director


School Committee Chair Catherine Giusti said Draper would be difficult to replace.

“While I'm happy for Ned, his leaving is a huge loss for Chariho and our community,” she said. “Ned has the ability to interact positively with everyone he encounters. He answers any questions, no matter the spirit in which they were asked, both factually and graciously. He is going to be missed both for his knowledge and personality. “

The search for Draper’s replacement has begun, but at the time of this writing, no interviews had been conducted yet.

Board Approves Master Plan for Route 138 Development

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

July 24th 2024

RICHMOND – The Planning Board has approved the master planfor the Gardiner Apartments mixed-use development at 102 Kingstown Road (Route 138).

The application, submitted by Joseph Catelli, will involve renovating an existing commercial building on the .95-acre parcel and the construction of an apartment building which will comprise four, 2-bedroom units.

The application has already been presented to the Planning Board. At Tuesday’s public hearing, which was a continuation of a hearing that began on July 9, project engineer Patrick Freeman was present to answer questions from the board and the public, however there were no questions from residents and only a handful from board members.

The developer has already requested and received several waivers, including the waiving of the requirement to install utilities underground.

Board Chair Philip Damicis said the decision to grant a waiver for the utilities was an easy one.

“Because it’s such a short distance, basically, the overhead is at the street, and the building is not even a hundred feet from the overhead lines, so it wouldn’t be good planning practice to require whole underground duct thing,” he said. “It would be good planning practice, I believe, just to run the overhead line directly to the building.”

The board, with new member Carl Coutu recusing himself because he was not yet familiar with the application, voted to approve the master plan with two conditions, which were summarized by Damicis.

“One is, we requested additional detail on the site lighting to ensure that it is dark sky compliant, and the other thing was a traffic study that addressed the concerns over the line - of - sight distance,” he said.

The line - of - sight condition addresses board Vice Chair Dan Madnicks’ concern that people pulling out onto Route 138 might not have sufficient time or space to make a left turn onto the busy road.


The Technical Review Committee


Town Planner Talia Jalette presented a flow chart showing how  the planning process would function with the addition of the new Technical Review Committee, or TRC.

Mandated by legislation passed in 2023 by the Rhode Island General Assembly, the TRC will provide technical assistance and reviews of major land development applications to the Planning Board.

The committee has been described by some as redundant, because the board already solicits the expertise of department heads and outside experts.

The Richmond committee will include:

*The administrative officer, which in this case, is Jalette,

*Public Works Director, Gary Robar

*Zoning Enforcement Officer, Josh Jordan

*a Planning Board member

* the town engineer. Richmond does not have a town engineer, so this role would be filled by an engineer retained by the town

*The manager of the water department

* a representative from the Richmond Conservation Commission

*The Chief of either the Richmond-Carolina of the Hope Valley-Wyoming Fire Department, depending on where the project is located


The reviews will take place during master plan review. The committee will serve in an advisory capacity, but its final report will be included in the project review.


Working with the administrative officer, the TRC will also be called upon to review final plans for minor land developments.

Jalette’s July 19th memo to the Planning Board states,

“Henceforth, every Preliminary Plan approval for a minor land development or minor subdivision should delegate Final Plan review and approval to the Administrative Officer or the Technical Review Committee.”

New Board member Carl Coutu, who has a background in real estate development, said he was concerned that the committee might be too big.

“This is a big group,” he said. “Every one I’ve ever been involved in is made up of four people. It’s usually the planner, it’s the town engineer, it is the zoning official, and really, that’s it, unless there’s something major. Everything else is done with comments. It’s floated around the various departments and done with comments.”

Damicis replied that Richmond does not have a town engineer.

“We have private consultants,” he said. “So, if it’s environmental, conservation, we rely on our volunteer committees for a lot of this stuff.”

Routine Issues Dominate Brief Town Council Meeting

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

July 18th 2024

RICHMOND – At the only Town Council meeting scheduled for July, council members addressed a number of routine issues.


Executive Session


The proceedings of the Executive Session, which took place at 5:30 p.m., before the regular council meeting, are confidential, however, the council announced that two items had been resolved.


The first involved the payment of $27,500 to David Gamache, a former member of the Building Code Board of Appeals. Details of the litigation, including the reason Gamache took legal action against the town, were not provided.


The second item on the Executive Session agenda was the payment to the State of Rhode Island for a “health notice of violation” regarding the town water system.

Town Clerk Erin Liese stated that the motion to resolve the violation included a second motion, made by councilor Michael Colasante and seconded by Helen Sheehan “to authorize the Town Solicitor to draft a letter to Northeast Water to have them pay the $1,000 fine on behalf of the town. Administrative penalty to be sent along with the Department of Health letter regarding the town’s future compliance in the matter.” Northeast Water Solutions operates the town’s water system. The exact nature of the administrative violation was not made public.


The Regular Council Meeting


The Senior Activities Commission


Town Administrator Karen Pinch asked the council to consider passing a new ordinance formalizing the town’s Senior Activities Committee.

“We realized, actually, that it’s not in the ordinance, as the rest of the boards and commissions are,” she told the council. “It was established by a resolution in 2011, and never formalized in an ordinance. So, I think that’s an oversight, and I think the council might want to consider doing that.”

Pinch added that Senior Activities Committee Chair, Dennis McGinity has asked whether non-residents, who represent a significant portion of the Senior Center membership, could sit on the committee.

Helen Sheehan said she believed that since Richmond was paying for the Senior Center, the committee should comprise Richmond residents.

“The thing is, we’re paying for it,” she said.

Colasante agreed with Sheehan.

“That’s what kind of concerns me,” he said. “If we keep going down this path, we could have 50 residents using it consistently and 40 [from] outside Richmond but then, there’s a need for a new facility, and then, the Richmond taxpayers are on the hook for building a facility. … I say we take care of our own residents.”

Councilor Samantha Wilcox pointed out that because it was a challenge to recruit volunteers, the town might consider appointing non-residents.

“I just think with how hard it is to find good volunteers that will stay, open up the opportunity the opportunity to somebody who cares about the Senior Activities Committee and somebody who may have connections to bring more activities to seniors. I don’t necessarily think that’s a bad thing.”

The council, with Colasante opposed, approved a motion to draft an ordinance to formalize the Senior Activities Committee. The ordinance will be considered at a public hearing.


Anti - Harassment Policy


Pinch asked the council to approve updates to the town’s anti-harassment and discrimination policy.

“Our policy is over 10 years old, and it needed to be reviewed and updated to be more current,” she said.

After agreeing on several modifications and additions to the draft, the council approved the updated policy.


Notification of Residents


Pinch briefed council members on the initiative to include paper inserts, explaining how to enroll in the town’s notification system, in property tax bills, which are going out this week.

“There is an insert in the bill,” she said. “It gives instructions on how to sign up for Notify Me. In fact, there’s even a QR code that you can just take that little picture, it takes you right to the sign-up.”

Pinch added that the insert also includes information on the town’s current housing needs survey, which residents are encouraged to fill out.

Sheehan, who has urged the town to make additional efforts to reach residents who are not on line, said the inserts were a good start.

“This piece of paper in the tax bill is a beginning to at least give them an opening,” she said.


Police Hires


The council approved two hires in the police department.

Retired Providence police officer Stephen Blessing will be hired to fill an upcoming patrol position.

Police Chief Elwood Johnson’s letter to the Town Council states:

“Mr. Blessing, age 56, is retired in good standing from the Providence Police Department since 2009, and has been working for our department as a Per Diem Traffic Officer for the last seven (7) years. Mr. Blessing resides in the Town of Charlestown, and is an active community member, who coaches youth sports at the Chariho High School.”

Blessing will be on probation for one year.

The second hire is Thomas DeTora, who will be a part time dispatcher, filling shift vacancies. DeTora will be paid $19 per hour.

Richmond Stop & Shop to Remain Open

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

July 12th 2024

RICHMOND – The much-maligned Stop & Shop supermarket in the Chariho Plaza is not one of the stores slated for closure.

Stop & Shop’s Netherlands-based parent company, Ahold Delhaize, announced Friday that 32 “underperforming” stores would be closing, including two in Rhode Island.

One of the Rhode Island stores is located in Johnston, at 11 Commerce Way, and the second store is in Providence, at 176 Pittman Street.

Most of the stores slated to close are in Massachusetts (eight stores) Connecticut (five stores) New York, (seven stores) and New Jersey (ten stores). The closures will occur on or before Nov. 2, 2024.

In a July 12 press release, Stop & Shop President, Gordon Reid said the company would continue to maintain a strong presence in the region.

“Stop & Shop is proud of the deep roots and community ties we have developed as a neighborhood grocer of more than 100 years, and we remain committed to nourishing our associates, customers and communities,” he said. “As we announced in May, Stop & Shop has evaluated its overall store portfolio and made the difficult decision to close underperforming stores to create a healthy base for the future growth of our brand.”

Employees in the closing stores will be offered jobs elsewhere in the company.

Stop & Shop has been remodeling some stores over the past six years, and those stores, Reid said, are performing well.

“These stores are outperforming other Stop & Shop stores that haven’t been remodeled,” he said. “We’re taking these learnings and implementing them at other stores as we build upon our strong foundation, similar to our new Boston flagship location, opened last month in the Allston Yards development.”

Stop & Shop employs about 58,000 associates and after the closures, will operate more than 350 stores in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York and New Jersey.

There are 25 Stop & Shop supermarkets in Rhode Island. The company did not reveal if or when the Rhode Island stores would be remodeled.

Why No Code Red Last Weekend? We Asked the Chief

By Cynthia Drummond


RICHMOND – The murder last Saturday of Stephanie Francis and the subsequent police pursuit of her estranged husband, Joseph Francis, have prompted questions about why the public was not alerted that there was a murder suspect at large.

In an interview on Tuesday, Richmond Police Chief Elwood Johnson explained why the town’s codeRED emergency notification system had not been activated.

There were several reasons, Johnson said, for not alerting the public that police were chasing Joseph Francis: the principal reason is jurisdiction.

Several municipal police departments were involved, but the Rhode Island State Police controlled the crime scene, the home on Stubtown Road in Hopkinton where Stephanie Francis was shot and the scene near Dawley Park in Richmond where Joseph Francis’s Suburban rolled over and Francis was found deceased inside the vehicle.

The homicide scene was under the control of Rhode Island State Police,” Johnson said. “State Police were gathering evidence at the scene, and they need to control access to the scene. The more people who go to the scene, there’s a potential for contamination.”

Time was another major factor. The entire Richmond segment of the pursuit, led by Sergeant William Litterio, lasted only about six minutes.

“It happened so quickly,” Johnson said. “Our involvement was so brief, the codeRED wouldn’t have gone out before the suspect was contained. At that point, the State Police own that site where the crash happened. … Once you have a suspect with no known hostage contained, there is no rush. Those things can take many hours.”

In this case, several officers surrounded the SUV after it had rolled over and took cover behind their vehicles while they waited for a State Police SWAT team to enter the SUV and determine whether the suspect was deceased.

“There will be those times when we notify the public and the press,” Johnson said. “This was not one of those times. …If he [Francis] had escaped capture, it would have been necessary. That wasn’t the case. They [the officers] felt they had eyes on him and the ability to control his vehicle.”

Johnson added that issuing a codeRED might have prompted some residents to become involved.

“I’m confident that people would have gone out to see it [the chase] go by,” he said.

Johnson made a final point about how cases like this one affect police officers.

 “These guys are putting themselves at risk and in harm’s way to protect the public,” he said. “These things take a toll on the officers. It doesn’t get much more serious than that.”

Andrew McQuaide Resigns from School Committee

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

July 8th 2024

WOOD RIVER JCT. – As the dust continues to settle from the failed school construction bond, Andrew McQuaide, who represented Charlestown on the Chariho School Committee, has resigned.


Why is He Leaving?


McQuaide and his family have moved out of Rhode Island, to a location that McQuaide said he preferred not to disclose. But the relocation is not the only reason for McQuaide’s resignation.

In a letter dated July 5, McQuaide, who first served on the School Committee in 2006 and has served terms totaling nine years, pointed out what he views as a discrepancy between the high quality of the work being performed in Chariho schools, and the deteriorating condition of the school buildings themselves.

“I went to Charlestown Elementary School and I love that my daughter had that same opportunity to learn there,” he said in an interview on Monday.  “She was literally in the same Kindergarten classroom as myself, and so, I really do have a deep appreciation for the feeling that our community has had as we’ve had these conversations about our elementary schools and as folks talked about their own relationships with these buildings. I think it’s really important for us to acknowledge that two conflicting feelings can coexist with one another.  I can feel all of those feelings about all of our buildings and at the same time, recognize that these buildings are not adequate facilitators for learning in 2024.”

Charlestown Town Council President Deborah Carney said McQuaide had worked hard to represent the town.

“Andrew was an asset to the Chariho School Committee,” she said. “He clearly had the best interests of the children in his decisions. He brought a level of knowledge to the School Committee that will be missed.”

The three remaining Charlestown members, Linda Lyall, Craig Louzon and Donna Chambers, have two years remaining in their terms. The only person seeking to fill the vacant Charlestown seat is a Republican, Laura Chapman, a Chariho parent who currently serves on the Middle School “School Improvement Team.”

School Committee Chair Catherine Giusti said she was hoping that Chapman, would be a productive member of the committee.

“I’m hopeful, if she’s taking the time to be a member of the SIT [School Improvement Team] for the middle school, she clearly cares about Chariho, and I’m hopeful that she’s going to bring an open mind and a student-focused approach to serving on the committee,” she said. “I don’t know if Charlestown will install her to finish Andrew’s term or if they’re just going to wait until November.”

It is likely that the Charlestown Town Council will appoint Chapman to the position before the election.

“The Charter says in the event of a vacancy, the Town Council announces the vacancy and then the following month will make the appointment,” Carney explained. “The vacancy will be announced on July 22, so any appointment won’t be made until August 26 at the earliest. Personally, since Laura Chapman is the only person running for the one seat, then it makes sense to appoint her since she will most likely be sitting there in November.”

Giusti acknowledged that with the composition and direction of the School Committee in flux, McQuaide’s resignation had come at a bad time.

“Andrew leaving is a huge loss, a huge loss for the School Committee, it’s a loss for the students.,” she said. “He was such a good advocate, and he was very thoughtful and very intelligent and very compassionate, and those are not qualities you always get in one person, and he forced everybody to stop and think for a minute about the implications of all of our actions on students, and that, frankly, the first thought that we should have. I’m going to miss him.”

McQuaide’s resignation letter contained a warning that the school district appeared to be moving from its long-standing collaborative relationship with the administration to an adversarial one.

“… Chariho is very close to having a majority of school committee members that would prefer a more adversarial, mistrusting approach to Chariho and its leadership,” he wrote.

“They are more focused on litigating national noise at the local-level [sic] regardless of its applicability and rarely do the actual

work of a committee member.”

The letter concludes with the following:

“While I’m, momentarily, unusually pessimistic my hope lies in what I’ve experienced in our schools. Our administration is laser focused on improving student achievement for all students,

mindful of Chariho’s fiscal constraints, and committed to setting our students and community up for success. I hope Chariho voters reflect on the progress of the past twenty years as they

consider our district’s future in November.”

Domestic Homicide in Hopkinton Leads to Suspect’s Death in Richmond

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA
July 7, 2024
RICHMOND – A man who is believed to have fatally shot his wife at their residence in Hopkinton on Friday night led police on a high - speed chase through several towns on Saturday before he crashed his car and was found dead inside the vehicle.
Joseph Francis, the estranged husband of Stephanie Francis, was under a no contact order, and on bail, when he entered the Francis residence at 171 Stubtown Road in Hopkinton.
Hopkinton Police Chief Mark Carrier said three children, two Francis children and a neighbor’s child, were in the home at the time and witnessed the incident.
The children, Carrier said, called 911.
“We knew who the suspect was,” he said, “because the children witnessed the act.”
Hopkinton patrol officers Steven Johnson and Ryan Ahern arrived at the Francis residence where they found Stephanie Francis deceased.
State Police from the Hope Valley barracks were also called to the scene.
A state police press release reads, in part:
“Upon Trooper’s arrival, a deceased female, identified as Stephanie Francis, age 44, was located in the residence from an
apparent gunshot wound to the chest. Also on the scene were three juveniles who were unharmed, two of whom were Mrs. Francis’s biological children.”
Joseph Francis had fled the scene in a Chevrolet Suburban SUV. By this time, a nationwide arrest warrant, for domestic homicide and also, violating the no-contact order, had been issued and officers in every city and town were on the lookout for him.
Francis was first spotted by Westerly Police at 10:50 on Saturday morning, on Route 1 North near Route 78. A chase began, but Francis managed to evade police.
The Pursuit
Francis was next spotted by Charlestown police, between 11:30 and 11:40 a.m., travelling North on Route 2.
Richmond Police Sergeant William Litterio described the high - speed chase that ensued.
“The Charlestown Police initiated a chase with this alleged homicide suspect who was considered armed and dangerous,” he said. “The suspect was seen northbound on the town line of South Kingstown and Charlestown, after he had already been in a chase with Westerly, South Kingstown, Narragansett, State Police – he had already been in a chase with them, and they lost sight of him somewhere.”
“At the Route 2 and 112 split, he took the left and went down 112,” Litterio said. “Myself and officer Brock Taylor were working, we were the two guys scheduled yesterday [Saturday].”
Litterio described the chase as it continued into Richmond.
“As I came off Shannock Hill to Route 112, the suspect vehicle went by at a high rate of speed, being pursued by the two Charlestown guys,” he said. “Officer Taylor was stationed at the Charlestown Fire Station on Route 112, so he got in the pursuit and I got in the pursuit and the suspect went all the way down 112 to the Town Hall, to the new rotary. The suspect made a right turn onto [Route] 138 and went down about, maybe, a mile or two, and then he turned around and came back westbound, back towards the Town Hall.”
Litterio was now leading the chase.
“I begin pursuing him from the top of 138, … we come down, as we come into the rotary, I could see a vehicle had just entered the rotary, heading westbound towards the center of town, and he’s coming down the hill at a high rate of speed and I can see him panic-braking, and he actually rear - ends the occupied motor vehicle in the rotary – hit that person out of his way essentially,” he said.
(The driver of the other vehicle was not injured.)
The chase continued onto Carolina Nooseneck Road.
“All the way through Carolina Nooseneck, through the dirt section of Carolina Nooseneck, through the intersection of Tefft Hill Road and New London Turnpike, and then, at the end of Tefft Hill Road, he was traveling at such a high rate of speed,” Litterio said. “Tefft Hill Road, you know, it actually ends on Dawley Park and then then, there’s woods in front of you or you have to go left on Route 3. He came out of Tefft Hill at such a high rate of speed that he made the left turn, lost control, hit the center median and rolled over.”
Litterio recalled that at this point, he had already unlocked his patrol rifle.
“There was a Charlestown unit with me, two Charlestown units, and Officer Taylor,” he said. “We kept the perimeter on the vehicle. The suspect did not get out of the vehicle. We took a position of cover behind vehicle doors and vehicles to protect ourselves from fire from him, because we knew he was armed. Within about a minute, I would say approximately a minute to a minute and a half after the vehicle came to a final rest, and after we had set up a perimeter, we heard a single loud ‘pop,’ which was consistent with that of a gunshot.”
The Richmond part of the pursuit was over in just a few minutes.
“Believe it or not, we covered about six miles in about four minutes,” Litterio said.
The officers waited until the Road Island State Police SWAT team had determined that it was safe for them to leave their positions.
“We kept the perimeter until the state police SWAT team came down and made a tactical entry into the vehicle and verified our suspicions of him being deceased,” Litterio said.
The Medical Examiner confirmed Francis’s death, the cause of which will be announced after an autopsy has been performed.
A Tragedy for the Town
Back in Hopkinton, Carrier noted with relief that the chase had not taken other lives.
“This is a guy who’s got nothing to lose, and it’s by the grace of God that he didn’t hit anyone else,” he said. “When you’re chasing someone for a homicide, that’s a dangerous chase.”
The Francis children, he said, were staying with relatives.
“This is a tragic event for the entire community,” he said. “This is a family in our community. It’s tough to see the kids go through this.”

Board Approved Fifth GOP Candidate

By Cynthia Drummond

July 3rd 2024

RICHMOND – At a meeting at the Town Hall on Tuesday, the Richmond Board of Canvassers approved the declaration of candidacy of Republican, Jeffrey Dinsmore.

Chairing the meeting was Carolyn Richard. Board members Raymond Pouliot and Eileen Burton and alternate, non-voting member Pamela Rohland, also attended.

At issue was the declaration of candidacy for Town Council by Dinsmore, the husband of Louise Dinsmore, who is running for a seat on the Chariho School Committee.

Dinsmore’s declaration was filed on June 27, the day after the filing deadline. The nomination was made by Republican Town Committee Chair and Town Council member, Michael Colasante.

Jeffrey Dinsmore was not present at the meeting, but several representatives of the town and state Republican Committees attended, including Rhode Island Republican Party Chairman Joe Powers and Rhode Island National GOP Committeewoman Sue Cienki.

Colasante, Louise Dinsmore, fellow School Committee candidate, Clay Johnson and Town Council member and Town Committee Vice Chair, Helen Sheehan, were also in the council chambers.




The Legal Argument


State law, specifically, Chapter 12 of Title 17, permits the filing of a declaration of candidacy up to 24 hours after the official filing deadline, in order to complete a slate of candidates.

Richard said the statute had already been pointed out to her numerous times and asked Town Solicitor Chris Zangary for his opinion.

“I know that we have received copious amounts of memorandum and papers and copies of Title 17,” she said. “I believe this issue has been discussed by the election Clerks or the Town Solicitor, so I would like to hear your take on all of this.”

Zangary noted that there were four issues to be considered, all of which pertained to the delegation, by Powers to Colasante, of the authority to nominate Jeffrey Dinsmore.

“Taken as a whole,”  Zangary said, referring to three letters to the town from the state Republican party, “do they constitute a nomination pursuant to 17-12-2…”

Two of three letters to the town were from Powers and one was from Colasante.

 Zangary told the board that if it decided that Colasante’s letter regarding his authority to nominate Dinsmore was sufficient, that would settle the matter.

However, Richard was not convinced that Colasante’s letter was enough.

“The only authority stated in there is ‘I am authorized,’ she said. “There’s no authorization with it.”

Referring to a July 1 letter from Powers, in which he refers to party bylaws pertaining to the delegation of authority, Richard asked Zangary,

“The authorization comes, purportedly, from this letter, correct? Which would be the July 1. It was received on July 1?”

“That’s a question for you, as a group,” Zangary said.

Rhode Island law permits the state committee to delegate authority to a subcommittee, which, Zangary said, could be a group or just one person.

But Richard countered,

“He’s not really specific about it. He doesn’t say ‘I specifically nominate this person or follow names for the statute…of a committee or a person.”

Several times during the discussion, Zangary repeated the statement that the determining factor in the party’s authority to nominate a candidate was the fact there was a vacancy on the slate.

Pouliot, who was Chair of the Republican Town Committee until he was ousted by Colasante last April, said he was not convinced that Colasante had the authority to make the nomination.

“I reached out to the Secretary of State’s office and it was stated to me that this would be permitted if Mr. Colasante was a member of the state Republican Executive Committee, … and he advised that he was,” Pouliot said. “And I reached out to Joe Powers through a third party and he said Mr. Colasante is not a member of the Executive Committee. So, he misrepresented that he was a member of the Executive Committee at that time, before the deadline.”

Richard said she was going to support Dinsmore’s declaration, with reservations.

“I think there’s things amiss, should never have happened,” she said. “But, it’s a very reluctant, very reluctant, yes to allow this to go through.”

Pouliot said he could not support the nomination because it had been received after the deadline.

Burton said,

“I also have issue with the dates and the timing.”

Richard asked Cienki to comment.

Cienki pointed out the distinction between Colasante’s nomination and Powers’ endorsement. Colasante was permitted, according to party bylaws, to nominate a candidate to fill a vacancy within 24 hours of the June 26 filing deadline.

“That’s the first letter that you have,” she said. “The second letter that you have, from Mr. Powers, is a completely different issue. That’s the endorsement of the candidate, and the endorsement of a candidate is allowed to be received on Friday, 48 hours after the close of the endorsement, if the local party fails to endorse. And that is what happened, because there is a vacancy.”

Pouliot said he would be open to changing his vote if he could read the party bylaws.  

“I would change my view depending on the internal rules,” he said. “If we have proof of the internal rules, I would definitely change.”

The discussion continued, until Colasante announced that the relevant text of the bylaws had been located. Once Pouliot had read it, he said he felt comfortable voting for the nomination.

In the final vote, Richard and Pouliot voted yes, and Burton voted no.

Outside the Town Hall after the decision, Louise Dinsmore said she was pleased that questions regarding Colasante’s authority had been put to rest.

“Clearly, from the testimony of the state party Chair [Powers] and the National Committeewoman [Cienki] – the National Committeewoman used to be the state party Chair for many years – the state allows town committee chairs that authority, to delegate from the state party chair,” she said.


Trimmer Weighs In


Town Council President Mark Trimmer said he had been told, only a month ago, that the Richmond Republicans had a full slate of candidates.

A Republican who was effectively banished from the Town Committee, Trimmer is running for reelection as an Independent.

 “They led me to believe that they had a full slate and that I would not be endorsed,” he said. “I believe that my rejection from the Republican Town Committee was directly related to my filing of an ethics complaint against the Town Committee Chairman, Michael Colasante.”

That complaint, involving Colasante’s relationship with then-electrical inspector Jeffrey Vaillancourt, is headed for an adjudicative hearing before the Rhode Island Ethics Commission in the fall.

Candidates’ Declarations Complete

By Cynthia Drummond

June 26h 2024

RICHMOND – The deadline for candidates to file with the Rhode Island Secretary of State’s office was 4 p.m. on Wednesday.


Here is the list of those seeking office in Richmond in Nov. 2024:


Town Council




Samantha Wilcox – Democrat

Michael Colasante – Republican

Mark Trimmer – Independent




Mark Reynolds – Democrat

Dan Madnick – Democrat

Jim Palmisciano – Democrat

Nell Carpenter – Republican

Thomas Marron – Republican

Roger St Onge – Republican






Chariho School Committee




Jessica Purcell – Democrat

Karen Reynolds – Democrat




Louise Dinsmore – Republican

Clay Johnson – Republican



Representative in General Assembly, District 39




Megan Cotter – Democrat




Justin Price – Republican


Representative in General Assembly, District 34




Elaine Morgan - Republican




Stephen Moffitt - Democrat

Democrats to Hold Fundraiser Thursday

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

June 25th 2024

RICHMOND – Richmond Democrats will announce their candidate endorsements at their first fundraiser on Thursday.

The kickoff to the Democrats’ election campaign, the event has been named “Ticket to Democracy.”

School Committee candidate Jessica Purcell explained,

“It’s called ‘Ticket to Democracy,’ because the ticket to democracy is each person playing a role, not just as a voter, but as a volunteer.”


Endorsements to be Announced


Richmond Democratic Town Committee Chair Chris Kona said the fundraiser will follow the candidates’ declarations, which must be filed by 4 p.m. on Wednesday, June 26.

“The candidates are excited to get started with the campaign, and so, we want to do the 27th,” he said. “… and it serves two purposes, the announcement of who’s running and the chance for us to talk about who we’ve endorsed.”

Kona noted that the event will include the recruitment of campaign volunteers.

“We have a great committee now,” he said. “We have a lot of folks that are excited to start to get out there, and we want to create opportunities for volunteers to help out.”

The fundraiser follows last week’s successful event by the Richmond Community Alliance political action committee, which raised $2,500 and drew about 60 people.

Kona said he believed the Richmond Democrats were attracting more attention this year.

“In the last year, the Democratic Town Committee has gotten a lot more exciting,” he said. “We’ve seen a lot of growth and a lot more interest in what we’re doing and people are eager to try to figure out how to help and so, I’m excited this year, because we have so much more interest in it and it’s an opportunity to get a variety of folks involved and connected with our activities.”


The Candidates


Several Democrats, including Town Council member, Samantha Wilcox, and Jessica Purcell, who represents Richmond on the Chariho School Committee, have already declared their candidacies for reelection. School Committee member Karen Reynolds is seeking reelection, as are Dan Madnick, who currently serves on the Planning Board, Mark Reynolds, Chair of the Richmond Tax Assessment Board of Review, and former Town Council member, Jim Palmisciano.


Wilcox agreed with Kona that there appears to be an uptick in voter engagement.

“I get it a lot from residents when I run into them in public. I get a lot of support online,” she said. “The biggest question that I have gotten lately is ‘who are you running with?’ and I think that people are going to be really excited to find out who I’m running with.”

It will be important, Wilcox added, for volunteers to step up to support the Democrats’ campaign.

“I am hopeful that people will come out and help and they realize the importance of local elections, but I also understand that everybody’s really busy. It can be really hard to find the time to canvas or write postcards or anything that’s really needed to get us across the finish line,” she said.


Purcell said that while Thursday’s event will be casual, it will also be significant.

“It’s just the start,” she said. “It’s pretty casual, but we’ll announce our endorsed candidates. That’s one of the biggest differences between us and the RCA, is that we’re a Democratic Town Committee. We’re organized by state political levels and we can endorse candidates and that has an impact on where they’re on the ballot. So, it’s a big deal.”


The Ticket to Democracy fundraiser will take place at the Shaidzon Beer Company, 141 Fairgrounds Road, West Kingston, on Thursday, June 27 at 6 p.m. Tickets are $20.

Tickets will be available at the door, and can also be purchased online.

RCA Fundraiser Draws a Crowd

By Cynthia Drummond

June 22nd 2024

RICHMOND – On Thursday evening, the Richmond Community Alliance rolled the dice, and won.

There was no guarantee that the political action committee’s first big fundraiser would be a success, and it was the hottest day of the summer so far, but the tent at Alaina’s Ale House was packed with supporters who paid $35 per person for burgers and hot dogs, and anted up more to enter the dessert raffle.

Reached on Friday morning, RCA President Mark Reynolds said that about 60 people attended the event, dubbed the “Summer Solstice Cookout.”

“We thought that about 50 would be good, but 60 came,” he said. “It was a great evening, a great time.”

Jaime Marland another member of the RCA leadership team, was also impressed with the high turnout.

“I have to be honest, I’m kind of surprised at how big a turnout we got,” she said. “We did a little gathering, maybe six months ago – it wasn’t a fundraiser, just a ‘get to know you’ thing at the fire station and we had, maybe, 15 people.”

(At the time this story was posted, organizers had not announced the final attendance figure nor had they tallied the amount of money that had been raised.)


Why a Political Action Committee?


RCA member Dan Madnick, who serves on the Richmond Planning Board, described the group’s plan to raise money for its candidates.

“We’re going to be supporting and endorsing candidates for Town Council and School Committee, so, as a PAC, you have to raise money,” he said. “… There’s quite a bit of money that it takes to run even a local campaign, for Town Council, School Committee. You talk about national politics, and that’s millions and millions of dollars, but it still takes a few thousand dollars just to get one mailer out.”

Launched in Nov. 2023, the RCA describes itself as non-partisan and seeks to encourage positive political engagement and unite Richmond residents to work together for the town.

RCA Treasurer Joyce Flanagan said she was seeing more residents paying attention to town politics.

“I think that a lot of people who weren’t involved before are now involved and I think the awareness is higher than what it was two years ago, of what’s going on and how many people are planning to run,” she said.


The Guests


State Rep. Megan Cotter, D-Richmond, Hopkinton, Exeter said she hoped the next Town Council would be more willing to work with state representatives.

“It would be great to have a Town Council where we could work together for positive change for Richmond,” she said. “That’s the biggest thing, you know? Things will go on the Town Council agenda and it’s state level stuff, and no one reaches out to me.”

RCA member Jeff Noble was chatting with Richmond Democratic Town Committee Chair, Chris Kona.

“We’re really excited to have so much of Richmond show up to support our organization and what we’re doing,” Noble said.

Kona noted that the two groups shared many of the same principles and goals.

“I think there’s a lot of similarity between what the Richmond Community Alliance stands for and what the Richmond Democrats stand for,” he said. “So, while the Richmond Community Alliance is a bi - partisan organization, a lot of us  are both pointed at conservation, we’re both pointed at doing things that are good for the town and support strong schools, that it makes sense for us to support each other as we forward with our candidates.”

Former Town Council member Jim Palmisciano, who ran unsuccessfully for reelection in 2022, said he became a member of the RCA because he believes it’s important to encourage residents to become more politically engaged in their town.

Palmisciano noted that the Forgotten Taxpayers PAC, which is aligned with Richmond Republicans, has been getting its messages out to residents, and now, the RCA can also reach out to voters.

“They had put letters out, working with the Gaspee Project and Forgotten Taxpayers, sending out letters to the community, and in order to do that, they were doing fundraising under their PAC name, so now, we have the ability to do the same,” he said. “We are raising money, we are sending out communications to the community, we are maintaining a newsletter, we are going to be supporting candidates. So, we’ll have that presence to push back on the extremism.”

Town Council Vice President Richard Nassaney, a Republican who served several terms on the council but was ostracized by the local Republican Town Committee in 2022 for his willingness to work with Democrats, is not running for reelection this year.

Nassaney said he had come to the event to show his support for Palmisciano, Reynolds, Madnick and Wilcox, who are expected to run for Town Council.

“I would love to see Jim, Mark, Dan and Sam on the council,” he said. “That would be a super group of people who love the town and who will work for the town.”

Samantha Wilcox, the second Town Council member attending the cookout, praised the RCA for their outreach efforts.

“I think the Richmond Community Alliance has done a great job with their newsletters so far, to inform the public on what’s happening,” she said. “More media isn’t a bad thing. It’s good to have multiple sources.”

Looking out over the tent, which was, by dinnertime, filled with supporters, Reynolds admitted to feeling relieved that the group’s first fundraiser had been so well-received.

“You’re always a little nervous, but the reception’s been great, very positive,” he said. “It’s an awesome start. It can only grow from here.”

Council Mulls Resident Notification

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

June 19th 2024

RICHMOND – At a meeting that lasted less than an hour, the Town Council considered additional means of notifying residents of upcoming votes and other issues requiring their participation.

With Town Council President Mark Trimmer absent, Tuesday’s  meeting was chaired by council Vice President Richard Nassaney.

The most immediate issue is the housing needs survey, which is now available on the town’s website, but council members and others had questions about how it could be made more accessible.

Town Planner Talia Jallette read a statement, prepared by the Planning Board and the Affordable Housing Committee, explaining that studies will be conducted on a range of topics: land use and land use regulations, transportation facilities, public facilities such as recreation areas, utilities, schools, fire stations, police stations, blighted areas including areas designated for redevelopment, rehabilitation, conservation, housing and the development of housing programs.

Also included in the studies will be environmental and natural resource protection, protection from disasters, the preservation of historic sites and buildings and economic development.

“To this end,” Jalette explained, “the Planning Board and the Affordable Housing Committee agreed on a housing needs survey. The purpose of this survey is to gauge public opinion on a variety of housing-related topics.”


Will People Participate?


Councilor Helen Sheehan said that simply posting the survey online was not enough and said she felt the town should do more to encourage people to take part.

“I would like all the people in the town to have access to the survey, and I think only a very small percent of people who live here go onto the website,” she said. “So, will we mail it to people?”

Jalette said there had been a discussion of including the survey in property tax bills.

Sheehan said she paid her tax bill once a year, not in quarterly installments, so she would be unlikely to receive the survey.

She suggested the town might, instead, consider a bulk mailing, which would go to all residents.

Councilor Michael Colasante asked Town Administrator Karen Pinch about distributing the survey.

“I think, if you put it in the tax bill, you’re going to hit every corner in town,” she said. “I think that’s probably the way to go. Even if you only pay your taxes once instead of quarterly, you’re going to get the bill and it’s going to be in there, so I think it’s perfect timing for that right now.”

Jalette noted that the survey would also be available to people who do not reside in Richmond.

“We want to be able to capture that data as well,” she said.

Louise Dinsmore, President of the “Forgotten Taxpayers” political action committee, noted that very few residents had signed up for the town’s “Notify Me” system, and asked the council to add an item to a future Town Council meeting agenda regarding the possibility of bolstering the town’s efforts to notify taxpayers of upcoming votes and other matters.

“We need to do a better job as a town of notifying people about issues that are going to affect their pocketbooks, their taxes,” she said.

Pinch responded,

“We have in past years, put information in the tax bill about signing up for Notify Me,’ and we let them know that’s how you find out about things like that, so, we would try to twist people’s arm but unfortunately they’re not receptive, and I’m not sure why, but I’m just hesitant to spend money on another method when we have a method that people just aren’t taking advantage of.”


A New Sign and Moving the IT Department


In other business, Pinch requested and received council approval to award the $15,386 contract for the electronic portion of a new sign outside the Town Hall to Graphics Unlimited of Connecticut.

The council previously approved the allocation of $25,000 of the town’s American Rescue Plan Act funds to pay for the new sign.

Pinch said she had already awarded a contract for $3,600 for the construction of the faux wood component of the sign.

“It looks like wood, but it’s not, actually, it’s a lot better,” she said. “We’ve also purchased granite pillars, so it will be similar to the sign at the police station, and I did post a bid for an electronic portion of the sign to go under the wooden sign.”

The low bidder was Graphics Unlimited, of Connecticut.

The council also approved Pinch’s request for $19,138 of ARPA funds to move the Information Technology department to a less crowded space in the Town Hall.




Richard Nassaney asked the council to approve his request for memorial benches, honoring the service of three deceased citizens: Dick Millar, Pat De Bernardo and Retired Police Chief Neil Place. Nassaney pledged a personal donation to the project.

“This was put on back in ’21, and it was never acted upon and to not recognize these three individuals is, to me, a disservice to them,” he said.

Councilors discussed the possibility of asking students in the construction program at Chariho Tech to design and build the benches, and Nassaney suggested that Richmond Troop 1 Scouts might want to take it on as a project.

Councilor Samantha Wilcox said the project had waited long enough.

“I just think, given that we’ve waited so long, I know that this has been passionate for Vice President Nassaney for a while, so …without further delay, I think that would be preferred,” she said.

Council Hears Account of Harrowing rescue

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

June 5th 2024

RICHMOND – Tuesday’s Town Council meeting included a compelling story of the rescue of a local woman who had wandered into the woods last week.

Police Chief Elwood Johnson recounted the incident, involving a  despondent resident who walked into the thick woods of the de Coppet property, an 1,800-acre state preserve on Hillsdale Road.

“We get a call, 9-1-1, from a woman who said her sister, who is 65 years old - prior suicide ideations, prior suicide attempts - had taken an overdose of prescribed medication,” Johnson said, adding that no one knew where in the woods the woman had gone, but her sister discovered that she had taken her cell phone with her.

“She was able to make contact with her, and while she was drowsy, she was able to offer some type of description as to where she walked. She had no idea where she was,” Johnson said. “So, the officers went in, and she was actually about 680 feet in from Hillsdale Road, but it’s not like looking across this hallway.”

Three Richmond police officers, Adam Andrukiewicz, Brock Taylor and Ryan Donohue, began to search for the woman, pushing through heavy underbrush and descending into ravines to reach her.

“Climbing hills, getting snagged on branches calling out to her until they heard her faint voice,” Johnson said. “They still couldn’t get to her, because she had fallen down a ravine and into a patch of briars. She ended up suffering lacerations to her entire body, her face.”

With assistance from two Hope Valley Ambulance responders, the police officers carried a soft fabric stretcher into the brush and transported the woman on the stretcher.

“It was five of them,” Johnson said. “Three police officers, two rescue workers, putting her into this stretcher and navigating their way back out of this thing. To watch it on body cam, you can hear how hard they were breathing, how much work it was to get her out.”

Johnson concluded his story with the happy news that the woman is fine, despite her ordeal.


The Technical Review Committee


The town’s Technical Review Committee, newly-mandated by the state in all cities and towns for the review of development applications, is lacking its final member, a representative from the Conservation Commission.

The council approved a motion, by councilor Michael Colasante, asking the Conservation Commission to recommend someone, whose application would then be reviewed and approved by the Town Council.


Flooding at the Dog Park


Councilor Samantha Wilcox requested and received approval to solicit bids to mitigate flooding at the entrance to the new dog park, which opened last November.

“It’s been happening with small amounts of rain. It’s due to various reasons,” she said.

Wilcox explained that the money would come from the funds remaining in the RIDEM Outdoor Recreation Grant of $70,000 for the dog park.

There are also issues with the dog park fence, which is too high off the ground, allowing some dogs to escape. Wilcox said the company that installed the fence had agreed to modify it at no additional charge to the town.


Street Lights and a Thank - You


Town Administrator Karen Pinch received council approval to transfer the ownership of street lights on state roads to the Rhode Island Department of Transportation.

“Back in 2021, the Rhode Island Department of Transportation offered to purchase street lights on state roads,” she said. “That would relieve us of the responsibility of maintaining those street lights.”

Of the town’s 118 street lights, 88 are on state roads. In Jan. 2022, the council voted to transfer the lights on state roads to the state.

“It’s taken quite a bit of time to actually iron out the paperwork,” she said. “We’re ready to go. The paperwork is signed, just looking for your approval to move forward and sign that paperwork. And secondly, DOT is also requiring a resolution from the council.”

The council approved the transfer and the resolution. The transfer of the streetlights is expected to save the town more than $170 per month.


During the Public Forum, Mark Reynolds, President of the Richmond Community Alliance political action committee,  thanked Town Clerk Erin Liese and town staff for ensuring that recent elections had run smoothly.

“… The town financial referendum, that’s the fourth election we’ve had in four months, which is pretty unprecedented, so I just wanted to publicly thank Erin Liese the Town Clerk, the clerk staff, the Board of Canvassers, the poll workers, who have been going above and beyond to make these elections run smoothly,” he said.


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

June 4th 2024

PROVIDENCE – The Rhode Island Ethics Commission has found that there is probable cause to uphold several complaints against Town Council member Michael Colasante.

Following a hearing in executive session on Tuesday, Commission Chairperson Marisa Quinn announced that there was probable cause to uphold three complaints filed in Sept. 2023 by council President Mark Trimmer that Colasante committed ethics violations in his business relationship with former Electrical Inspector, Jeffrey Vaillancourt.


Commission Opinion One:

The Commission voted 7-0 that there is probable cause to  believe that Colasante violated an Ethics Commission regulation “by receiving the assistance and/or services of Jeffrey Vaillancourt, a licensed electrician serving as the Town of Richmond’s Electrical Inspector relative to the performance of an underground electrical installation and related excavation at the  respondent’s property at 71 Buttonwoods Road in Richmond in August, 2023,” Quinn stated.


Commission Opinion Two:

In a second unanimous vote, the Commission found that probable cause exists that Colasante violated a second regulation “by receiving the assistance and/or services of Jeffrey Vaillancourt, a licensed electrician serving as the Town of Richmond Electrical Inspector relative to a 2023 request to Rhode Island Energy to provide electrical service at the respondent’s property at 71 Buttonwoods Road in Richmond,” Quinn stated.


Commission Opinion Three:

In another unanimous vote, the Commission found that there is probable cause to believe that Colasante violated a commission regulation “by receiving a gift in the form of a Town of Richmond Electrical Inspector Jeffrey Vaillancourt’s payment to [electrical contractor] Angelo Palazzo, for the cost of electrical permit #5414 for the respondent’s property at Buttonwoods Road in Richmond.”




The Investigative Report


The Commission’s 38-page Investigative Report, a public document, contains an enlightening account of Colasante’s responses to the investigator.

Page 20 of the report describes Colasante as denying that Vaillancourt had performed electrical work at his Buttonwoods property.

“Colasante denied that Vaillancourt ever performed electrical work for him but explained that there was an instance in which Vaillancourt assisted him with excavation on

his property when he encountered difficulty removing boulders with his own small backhoe,” the report states.

However, on the next page of the report, Colasante

“admitted that electrical work was performed at his sawmill property in 2023, specifically the installation of an electrical panel. In response to being asked who had performed that work, Colasante’s demeanor changed, and he replied, ‘I don’t think it’s pertinent.’ Colasante expressed that workers already do not want to work with him due to the amount of scrutiny he faces. After being advised that providing information about who

performed the electrical work, and any related payment documentation, would assist him in establishing that he and Vaillancourt were not business associates, Colasante claimed

that he could not recall the identity of the electrician and that he would have to check to see if he had any records.”


No Violation of State Law


The Commission did not find that Colasante had violated state law in failing to recuse himself from Town Council decisions regarding Vaillancourt’s hiring and job performance.

Quinn read the opinion:

“… on a motion to find that probable cause exists to find the respondent violated Rhode Island General Laws § 36-14-5(a) and 7 (a) by participating in the Town Council’s decision - making relative to the hiring and discipline of Jeffrey Vaillancourt, the motion failed.”

The investigative report provides some insight into the defeat of the motion.

The report states:

“Not only did Colasante participate in Town Council discussions and votes regarding Vaillancourt, a review of his comments and motions indicates that Colasante at times engaged as an advocate for Vaillancourt. Yet, the investigation yielded no evidence that Vaillancourt was compensated for his performance of work at Colasante’s property, and both parties deny that any payment was asked for or received. Similarly, there was no evidence garnered that Colasante paid Vaillancourt for the services he performed on his behalf with RI Energy, and both parties assert that Vaillancourt provided such services as a favor.”


Next Steps


The next step in the process is an adjudicative hearing.  

“The Commission will schedule an adjudicative hearing as to those counts for which probable cause was found,” Quinn said.

The adjudicative hearing will be conducted in much the same manner as a court procedure.

The Ethics Commission describes the hearing as follows:

“This is an adversarial hearing. The prosecutor and the respondent may present evidence and examine witnesses. Additionally, Commissioners may question witnesses. Rules of evidence are followed, regulations provide for discovery, and principles of due process govern all procedures. A stenographic record is kept and the hearing is conducted in an open and public session.”


The Timeline


Ethics Commission Executive Director Jason Grammit explained what would happen after the adjudicative hearing.

“The adjudication is open to the public, it’s a public hearing, and at the conclusion, the commission will vote as to whether or not those violations occurred, those three violations,” he said. “If any of those violations, if they find there was not sufficient evidence to support the violation, it will be dismissed. If they find on one or more of them that there is a violation of the Code of Ethics, they will then impose a penalty and they’ll vote on the penalty, and the penalties, generally they involve a civil penalty, a monetary penalty of up to $25,000 per violation.”

Respondents who are not satisfied with the commission’s decisions can appeal to Rhode Island Superior Court.

Grammit noted that with summer coming, he did not expect the adjudicative hearing to take place until the fall.


Mark Trimmer, who filed the complaints against Colasante, said,

“I warned him three times. I would not have filed it if he had just backed off and did the right thing,” he said. “But he had to double down to prove me wrong and in doing so, violated ethics.”


Link to the Report


Link to the Order

Fate of Richmond Stop & Shop Still Uncertain

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

June 3rd 2024

RICHMOND – The announcement last week that the parent company of Stop & Shop supermarkets will close some stores has generated considerable concern in Richmond, where the Stop & Shop is the only large supermarket in town.

Headquartered in the city of Zaandam, the Netherlands, Stop & Shop’s parent company, Ahold Delhaize, is a global food retail giant, with more than 7,700 stores in Greece, Serbia, Romania, the Czech Republic Belgium the Netherlands and the Eastern United States. The company, which also owns Hannaford supermarkets, employs more than 400,000 people.

In a presentation to investors on May 23, J.J. Fleeman, the Chief Executive of Ahold Delhaize in the United States, announced that the company would be closing “underperforming” stores and focus on markets where the stores have been successful.

There are 395 Stop & Shop stores in the eastern United States, and the Richmond Stop & Shop, on Stilson Road, is one of 26 stores in Rhode Island.

The Richmond store has been the target of criticism over the years. Residents have accused the company, which owns the Stop & Shop Plaza, of keeping other food retailers out of the town so there wouldn’t be competition. And lately, shoppers have also complained of bare shelves in the stores.

The BRVCA attempted to determine the status of the Richmond store, but company spokeswoman Caroline Medeiros said it was too early to announce which stores were slated to close.

“Stop & Shop continues to hold a strong market share position in the Northeast with our portfolio of nearly 400 stores,” she stated in an email. “We've completed more than 190 remodels to date, which continue to perform well, and we're committed to continuing to invest in our stores - as well in our prices - to deliver a great in-store experience and great values for our customers. Stop & Shop will make some difficult decisions to close select underperforming store locations to help ensure the long-term health and future growth for our business. It is too early in the process to share any additional information regarding potential store closures.”


Troubled Stores in Other States


It seems that underperforming stores can be found throughout the East. In the March 3, 2024 issue of the supermarket trade blog, “The Market Report,” the publication found that Stop & Shop stores in New York and New Jersey were, as customers had complained on social media, low on inventory, and appeared to be in trouble.

“One thing that’s obvious is that Stop & Shop is struggling,” the report reads. “The vast majority of these stores appear to be very low-volume, and/or with minimal investments. Even the stores that have been remodeled recently feel out of date because the remodels are so minimal.”

The report also notes that there seemed to be fewer employees in the stores.

“Across the board, stocking and staffing seem to be kept at a bare minimum – even more extreme than they have previously. Most of the stores I visited had serious problems with empty shelves, and almost all of the stores felt too big even though some of them were moderately sized,” the report states.

Ahold Delhaize has pledged to invest in improvements to those stores that remain open, however, after publishing the first report, Market Report visited additional Stop & Shop stores and found that things had gotten even worse.

The reporter concludes, in the March 16 report, that many stores seem destined to close.

“It’s frustrating not knowing, but I don’t have any magical inside information here,” he writes. “I wish I could tell what was going on, but my best guess this moment, if I were forced? Stop & Shop as we know it is counting down its last days.”

Board Mulls New Technical Review Committee

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

June 1st 2024

RICHMOND – Members of the Planning Board voted at Tuesday’s meeting to ask the Town Council to name a member of the Conservation Commission to the Technical Review Committee, or delegate the appointment to the Conservation Commission.


The Technical Review Committee: Who’s On It?


The Rhode Island General Assembly passed legislation in 2023 requiring cities and towns to establish “Technical Review Committees,” or TRCs, to provide technical assistance and reviews of major land development applications to their Planning Boards.

The committee would serve in an advisory capacity, but its report would be included in the project review.

The composition of a Technical Review Committee varies slightly from town to town. Richmond’s committee, when all positions are filled, will comprise the Administrative Officer and committee Chair, Town Planner Talia Jalette, Public Works Director, Gary Robar, Planning Board Vice Chair, Dan Madnick, Zoning Officer Josh Jordan, the Chief of the Richmond-Carolina Fire Department or the Hope Valley-Wyoming Fire Department, depending on where the project under review would be located, an engineer hired by the town to provide engineering expertise to the Planning Department, the manager of the Richmond Water Department, if necessary, and a member of the Richmond Conservation Commission.

In an interview after the meeting, Madnick explained that because board members were not clear on which body would name the Conservation Commission member, on the advice of Town Solicitor Christopher Zangari, they approved a May 8, 2024 memorandum, drafted by Jalette, asking the Town Council to name that final member or delegate the task to the Conservation Commission.

“There is a draft memorandum to the Town Council that explains the Technical Review Committee and explains to them that they have to appoint someone from the Conservation Commission to be on the TRC and the discussion we had last night had to do with, can the Town Council delegate that responsibility to the Conservation Commission or are they responsible for the appointment,” Madnick said.

The TRC will not be fully constituted until the final member from the Conservation Commission has been appointed, and Jalette’s memorandum asks the council to name the final member as soon as possible.

“As there are several applications pending before the Planning Board that would benefit from review by the Technical Review Committee, time is of the essence in selecting a party to fulfill this vital role,” the memorandum states.

It is not clear why the state decided that technical review committees are necessary. The Planning Board, in its reviews of applications, already solicits the advice of town department heads and outside experts, such as engineers.

“This might be overly burdensome, because it’s just like another part of the process that we didn’t have before,” Madnick said. “We’ll go through it first and see how it goes.”


Skilled Trades Center


The Board discussed, at a continued Public Hearing that had begun at a previous meeting, the Master Plan for a proposal by Exeter developer, Shoreline Properties Inc., to build a skilled trades center on a nine -acre parcel in an industrial zone at 67 Stilson Road. The 72,000 - square foot center would provide work spaces for tradespeople in eight buildings, each of which would contain six rental units.

Representing the applicant was Patrick Freeman of American Engineering.

“Thank you for sending over the draft motion,” he said. “I had a chance to review it and we’re okay with the conditions.”

Addressing the board, Jalette said,

“You’re going to want to note how the application is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, it’s consistent with the zoning and it’s consistent with the land development subdivision regulations.”

Noting that the application met major objectives of the town’s Economic Development Commission, Madnick made a motion to approve the Master Plan.

“This plan is not requesting any zoning waivers,” he said. “It’s a very clean application.”

Board Chair Philip Damicis pointed out that the project would be required to comply with the town’s dark sky ordinance by installing dark sky-compliant lighting.

The application will be submitted to the town’s new Technical Review Committee. Freeman asked the board if he could submit his plan to the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management and meet with the TRC while he was awaiting the DEM’s decision.

“During their review, also meet with the TRC so it doesn’t take too long,” he said.

“I think, in this case, it’s a good idea,” Damicis replied. “The DEM permits, you could do that concurrent with the TRC’s review and you would just note to them, ‘hey the DEM permits are in review.’ It won’t stop them from giving us an advisory plan review.”

Freeman said he was hoping to have the proposal ready to submit to the town for the technical review in the coming weeks.


The Preserve


After a short discussion, board member Peter Burton made a motion, which the members approved, to accept the board’s draft decision on the amended version of the Phase 2B Final Plan submitted by The Preserve at Boulder Hills.

Landowners Invited to Free Information Session

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

May 30th 2024

RICHMOND – Private landowners are invited to learn about local conservation and environmental issues, as well as funding opportunities, at a free information session this Saturday, June 1, at the Higher Grounds Community Coffee House.

The session will be hosted by Rep. Megan Cotter, District 39, (Richmond, Exeter, Hopkinton), Gina Fuller, District Manager for the Southern Rhode Island Conservation District, and Jameson Long, of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, or NRCS.

Cotter, who chairs the state’s Forest Management Fire Prevention Commission, said that while the commission has focused largely on state-owned land, most of the land in Rhode Island is privately-owned.

“We can’t forget that private landowners make up the majority of open space in the State of Rhode Island, and so, education to those folks is just as important as taking care of state land,” she said.

Rhode Island’s forests were devastated by spongy moth infestations from 2015 to 2017 that killed one quarter of the state’s trees.

Richmond was particularly hard-hit by the invasive caterpillars, and is now left with hundreds of standing dead trees, which pose a hazard because they could fall at any time. Rhode Island Energy has removed dead trees near power lines and the town’s Department of Public Works removed what it could, but private landowners still face the challenge of removing dead trees from their properties, at a cost that most cannot afford.

One of the purposes of the information session is to make landowners aware of federal funding opportunities to help them manage their forests.

“A lot of landowners don’t know that there are grants and there’s money available to do work on their property,” Cotter said. “A lot of people don’t know that. NRCS is an incredible resource, using federal money to help landowners take care of their land. Getting that word out is probably one of the most important things that we can do.”

Gina Fuller explained that the Southern Rhode Island Conservation District is the regional branch of the NRCS.

“We’re the local representatives of the federal programs,” she said. “… The federal government has made a significant investment through the Inflation Reduction Act and several of the other spending bills, as well as the U.S. Farm Bill, to help private landowners manage their natural resources and we are holding this program in Ms. Cotter’s district, which includes Exeter and Richmond in particular, because there is a lot of interest in those areas related to the die-off of the trees from the gypsy moth, the wildfire in Exeter, and flooding concerns. So, we’ll be talking about programs and opportunities that people can take advantage of, if they’re experiencing any of those issues.”

Fuller added that representatives of the two federal services would also benefit from the session, by learning more about regional conservation issues.

“It also is an opportunity for us to find out what natural resource issues folks are having concerns with and allows us to further customize the Farm Bill programs for Rhode Island and Rhode Islanders’ needs,” she said.


The Information session will take place this Saturday, June 1, from 10 a.m. to noon at the Higher Grounds Community Coffee House, located at 39 Kingstown Road, Wyoming.

Residents who want to learn more about the program but are unable to attend the event on Saturday can contact Megan Cotter at:

Council Approves Zoning Changes for Water Chlorination System

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

May 22nd 2024

RICHMOND – Council members began Tuesday’s meeting by voting four to one, with councilor Michael Colasante opposed, to hire the firm, De Sisto Law to represent the town in the review by the Rhode Island Supreme Court of a decision by Superior Court Justice Sarah Taft – Carter ordering the Richmond Zoning Board to issue a special use permit for a solar energy project on Beaver River Road.

The town, which was represented at the time by former Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth and abutting homeowner, John Peixinho, represented by attorney Tom Dickinson, filed separate petitions to the Supreme Court for a Writ of Certiorari, which that court granted in April. The writ paves the way for a review by the Supreme Court of the lower court decision.


Zoning Amendments Approved


During a public hearing at Tuesday’s meeting, members considered and approved two amendments to the town’s Comprehensive Community Plan Future Land Use Map and Zoning Map to allow the installation of a drinking water chlorination system on a 28-acre parcel on KG Ranch Road.

The two amendments are both necessary for the installation of a 4-log chlorination system for the town’s drinking water supply. The comprehensive plan and the zoning map were changed from “Conservation and Open Space” to “Public and Governmental.”

The hearing was attended by engineer Robert Ferrari of Northeast Water Solutions, the town’s water supplier. LaFramboise Water Service Inc. was awarded the contract to build the chlorination system, and the state permits for the new system are already in place.

There were several questions from nearby homeowners, including Dennis McGinity, who said he was concerned about the potential for accidents involving chlorine.

“Why do you have to put it next to a residential area?” he asked Ferrari. “If you’re storing chlorine there, what happens if there’s an accident? What about the property owners down here? How do they get protected? Flushing water with chlorine in it, if something happens to that pump house, why do we have to put it so close to residents of the town?”

Ferrari noted that the system would be using sodium hypochlorite, not the more dangerous, gaseous form of chlorine. The monitoring station, he said, had to be located a certain distance from the point at which the sodium hypochlorite is added.

Another resident said she was concerned that frequent flooding in the neighborhood would damage the new system.

“Is there any concern at all, because, I don’t know exactly where it is, but looking where you marked it on Dennis’s [McGinity] map, it looks as though it could be in an area that floods,” she said.

Ferrari replied that flood risk had to be considered in order to comply with state and federal regulations.

“Part of the evaluation that we had to do for the freshwater wetlands application to DEM, we had to evaluate flooding and if we were in a floodplain,” he said. “…We have new federal requirements that essentially mandate that critical components of water systems are not supposed to be in a floodplain, unless you take mitigating steps to prevent flooding. Now, relative to the fact that you could have a significant storm event - you probably could get flooding in a lot of places with a significant storm event. The little enclosure is mounted on a concrete bed. The concrete bed has an elevation sufficiently high above the grade elevation to prevent flood waters from getting into the enclosure.”

There were also questions about possible vandalism. Ferrari said the system would be enclosed by a fence.

Council President Mark Trimmer asked whether the fence might be further enhanced.

“This chain link fence, would it have razor wire and/or barbed wire along the top?” he asked Ferrari.

Ferrari replied,

“We’re happy to take input from the town on that, but right now, it’s a basic, garden variety chain link security fence.”

Councilor Samantha Wilcox made a motion to approve the zoning amendments, which the council unanimously approved.


Accessory Dwelling Units


The council approved, at a second public hearing, changes to the town’s zoning ordinance and comprehensive plan to comply with recent changes to state laws regarding land development regulations.

Town Planner Talia Jalette explained the changes, which include the elimination of public informational meetings, the reconfiguration of the responsibilities of the Planning Board and Zoning Board, changes to the criteria for special use permits, and the introduction of a new appeals process in Rhode Island Superior Court that replaces the State Housing Appeals Board, known as SHAB.

“You’ve all received this packet, which includes all of the memos that I’ve drafted about those changes, as well as the texts of each of the chapters that have been amended,” she said, adding that the council could approve the amendments at that meeting or continue the hearing to another date.

Councilor Helen Sheehan asked whether accessory dwelling units, or ADUs, which are a component of the state legislation, were optional or whether towns would be required to allow them.

“A municipality has the ability to deny ADUs in their entirety, but any community that allows ADUs has to allow them within the scope of what’s allowed in the state law,” Jalette replied. 

Colasante said he believed ADUs would make it possible for some of Richmond’s older residents to remain in their homes.

“We have a lot of aging population here in Richmond and they have a big home, or, I mean, these beautiful garages, with lofts, that they could rent to supplement their income, to help them stay in Richmond,” he said.

Trimmer said he also supported ADUs as a source of additional revenue for residents.

After one chapter of the amended ordinance was set aside for further consideration and additional editing, the council voted to close the hearing and continue that chapter to a public hearing at the next council meeting.



Road Work


Town Administrator Karen Pinch requested and received council approval to award several paving contracts to the Narragansett Improvement Company.

“All four had the same low bidder, Narragansett Improvement Company,” she said.

The bids were:

$343,442 for Punch Bowl Trail, $573,200.20 for New London Turnpike, Wendy Lane, $122,031.25 and Tefft Hill, $343,442. The council approved the contracts.

Pinch also received council approval to hire Carleton Viveiros as a truck driver/laborer for the Department of Public Works.

At Wildlife Clinic, Springtime is Crunch Time

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

May 12th 2024

SAUNDERSTOWN – The Wildlife Clinic of Rhode Island is the only place in the state that treats and rehabilitates wild animals and birds. Spring is always the busiest season at the clinic, which has been operating since 1993.

Executive Director, William Morrissette, has been at the clinic since Oct., 2023, replacing Kristin Fletcher, who retired.

“Our spring rush started about four weeks ago,” he explained. “We’ve had 400 babies already, so we’re averaging about 100 babies a week, and a lot of them need to be fed every two hours, never mind the medication and that type of thing, so the staff is really pushed to their limits with the babies, and this is going to go on all the way through the summer into fall.”


The Clinic


Blaine Hymel, who began working at the clinic as a volunteer in 2013 and is now the principal veterinarian, gave a tour of the clinic, pointing out the features of the facility, as well as the challenges of caring for so many diverse species.

One treatment protocol is quarantine – a separate room where birds are kept until they are diagnosed or found to be healthy. Hymel explained that these measures are becoming increasingly necessary, as viruses, like bird flu, threaten native wildlife populations.

“Right now, since 2022, avian influenza, the highly-pathogenic version, has been going around and so, at least for our highly suspect guys, to have a chance, we can keep them in here until we have tests back,” she said.

Once the samples are collected, someone drives the samples up to Tufts University in Massachusetts, where the tests are performed free of charge.

That “someone” is usually Hymel.

“I have been driving them up for the last two months, yes,” she says with a laugh. “They’re really great. They’re testing for free for HPAI [highly pathogenic avian influenza] as well as for COVID in some animals.”


The surgical facility is heavily-used and well-equipped.

“We have full autoclave, full surgery,” Hymel said. “We can do orthopedic surgery here, amputations, things like that, lacerations, and we’re pretty adaptable here. Our anesthesia unit, we can adapt for either small or large animals, so a baby squirrel or a river otter, we can set it up for both of those appropriately.”

Decisions are made on the care of each arriving patient in the intake area.

“This is where I spend most of my day,” Hymel said. “Everything that comes in will get triage, looked at by me or one of our staff.”

The clinic also has an intensive care unit and another, special unit just for rabies vector species; foxes, skunks, raccoons, woodchucks and bats.



A New Home


The little clinic that began in a garage has grown into a sizeable operation. In 2018, the facility moved from cramped quarters in a veterinary clinic to a large house, purchased by former clinic veterinarian, Chi Chan, on five acres of land.

“It started 31 years ago in a one-car garage and then went to a slightly bigger facility with Dr. [Meredith] Bird and then came to this facility,” Morrissette explained. “We were just on the first floor of this house originally, and then expanded, breaking at the seams, and then, we’ve taken over the whole home and we’ve got caging throughout the property. Again, it’s victims of our own success. The more people know about us, the more animals come in, the more space you need.”


The Funding


The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management subsidizes the clinic’s veterinary services with a $100,000 annual allocation, but Morrissette said most of the funds to operate the clinic come from foundations and private donors, including businesses.

“Emergency vets are running $177,000 plus full benefits, so we’re not paying competitive wages, but this is kind of an act of love,” he said. “We have 125 volunteers, and then there are product donations that come in, people that are donating all the feed and that type of thing, so cash-wise, our budget is at about $550,000 right now, but if you look at what it costs to operate this facility, if you had to pay staff and all the volunteers, you’d be at a million dollars.”

Morrissette described fund raising for the clinic as a never-ending task.

“We don’t have a big endowment or anything like that, so just trying to provide the services,” he said. “The biggest challenge is cash flow. We need more staffing, we need more reserves so we can weather big challenges that present. Another big challenge is, this is a home. It wasn’t meant to be a commercial property, so we need much more funding for building maintenance. … We’ve been here six years. I just wrote a grant because we need a well, because our well is not producing as much water as we need.”


The clinic has 11 paid staff members and about 125 volunteers, who compensate, to a large extent, for the lack of government funding.

“It is very robust,” Morrissette said, referring to the volunteer group. “I’ve been in non - profit management for 26 years, and to have the type of volunteers that we have here, a lot of organizations will have volunteers and they kind of do odds and end things, you know, but you need the staff at the core. … The organization would not operate without these volunteers. You couldn’t operate 365 days a year. You couldn’t take every animal that presents.”

The clinic’s staff and volunteers do a bit of everything. Outside, in one of the larger enclosures, volunteers had gone to purchase sod and were laying it down, not for a lawn, but to make a river otter more comfortable.

Running a clinic that is open every day of the year takes a lot of people.

“We have about 75 in-clinic volunteers, because we’re open 365 days a year, so volunteers are here every day, feeding, watering, doing all of that.,” Morrissette said. “Then we have a transport network of volunteers, … so that if there’s an animal that’s injured or whatnot, and the person can’t get it here, it’s after hours, the transport network is going and getting the animals, getting them to the home rehabbers. We have about 25 home rehabbers.”

Morrissette also noted, however, that some animals require expensive, specialized veterinary care and medications.

“That’s our biggest challenge, is that we, like any other veterinary practice, there’s new technologies that come out and different medicines and treatments, so how do you balance improving your medical facility and building those technologies and that knowledge without having the funding to do that?”


A Few Statistics


Encounters with humans usually end badly for wild animals and birds. Hit by cars, their nests destroyed by lawnmowers or tree work, or poisoned by consuming rodents that have eaten rodenticide bait, the clinic receives victims of all of those situations, and because it is the only resource of its kind in Rhode Island, they come from all over the state.

In 2023, the clinic received 4,416 patients, but many more went directly to rehabilitators, all of whom must be licensed by the state.

One of the clinic’s patients, a barred owl, is the victim of a collision with an unknown object. The large bird of prey rests on a perch in a cage, and appears to be recovering.

“We’re treating him for some sort of collision, whether he ran into something, not quite sure, but he is healing nicely, I will say,” Hymel said. “His wounds are coming along very nicely.”

In the “rabies vector unit,” fox kits rest behind a curtain. In another enclosure, a litter of baby raccoons huddle together, soothed by a stuffed panda that emits the sound of a heartbeat.

Hymel explained that this unit must comply with an additional layer of regulations, because certain animal species can carry rabies.

“They are required by law to be double barricaded, so both those doors are locked,” she explained. “We have certain staff and volunteers that can work with them, and in Rhode Island, you have to undergo training for three years before being able to get your rabies vector species licensing, as well as the rabies shots too, which are quite pricey.”

Downstairs, at the feeding station, rehabilitators care for litters of animal babies.

, of West Warwick, is hand-feeding baby eastern gray squirrels, her specialty.

“I do every species, but I do lots and lots of squirrels,” she said, as the hungry baby continued to feed. “This year, we had a lot more help than usual, so I topped out at around 30 squirrels, but one year, I did 150, all by myself.”

It will be a couple more weeks before the squirrels are weaned, and then they will be transferred to a pre-release cage, where they will learn how to eat wild foods, like nuts. They’ll be released when they’re 14 weeks old.

Hymel walks over, carrying a box containing baby red squirrels.

“We got three baby red squirrels in today too, who are super cute and going home with one of our rehabbers tonight,” she said.

There is also a litter of baby opossums, whose mother was killed.

“These just came in,” Hymel said. “We believe Mom was hit by a car. … The babies were there, and so we weren’t able to save mom, but these will go home with one of our rehabbers as well.”

Hymel pointed out an aquarium housing a painted turtle whose shell was severely crushed. Hymel mended the turtle’s shell with metal tape and superglue and covered the repairs with a coating of protective beeswax, which will be removed before the turtle is released. 

Releasing animals and birds back into the wild is always the desired outcome, for both the patient and the rehabbers, and an effort is made to release the animal at or close to the place where it was found.

“There’s something about raising these animals, or recovering them from something serious that they wouldn’t be able to survive in the wild on their own - us intervening and helping them, and then seeing them actually go back and be free is just remarkable,” Hymel said. “I love the releasing aspect, and I love kind of what we do, just being able to give everything a chance.”

BRVCA council municipal court vote 050824

Council Approves Municipal Court


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

May 10th 2024

RICHMOND – Richmond is getting its own municipal court.

At a public hearing during the May 8 meeting, members of the Town Council voted, with Helen Sheehan and Michael Colasante opposed, to approve ordinance amendments to allow the town to establish its own municipal court.

Although the council has discussed the matter at length at previous meetings, Colasante raised questions about the impact such a court might have on residents, since it will be hearing not only police matters but cases involving zoning violations.

“What I have an issue with this is, you have somebody from New York that comes down, they have a Mercedes that they  park in their driveway, and you have somebody that’s been living in town for 35 years,” he said. “We know that a lot of people cut firewood in this town. You see it piled up. It’s in non-commercial areas, non-business areas, so that person driving in the $125,000 Mercedes can also now make a potential problem to this person that’s been living in this town for 35 years, making a few bucks, splitting a little bit of firewood and selling it. Now, all of a sudden, all right? there’s a potential now that that person knows that there’s an avenue to get this person in trouble and to get a cease and desist about this guy who’s been doing it for 35 years, cutting firewood That’s the problem we have in a very rural town.”

Councilor Samantha Wilcox suggested that Colasante’s statement appeared to resemble his own situation, in which he was charged with a zoning violation for operating his sawmill, “Buttonwoods Sawmill and Betta Burn Firewood Inc.,” in a residential zone.

“That sounds awfully familiar to the case Councilor Colasante has pending,” she said.

Colasante replied that there is no pending case against him.

(The Beaver River Valley Community Association has filed a Public Records Request asking for information regarding the zoning violation, and is awaiting a response from the town.)

After listening to additional questions about what the court might end up costing the town, Council Vice President Richard Nassaney said,

“None of this has to do with money, not one iota of money. This all has to do with holding people responsible. It doesn’t matter if you split wood or a rock. …Whether you’ve lived here for a year, six months, or 40 years. If you’re breaking our ordinances, you need to be held accountable, period. It doesn’t matter if the town makes a penny or a million dollars off of it.”

Council President Mark Trimmer has described the establishment of the court as a trial, to see whether it is good for the town.

Reached after the meeting, Wilcox said that it would not be a trial but instead, ordinance amendments that could always be changed.

“The Municipal Court is not a trial, it's a live set of ordinances that will be in effect until they are amended or removed,” she stated in an email. “I'm excited for this change. Residents will have recourse for their concerns and the town will be able to hold those in violation of our local laws accountable.”

Wilcox also addressed the subject of the new court’s financial impact on the town.

“Although we will not lose money, a municipal court will not make us a substantial amount of money either,” she said. “The fees collected from violations would offset the costs associated leaving us revenue neutral. Public services are not about making money, it's about serving the public and that's what this does.”


Other Business


Dental Benefits


The council approved a proposal, by outgoing Finance Director Laura Kenyon, to allocate $4,900 from the town’s wage contingency budget to enhancing the town employees’ dental plan. The improvements, which would include a 20% co-pay, would bring the benefit in line with the dental plan for the town’s police officers.


Town Hall Carpet


Town Administrator Karen Pinch asked the council to approve the awarding of a contract for the purchase and installation of new Town Hall carpet to NSI Clean Worldwide Inc.

“It came in much lower than I had been given an estimate, which made me a little nervous,” she said. “They’re in New York.”

After checking the company’s references and receiving carpet samples which were of higher quality than the next-lowest bidder, Pinch said she wanted to award the contract to NSI for $26,582. But since that bid was so much lower than she had expected, Pinch said she had added an additional $4,000 to have the company move the furniture, which would have otherwise been assigned to the Department of Public Works. The final price is $30,582, still considerably below the original estimate, which was $56,000.


Capital Strategy and Tax Payments


Wilcox proposed, and the council approved, a long - term strategy for capital improvement projects.

“The purpose of this is to have a list that we can draw off of when there are funding opportunities,” she said.

Colasante stated that the town already has a five-year capital improvement plan, but Kenyon responded that the new proposal would go beyond five years and include town departments, boards and commissions which might be considering proposals that they had not brought into the budgeting process because they were wishes rather than necessities.

“We don’t know what’s out there for requests unless they are brought to staff for us to evaluate, so it’s more a matter of letting everyone know that you’re trying to get more projects into the capital projects plan,” Kenyon said.


Tax Payments


Wilcox asked the council to consider holding a special council meeting on May 21 at 5:30 p.m. to provide additional privacy to residents who have reached tax payment agreements with the town.

“It’ll really just help the people who are in that situation to have a little bit more privacy – as much as you can in a public situation,” she said.

Councilor Sheehan noted that the tax agreements had already been made with the town and could therefore be included in the consent agenda.

Wilcox said either way would work for her, and the council voted to add the agreements to the consent agenda.

School Construction Bond Fails

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

May 8th 2024

RICHMOND – The Chariho school construction bond has failed. Richmond voters narrowly defeated it, Hopkinton soundly defeated it and Charlestown strongly supported it.

The question was whether the School District should borrow up to $150 million, with significant reimbursement from the state, for the construction of three new elementary schools and improvements to the main campus.


The Vote Counts


Charlestown was the only Chariho town where “yes” votes outnumbered “no” votes.

829 yes to 330 no, with 31 mail ballots


Richmond had the closest vote, but there are 29 mail ballots still to be counted:

798 no and 782 yes.


In Hopkinton, with 60 mail ballots counted:

705 yes and 1,278 no.


The School Committee voted last January to require each Chariho town to approve the bond in order for it to pass, and two towns rejected it – Hopkinton by a significant margin.


School Committee Chair Catherine Giusti, a resident of Hopkinton, said the result was not surprising.

“It was a lot to ask of them, and I’m not taking this as a sign that the town of Hopkinton does not support education,” she said.

“I’m taking it as a sign that we need to go back to the drawing board and figure out a more palatable way to support Chariho.”


Chariho Superintendent of Schools Gina Picard said the district would now “regroup,” and decide how to move forward following the referendum defeat, although the process of closing Hope Valley Elementary School, a measure opposed by many Hopkinton residents, has already begun with the closing of kindergarten in September and is expected to continue in the coming years until the school is shuttered altogether.

“In the face of adversity, we remain steadfast in our commitment to providing the best education for our children,” Picard said in an emailed statement. “While the bond may have been rejected, we view this as an opportunity to regroup, reassess, and emerge stronger. Our resolve remains unshaken as we embark on a new journey, forging a fresh path toward securing the resources our schools need to thrive. Together, with renewed determination and community support, we will craft a new plan that reflects our shared values and aspirations for our children's future.”


Giusti reflected on the division and acrimony that preceded the vote.

“I think what got lost in this entire debate was the fact that we have aging school buildings that we need to figure out how we’re going to maintain, and all of that got lost and every other issue that bothers people got brought up, and what I think this shows is, Hopkinton is very angry, but I don’t think it’s about just one thing,” she said. “I think that what the old guard Hopkinton is angry with is, they see the community changing and they do not want the community to change.”

Steady Traffic at Town Hall Polling Station

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

May 7th 2024

RICHMOND – After months of debate, and considerable social media misinformation, voters in Richmond headed to the Town Hall to vote in the Chariho bond referendum.

Along with residents of Hopkinton and Charlestown, they were deciding the fate of the proposed bond, up to $150 million, to replace the school district’s four elementary schools with three new school buildings.

That “school consolidation” plan would entail closing Hope Valley Elementary School, a move opposed by Hopkinton residents.


The Scene at the Town Hall


There was light but steady voter traffic on Tuesday morning at the Town Hall polling station. Two groups, one supporting the bond and the other opposed, stood in the grass behind the parking lot, respecting  the legally-required distance from the poll.


On one side, was Jessica Purcell, Richmond School Committee member and pro-bond campaigner who has devoted countless hours to explaining the bond and why voters should support it.

Purcell said she interpreted the steady voter traffic as a good sign.

“It's a beautiful day at the polls, not just because of the sunny warm weather but because there seems to be a steady stream of voters, including both of my children's teachers who crossed the street to vote this morning,” she said. “I just can't express how much I appreciate our schools and want the best for these kids, and the next generation. I walk through those hallways and attend Chariho events on a regular basis, and the sense of community is inspiring. It drives me to work hard in service of the public good that a Chariho education provides not just to students but to our towns as well.” 

With a sick child at home and her regular job to attend to, Purcell said she would be heading home soon and another bond supporter, Joyce Flanagan, would be replacing her.

“I've actually got one kid at home with strep today, along with work obligations so I can't stay all day but I'm grateful to everyone that engaged in this important conversation about the future of our school buildings and voted for what they think is best. Regardless of the outcome, I've done my best to engage and inform folks, I remain hopeful, and I know that the work is never done,” she said.


Across the lawn, several bond opponents stood, holding signs.

Rhonda Wasilewski said voters had not paused to talk after voting.

“Not, really,” she said. “A few people gave the thumbs up, so I assume they were voting no.”

Goldie Williams, carrying a sign, joined the group.

“This school doesn’t need to be done,” she said, gesturing toward Richmond Elementary School across the road. “The roof was done three to five years ago, not done right, according to Mr. [Ned] Draper. … And, we’ll be paying more taxes than we would be paying if we just did the repair.”

Tom Marron said he had many reasons for opposing the bond.

“It’s fiscally irresponsible,” he said. “The whole campaign has been nefarious. They’ve been pushing this whole thing without answering questions, without providing data. The data has been misleading. It’s a scam.”

Janet Tefft was the fourth member of the opposition group.

“I’m here to support the Republicans who are trying to get the town to follow even the proposed budgets that are put out,” she said. “An example would be, the state says the town has to contribute 10% a year to the maintenance of buildings and if you look at what was spent versus what should have been budgeted, the two are even half of what should have been spent, yet you have the superintendent crying, ‘we need drainage systems. The rain is coming into these buildings,’ and  what is the reason? You’ve only spent half the budgeted money on repairs. … A choice has been made to let these schools go down, and then, they want new schools.”


The Vote

Early voting began on April 17 and ended May 6. In order for the bond to pass, voters in each of the three towns must approve it. This change, proposed by Hopkinton School Committee member Tyler Champlin, was approved by the School Committee in a unanimous vote at the Jan. 9, 2024 committee meeting.

A “Magical” Fish:  The Effort Continues to Protect Native Brook Trout

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

May 4th 2024

Fresh water fishing season has begun in Rhode Island, but as anglers crowd the banks of streams and ponds to reel in stocked hatchery trout, in quieter waters, the native Eastern Brook Trout persist.


The Eastern Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) grows to only about eight inches in Rhode Island because of limited habitat, but for many, it is still an iconic fish. Rhode Island’s wild trout are surviving, despite pressure from habitat alteration, competition from the larger, hatchery fish and warming water.


Todd Corayer, angler, outdoors writer and member of the Rhode Island Chapter Board of Trout Unlimited, said the brook trout, or “brookie,” as it is often called, is Rhode Island’s only remaining native, freshwater species.

“They’re captivating, because they’re a wild fish that exists among us, and we humans have done everything in our power to injure their populations and degrade their home waters,” he said. “They’re gorgeous. They’re absolutely beautiful fish, and I’ll also say this: The big circle of striper fishermen, tuna fishermen, guys that like to catch big fish, … there are few things as humbling as a person catching a brook trout that fits in the palm of their hand.”

Jim Turek, the Richmond Conservation Commission Chairman and a restoration ecologist, described native brook trout as indicators of a healthy ecosystem.

“They’re the canary in the coal mine,” he said. “We’re getting more and more challenge with climate change, but that [river] system, it is a groundwater - controlled site, so it’s got cold water base flows to some extent.”

Brook trout may be iconic, but they are also elusive. DEM fisheries biologist Corey Pelletier has been surveying native brook trout for several years, but he still hasn’t been able to determine how many there are, because the fish are so mobile.

“It’s really hard to gather a sense of if we’re declining in population size, because there’s such annual fluctuation,” he said. “When you survey them, you go to one spot, say, three years in a row and looking at different size classes of fish, so  you’re looking at what you have for juveniles that year and what you have for adult size classes. And the numbers just vary from year to year so much in that one single location.”


Where the Brook Trout Live


Charlestown resident Brian O’Connor is passionate about brook trout and is one of the founding members of the advocacy group, Protect Rhode Island Brook Trout.

On a sunny day in late April, he led a tour of rivers and streams, pointing out the places where native trout habitat is compromised.  

One of the biggest threats to native trout is warming water.

Groundwater is cold and oxygen-rich when it enters streams, but the hundreds of dams throughout the watershed, more than 200 at last count, create impoundments – standing water that warms before it flows downstream.

“The state is well aware of thermal pollution and the problems that these impoundments in the headwaters are causing,” O’Connor said. “The temperature of the water in the summer is increasing, and the duration of time that the hot water is in the streams is also increasing.”

Native trout look for places, known as “thermal refuges,” where the water is cooler and they will swim for miles to reach them.

“This is now the determining factor of population size,” O’Connor said. “How many fish can find thermal refuge throughout the summer.”

Pelletier recently completed a research study that tracked the survival of brook trout that moved from water that had become too warm, 74 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer, to thermal refuges.

“We found that brook trout had to move, sometimes significant distances, to find colder water to support them through those stressful periods of the summer,” he said.

Pelletier found no trout present in water that was 75 degrees or warmer.


Breakheart Pond and the Upper Wood River


O’Connor pointed out two areas of particular concern: Breakheart Pond and the Upper Wood River.

Created by the state as a place to dispose of fallen trees after the 1938 hurricane, Breakheart Pond is large – about 44 acres. It is also heavily stocked with hatchery fish.

“They put this fish ladder in, we don’t know whether they thought brook trout could go up and down that thing or not, but it’s been failed for eons of time, and the state fills this pond with hatchery fish and this entire stream is just lousy with hatchery fish, so the brook trout population that existed above and below have been disconnected from one another since 1939, close to 100 years,” O’Connor said.

At the Upper Wood River, O’Connor worries that heavy foot traffic on the banks has eroded the soil, allowing sediment to cover the gravel river bed that native trout require.

This section of river, he said, is critical native trout habitat.

“The main stem of the Upper Wood River has the coldest water and the largest volume of that cold water known to exist anywhere,” he said. “So, it was always thought, oh, the tributaries is where the brook trout hide out and the hatchery fish don’t go up there. That’s their safe refuge. Well, that’s no longer the case. The safe refuge is now the most fished and heavily-stocked section of river in the State of Rhode Island.”


The Stocking Debate


Meeting the demand for stocked trout while managing wild brook trout is challenging, and it has been equally challenging for conservation and fishing organizations and the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management to reach a consensus on what should be done.

In July 2021, conservationists, including Turek and O’Connor, rejoiced when DEM announced that it was no longer stocking trout in the Beaver River. The river was also designated catch and release only.

“We were able to turn the Beaver River into a non-stocking river, and you know what?” Turek said. “The good thing about that whole thing is, I see hardly anybody. On Opening Day, I don’t think there was anybody down the Beaver River. Why? Those stocked fish are 12 to 15-inch fish. They want to catch these big fish.”

Pelletier said one of the benefits of stocking hatchery fish is that their large size makes them more desirable to most anglers than wild fish.

“I think that’s a point that goes unnoticed and is important, because people go and are happy catching these fish and they can take them home to eat them and it’s all good and well,” he said.

The Falls River, in the Arcadia Management Area, is the only other river in the state, so far, to be designated catch and release.

Recently, however, conservationists have set their sights on the Upper Wood River, and they are asking DEM to stop stocking the river to reduce the pressure on native trout. Hatchery trout that aren’t caught by anglers don’t live very long, because they are not adapted to surviving in the wild. But while they are in the water with native brook trout, they crowd the much smaller wild fish and even eat the juveniles, known as “young of the year.”

Conservation groups, including Trout Unlimited, Protect Rhode Island Brook Trout and the Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture, are working together to come up with a strategy to protect Rhode Island’s wild trout, but that hasn’t always been the case.

“That’s a real, real big testament to getting everybody together and everybody on the same page,” said Trout Unlimited Rhode Island President, Glenn Place. “… Everybody was just kind of floating out there in the stratosphere and it just took a couple of phone calls and a couple of emails to bring everybody together, because our Rhode Island Chapter is working more the conservation angle. We’re all doing conservation.”

Place noted that Trout Unlimited supports the effort to end stocking in the Upper Wood River.

“The Wood River, that would be our legacy project, to do something with the Wood,” he said.


It’s Not Whether You Stock, but Where


Turek says he has no objection to hatchery fish being stocked in waterbodies that don’t have native trout already living there.

“I understand that there is a portion of our population that likes the recreational fish and they’re fine with catching hatchery trout. I don’t have any issue with that,” he said. “It’s a matter of where the hatchery trout get put in. … Browning Mill Pond – I live right across the street from it. That’s the kind of place, I have no issue with those going in. Why? Because there’s so many invasive fishes already in there, and invasive plants.”

Corayer believes the focus of trout management in Rhode Island should shift from recreation to conservation.

“I believe we have a responsibility to protect wild fish like brookies,” he said. “I don’t believe we have a responsibility to stock ponds for a put and take fishery. We owe those fish from centuries of neglect and abuse. And I firmly believe that our state would be far better served by teaching people about the beauty of our natural surroundings and the potential to catch a gorgeous brook trout in the woods or along the side of the road as opposed to just dumping fish in a pond and letting them succumb to predation and starvation.”

Ethics Commission Dismisses Ethics Complaint Against Colasante

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

May 1st 2024

PROVIDENCE – The Rhode Island Ethics Commission voted on Tuesday morning to dismiss a complaint against Town Council member Michael Colasante.

The vote, announced by commission Chair Marisa Quinn, was unanimous.

Chief Prosecutor Jason Grammit later explained that the commission members had voted 6-0 to dismiss the complaint.

“The Commission held a probable cause hearing today, and they voted unanimously to find that there was not probable cause to believe that he had violated the Code [of Ethics] as alleged in the complaint,” he said.


The Complaint


Filed by council Vice President Richard Nassaney in Nov. 2023, the complaint alleged that Colasante had an ongoing business relationship with D’ Ambra Construction Company Inc., when he voted to award a paving contract to D’ Ambra.

After that contract was awarded, a truck from Richmond Sand and Stone, a company associated with D’ Ambra, delivered material for a retaining wall to Colasante’s property.

D’ Ambra trucks were observed on the Colasante property on Oct. 13, and at the Oct. 17 Town Council meeting, Colasante voted to award a second paving contract to D’ Ambra.

Nassaney’s complaint states that on Oct. 18, the day after the second paving contract was awarded to D’ Ambra, workers from that company were observed at Colasante’s Buttonwoods Road property “installing the retaining wall material and grading his property for a future driveway.”


The Decision to Dismiss


The commission’s Investigative Report, written by Prosecutor Katherine D’ Arezzo, states that the investigation found no evidence of a business relationship between the Respondent, Michael Colasante, and D’ Ambra Construction.

“The Respondent and Michael V. D' Ambra, founder and Executive Vice President of D' Ambra Construction, both denied

there being any business dealings between the Respondent and the corporation,” the report states. “Further, investigative subpoenas served upon the Respondent, Buttonwoods Sawmill, and D' Ambra Construction yielded no records of any business dealings between the parties.”


Colasante did, however, have a business relationship with Ready Mix LLC, which performed the work on his Buttonwoods Road property.

Ready Mix is jointly owned by three D’ Ambra trusts, and David D’ Ambra is the operating and general manager of both Ready Mix and Richmond Sand and Stone.

“At the time he hired David D' Ambra and Ready Mix, the Respondent was not aware that any D’ Ambra vehicles would be utilized at his property,” the report states. “The Respondent suggested that David D' Ambra's company might be utilizing equipment previously owned by D' Ambra Construction.”

The investigation revealed that D’ Ambra Construction had submitted the lowest bid for both Richmond paving jobs, and that Town Administrator Karen Pinch recommended that the council vote to hire the company.

At the Aug. 15, 2023 Town Council meeting, members voted to award the North Road paving contract to D’ Ambra Construction for $468,000.

A couple of months later, the council, at the Oct. 17, 2023 meeting, voted to award the second contract, for paving Tug Hollow Road, to D’ Ambra Construction for $587,000.

The investigation found no evidence that Ready Mix, the company working at Colasante’s property, was involved in the paving contract bids.

“The Respondent's participation in the Council's August 15, 2023 and October 17, 2023 votes to award the paving bids to D' Ambra Construction did not financially impact Ready Mix, the Respondent's business associate,” the report states. “Ready Mix was in no way involved with the paving bids awarded to

D' Ambra Construction, nor did Ready Mix appear before the

Town Council.

Some of the equipment observed on Colasante’s property was identified with the D’ Ambra logo, but actually belonged to Ready Mix.


The report concludes,

“… the Respondent is a business associate of Ready Mix, with which he engaged in a business transaction to perform services at his sawmill property. Michael V. D' Ambra is a business associate of both Ready Mix, in his capacity as trustee for an LLC

owner/member, and D' Ambra Construction. However, the Respondent is not joined together with Michael V. D' Ambra individually to achieve a common financial objective,

nor is there any independent financial nexus between the Respondent and D 'Ambra Construction, Michael V. D' Ambra's business associate.


Nassaney had only a brief comment after the commission’s vote, saying only,

“The Ethics Commission did their job and I’m grateful for their service.”


The Second Complaint


The investigation continues into the second complaint against Colasante, filed by council President Mark Trimmer.

That complaint, filed in Sept. 2023, pertains to Colasante’s business relationship with former Electrical Inspector, Jeffrey Vaillancourt.

The complaint states that while Vaillancourt was doing electrical work at Colasante’s sawmill on Buttonwoods Road, Colasante declined to recuse himself from two disciplinary hearings on Vaillancourt’s behavior and that Colasante participated in the hearings and also voted.

Referring to Trimmer’s complaint, Grammit said,

“The other complaint is still pending and the investigation is ongoing.”

Divisions Deepen as Bond Referendum Approaches

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

April 26th 2024

RICHMOND – In the days leading up to the Chariho bond referendum, it’s impossible to escape the chatter.

In the trenches of social media, between the posts about runaway dogs, potholes and garden soil, supporters and opponents of the Chariho school bond are doing battle.

On Thursday, there was a new offensive; a Facebook post announcing that Richmond and Hopkinton had formed an alliance and were working together to defeat the bond.

Adorned with a photo of Richmond Town Council President Mark Trimmer on the right and another of Hopkinton council President Mike Geary on the left, the post states that the towns are united against “the school MEGA-bond.”


The Bond


Early voting is already underway, with the referendum on the proposed bond on May 7

The proposed school construction plan calls for the consolidation of the district’s four elementary schools into three new elementary schools. The fourth school, Hope Valley Elementary, would close.

Proponents of the plan point to declining enrollment and aging school buildings and ask why Hopkinton should have two elementary schools when the other towns have one each.

Opponents warn that the bond, up to $150 million, would increase the tax burden on the towns and would probably end up with cost overruns. They are also fighting the closure of Hope Valley School, which they say is unnecessary and would be unfair to Hope Valley families. Whether or not voters approve the bond, Hope Valley school will close in the coming years, and 2024-25 kindergarten registration at the school has already been canceled.

A vocal opposition group has been working to sway public opinion, offering “Save Hope Valley School” lawn signs. The “Richmond Forgotten Taxpayers” also opposes the bond. On the group’s website, founder Clay Johnson describes bond supporters as extremists.

“It is another sign of the arrogance of the extreme left that they feel they are owed positions of power, he states. “It is disappointing that they force the continued expenditure of public resources on vanity projects.”

Trimmer said wanted to remind residents of Hopkinton and Richmond that their respective Town Councils had voted against supporting the bond.

“The reasons are numerous, but one that affects both towns is that bond will consume ‘tax bandwidth’ reducing the ability for the taxpayers to support any municipal tax increases to maintain infrastructure,” he said. “It will also reduce tax bandwidth for Chariho to absorb the expected loss of state aid. The inflation rate is currently high, as are the borrowing rates. Taxpayers are already absorbing huge cost increases on everything that have skyrocketed over the last two years. Now is just not the right time to take on more debt.”


What About Charlestown?


The third Chariho town, Charlestown, was not invited to join the alliance. The Charlestown Town Council has traditionally been supportive of residents’ rights to vote on Chariho initiatives, including budgets and bonds.

Contacted Friday, council President Deborah Carney said she was not aware of the Richmond-Hopkinton alliance.


Bond Supporters Soldier On


Proponents of the consolidation plan argue that it is an opportunity for the school district to benefit from state funding that would pay for up to 81% of the cost of the three new schools.

As for keeping all four schools open, supporters say that with most of the buildings approaching 100 years old, pouring funds into maintaining them is not a good investment. In addition, they say, as enrollment declines, it is not sound fiscal policy to keep two elementary schools open in the small town of Hope Valley.

School Committee Chair Catherine Giusti, a Hopkinton resident, said the new alliance would not help taxpayers.

“I am disappointed that the two Town Council Presidents have decided to not look out for the best interest of taxpayers, and I hope they are taking an opportunity to do what they can on their own Town Councils to try to offset the taxes in our area,” she said.

Hopkinton Town Council member Stephen Moffitt, a Democrat who will run in November against Republican Sen. Elaine Morgan in District 34 (Hopkinton, Richmond, Charlestown, Exeter, West Greenwich) said he was surprised by the intensity of the opposition to the bond.

“The amount of organized effort opposing the bond is incredible,” he stated in a written comment. “For the Forgotten Taxpayers, this is not about the money. If it was, they would realize approving this bond is an opportunity to pay for substantial long-term infrastructure for a 76-81% discount.”

Moffitt described the opposition effort as misleading and dishonest.

“This is about ideology and is being pushed by the Forgotten Taxpayer leadership, Clay Johnson and Louise Dinsmore to the detriment of those they have influence over,” he said. “The amount of misinformation and suggested pitfalls is disheartening.” 

One of the bond’s strongest proponents is Jessica Purcell, who represents Richmond on the School Committee. Purcell’s approach has been, to a large extent, meeting voters and answering their questions.

Purcell lamented the political divisions in the school district and said she was reluctant to comment on the alliance because she didn’t want to make the situation worse.

“It’s not up to us,” she said. “That’s the thing. It’s not up to Mark Trimmer. It’s not up to Louise Dinsmore. It’s up to letting the voters know and letting them decide.”

Trimmer said voters could expect to hear more from the alliance, although he didn’t specify what the towns might be planning.

“We have to do our part in defeating the bond and instead make the necessary improvements to our existing schools to keep them viable in the 21st Century,” he said.

But Moffitt said the bond debate is more about politics than education.

“This is about ideology and is being pushed by Forgotten Taxpayer leadership Clay Johnson and Louise Dinsmore to the detriment of those they have influence over,” he said. “The most important thing the Forgotten Taxpayers group are forgetting is the taxpayer. Ideology and misinformation is their motivation.”

Preserve Loses Appeal

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

April 24th 2024

RICHMOND – The Preserve Sporting Club has lost its appeal in Rhode Island Supreme Court of a Superior Court decision dismissing its lawsuit against the town. The opinion was released on Wednesday.


The First Complaint


In a notice dated March 30, 2021, Preserve attorneys John Tarantino and Nicole Benjamin notified then -Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth that the Preserve was filing a complaint against the town seeking $100 million in damages. The notice also suggested that the Town Council might have to hold a meeting to approve the levy of a special tax to “pay this demand or otherwise resolve this case.”

Named as defendants were Richmond Finance Director Laura Kenyon and the members of the Town Council at the time: council President Nell Carpenter, and members James Palmisciano, Lauren Cacciola, Rich Nassaney, and Ronald Newman.

The complaint stated that the town had taken actions that had interfered with the Preserve’s “due process rights and rights to equal protection.”

The complaint further stated,

“The Preserve has been treated in arbitrary and capricious ways in attempting to have its plans reviewed and approved; necessary permits issued; projects scheduled for hearing; and ordinance changes voted on and approved.”

In a decision issued in Dec. 2022, Superior Court Justice Richard Licht granted the town’s motion to dismiss the complaint, based on the statute of limitations as well as an absence of facts supporting the Preserve’s claims.


The Appeal


The Preserve filed its appeal of the Superior Court decision in Rhode Island Supreme Court in Jan. 2023. 

The town, represented by James Marusak, responded by filing a cross appeal that same month, “arguing that the three-year statute of limitations barred all of plaintiffs’ claims, not just the claims for substantive due process and tortious interference.”

In a 26-page opinion, Supreme Court Justices Paul Suttell, Maureen McKenna Goldberg, William P. Robinson, Erin Lynch Prata and Melissa Long upheld the lower court’s dismissal of the complaint.

The Supreme Court opinion states:

“With regard to the statute of limitations, the hearing justice [Licht] found that the substantive due-process claim and the tortious interference claims were subject to a three-year statute of limitations and that the continuing tort doctrine did not apply. He therefore determined that those claims [counts one through three] were barred because plaintiffs did not file their action until December 16, 2021.”

(The town actions cited by the Preserve occurred before 2017.)

Mark Reynolds, an attorney and Chairman of Richmond’s Tax Assessment Board of Revue, explained that the Preserve was attempting persuade the court that the three-year statute of limitations should have been “tolled” or paused.

“The Preserve was trying to say the statute of limitations should have been paused or not start running, because of conduct by the town,” he said. “It looks like the sole basis for affirming the decision of Judge Licht is the statute of limitations.”

Indeed, a footnote on the final page of the Supreme Court opinion reads:

“Because we conclude that each of the plaintiffs’ claims are barred by the statute of limitations, we need not address the remaining issues.”


Will There be Damages?


The town will not be awarded fees or damages of any kind.

“What’s known as the American Rule is, each side pays for its own attorney’s fees, and the only exceptions to that are if there’s a statute that forms the basis for a lawsuit that says you can recover your fees from the losing side,” Reynolds explained. “The town might be able to recover the costs of the appeal, but that’s not an attorney’s fee, and there wouldn’t be any costs here other than maybe, if they had to order a transcript. … So no, other than the Preserve having to pay their own lawyers to try to win this case, that’s it. The town cannot recover anything from them because they won.”

Solar Case Heads for Supreme Court

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

April 22nd 2024

RICHMOND – The Rhode Island Supreme Court has granted a petition for a writ of certiorari to the Town of Richmond and to abutting homeowner, John Peixinho. The writ paves the way for a review by the Supreme Court of a Superior Court decision ordering the town to issue a special use permit for a commercial solar array on Beaver River Road.

“I was so pleased to hear the news,” Peixinho said. “We must continue to work together to protect Richmond’s rural character and ensure that our quality of life and our property values are not diminished by utility scale solar installations in residential areas.”

Attorney Tom Dickinson, who represents Peixinho, said he had received the news on Monday afternoon.

“What will happen is, the formal writ itself, which is a legal document that we send to the Superior Court in Washington County, telling them to send up the file,” he said. “Each of the parties will have to file a legal memo reiterating the issues that we raised in the petition, and then that will go to a single Justice, who will hold a conference with the lawyers, and that single Justice will basically decide what calendar to put it on.”


Construction Well Underway


GD Beaver River I LLC, a company owned by Green Development, began building the project in the field owned by William Stamp Jr., of Cranston, almost immediately after receiving the March, 2023 decision by Rhode Island Superior Court Justice Sarah Taft – Carter ordering the Richmond Zoning Board to issue a special use permit allowing the project to proceed.

Watching the construction proceed, Peixinho said he was angry that the work had begun while a final decision is still to be rendered.

“It’s just devastating that they are charging ahead with this massive installation while the case remains unsettled,” he said. “But I believe that’s also a clear indication of what little regard these out-of-town property owners and solar companies have for our community.”

The developer and Stamp first applied in 2018 for a special use permit, which was required because the property, at 172 Beaver River Road, is in a low-density residential zone.

Russel “Bo” Brown, the zoning official at the time, denied the application, because the project did not meet a town requirement that solar arrays be no more than two miles from a utility substation.

The application was also denied by the Planning Board, because it would not be consistent with provisions in the town’s comprehensive plan that protect the town’s rural landscapes and cultural and historic heritage.

GD Beaver River appealed the Zoning Board decision to Superior Court, which remanded the case to the Zoning Board. When the board again denied the application, the developer appealed once more to Superior Court and this time, he prevailed, with Justice Taft-Carter stating that the Zoning Board’s reasons for denying the application were “unsupported” and directing the town to immediately issue the special use permit.

In 2021, the National Park Service added Beaver River Road Historic District to the National Register of Historic Places, and the Beaver River is part of the federally-designated Wild and Scenic Rivers System.

But those national designations did not prevent the developer from moving ahead with the project, and neighbors watched, aghast, as the open field was stripped and covered with the racks that would support the solar panels.


The Writ


In June, 2023, in a final attempt to stop the project, then -Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth submitted a petition for a writ of certiorari, asking the Supreme Court to review the Superior Court decision.

Dickinson, representing Peixinho, also submitted a petition for a writ of certiorari.

Peixinho’s petition stated that the writ should be granted to correct the error made by the Superior Court:

“A Justice of the Superior Court reviewing a zoning decision is bound by the limits of R.I. Gen. L. sec. 45-24-69, which prohibits the court from substituting its judgment for that of the zoning board of review. On certiorari, this Court will

reverse if it can be shown ‘that the justice misapplied the law, misconceived or overlooked material evidence, or made findings that were clearly wrong.’  Kenlin Properties v. City of East Providence, 139 A.3d 491, 500 (R.I. 2016) (reversing a trial justice who overturned zoning board).”

The petition further states:

“Here the trial justice misapplied the law and was clearly wrong in the failure to apply this Court’s precedents.

With regard to the two-mile requirement, the trial justice substituted her interpretation of the ordinance for the zoning official’s interpretation and the board of review’s interpretation as well.”


Town Council Reaction


Reached Monday afternoon, Town Council President Mark Trimmer said he was relieved that the petition had been granted and he hoped the town would see the lower court judgment overturned.

“Thank God,” he said. “Cooler heads might prevail on this. I hope it gives us an opportunity to go backward and preserve the rural land in the town.”

Council Vice President Richard Nassaney added,

“I’m very excited that the Supreme Court is going to entertain the case,” he said.

Councilor Samantha Wilcox said she looked forward to having the case settled.

“I’m glad it’s going to be heard,” she said. “I’m not in favor of solar in Beaver River [Valley], just like most people in the community.”


The Timing


With the Supreme Court in session until the end of May, Dickinson said he expected the writ would be heard in the fall.

“The earliest this would be heard would be September, October. I think that, more likely, in November,” he said.


There is no avenue for further appeal. Should the Supreme Court decide in favor of the town and Peixinho, Dickinson said it is unclear whether the developer would be required to dismantle the equipment and remediate the site.

“I think that would all have to go back to Richmond and maybe, the Superior Court in Washington County to decide,” he said. “We’re really just focusing on the legal questions here, and once our Supreme Court decides those legal questions, then we’ll have to figure out what the next step is.”

Council Praises Proposed Budget

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

April 17th 2024

RICHMOND – At the April 16 Town Council meeting, members were unanimous in their praise for the proposed 2024-25 town budget.

They also agreed not to pursue a tax abatement for owners of properties with historic cemeteries.


The Budget


During a public hearing at the council meeting, outgoing Finance Director Laura Kenyon presented the proposed municipal budget.

“In preparing this budget, we did understand that the people of Richmond were looking for as much tax relief as fiscally possible,” she said.

Kenyon explained that the budget has two components:  municipal, and education – the Chariho schools budget which voters passed in the April 9 referendum. Richmond’s share of the Chariho budget is $21.9 million, an increase of $270,000.

The municipal budget is $7.9 million.

The good news is the property tax rate will decrease from $14.76 to $14.66.

“The reason for the decrease is the town’s anticipating an increase in assessment value of about $15 million, but a decrease in the tangibles of about 8 [$8 million] the state is reimbursing us for that,” Kenyon explained.

Council President Mark Trimmer said Kenyon was the best of the three Finance Directors he had worked with during his years on the council.

“Head and shoulders above the rest, so thank you,” he said.

Councilor Michael Colasante added,

“A big numbers - cruncher myself, and sometimes we kind of look at numbers and sometimes we can’t see past the numbers to compassion for people, and I have to say, the amount of people at that podium this past year and told of their strife about their taxes, how tough it is paying their taxes, you folks listened to it. Thank you very much.”

Resident Robert Cardozo also praised the budget.

“This is probably the best budget I’ve seen in 20-some odd years here, and I wanted to thank you for it,” he said.

The second public hearing on the budget will be on May 8 and the budget referendum is June 3.

The complete proposed budget can be found on the town’s website.


Municipal Court


The council agreed, at a previous meeting, to introduce a Richmond municipal court for a six-month trial period.

During Tuesday’s discussion of the procedure for hiring a municipal court judge, councilor Samantha Wilcox proposed using the same procedure as the one the council followed for hiring the new Town Solicitor.

Later during the council meeting, addressing another agenda item pertaining to the establishment of a municipal court, there were questions about the cost to the town. The court is expected to be revenue-neutral for traffic cases, but would generate more revenue in fines for building and zoning ordinance violations.

Colasante proposed exploring the possibility of Richmond sharing the municipal court already established in Hopkinton, and Town Solicitor Christopher Zangari said he would look into it.


Drinking Water


The Council voted to award the contract for the new chlorination system to LaFramboise Water Service. LaFramboise, of Thompson, Connecticut, was the only company to bid on the contract, coming in at $245,000.

The cost of the upgrade will be paid by the Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank’s water enterprise fund.

There is also the matter of amending the town’s zoning ordinance and comprehensive plan to allow the installation of the new chlorination system on a 29-acre parcel on KG Ranch Road.

The Planning Board voted in March to recommend that the proposed changes be presented at a public hearing. However, some board members, including Chairman Philip Damicis and Vice Chair Dan Madnick, expressed reservations about changing the zone from “conservation and open space” to “public and governmental.”

Town Planner Talia Jalette urged the council to come to a decision as soon as possible, but Trimmer made a motion to explore the feasibility of re-zoning just two acres of the 29-acre parcel.

“I don’t want some sort of giant facility there ever,” he said.

The public hearing on the amendments will take place on May 21 at 6 p.m.

Colasante suggested asking representatives of the town’s water supplier, Northeast Water Solutions, and LaFramboise, the company supplying the chlorination system, to be present at the hearing to answer questions about the chlorination system and how much land it might be expected to require.


Cemetery Abatement Tabled


Council members appeared to have had a collective change of heart regarding a proposed $100 annual property tax abatement for homeowners with historic cemeteries on their properties.

Wilcox said there were several concerns related to the maintenance of the cemeteries.

“Who’s going to be checking up on the property?” she said. “What will happen if the cemetery’s not maintained?”

Whether the public has access to historic cemeteries is another concern.

Councilor Helen Sheehan, who stated at an earlier meeting that she believed the cemeteries were open to the public, noted that she had read a letter submitted to the council by historic preservationist and Richmond property owner John Peixinho, stating that the cemeteries were private.

“The last time I spoke, I had a historic cemetery on our property when I lived in Scituate, but I learned from Mr. Peixinho, he sent a letter, he said that not all property, people have access to it. I said you have access on your property, they have a right to it. He said they don’t,“ she said.

Sheehan said the $100 abatement wouldn’t cover the cost of maintaining a cemetery.

“To me, it’s a waste of money for $100,” she said.

Colasante said approving the abatement could be “opening a can of worms” for the town, which would administer the program.

“I just don’t want to expose the town to that kind of cost,” he said.

The council approved a motion, made by Wilcox, to file the item.


Disaster Aid


Emergency Management Director Randy Gemme said homeowners impacted by the severe weather in December and January only have until May 20 to apply for FEMA aid.

“FEMA will come to your house and help you register,” he said. “… about 20 households, they’ve already administered some funding. Some of this funding is non-returnable, so the quicker you get your registration done and recognized by FEMA, they will determine what you need, along with SBA. [Small Business Administration]. I need to remind you that the deadline to register is May 20. I know there are some residents that have reached out to me that have not even signed up as of yet.”

The FEMA hotline number is: 1-800-621-3362. The website is:  



Other business




The council approved a request from the Rhode Island Center Assisting Those in Need, or RICAN, to reallocate the remaining $9,812 of the $34,000 in American Rescue Plan Act or ARPA funds allocated by the town to the agency. The funds would offset the cost of refinishing the floors in the building, an unexpected expense of $25,000.

After hearing from Rep. Megan Cotter, D- District 39, who supported the RICAN request, Colasante made a motion to grant the reallocation, which the council approved.


Federal grants


In her report, Town Administrator Karen Pinch announced that the town had applied for a R.I. Energy energy efficiency grant to replace the air conditioning in the Department of Public Works building, and that it had been awarded $18,464.

Pinch also noted that the town had been awarded $165,000 from the office of Sen. Jack Reed for the communications tower on Shannock Hill Road that was damaged by fire in 2022. 

Change of Leadership at Republican Town Committee

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

April 15th 2024

RICHMOND – There’s been a shake-up in the leadership of the Richmond Republican Town Committee. Patricia Pouliot and Ray Pouliot, the committee’s Chair and Treasurer have been replaced by Michael Colasante and Helen Sheehan. Colasante and Sheehan both currently serve on the Town Council.


The Pouliots did not comment on their ouster, but Ray Pouliot referred questions to Joe Powers, who chairs the Rhode Island Republican party.

Reached Monday, Powers said the new leadership had been properly installed.

“They actually pretty much handled everything on their own and it was about a month ago, maybe,” he said. “They all took care of all of that. It was just a changing of the guard. They went through the policies and procedures. They followed the bylaws. They had a special meeting to elect a new chairman and they’re all copacetic.”


Republicans React


Not everyone is “copacetic.” The meeting at which Colasante and Sheehan were elected is reported to have taken place at Colasante’s home.

Town Council President Mark Trimmer, a Republican who says he is now changing his party affiliation, said he was unaware of the meeting or the election.

“Now that it’s official, that just sickens me,” he said. “He was elected to it after a series of meetings where people were bullied out one by one. … Anyone who is anywhere near a reasonable Republican is no longer part of that party anymore. I will probably, at this point, seek the endorsement of the Democrats in town.”

Town Council Vice President Richard Nassaney is another Republican cast out by the committee.

“I’m disappointed in the way that they went about their change of leadership,” he said. “It was done under the cover of darkness, done behind closed doors. … It’s not a party that I wish to even associate myself with.”

Jeff Noble, a Republican who has joined the Richmond Community Alliance political action committee, said he had been following a trail of amendments to the committee leadership, filed with the Rhode Island Board of Elections.

“At the end of 2022, Louise [Dinsmore] was the President of the Richmond Republican Town Committee,” he said. “Then, the next filing was January 30th of 2023, that had Ray [Pouliot] as the Treasurer and Pat [Pouliot] as the President. The next filing that records anything is the annual political party treasurer’s filing. … And then, on February 22nd, they amended their organization, removing Ray as Treasurer. “

On March 5th, there was another amendment, changing the committee’s email address to then - committee President Patricia Pouliot’s address.

The final amendment filed with the Board of Elections was on March 19. Notarized by Hopkinton Town Council Vice President and Republican stalwart, Scott Bill Hirst, that filing changes the committee’s post office box address to the street and email addresses of Michael Colasante. The filing also shows Helen Sheehan as the new Treasurer.

Noble said,

“Just speaking for myself, if it’s not evident, the Richmond Republican Town Committee President is more about him controlling things and less about good public policy, or really, just good behavior. It doesn’t even matter anymore, I think, what’s accomplished. It’s just him being in charge is what the overall goal is.”

Noble described the recent upheaval in the Town Committee as unsettling.

“I’m a Republican,” he said. “I’m still registered as a Republican, and I won’t change because I don’t think change comes from, you know, quitting. I’m more conservative than I am liberal, but there are a couple of things. First, I don’t need to shove it in everybody’s face and the second thing is, to have good government policy, you need to work within the government and make it and, I hate to say it, compromise.”


The leadership changes are not reflected on the state Republican website, that still shows Patricia Pouliot as the Chair of the Richmond Republican Town Committee.

There is no information on the Town Committee website either, which does not appear to have been maintained, and displays a homepage that is blank.

Road Closed for Roundabout Work

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

April 11th 2024

RICHMOND – Construction of the roundabout at the junction of Routes 138 and 112 is progressing, with part of Route 112 (Richmond Townhouse Road) closed on Thursday morning, so it could be widened.

Reached Thursday, Town Administrator Karen Pinch said,

“112 is closed right now and they are actually grading it all the way up to 138, and it’s been widened so that the curve of the road is actually abutting the new retention pond, so it’s actually starting to look like a roundabout. It’s got turn lanes now, where it didn’t before.”


Some Background


The Rhode Island Department of Transportation first proposed the project in 2019. Designed to slow traffic and reduce accidents, the roundabout will require vehicles to slow down to 25 miles per hour. to about 25 miles per hour, has been used successfully in many other cities and towns.

The roundabout will include sidewalks and cross walks for pedestrians.

The project will cost $6.5 million and is expected to be completed by April, 2025. A new water line, a town project funded by a $292,660 grant from the federal American Rescue Plan Act, is being installed at the same time.


Road Closures


Pinch said she had been told by the Rhode Island Department of Transportation that there would be intermittent road closures. On Thursday, motorists were directed to the section of Route 138 that runs behind the Town Hall. That road will become a one-way East when the project is complete, with the westbound direction permanently closed.

“If you were coming West on 138, where you would normally turn onto 112, today, that’s closed,” Pinch explained. “So, people are having to go a little further down to that cut-off road. … What’s going to be one-way is, if you’re coming 138 east, where you fork right to go between the Town Hall and the golf course, that’s going to be one way only, to Chariho Furniture.”

The project is progressing smoothly, with Manafort Brothers Inc. taking over the work started by the original contractor, the now-defunct Cardi Corporation.

Pinch warned motorists travelling on Route 138 to use caution because of the equipment at the bottom of the hill.

“You have to move slowly,” she said. “Just now, coming down the hill, to where the machine is that’s milling was literally adjacent to a sign and a drainage structure, I was behind a school bus and he was creeping, because it was super-tight, between their milling machine and that drainage structure that he really couldn’t drive over, because it’s really pretty high.”

The intermittent closures of Route 112 will continue as the grading continues to prepare the road for the first layer of asphalt, which is expected to be applied next week.

With Two Towns Supporting, Chariho Budget Passes

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

April 10th 2024

WOOD RIVER JUNCTION – Hopkinton’s opposition to the 2024-25 Chariho regional School District budget wasn’t enough to keep it from passing. Tuesday’s referendum vote in that town, 513 no to 345 yes, did not overcome the support for the budget in Richmond and Charlestown.

Richmond’s totals were 486 yes and 358 no and Charlestown’s were 372 yes and 78 no.

Chariho Superintendent of Schools Gina Picard said Tuesday night that the approval of the budget confirmed that most residents support the school district.

“Today's school budget vote underscores the critical role that community investment plays in shaping the future of education,” she said. “It's a testament to our collective commitment to providing quality resources and opportunities for our students. Every yes vote cast is a declaration of support for our schools and the promise of a brighter tomorrow for our children. The support of the budget ensures that our schools can continue to provide the highest quality education and opportunities for all students.”


Voter Turnout


Voter turnout on Tuesday was low, especially in Charlestown, where only 6.6% of 6,748 eligible voters cast their ballots.

In Hopkinton, with 6,722 eligible voters, 12.7% voted and Richmond had the highest turnout, 12.8% of 6,570 eligible voters.   

School Committee President Catherine Giusti thanked those residents who did vote.

“I’m grateful to the taxpayers who took the time to vote yesterday,” she said. “The budget was the most confusing we have seen in a long time. The confusion was perpetuated by former politicians who have long been detractors of Chariho. I appreciate the voters’ commitment to public education, as I feel it's a cornerstone of our democracy.”


Confusion Persists


Even at the best of times, the Chariho budget is difficult to understand and explain to voters, but this year, it was further complicated by a second referendum that will take place on May 7. Voters will be asked to approve a bond of up to $150 million for the consolidation of the district’s four elementary schools into three new schools.

Hopkinton has, for years, fought efforts to close its second elementary school. This year, the annual budget and the bond were both linked to the future of Hope Valley School, with some residents believing, wrongly, that a vote against the budget would somehow keep the school from closing.

One social media post in the Hopkinton Community Forum urged residents to “vote no on school budget and save Hope Valley Elementary.”

Some Hopkinton residents are going a step further and taking legal action. School bond opponents are raising money to hire attorney Kelly Fracassa to sue the school district for violating Section 13 of the Chariho Act, which states that children who enter kindergarten “will be assured of matriculation at that school through grade 4 unless the family relocates outside the elementary school attendance district.”

Matriculation, the group argues, will not happen if the school is closed. The school district counters that with kindergarten enrollment already closed for the coming fall, Hope Valley will be a “grades 1 to 4 school,” so there won’t be any children in kindergarten who would otherwise matriculate.


Selling the Annual Budget


With Hopkinton expected to reject the budget and Charlestown expected to support it, Richmond was the key to budget passage or failure.

Some residents are ideologically opposed to public education, while for others, it’s about money and taking to social media to express their anger about tax increases.

This year, though, there was something new to be angry about: the school construction bond.

Jessica Purcell, who represents Richmond on the School Committee, said she had taken nothing for granted in the months before the referendum.

“Community outreach, that’s a priority of mine as a School Committee member,” she said. “I think that’s one of our main jobs, to take what we learn through our meetings and through our interactions with the administration, and bring that to the community.”

Purcell organized what she calls “neighbor forums” in each of the three towns, where residents could find the information they needed in an informal atmosphere.

“One of the things I most try to express is that the budget’s essentially a one-year contract to fund our school system, so every year, we have to go through this process, and the more people that are engaged, the better, and that’s not just voting,” she said. “That’s the long process of the meetings and expressing your opinion on what’s important to you, and we’ll be back at the negotiating table soon enough for the budget. It goes by fast.”

It is also important, Purcell added, to understand why people opposed the budget and to listen to their concerns.

 “I think the most important thing we can do is understand why folks are opposing it and if there’s a way for them to be part of the conversation, we need to do that,” she said.

Picard agreed that it would be important to make an extra effort to reach out to voters who had opposed the budget.

“We also remain committed to our community members who voted no to continue to provide transparency around our budget and to work hard to gain their trust and support to benefit all Chariho students and families,” she said.

Ethics Commission Extends Colasante Investigations

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

April 9th 2024

PROVIDENCE – The Rhode Island Ethics Commission voted at its Tuesday meeting to extend, for a second time, its investigations into two ethics complaints against Town Council member Michael Colasante.


Trimmer’s Complaint


One complaint, filed in Sept. 23 2023 by council President Mark Trimmer, focuses on the business relationship between Colasante and former Electrical Inspector, Jeffrey Vaillancourt. The complaint states that while Vaillancourt was doing electrical work at Colasante’s sawmill on Buttonwoods Road, Colasante declined to recuse himself from two disciplinary hearings on Vaillancourt’s behavior and that Colasante participated in the hearings and also voted.


Nassaney’s Complaint


In November, 2023, Town Council Vice President Richard Nassaney filed a complaint stating that Colasante had a business relationship with D’Ambra Construction when he voted in favor of awarding a paving contract for North Road to D’Ambra.

Not long after the contract was awarded to D’Ambra, a truck from Richmond Sand and Stone, a company owned by D’Ambra, delivered material for a retaining wall to Colasante’s property.

D’Ambra trucks were observed on the Colasante property on Oct. 13, and at the Oct. 17 Town Council meeting, Colasante voted to award another paving contract, this time for Tug Hollow Road, to D’Ambra. On Oct. 18, the day after the second paving contract was awarded to D’Ambra, Nassaney’s complaint states the company was observed at Colasante’s Buttonwoods property “installing the retaining wall material and grading his property for a future driveway.”


The Decisions


Tuesday’s decisions to grant extensions to the commission’s investigations into the two complaints follow a Feb. 2024 decision to grant the first extensions.

Commission Chair Marisa Quin read the decisions, which were the results of votes that had taken place in Executive Session.

Regarding complaint by Trimmer,

“The commission voted 7 to 0 to find the record had established that good cause exists and to grant the prosecution’s motion to enlarge time for investigation, second extension, 60 days, to July 10, 2024.”

On the second complaint, Quinn stated,

“The commission voted by 7 to 0 to find that the record has established that good cause exists and to grant the prosecution’s motion to enlarge time for investigation.”

That extension is to July 12, 2024.


Contacted after the meeting, Executive Director Jason Gramitt explained that it is not uncommon for the commission to grant two extensions on an investigation, but that it does not allow more than two.

“It’s not unusual at all,” he said. “It’s a very common thing in cases before the Ethics Commission. Two extensions are the limit.”


Trimmer and Nassaney React


Trimmer said he was disappointed that a decision on his complaint had been delayed again.

“I’m disappointed because the elections are just around the corner, and people should know and who they’re not voting for and why,” he said.


Nassaney said he hoped the extension signaled a deeper investigation.

“The fact that they’ve asked for a second extension tells me they’re finding the rabbit hole goes even further,” he said. “They’re very thorough, so if they’re not satisfied, they’re going to keep digging.”

Confusion Abounds as Chariho Budget Referendum Approaches

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

April 5th 2024

RICHMOND – The days leading up to the Chariho budget referendum have been filled with drama – even more drama than the usual squabbling that has surrounded school budgets for the past several years.

Voters in Charlestown, Richmond and Hopkinton will decide on April 9 whether the district’s Fiscal Year 2024-25 proposed budget, which contains a 1.49% increase, will pass. If it doesn’t, the district will be level-funded.

Adding to the anxiety, there will be a second referendum, on May 7, on a bond of up to $150 million to consolidate the district’s elementary schools into three new buildings, replacing four aging schools.


Hope Valley Elementary School


The proposed school consolidation plan calls for the eventual closure of Hope Valley School, the second elementary school in Hopkinton. Richmond and Charlestown each have one elementary school.

Chariho Superintendent of Schools Gina Picard has closed kindergarten enrolment at Hope Valley School this fall, the first step in closing the school.

The probable school closing has angered some Hope Valley residents who are fighting to keep it open. They have formed a group, which has been holding unadvertised meetings in a local church.


The Signs and the Lawsuit


Yellow signs, reading “Save Hope Valley School” have been appearing on residents’ lawns. More recently, red stickers, reading “vote no,” have been slapped onto the yellow signs.

It is not clear which entities are behind which signs, but the addition of the red, “vote no” stickers presumably asks voters to reject the budget. If the budget is rejected, and the district is level-funded, the Chariho administration has stated on several occasions that Hope Valley School would be shuttered completely.

Jessica Purcell lives in Hope Valley and represents Richmond on the School Committee. She said many residents had told her that they had found the red stickers confusing.

“I talked to a couple of friends I know on Main Street who have the yellow signs, and they said they didn’t know that the stickers would be placed there,” she said. “They were upset that had been placed there. They were confused they’d been placed there. They don’t know who put them there.”

Last week, some Hope Valley parents said they were contacted, at their homes, by Sylvia Thompson, who asked them to fill out forms with the names of their children who would be affected by the closing of Hope Valley Elementary School.

One resident, who asked to remain anonymous, said she was told she could get a yellow “Save Hope Valley School” lawn sign at URE Outfitters and that Sylvia Thompson was the main point of contact.

School Committee Chair Catherine Giusti said she was concerned that someone had given Thompson the names and addresses of Hope Valley students.

“The people who provided the signs want to raise money to keep Hope Valley [school] open, seemingly forever,” she wrote in an emailed statement. “Sylvia Thompson, a former Hopkinton Town Councilor, was given the names and addresses of Hope Valley Elementary students to try and have them join the lawsuit. I’m not sure who gave her the list of children’s names, but it seems like an invasion of privacy to me.”

Reached Friday, Thompson said “I don’t have any comment.”


The Plan


The “Save Hope Valley School” signs and the “Vote No” stickers may appear to contradict each other, but the red stickers reveal the group’s ultimate goal. If the Chariho budget and then, the bond, are defeated, Hope Valley School will close and it is at that time that the group would take legal action.

The lawsuit would sue the district for violating Section 13 of the Chariho Act, which states that children who enter kindergarten “will be assured of matriculation at that school through grade 4 unless the family relocates outside the elementary school attendance district.”

Chariho Superintendent of Schools Gina Picard said Chariho attorney Jon Anderson had advised her that the lawsuit would be without merit, because no children would have been enrolled in kindergarten in the first place.

“If we stop enrolling, then there’s no enrollment. We’re no longer enrolling kindergarten. It’s a grades 1 to 4 school,” Picard stated.

The form also asks parents to donate to a “legal defense” fund and send their donations to Westerly attorney Kelly Fracassa.

“What I have been hired to do it to oppose the closing of the Hope Valley Elementary because it violates Section 13-1 of the Chariho Act,” Fracassa said. “I think it provides to the effect that if a student enters in kindergarten, he will be assured of matriculation to 4th grade, and also, if they have a sibling in that school, that sibling will be assured matriculation, so, just closing the school down is going to violate that provision, however, it’s not as simple as that. The parents and the students, in order to obtain an injunction, have to show irreparable harm. “… Plus, you have to balance the equities.  In other words, you balance the harm done to the students with whatever harm may befall the school district by not able to close Hope Valley Elementary.

Fracassa said he was only beginning to research the case.

“Right now, I’m just gathering information to support the case, and I don’t know when they hold the vote on it, but right now, there’s actually no case yet,” he said. “… Something like that is going to require not only testimony from the parents, but it’s probably going to require some type of expert testimony, and right now, I don’t know if it exists. I don’t know what that harm is, so I have to consult with experts to find out even if there is that kind of harm.”


Giusti said it appeared to her that voters did not understand the budget process.

“Defeating the budget sends a message to the School Committee that the budget is too high, thus forcing us to make more reductions,” she said. “I don’t know where those reductions will come from, though closing another grade at Hope Valley Elementary next year is a possibility. The people behind the “Save Hope Valley Elementary” group don’t appear to know how the budget process works, which is surprising. Voting no on April 9th will not save Hope Valley Elementary School.”


Purcell bemoaned the current turmoil in the school district.

“There’s a lot of undermining going on, right?” she said. “The Save Hope Valley School undermines the work that the School Committee did to find the right path forward for the district to balance the needs of all stakeholders, but then, I know that also, those families feel undermined who are facing the reality of a school closing. And then, people who don’t want you to support the budget, also don’t want you to save a school, but they don’t want to say that. It’s a mess.”

Forestry Commission Releases Final Report

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

April 3rd 2024

PROVIDENCE – The commission studying forest management and fire prevention in Rhode Island’s forests has released its final report, recommending that the state allocate considerably more resources to mitigating the risk of wildfires.

The 12-member Special Legislative Commission to Evaluate and Provide Recommendations on Proper Forest Management for Fire Prevention began meeting monthly in Sept. 2023 and released its final 26-page report on April 1.

Chairing the commission was state Rep. Megan Cotter, D-Richmond, Exeter, Hopkinton, who has also introduced the Forestry and Forest Parity Act, House Bill 7618. That legislation recognizes the value of forests, including carbon sequestration, and seeks to give forestry and forest product operations parity, including tax exemptions, with farming and agriculture. The bill is scheduled for a hearing on April 4 by the House Environment and Natural Resources Committee.

Cotter said she began her effort to start a forest management and fire prevention commission after wildfires, one at the Queen’s River Preserve in Exeter and the second, near the Big River Management Area in West Greenwich, burned hundreds of acres in April 2023.

“I went to all the aftermath briefings, and I got a private tour from [North Kingstown] Fire Chief Scott Kettelle of the fire, and you know, while we were on the tour, we talked about what forest management should look like and Rhode Island is doing a poor job of managing our forest,” she said. “And so, I wanted to investigate why, what’s going on, what do we have to do to ensure that we’re doing everything we can to mitigate any fire potential.”

Rhode Island’s forests were devastated by spongy moth (formerly known as gypsy moth) infestations, which were particularly destructive from 2015 to 2017, killing one quarter of the state’s trees. Richmond was one of the hardest-hit communities, losing hundreds of oaks, many of which, while dead, are still standing as dangerous snags.

With forestry staff at the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management cut by 75% since 1990, the agency has been able to manage just 1% of the state’s forests. Cotter’s legislation would allocate an additional $3 million of the proposed $16 million Green Bond conservation fund for forest management and the development of forest management strategies.

There are currently just four rangers working in the state’s forests, so there are few deterrents to illegal activities such as trash- dumping in the woods. One of the most dramatic incidents occurred last fall, when someone dumped 45 old mattresses in a state forest.

“We used to have forest rangers throughout Rhode Island state land,” Cotter said. “We no longer do that, and now, people know that they can get away with all sorts of crazy stuff.”

Commission member Scott Millar, who chairs the Exeter Planning Board, agreed that DEM staff and budget cuts had left the agency without the resources necessary to manage Rhode Island’s forests.

“Clearly over the years, DEM has lost critical staff that would be needed in the event of a wildfire, and that goes for helping with the prevention,” he said.

Critics have suggested that Cotter’s legislative initiatives would amount to a giveaway to the state’s logging industry, a charge that Cotter emphatically denies.

“There’s really no real logging industry in the state of Rhode Island,” she said. “It’s not really an industry that’s booming, and nor do we want it to be booming. A lot of the bills that I am supporting, the bills that I am pushing, are already in effect in Maine and Vermont and other heavily-forested areas. We do need to manage the forest properly. We’ve always done that in the past, we just haven’t done it, for probably, the last 50 years, and now, we are seeing the effects of what that looks like.”


The Climate Connection


John Torgan the Director of the Nature Conservancy in Rhode Island, also served on the commission.  TNC owns the Queen’s River Preserve where one of the wildfires occurred.

“One of the things we wanted to impress upon the General Assembly and policy makers is that these fires, while unprecedented in recent history, are not isolated events, and that due to factors including climate change and related things like invasive species, we expect to see a lot more of these kinds of events going forward,” he said. “The conditions that created the wildfires last spring, including the Queen’s River fire, were preceded by consecutive days of record high temperatures in the early spring when there are no leaves on the trees, and that allowed the sun to get to the forest litter and dry that out and just create real tinderbox conditions, so any spark could have caused it, and it did."

The conservancy also recommended the creation of an updated list of landowner contact information.

“One of the things that we had to overcome in these wildfires last spring was, people have old information on who to reach out to with respect to each of the properties, and how to get access to those properties,” Torgan said. “…We want to make changes to ensure that we have a comparable updated set of communication protocols and a list of contacts and that’s going to be managed through the Fire Marshall, I think, as well as DEM.”

There were additional practical recommendations too, from the people charged with putting out the fires. Fire officials, including Richmond Carolina Fire Chief Scott Barber, described the difficulties they encounter in attempting to access properties to fight fires.

Even where access roads already exist, they are often choked with unchecked vegetation, too narrow for fire vehicles, blocked by boulders, or too flimsy to hold the weight of emergency vehicles.


Will Lawmakers Listen?


Now that the commission has issued its recommendations, will a legislature that has focused on encouraging the construction of more housing, including in the few rural areas left in the state, be receptive to allocating funds to forest conservation and management?

“That’s a policy decision that certainly, the legislature and the governor’s office has to make,” Millar said. “If they want to prioritize building houses in rural areas without adequate wildfire protection, they’re just asking for trouble. That’s essentially what’s happening now.”

Board Recommends Zoning Change for Water Treatment Facility

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

March 27th 2024

RICHMOND – The Planning Board voted at its Tuesday meeting to issue a favorable advisory opinion on amendments to the zoning ordinance and future land use map to allow the installation of a drinking water treatment facility.

There are 294 customers on the water system. The town signed a consent agreement in 2020 with the Rhode Island Department of Health Center for Drinking Water Quality that includes a provision for monitoring drinking water for coliform and E coli. Coliform has been detected in the system and is still present, making an additional level of treatment necessary.

After determining that disinfecting the groundwater would be the preferred additional treatment, the town chose the “4-log” system, that kills 99.99% of viruses. The consulting engineer on the project is Northeast Water Solutions Inc., and C&E Engineering is the design engineer. Northeast Water Solutions is the town's current water service provider, replacing LaFramboise Water Services, the town's former water company. The contract to install the new treatment system has not yet been awarded.


Back in 2021, at the Financial Town Meeting, voters approved a $300,000 bond for water system improvements. The Town Council, at the March 5, 2024 meeting, approved a capital improvement charge of $80 per year, or $20 per quarter per customer, to pay back the bond.


Why the Zoning Amendment is Necessary


The 29-acre parcel where the water treatment facility would be built is vacant, “vegetated” land, with limited frontage on KG Ranch Road.

Town Planner Talia Jalette told the board that the proposed 4-log system, which uses chlorine and other chemicals to kill viruses, had to be installed close to the existing water system, which is nearby.

“It needs to be at this specific location,” she said. “There has to be a certain amount of communication between this proposed system and the existing system, because there has to be some kind of way to basically monitor how much chlorine and whatever other chemicals are going into the water to clean it.”

In a written report to the board, Jalette included a description of the 4-log system, by Northeast Water Solutions.

“…the system consists of three main parts; the injection of sodium hypochlorite [NaOCI] into the existing water distribution system within the existing pumphouse and backup vault on Plat 3B, Lot 101, an appropriate length of distribution main to allow for chlorine contact time, and the construction of a chlorine monitoring station which continuously monitors the concentration of chlorine in the water supply,” Northeast’s explanation states. “The chlorine monitoring station is a critical component because this system alerts the certified drinking water operator if the concentration of chlorine is too high or too low.”

Northeast Water Solutions also stated that the monitoring station “must be in the exact location proposed by the design engineer in order to allow for proper contact time between the chlorine injection point and the monitor point.”

After being contacted in Feb. 2024 by a Northeast Water Solutions engineer about permitting for the project, Jalette discovered that the property was zoned Conservation and Open Space, where horticulture is the only currently permitted use, and would therefore need to be re-zoned, from “Conservation and Open space” to “Public and Governmental.”

In addition to the zoning change, the Future Land Use Map Use map in the Comprehensive Plan would have to be amended.

Jalette noted that the Public and Governmental designation would be appropriate for the parcel.

“This is a governmental function,” she said. “It’s run through the Finance Department itself, and then it’s actually maintained by Northeast Water Solutions, but it is a function of the government.”

Some board members voiced concerns about re-zoning a single parcel.

Vice Chair Dan Madnick asked why just one of four adjacent plats was being re-zoned.

“We’re being asked to re-zone one plat, but there’s multiple plats here …,” he said. “Why are we not just re-zoning all of them? What’s the point of having a conservation – zoned space in this water system, anyway? I almost feel like we should make all of them the same zone so it’s consistent. There’s four plats here.”

Jalette said she was not aware of a reason why all four plats couldn’t be re-zoned, but added that she had not researched the other parcels.

“Generally speaking, I don’t think that there would be much of a hazard of re-zoning those. I would just say that, like I said, I haven’t done the research on the adjacent parcels like I did on this,” she said.

Board Chair Philip Damicis said he had reservations about amending the zoning.

“I would have preferred to have maintained the conservation restrictions on the property because it is 29 acres, and like I said, I don’t want to set a precedent for ‘yeah it’s 30 acres, we’re going to put this whatever that’s necessary and re-zone it,’ then we’ve lost all restrictions on that property.”


Member Peter Burton made a motion to send the proposed changes to a public hearing. Before the board’s unanimous approval, Madnick said he wanted to have a representative from Northeast Water Solutions present at the hearing to answer questions, and the other members agreed.

Council Appoints Chariho Building Committee Members

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

March 21st 2024

Editor’s note: this is a longer read than most of our posts, but there was a lot of information at the two meetings that we felt our readers should know.

RICHMOND – Town Council members, at Tuesday’s meeting, chose three residents to serve on the Chariho Building Committee. They also made two appointments, Karen Reynolds to the town’s 250th Semi Quincentennial Commission and Stephen Swallow, as a Republican Alternate to the Board of Canvassers.

At a workshop that took place before the council meeting, council members and residents learned about federal flood mitigation and property buyout programs


The Building Committee


The Chariho Act requires each of the towns in the Chariho Regional School District to appoint three residents to the Chariho Building Committee. Approved at the Chariho Annual Finance Meeting on March 5, the Building Committee will oversee the construction of three new school buildings, should voters approve the construction bond in the May 7 referendum.

Three School Committee members have already been named to the Building Committee; Richmond member, Karen Reynolds, Craig Louzon of Charlestown and Tyler Champlin of Hopkinton. 

Seven residents submitted their names for consideration as representatives of the town: William Day, Daniel Madnick, Nancy Pirnie, Andrea Baranyk, Ryan Calahan, and Albert Robar III. Patricia Pouliot, who serves on the School Committee, withdrew her name after Town Solicitor Christopher Zangari provided a legal opinion suggesting she might be perceived as having a conflict of interest.

“You’re setting yourself up for a potential problem,” he said.

Councilor Samantha Wilcox said she was more concerned with possible issues with an applicant, such as a School Committee member, who held an elected position, than someone who had been appointed to a body like the Planning Board.

After hearing from each candidate, the council chose Madnick, an engineer and Vice Chair of the Planning Board, Baranyk, an architect who also sits on the Planning Board, and with councilors Michael Colasante and Helen Sheehan opposed, former school committee member and project manager, Ryan Callahan.




The Amtrak Bypass


The council approved Richmond’s support of a Charlestown resolution, presented by council President Mark Trimmer, opposing any planned revival of the Amtrak high speed rail bypass.


Accessory Dwelling Units


After hearing from state Rep. Megan Cotter, (D-Richmond, Exeter, Hopkinton) who attended Tuesday’s meeting, Trimmer withdrew his resolution supporting Hopkinton’s opposition to House Bill 7062, which pertains to accessory dwelling units, or ADUs. 

A homeowner would have the right, under state law, to develop an ADU within an existing home, or on a lot larger than 20,000 square feet. The ADU would have to conform to building codes and infrastructure requirements.

Cotter said ADUs would be especially beneficial to seniors who want to remain in their homes.

“One of the things that I just really want to point out to the council is that 730 homes in Richmond, right now, are cost-burdened,” she said. “There are seniors that really want to stay in their homes in Richmond. …This is the AARP’s Number one bill in the legislative session. It will really, really help our seniors to stay in their homes.”

Cotter also noted that the ADUs would bring Richmond, which currently has 3.45% affordable housing, none of it specifically for seniors, closer to the state-mandated 10% affordable housing goal.

“They count for half a credit towards your affordable housing goal, and there’s zero affordable housing in Richmond for the elderly,” she said. “…and it’s actually a very unique bill this year. A lot of youth groups - this is also the number one bill that they’re pushing…A lot of our young people are leaving, because they can’t afford to stay here.”

Council Vice President Richard Nassaney said ADUs could benefit the town.

“I don’t think this should be looked at as a negative,” he said. “I’ve looked at it closely, and I’ve thought about it for a long time. This can be a good thing for us, because it will get the state off our back and not having them tell us what we’re going to do with our town.”

Cotter noted that once Richmond had reached its 10% affordable goal, it could then deny additional applications.

Town Planner Talia Jalette said the council should be aware of two additional issues with affordable housing.

“The 10% of affordable housing is not 10% and you’re necessarily done,” she said. “It’s 10% of the housing stock that you have in your municipality that is affordable, and that changes. That fluctuates greatly, depending upon deed restrictions, sometimes, if you have a group home, the group home beds, each count as a unit, so if you have a group home that goes under, you’re losing those units, so it’s very difficult to permanently achieve 10% of affordable housing stock.”

Jalette added that affordable housing is not just for people receiving assistance.

“… I would be eligible for low to moderate income housing as an employee of the town of Richmond, so that’s to kind of put it in perspective of the kinds of people who are going to be living in these kinds of units. It’s largely workforce-related housing. It’s young people. It’s seniors,” she said

After learning more about ADUs and how they would benefit residents, Trimmer said he would “defer to the experts,” and withdrew his request to support Hopkinton’s resolution.


New Carpet, Can of Worms


Town Administrator Karen Pinch asked the council to approve the allocation of $65,000 of the town’s remaining American Rescue Plan Act, or ARPA funds to replace the worn carpeting in the Town Hall.

Colasante asked Pinch if the town would go out to bid for the project.

Pinch said the town could solicit bids from companies that are on the state’s Master Price Agreement, meaning they have already been vetted.

“It wouldn’t take as long,” she said. “It wouldn’t be as labor-intensive at our end.”

Colasante replied,

“Personally, in my business, I never go to a prospective vendor and tell them how much I have to spend,” he said.

“We would never do that,” Pinch said.

Colasante continued,

“Well, you just said $65,000, so you already, before you even go out to RFP, if they watched this public meeting, you’ve already let the cat out of the bag that we have up to $65,000 to spend.”

Trimmer interjected,

“She did that for informational purposes to us,” he said.

Wilcox said she didn’t feel that carpeting would an appropriate use for the town’s remaining ARPA money.

“I know we don’t have a lot left, but I’d like to do something better with what’s left of the ARPA money, so I’ll be voting against it,” she said.

With Wilcox opposed, the council approved the allocation of the funds for the carpeting.


Historic Cemeteries


Karen Pinch told the council that a resident who has a historical cemetery on their property had inquired about a tax abatement.

“Westerly and Burrillville have abatements of $100 per cemetery,” she said. “There are currently 97 of those in Richmond.”

State law allows cities and towns to pass ordinances giving property tax abatements to owners of parcels with historic cemeteries. The abatement is intended to cover expenses pertaining to the repair and maintenance of the cemeteries.  

Council members had a lot of questions. Wilcox asked who would check to ensure the cemeteries were being maintained. Trimmer said his concern was that property owners receiving tax abatements would have to grant access to the cemeteries.

Sheehan said she had lived on a property with a historic cemetery and agreed with Trimmer that the public had access to it.

“Because it’s a historical cemetery, people, they have a legal access to it. I believe that is Rhode Island state law,” she stated.

However, it is a misconception that property owners must allow public access to historic cemeteries on their land.

The Burrillville and Westerly ordinances require the property owner to grant the town access so those towns can verify that maintenance has been done. Property owners who fail to preserve the cemeteries for which they are receiving the tax abatements will forfeit those abatements.

John Peixinho, one of the founders of the BRVCA, who restored the historic Samuel Clarke Farm, which has two historic cemeteries on the property, said it was important to clarify statements made at the council meeting.

“While some cemeteries are owned by the town and can therefore be accessed by the public, privately owned land is privately owned land and trespassing on private property is against the law,” he said. “In my case, lineal family members associated with the cemeteries have a deeded easement, and we have a shared interest in seeing that the graves and walls are preserved and maintained appropriately. And, if a scholar or researcher has a demonstrated interest, they can always contact me for access.  Otherwise, the public should understand they are trespassing on private property.”

Zangari will draft an ordinance for the council’s consideration.


Flood Mitigation


With flooding a reoccurring problem in some neighborhoods and climate change resulting in more frequent, extreme weather events, the town held a workshop Tuesday before the regular Town Council meeting to learn more about flooding mitigation programs.

Presenting the workshop were Gina Fuller, District Manager for the Southern Rhode Island Conservation District and Mike Viola, an engineer with the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service.

“We think this is a great watershed for your PL566, which is a nationwide program where NRCS works with the sponsors, which are all the municipalities within the watershed, and Richmond was one of the original municipalities to sign on, on this effort, joining together to develop a 50-year watershed maintenance and operations program,” Fuller said.

“These are large infrastructure projects that help improve the resiliency of your municipalities and help you accomplish major infrastructure programs.”

Fuller and Viola presented a second federal initiative, the Emergency Watershed Protection Program, that funds the improvement and restoration of infrastructure and is also used for buy-outs of homes in areas that experience repeated flooding. Projects undergo cost-benefit analyses to ensure that they are economically and environmentally feasible.

The government refers to towns that join that program as “project sponsors.”

“NRCS may provide project sponsors with up to 75% of the following items: the fair market value, based on an appraisal of the property, relocation costs, and the site restoration costs,” Fuller said.

Colasante, who has frequently stated that Richmond has too much protected open space, suggested that protection be removed from some parcels and swapped with flood prone land.

“Richmond has a vast resource of land that DEM has in their control, the state, and actually, even the town, and I floated this idea with a few people, basically doing a land swap,” he said. “The land in Valley Lodge, DEM would take it back over let Mother Nature do her thing, and there’s 40, 50, maybe 100 acres out of the 12,000 that we have in perpetuity here in Richmond and we can do a land swap so that all these residents that are in a flood zone, we could do a land swap with either DEM, the state or the town, move these people to high, dry land, and give them fair market value for their home.”

Fuller replied that she had several reservations about land swaps.

“I think it’s something that would need a lot of work and discussion,” she said. “I don’t know if you’ve engaged DEM at all. I would caution you on that, just because of the way lands are often put into conservation easement, especially with the state, because there’s stipulations on what they can and cannot do.”

Jalette later added,

“The most important thing to understand about how a land swap would work is that oftentimes, when land is donated for a particular purpose, it’s going to only be allowed to be used for that purpose,” she said.

Fuller urged the town to sign on to the program as soon as possible.

“If there’s anyone in the Valley Lodge area or the areas that have recently experienced flooding in Richmond, that is interested in a buyout, it is extremely important that the town decide that they sign on as a sponsor as soon as possible, because that’s the lever that opens the door for anyone in the community to participate in this voluntary program. It doesn’t force anyone.”

The council will now consider joining the program.

EDC Members to Visit Shannock Mill Project

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

March 19th 2024

RICHMOND – Members of the Economic Development Commission will visit Shannock Mill on April 6 to meet with developer Jeffrey Marlowe and learn more about the project.

This is a new initiative for the commission, and a possible reflection of the changes in its membership following the resignations of most of the members last December. The only original members still serving are Peter Burton, the group’s Chair, and commission clerk, David Woodmansee. Those who resigned, former Chair Bryan LeBeau, Vice Chair B. Joseph Reddish, and members Louise Dinsmore and Joan Kent, cited a lack of support from the Town Council as their reason for leaving.

Burton, who is also a member of the Planning Board, is enthusiastic about his new role as commission Chair, and there are two new members, Fire Chief and former Public Works Director, Scott Barber, and James Brear.

Burton said he had heard about Marlowe’s project and wanted to learn more about it.

“He’s done a wonderful job,” he said. “He’s done the heavy lifting with remediation of that property and he has the vision, and he’s sticking with it, despite all the significant roadblocks. I want to meet this guy. I want to see what he’s doing. This is fantastic. This stuff checks all the boxes of what we want in this town.”

Marlowe, who bought the mill buildings in 2020, has received three grants from the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management to remediate contamination at the site. He is still removing oil-contaminated soil from the former industrial site, while planning a mixed - use development, with small businesses and 14 housing units, four of which will be affordable.

Marlowe said he was “pleasantly surprised” to hear from Burton and looked forward to showing visitors around.

“It’s an opportunity for both the EDC and the Shannock Mill project to work together on economic development in Richmond,” he said. “We benefit from having any EDC cooperation, partnering on the project and two, it’s maybe something that we can both get a little more exposure from.”

Burton said he hoped there would be a way the town to support the project.

“Mr. Marlowe has kept going despite repeated roadblocks, and I’d like the town to be a partner with him and stick with it, also,” he said.

While Burton said it was important to continue to encourage new businesses to come to Richmond, he also believed that the commission should broaden its scope.

“… It would be a mistake to imply that this focus is one solely directed towards lowering property tax rates,” he said. “This is important for sure, but highlighting existing and up-and-coming businesses is every bit as important. They are the true backbone of the community. By publicizing what Richmond already has, perhaps the EDC can make Richmond look more attractive to current and future businesses alike. This will do more than a slogan stating that ‘Richmond is open for business.’ We need to show it, not just say it.”

Commission members will be meeting Marlowe at 9 a.m. at the site of one of the future small businesses, a restaurant, at 1660 Shannock Road. The public is also welcome to join the tour.

School Committee Adopts Budget, Cuts Hope Valley Kindergarten

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

March 13th 2024

WOOD RIVER JUNCTION – With five members opposed, a seven-member majority of the Chariho School Committee voted at Tuesday’s meeting to adopt the Fiscal Year 2024-25 budget. The period for amendments has now ended, and the next step will be to present it to voters.

After the drama generated by both the possible closing of Hope Valley Elementary School and the proposed school construction bond, the three-and-a-half hour meeting, which took place in the high school library, remained civil. As a small group of residents watched, with a few offering their comments, committee members discussed ways they could make further cuts to the budget and relieve the burden on taxpayers in the three towns.

During this final opportunity to make revisions, some items, such as the $434,000 that the committee had restored to Hope Valley School at a previous meeting, were cut from the spending plan. The final budget total, before state aid, is $58,341,117.

The most significant new budget reduction, and the first step in the district’s plan to phase out Hope Valley School, is the elimination of next year’s kindergarten at the school, which will save the district $434,834. 

“There will be no kindergarteners enrolled at Hope Valley next year,” Committee President Catherine Giusti said. “…I think that it was important to listen to the recommendation of the Superintendent, and she wanted us to start with phasing out kindergarten first.”


Other Changes


The committee approved the reduction of the district’s fund balance, or surplus, by $152,000, from 2.5% to 2%, leaving a surplus of $1.2 million. One school bus will also be cut, saving $80,000.

Charlestown member Andrew McQuaide proposed the fund balance reduction.

“In this instance, while I don’t believe ultimately long term it’s an advisable strategy, I would be open to reducing the fund balance and just wanted to have this conversation and hear where folks are at,” he said.

The committee also approved three additions to the budget, a total of $330,000: A teacher for children in the care of the Rhode Island Department of Children Youth and Families, or DCYF, at $75,000, a 2.5%, or $165,000 increase in employee healthcare costs, and one preschool teacher, at $90,000 including benefits.

“If a child is under the care of DCYF, then we need to be able to provide education for them, and it doesn’t always mean they’re staying in Chariho for education,” Giusti explained.

The increase in health care will offset cuts made to the current budget which were later determined to be too deep.

“That’s to offset the losses that we’re anticipating this year because were too severe in our cuts to that budgetary item last year,” Giusti said.

The additional preschool teacher’s assignment is still to be determined.

“It depends on what the enrollment looks like for preschool,” she said.


Tough Choices


As Chariho prepares to submit the proposed budget to voters in a referendum on April 9, residents will also decide whether to support a proposed bond that would authorize the district to borrow up to $150 million to build three new elementary schools to replace the four aging buildings currently in use.  That referendum will take place on May 7.

However, there will be big changes in the district regardless of whether voters approve the proposed budget or the bond. Richmond member Jessica Purcell acknowledged the difficult decision to phase out Hope Valley School.

“I just want to say it’s difficult to consider this,” she said. “I understand why it’s on the table and I think it is a strategic and targeted move, considering where we need to go as far as consolidation and having four schools across three towns is proven to not be sustainable, but I do want to acknowledge that it is a difficult discussion and I appreciate the feedback from folks on how they’re feeling.”

Hopkinton member Tyler Champlin said he had held back on expressing his opinion on closing the school, but he felt it was time to publicly state his position.

“I think there’s some confusion amongst, maybe it’s just Hopkinton voters to be 100% honest with you, what I’m hearing, people are saying ‘well, how do we keep Hope Valley open?’ or, ‘if we approve the budget, we keep Hope Valley open.’ Well, no. We’re kind of at that point where we’re between the proverbial rock and a hard place where, if we approve this budget as is, with this cut, Hope Valley K is gone, which is putting us on a path to remove Hope Valley completely, 100%, in the future. While I don’t think that is a wrong path, and the most fiscally responsible path, it’s hard to swallow for a lot of folks.”

Champlin also noted that rejecting the budget would only hasten the complete closure of Hope Valley School.

“Now, you’re just shooting yourself further in the foot, because, if we reject the budget, we’re heading down a path to level funding, which means Hope Valley closes totally next year.”

Superintendent of Schools Gina Picard reminded the committee that Hope Valley School had been considered for closure since the 1990s, and that in preparing the budget, she had tried to impact the fewest students. Up to 36 children will have to enter kindergarten in other Chariho schools in the fall.

“I do think that it’s a better plan to phase out K, so everyone has a chance to sort of digest this and move slowly to a plan,” she said.

Picard added that she could not make any decisions on kindergarten enrollment until she had a decision from the School Committee.

“In the end, I can’t create a plan without a commitment and a decision from the School Committee,” she said. “So, at your pleasure, you have to tell me what to do.”

Giusti said she was concerned that some residents continued to believe that a way would be found to save Hope Valley School.

“There seem to be people who think there’s a magic bullet to keep Hope Valley open forever, and there just is not,” she said. “That is the reality and it’s an unfortunate reality. …We’re trying to do it in a mindful way.”

A few parents expressed sadness and frustration that their children would be attending other Chariho schools, but one woman, describing herself as a teacher at Richmond Elementary School, offered some encouragement.

“As much as I don’t want Hope Valley to phase out, it just doesn’t make sense to add that money back,” she said. “…Phasing Hope Valley out completely, I know that it’s emotional. I will take care of your kids if they come to Richmond.”


Building Committee

Three members from the School Committee, one from each town, will serve on the Building Committee, which is required by the state as part of the school building process. They will work under the guidance of a state-appointed project manager and an architect. Craig Louzon, of Charlestown, will serve with Tyler Champlin of Hopkinton and Karen Reynolds, from Richmond. The towns will each name one additional representative. 


Fiscal Reality

Giusti said the day after the meeting that she would like residents to understand that even if they reject the bond, Hope Valley School is slated for closure.

“I am concerned that people are not going to understand the fiscal reality of voting against the bond,” she said. “I think now that the budget is done, I’m hopeful that we can have more targeted bond conversations so that people understand it a little bit better.”

Council Approves Water Fee Increase

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

March 8th 2024

RICHMOND – During a public hearing during Tuesday’s Town Council meeting, council members approved amendments to the water system ordinance that will raise the fees for the 294 residents whose homes are connected to the town water line.

Finance Director Laura Kenyon explained the proposed revisions, which will add a capital improvement charge of $80 per year, or $20 per quarter to water bills, are necessary in order to pay back the $300,000 bond for water system improvements that voters approved at the 2021 Financial Town Meeting.

Reading the revised ordinance, Kenyon said,

“Each customer shall pay a capital improvement charge of $80 per year, beginning on July 1 2024 and continuing each year until the $300,000 revenue bond to be issued in 2024 is paid in full,” she said. “One quarter of the annual fee will be added to each quarterly water bill. The final year’s billing shall be adjusted to account for payment in full of the bond. The fee shall be assessed against each existing customer as of July 1, 2024 and each new customer added thereafter.”

The council, in a unanimous vote, accepted the amendments.


Municipal Court


Previous Town Councils have considered a municipal court for Richmond, similar to the municipal courts in Hopkinton and Charlestown. The latest proposal was introduced by council member Samantha Wilcox, who cited an Aug. 2022 memorandum on the subject written by former Town Planner, Shaun Lacey.

“This was something that was recommended by staff, looked into by a prior council,” she said. “They ended up deciding that coming so close to an election, they would let us decide, but timing is such that it’s coming to the table now.”

Councilor Helen Sheehan said that she recalled that the previous Town Solicitor, Karen Ellsworth, had said that a municipal court would not generate any additional income. She asked what the advantage of the town having its own court might be.

Town Council President Mark Trimmer said when he served on a previous council, members voted against a municipal court.

“I know back in 2018, when I was on the council, we voted it down because we felt it would just add more work for certain town employees,” he said.

Wilcox said the current town staff supported a municipal court.

“It’s not necessarily a money-maker, but it helps us enforce the rules that we already have,” she said.

Town Solicitor Christopher Zangari said a municipal court would likely be revenue neutral, but would have several advantages.

“Having a municipal court is really convenient for the citizens,” he said. “That’s on the [traffic] ticket side. On the housing side, there’s a bigger advantage. There’s a savings, in that you have local access to a local municipal court judge. You don’t have a filing fee of $187 in Superior Court. You don’t have service by a constable…You don’t have to pay me to go to Washington County Superior Court, and I wait, and housing code violations in Superior Court, obviously they get a fair shake, but you’re lower on the list. If there’s someone coming in from the ACI, they come first.”

Zangari also noted that a municipal court would give the town more control over things that are important to residents.

“You can address that trash in a neighbor’s yard or the three unregistered vehicles when you’re only allowed to have two, … and you can increase, potentially, the quality of life that you have by enforcing your ordinances more robustly,” he said.

Councilor Michael Colasante said he was concerned that a municipal court might open the door to traffic ticket quotas.

“As the solicitor said, the generating part is going to be the police end of it, and again, I don’t want to get a phone call, Chief, I know you won’t do this, but you know, the tongue in cheek is, ‘guys, we gotta tag people because revenue is down and we’re in the red this month and we gotta generate some tickets,’” he said.

“We enforce the law,” Police Chief Elwood Johnson responded. “The officers, I’m not telling these guys when to write a ticket.”

Colasante said three members of his family were in law enforcement.

“I’m just saying, just to protect you, like I would protect my relatives, all right? who are in law enforcement, that, you know, you don’t need that extra perception of, you know, having to cover the force because last month we were in the black, so this month, we have to be in the red kind of deal, and then they see a spike in ticket-generating revenue.”

Johnson replied,

“I appreciate what you’re saying and frankly, I have complete faith in our personnel to uphold the law, do the right thing and not try to fill coffers with the idea of generating more revenue by writing more tickets. It’s not what I see happening.”

Council Vice President Richard Nassaney said he had observed police officers using their discretion in issuing traffic tickets, and he described the implication that they might increase ticketing as insulting.

“These guys are professional,” he said. “They are not here to make the budget. They’re there to protect and they do an amazing job, and to say anything otherwise, quite honestly, is an insult to our officers that protect us.”

Wilcox made a motion, which the council approved, to ask Kenyon to prepare a staff report on the financial costs and personnel that would be involved if the town were to have a municipal court.





Johnson recounted a recent DUI arrest following a car crash on Feb. 10 near Richmond Elementary School.

“A westbound vehicle, coming down the hill, heading towards that curve that bears right, failed to negotiate that curve,” Johnson said. “A vehicle traveling eastbound, a woman from West Warwick in a much smaller vehicle, he was in a Ford Explorer, she was in a small sedan, I think it was a Saturn, he crosses the double yellow lines and hits her head-on.”

The crash did not result in serious injuries, but the officer at the scene determined that the operator of the SUV, who admitted to taking his eyes off the road to look at his phone, was intoxicated, having failed field sobriety tests administered at the scene.


Town Administrator Karen Pinch requested and received approval from the council to promote Department of Public Works employee Robert Doucette to the position of Superintendent. Doucette replaces Gary Robar, who was recently named Director of the department.

Pinch also asked the council to approve $25,000 in American Rescue Plan Act, or ARPA, funds for a new Town Hall Sign. The sign, made of wood, will include an LED display of town events, replacing the sandwich board the town currently uses.

The council also approved the lowest of four bids to purchase a new truck for the public works department. The winning bid, for $206, 551, was submitted by Freightliner of Hartford Inc.

Residents Voice Concerns, but Still Approve Building Committee at Chariho Budget Hearing

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

March 6th 2024

WOOD RIVER JUNCTION – The annual public hearing Tuesday evening on the Chariho School District budget was so sparsely attended that it took an additional half hour to round up the quorum of 75 voters required for the hearing to begin.

“We didn’t have a quorum until it was, probably, 8 o’clock,” School Committee Chair Catherine Giusti said.

The committee heard comments about the proposed Fiscal Year 2024-25 schools budget, and also received residents’ approvals of the formation of a Building Committee and the allocation of $15,000 to that committee. The hearing lasted about 52 minutes.

“The public budget meeting is something mandated by the Chariho Act, that we have to hold every year,” Giusti said. “Complicating the meeting last night, we then had to vote on forming a Building Committee that would start working on the building project, should the bond pass, and we also had to vote on giving a stipend to the Building Committee should they have expenses before the bond is finalized.”

The proposed bond would authorize the district to borrow up to $150 million to build three new elementary schools to replace the four aging buildings currently in use. At the Feb. 6 Richmond Town Council meeting, council members, with Council Vice President Richard Nassaney and councilor Samantha Wilcox opposed, approved a resolution opposing the bond proposal.

Several residents at the hearing expressed their opposition to the bond, but there were no outbursts. The next day, however, Giusti called out Richmond Republicans for what she described as their apparent resistance to the bond referendum.

“The Richmond Republicans and the Forgotten Taxpayers [political action committee] who seem to be the same group, don’t seem to want the bond to go before the voters,” she said. “And that signals to me that they don’t trust the voters. We saw this when they illegally appointed the head of the Forgotten Taxpayers, Clay Johnson, to the vacant School Committee seat. If they had listened to the will of the voters then, they could have saved Richmond taxpayers over $20,000 in legal fees and unnecessary angst.”


The Residents Speak


Several people told the committee at the hearing that they supported the budget.

Former School Committee member Ronald Areglado, of Charlestown, suggested that towns whose share of the Chariho budget is larger, namely Hopkinton and Richmond, should acknowledge that enrollment increases in those towns are due to continued development. The towns’ shares of the Chariho budget are determined by their school enrollment figures.

“There are variables that really drive this budget and it’s called students,” he said. “If you look at the population trends of the three towns, you’ll discover there’s a disproportionate number of people moving to certain towns as opposed to others. That is a cost consideration that cannot be underestimated or overlooked.”

Some residents said the district didn’t need new schools.

“Children don’t learn from a building, they learn from dedicated teachers,” one Hopkinton man told the committee. “We’ve got a lot of great leaders in this country who grew up in a one-room school house and got a great education. Our taxes are going through the roof. Time’s up.”


Residents approved the formation of the Building Committee. They also approved the transfer of $15,000 from the fund balance in the district’s current budget to cover the committee’s initial expenses.

During the discussion of the Building Committee, Richmond Town Council member Michael Colasante attempted to describe capital project budget overruns in other cities and towns.

“The Building Committee, that’s going to be their scope. What concerns me is that the building committees, what I see in other towns, it’s really outside the scope and the expertise of a lot of these folks,” he said, before moderator Charles Beck stopped him.

“I don’t think that’s pertaining to the formation of the committee,” Beck said.

Colasante persisted.

“What I want to say about the Building Committee is, I’ve seen in the other towns, they’ve tried and they’ve been $30 million over budget, $40 million over budget. You’re going to develop a Building Committee, and my concern is what is the expertise of these folks?” he said.

Superintendent of Schools Gina Picard explained that the Building Committee, comprising representatives from the School Committee and the three towns, would be required by the state to work under the guidance of a state-appointed architect and project manager.


More Hope Valley School Drama


Residents intent on preserving Hope Valley Elementary School are still fighting to keep Hopkinton’s second elementary school open. The School Committee has voted to add $437,000 back into the Chariho budget for the maintenance of the school.  In a new development, about a week ago, Hopkinton residents found cards in their mailboxes asking them to contribute to a legal defense fund which would pay Westerly attorney Kelly Fracassa to sue the school district for cancelling two kindergarten classes at Hope Valley School. The text on the card claims that the cancellations constitute a violation of the Chariho Act. It is not known who composed or sent the post cards.

Chariho administrators have stated that the classes were cancelled because of declining enrollment, which the message on the card disputes.

“Declining enrollment? Not in kindergarten,” the text reads. “36 parents with preschoolers were shocked to learn at one recent meeting, their preschoolers would not be attending kindergarten. No plan was presented. The parents still do not know what school their young children will attend.”

Asked about the postcards, Guisti, a Hope Valley resident, said she had received one and was disturbed that no one had claimed responsibility for the initiative.

“I’m fascinated that they expect people to send money to this lawyer without ever saying ‘this is who’s asking you to send money,’” she said.

Fracassa did not respond to a request for comment.


Hope Valley School Will Close Anyway


On March 12, the School Committee will make the final changes to the budget and vote on adopting it. The budget referendum is on April 9.

Guisti said she was expecting that the $437,000 that was added back into the budget for Hope Valley School, (raising the property tax rate in Richmond) would end up being cut from the final spending plan. Hope Valley School, she said, would be closing, regardless of whether the bond passes in the May 7 referendum.

“It’s sad for me, my little hometown place, but there’s no way we can afford it. There’s just no way,” she said.

Police Arrest Hopkinton Man in Explosives Incident

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

March 4th 2024

HOPKINTON – More than 100 people called the Hopkinton Police early Sunday evening to report several loud explosions that originated in Hopkinton but were heard as far away as Richmond, Charlestown and Westerly. As the volume of calls quickly overwhelmed the telephone lines, including the 911 emergency line, police located the source of the explosions and arrested Clark’s Falls resident, Daniel Bill.


A Flood of Calls


Hopkinton Police Chief Mark Carrier said the town posted an appeal on social media on Sunday evening, assuring residents that they were safe and asking them not to call the police.

“At 5:26 on a Sunday afternoon our dispatch received over 100 phone calls in a short amount of time,” he said. “We are a small community, small dispatch center. We have one person working two phone lines, and also a 911 line. Every single phone line was lit up. This poor dispatcher working that night, he couldn’t answer the phone fast enough.”

Carrier noted that residents needing emergency assistance were unable to get through because the volume of calls about the explosions had jammed the phone lines.

“Anybody else that’s needing any type of assistance, they’re having a heart attack, an accident, how are you going to call in when we’re getting bombarded,” he said. “It was so problematic that we asked our social media guy, Detective [John] Forbes to put up a post. He was off. …That’s why that posting was put up, not to say ‘hey listen, don’t bother us. It’s Sunday afternoon. We’re trying to watch TV.’ It’s because he legitimately couldn’t answer the phone fast enough.”

Police traced the explosions to a farm at 34 Clark’s Falls Road, where they arrested 20-year-old Daniel Bill.

“We had probable cause, right away last night, to make an arrest,” Carrier said Monday. “We arrested a 20-year-old resident, Daniel Bill, and we’re charging him with one count of felony detonating of explosive devices. …With the assistance of the Rhode Island State Fire Marshall’s Office and the Rhode Island Bomb Squad and the Ashaway Fire Department, there were no injuries, gladly to report, no property damage, gladly to report. This is a farm, which is a good thing, but the problem I have as the Police Chief is, when you’re setting off explosive devices that are so powerful that people in Westerly and Charlestown and Richmond are hearing it and everybody has to call 911 to figure out what that was,  and make sure everybody is safe, it’s going to the extreme.”



What is Tannerite?


Invented by Daniel Jeremy Tanner in 1996, Tannerite is legal in Rhode Island, and can be purchased by people over the age of 18. It is what is known as a “binary explosive,” because it is not explosive on its own, and must be struck by a high-velocity bullet to detonate. It is sometimes used at shooting ranges to make targets explode.

“How you detonate Tannerite, is, by the manufacturer’s recommendations, is to shoot a projectile into it,” Carrier said. “Tannerite has been out for a number of years. I am sure Tannerite has been used in the Town of Hopkinton a number of times throughout the years.”


Incident Still Under Investigation


Sunday’s incident begs the question, if Tannerite has been used before in Hopkinton, why did it provoke such a reaction this time?

“I would say that the individuals using this weren’t following the manufacturer’s recommendations of usage,” Carrier said. “It’s still under investigation with the state Fire Marshall’s office, the Bomb Squad and our detectives. … There’s no way we’d get that many calls on that substance. It had to be used with something to make the effects a little more. There’s a number of ways you can do that.”


Daniel Bill was arraigned and released on $1,000 personal recognizance. He was not alone at the time of his arrest, and Carrier said others might be charged.


“The investigation is ongoing and it’s possible more arrests are going to come of this,” he said.

Modest Tax Increase in Proposed Town Budget

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

February 29th 2024

RICHMOND – The process of preparing the town’s budget has begun, and it will be the budget exercise for Finance Director Laura Kenyon, who recently announced that she will be retiring in May. Kenyon has served as the town’s Finance Director for five years.


Dubbed the “Town Administrator” budget, because Town Administrator Karen Pinch will present it to the Town Council, the Fiscal year 2024-25 spending plan is far from final. Members of the town’s Finance Board held their first meeting to discuss the proposed budget only recently, on Feb. 26.


Municipal vs Chariho


The budget has two distinct components: municipal, which the town controls and education, over which it has little control.

“Very little has changed on the municipal side of the budget on the expense side,” Kenyon said. “The Chariho budget, the town has very little say as to what the dollar amounts are going to be, so we just put those into our budget.”

The Chariho budget is expected to change. The amount of state aid to the school district will not be known until the General Assembly approves the state budget in June. In addition, the outcome of a proposal to borrow up to $150 million to build three new elementary schools to replace the district’s four aging school buildings is in doubt, facing stiff opposition, particularly in Richmond and Hopkinton.

Richmond’s proposed budget contains just under $22 million for schools, an increase of $233,799 over the current year. Recently, however, the school committee added funds back into the Chariho budget for repairs to Hope Valley Elementary School, so Kenyon said the final figures are still to be determined.

“They’re still not set in stone,” she said. “We’re still waiting for the Governor’s budget to be approved, and we’re still waiting for the School Committee and the residents to vote on the school budget.”


Property Taxes


The proposed budget contained good news for homeowners, a decrease in the property tax rate, from the current rate of $14.75 to $14.68. But that changed when the School Committee returned $437,000 to the Chariho budget for repairs to Hope Valley Elementary School. That amendment will result in a slight increase in the property tax rate, to $14.80.

Disgruntled taxpayers have stated, incorrectly, that taxes have increased by 80% over the past decade.

After conducting an analysis of town budgets from 2012 to 2024, Kenyon said it was important to make a distinction between the municipal budget as a whole, and that portion that comes from property taxes. While municipal budgets have increased by 81%, taxes have increased by only 29%.

“The municipal budget has increased from $4.2 million in Fiscal year 12 to $7.7 million in 2024, which is an increase of $3.5 million, or 81%, however, revenue from taxes has gone from $15.8 million to $20.3 million for an increase of $4.5 million, which is a 29 % increase in taxes,” Kenyon said.

“The taxes haven’t gone up that much,” Town Council President Mark Trimmer added. “It’s unfortunate for the town employees that the wages haven’t gone up that much, either. The only advantage we have to offer anyone is that it’s a low-stress environment, and that’s changed with the new politics in town, which is really unfortunate. And so, we’re going to continue to lose people.”

Kenyon’s analysis can be viewed on the town’s website under the tab: “Budget Analysis FY-12 to FY-24.”


The Municipal Budget


The municipal budget, at the time of this writing, will be $7.9 million, an increase of $192,789 or 2%. That total includes $1.8 million in state aid, $3.9 million in town taxes, and a fund balance, or surplus, of $309,948, or 16.2%. The town could tap into the fund balance if the expected state aid, either to Chariho or to the town, is significantly reduced, but it is standard practice to maintain a fund balance of two months of reserve, or 16.6%, so there isn’t much leeway.

There have been no new hires, but other factors have contributed to an increase in personnel costs: A 3% cost of living increase on wages, and an increase of 10% in the cost of health and dental benefits.


Operating Expenses


The town has budgeted an additional $8,000 for legal services for the upcoming police contract negotiations, but by far the biggest increase has been the cost of electricity, which has gone from $.06 per kilowatt hour to $.12.

“One of the major increases in this year’s operating budget is the doubling of cost for electricity,” Pinch said.

Pinch also noted that the budget for upcoming elections will also increase.

 “With this being a presidential election year, in addition to local races and referenda, our costs for election officials has increased significantly,” she said. “This is compounded by the mandate for 20 days of early voting for some of these.”

The town’s budget for election officials is $14,050, a 140% increase over the current year. The budget for election supplies, such as ballots, has increased by 200% to $1,500.



Capital Improvement Plan


The capital budget is level funded at $9,570,864.

The budget allocates $2.5 million for road repairs, which are funded by a voter-approved bond. Debt service on the bond is $300,000. The other large capital expenses are $529,694 for public works equipment replacement and $102, 847 for the replacement of police vehicles.


Trimmer said he was grateful to town employees for keeping expenses down.

“It’s a very lean budget…and I feel that our town employees are incredibly responsible and frugal when it comes to spending money,” he said. “With unfunded [state] mandates, it does cost more to run a town than it used to, but we’ve found work-arounds and we still run like a small town, which is a good thing.”


The Budget Timeline


March 5: Public hearing, Chariho Budget

April 9: Chariho budget referendum

April 10: Town Council budget workshop

April 16: Budget public hearing

May 7: School bond referendum

May 8: Budget public hearing

June 3: Richmond budget referendum

Nassaney Ethics Complaint Tossed, Colasante Probe Extended

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

February 27th 2024

PROVIDENCE – Members of the Rhode Island Ethics Commission voted during the executive session of their Feb. 27 meeting to dismiss a complaint against Town Council Vice President Richard Nassaney. They also voted to extend the investigation period for a complaint against council member Michael Colasante, in order to investigate in greater depth the allegations against him.


The Nassaney Complaint


The commission’s Feb. 8, 2024 Investigative Report, summarizes the complaint by Nell Carpenter in Sept. 2023.

Carpenter alleged that Nassaney had violated the Rhode Island Code of Ethics when he participated in council discussions regarding a complaint to the town by Pasquale Farms Garden Center against the electrical inspector at the time, Jeffrey Vaillancourt.

The violation involved Nassaney’s bottled sauces, and his sale, in Oct. 2022, of two cases of the sauce to Pasquale Farms to sell at the garden center.


The Vaillancourt Connection


Pasquale Farms’ owner, Lauren Pasquale, and her husband Frank, first encountered Vaillancourt when they decided to expand their operation and required an electrical inspection in order to obtain a license from the town to hold music and food truck events.

Frank Pasquale complained to the town that Vaillancourt had used vulgar language and made inappropriate comments when he went to the garden center to discuss the upgrades. Pasquale asked the town to assign another inspector, and the town sent Michael Rosso, who issued the permit for the required minor electrical upgrades.

(It should be noted that following additional complaints about his comportment, Vaillancourt was dismissed at the Jan. 30, 2024 council meeting. Rosso is now the town’s Electrical Inspector.)

The Town Council discussed Pasquale Farms matter, as well as a second complaint about Vaillancourt from another local business, during the executive session of the June 6, 2023 council meeting. When the council returned to open session, councilor Samantha Wilcox made a motion, which Nassaney seconded, to terminate Vaillancourt. But after further discussion, Nassaney seconded another motion, made by Michael Colasante, to extend Vaillancourt’s probation rather than dismiss him.


The Ethics Commission’s investigation concluded that the case did not meet the criteria to establish a violation of the Code of Ethics because:

  • Nassaney would have to have an established business relationship with Pasquale Farms during the period in which Vaillancourt’s behavior was called into question and he did not.

  • He would have had to have taken what the commission calls “official action” that would have financially benefitted Pasquale Farms, which he did not take.

  • There was no contract between Nassaney and Pasquale Farms.


The Commission issued the following conclusion, stating that,

 “… no conflict of interest exists when a prior business relationship between a public official and a private party has ended, and there is no ongoing or specific business relationship between the parties. In determining whether a relationship between two parties constitutes an ongoing business association, the Commission examines the nature of the association, the scope of the business dealings between the parties, and whether the parties are conducting ongoing business transactions, have outstanding accounts, or there exists an anticipated future relationship.”


There was no ongoing business relationship between Nassaney and Pasquale Farms on June 6, 2023, when Nassaney participated in a council discussion about Vaillancourt’s conduct at Pasquale Farms.


The Decision


Commission Chair, Marisa Quinn, read the decision when the commission returned to open session.

“The commission voted 6-0 to find that there does not exist probable cause to believe that the respondent, Richard Nassaney, a member of the Richmond Town Council, violated Rhode Island General Laws § 36-14-5(a), 5(d), or Commission regulation 1.2.1(A)(2) by participating in voting in a disciplinary hearing on June 6, 2023 regarding the town’s electrical inspector,” she stated. “The complaint is dismissed, with prejudice.”


(“With prejudice” means that the decision is final and the plaintiff, in this case, Nell Carpenter, cannot file the same complaint again.)


Nassaney said after the hearing that he was relieved to hear the decision.

“Going, in, you’re always concerned, because you never know what the commission is going to say or do,” he said. “But in my heart, I knew I was going to be exonerated.”

Nassaney noted that this was the ninth ethics complaint Carpenter has filed against him, and all of them have been dismissed.


The Colasante Complaint Warrants Further Investigation


The Ethics Commission has 180 days to complete investigations of ethics complaints, but members can approve extensions, if there is “good cause.” In the case of councilor Michael Colasante, the commission has decided that there is good cause, and has chosen to further investigate two complaints, one filed by council President Mark Trimmer and the second by council Vice President Richard Nassaney.


Trimmer’s Complaint Against Colasante


Trimmer’s complaint, filed in Sept. 2023, alleges that former electrical inspector Jeffrey Vaillancourt had an “ongoing business relationship” with Colasante and was doing electrical work at Colasante’s Buttonwoods Road sawmill. Colasante argued that that no money had changed hands, however, the business relationship continued during the period when the council held two disciplinary hearings on Vaillancourt’s behavior, hearings from which Colasante refused to recuse himself, and actively participated and voted.


Nassaney’s Complaint Against Colasante


Filed in Nov. 2023, Nassaney’s complaint states that Colasante had a business relationship with D’Ambra Construction in Aug. 2023, when he voted to award a contract for the paving of North Road to D’Ambra. Not long after the vote, during the first week of September, a truck from Richmond Sand and Stone, a company owned by D’Ambra, delivered material for a retaining wall to Colasante’s property on Buttonwoods Road.


D’Ambra trucks were observed on the Colasante property on Oct. 13, and at the Oct. 17 Town Council meeting, Colasante voted to award another paving contract, this time for Tug Hollow Road, to D’Ambra. On Oct. 18, the day after the paving contract was awarded to D’Ambra, Nassaney’s complaint states the company was observed at Colasante’s Buttonwoods property “installing the retaining wall material and grading his property for a future driveway.”


Commission Chair Marisa Quinn read the decision to extend the investigation beyond 180 days.

“The commission voted 6-0 to find that the record was established that good cause exists and to grant the prosecution’s motion to enlarge time for investigation, first extension of 60 days to May 11, 2024 to conclude the investigation, conduct a probable cause hearing and issue related findings,” she said.

New Rail Study Raises New Fears

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

February 24th 2024

Residents of Southern Rhode Island and Southeastern Connecticut believed that they had prevailed in 2017, after working together to defeat an Amtrak proposal that would have brought tracks through the centers of several historic communities, farms and open space. But the issue of increasing passenger rail speed and capacity remains unresolved, and Amtrak will soon embark on a new study to determine the needs of the region. Despite promises of community engagement, residents and officials still worry that, like the mythical Phoenix, the Kenyon-Old Saybrook bypass may rise again.


Richmond was one of the towns that opposed the bypass route. At the Jan. 17, 2017 Town Council meeting, councilors endorsed neighboring Charlestown’s resolution opposing the plan.

The proposed route of the bypass would have had significant impacts on the Pawcatuck River, now designated by the National Park Service as “Wild and Scenic.” The new tracks would have crossed the Biscuit City fishing area, eliminating both the parking space and river access. Several additional neighborhoods, such as Lewiston Avenue, would have been affected. A more detailed description of the impacts in Richmond can be found here.  

The bypass proposal, opposed by then-Gov. Gina Raimondo, was shelved, but now, a new study has rekindled fears that there will be a renewed effort to route high-speed trains through southern RI.


What is Amtrak Planning?


The Federal Railroad Administration has received up to $4 million in federal funding to conduct the “New Haven to Providence Capacity Planning Study,” or CPS, to find ways to improve rail service and increase rail capacity between New Haven and Providence.  A copy of the introduction to the study, obtained by BRVCA, differentiates the new CPS from the previous, ill-fated study that included the Kenyon – Old Saybrook bypass. This time, the stated goal of the new study will be to minimize “effects on both the natural and human built environments.”

Rhode Island Department of Transportation Director Peter Alviti, who represented Rhode Island during the 2017 study, was opposed to the Kenyon – Old Saybrook bypass proposal. Asked to comment on the new study, RIDOT spokesman Charles St. Martin said requests should be directed to Amtrak, so BRVCA contacted the rail company.

Amtrak’s Senior Public Relations Manager, Jason Abrams, said the Federal Railroad Administration has determined that rail and automobile traffic between the northeastern cities is approaching, or has already returned to pre-COVID levels, and is expected to continue to grow.

“Through the NEC (Northeast Corridor) FUTURE planning process, which was completed in July 2017 with the publication of a Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Record of Decision (ROD), the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has defined a long-term vision for the future role of passenger rail service on the Northeast Corridor (NEC).,” Abrams explained in an emailed response. “This vision supports the projected population and employment growth in the region by upgrading aging infrastructure and expanding capacity along the NEC. To achieve this vision, the FRA has defined an incremental approach which includes the New Haven to Providence CPS as a key component. The CPS will consider both improvements to the existing intercity passenger rail alignment through the study and new alignment segments.”

The introduction to the CPS study states that the new initiative will provide an opportunity to “conduct a robust and inclusive public outreach effort to understand the needs of local communities.”

Abrams confirmed that community engagement in the process would be a priority this time.

“Based on the lessons learned from the prior planning work, the New Haven to Providence CPS will employ an inclusive, innovative approach to outreach and community engagement in partnership with all relevant stakeholders, residents, and businesses,” he said. “The outcome will be a strategy to address the long-term mobility and economic development of the study area while being mindful of critical historical, resiliency, and community development issues. Upon conclusion, a Final Report will be prepared with the results of public outreach and community engagement; the alternatives analysis of potential rail alignment, infrastructure, and operational options between New Haven and Providence; and next steps.”

Abrams also noted that any needed improvements identified during the course of the study would be subjected to further public consultation.

“The implementation of infrastructure improvements identified through this process will be subject to additional planning, design, and community engagement,” he said. “Our intent will be to develop any proposed improvements in close coordination with local communities and stakeholders, to develop solutions that are acceptable to those groups and that attempt to address a wide range of issues. We are committed to making the outreach and planning processes inclusive and continuous to avoid surprising local communities with ideas and concepts that they have not been involved in creating.”


The new study also states that Amtrak does not intend to “return to previously proposed alignments,” which means the controversial 2017 rail proposal is probably dead. Asked whether Amtrak might, in the future, consider reviving the bypass, Abrams said,

“At this point, we have not formally initiated the study and cannot comment on which specific ideas, concepts, and solutions will be included or not included. However, it is important to note that we are aware of the concerns expressed about some of the NEC FUTURE proposals and are determined to learn from the project's history.”


Is the Kenyon-Old Saybrook Bypass Really Dead? What Might Replace it?


In Charlestown, where officials remain wary of Amtrak’s plans, Town Council President Deborah Carney will introduce a resolution at the Feb. 26 Town Council meeting opposing any consideration of a possible revival of the bypass. Carney wrote the resolution with Charlestown dairy farm owner and bypass opponent, Kim Coulter. The old bypass, including a tunnel, would have cut through her farm.

“I pulled the resolution from 2017 and Kim Coulter and I are reviewing it for current relevancy, to see if there’s anything we need to change, or amend in that resolution, and I will put that draft copy, along with the backup information, for the February 26 Town Council, just so we’re officially on the record in stating our opposition to our United States Senators and Representatives to any resurgence of the Old Saybrook-Kenyon bypass,” she said.

Carney noted that Charlestown officials were making an effort to go on record now with their opposition.

“We are remaining very diligent, and trying to stay on top of everything as best we can,” she said. “That’s why we are going officially on the record with our senators and representatives, so if anything comes up, they know this is where we still stand in the process.”


The resolution, which at the time of this publication, was still to be approved by council members, reads in part:

“WHEREAS the scope of this project and the impact of the route on the Town of Charlestown would have: Destroyed dozens of private homes; decimated the historic mill villages of Burdickville, Columbia Heights and Kenyon; crossed land owned by the Narragansett, a federally recognized Indian Tribe; fragmented historic and active farmland; fragmented the Francis Carter Preserve, a major land holding of The Nature Conservancy along the Pawcatuck River; and passed through and/or destroyed numerous publicly and privately owned open space otherwise protected in perpetuity;”

“WHEREAS the Capacity Planning Study is an alternative analysis to identify and evaluate; new potential rail alignment alternatives; improvements to existing rail lines; focused on the project planning phase; an opportunity to conduct a robust and inclusive public outreach effort and to understand the needs of local communities; and WHEREAS the Capacity Planning Study is not a direct continuation of NEC FUTURE. It is not a return to previously proposed alignments; and WHEREAS the Town of Charlestown seeks to make it known to all that the Town is opposed to any revival of the Old Saybrook to Kenyon Bypass.”

“NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Council of the Town of Charlestown hereby opposes a revival of the Old Saybrook to Kenyon Bypass; and a Packet Pg. 91 Attachment: Resolution-FRA-draft (10158 : Resolution Opposing FRA Old Saybrook to Kenyon Bypass) 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to send a copy of this resolution to U.S. Senator Jack Reed, U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Congressman Seth Magaziner, Governor Dan McKee, and Narragansett Indian Tribe Chief Sachem Anthony Dean Stanton.”


Lingering Issues


The original Kenyon-Old Saybrook bypass surprised many residents with the lack of awareness of its significant impacts on the Connecticut towns of Old Lyme, Mystic and Stonington and in Rhode Island, Charlestown, Richmond and Westerly. The bypass was not endorsed in the final Record of Decision, issued in July, 2017, but it is important to keep in mind that solutions for the New Haven to Providence route remain unresolved, and the new CPS, which is expected to begin this spring, will be completed in 18 to 24 months.


Even before the study begins, Amtrak has reiterated its commitment to “continued stakeholder outreach,” and representatives of the communities that might be affected are waiting to be invited to the table.

Charlestown Planning Commission Chair Ruth Platner, who found out about the old bypass proposal while watching the news on television, said that while the bypass had been removed from the final decision, Amtrak was still required to increase its capacity.

“They have to increase capacity, they have to increase speed,” she said. “So, that means that the solution that was in there before, the bypass, was taken out, but nothing was put in its place and the solution that was offered, the problem that it was solving, is still there.”

Platner described two possible alternate routes. One route mostly follows Interstate 95, like the old bypass. The second route goes inland.

“One of the possibilities was the inland route that went from New Haven to Hartford and then to Providence,” she said. “That was also incredibly destructive, in that it would go through western Rhode Island, and the western border of Rhode Island is undeveloped and it’s incredibly important for a wildlife corridor, a climate corridor for wildlife, and it’s currently has a lot of preserved land, so it’s very similar to Charlestown.”

Neither Amtrak nor the Connecticut Department of Transportation appears to favor the inland route, however, Platner said she didn’t know what a rejection of the inland route might mean.

“There’s no information being passed back and forth between the people who are doing the planning and the communities, and that’s what missing,” she said.

Amtrak’s insufficient public outreach in 2016 and 2017 has left residents and officials in eastern Connecticut and southern Rhode Island skittish about what might come next. Although the Capacity Planning Study will not even launch until the spring, Platner said Amtrak should be communicating with stakeholders now.

“I don’t believe that they’re doing anything wrong,” she said. “I have no knowledge that anything has happened, but because they had such a failed public process before, and because what they proposed was so devastating to the environment, historic resources, to people’s homes, they ought to want to start with a very public engagement with a really open process, because people will assume, and I assume, that they don’t have any other ideas, because I’ve only heard of two, and one has been taken off the table. So if they have another idea, no one knows what it is, and again, the people in the path of that other idea ought to know, too.”

Another DEM Grant for Shannock Village

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

February 21st 2024

RICHMOND – The Shannock Mill project has received a third grant from the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management for the remediation of contamination at the site. The latest $350,000 grant follows two previous grants, of $429,000 and $235,280, from the state’s Brownfield and Economic Development program.

Property owner and developer Jeffrey Marlowe, of Newport, lived in one of the houses on the property when he was in his 20s. As his appreciation grew for the historic and aesthetic qualities of the village, Marlowe began buying and rehabilitating the old houses. In 2013, with guidance from Geoffrey Marchant, who at the time was Director of the Community Development Consortium, Marlowe spearheaded the $1.7 million modernization of the Shannock Water District water system. Then, in 2020, he purchased the mill property at the center of the village.

Marlowe’s plan is to build market rate and affordable housing and small-scale businesses, abutting a public green space by the river. The project aligns with several state priorities.

“This just hits a lot of them, you know?” Marlowe said. “It cleans up a brownfield, environmental justice in an otherwise low to mod affordable housing community. … Shannock’s always been a working - class neighborhood and the buzzword these days is, of course, ‘workforce housing’ and Shannock was always workforce housing.”

Shannock Mill is expected to qualify for a greater density of housing units, because of its affordable housing component.

“Any residential units you build under new construction, 25% of those would have to be deeded affordable housing. When I say ‘deeded,’ I mean 30 years deeded,” Marlowe explained. “We really haven’t gotten into this at the town level yet. There’s been a change of planning officers there.”

Two mills once anchored the site: the Clark Cotton Mill/Columbia Narrow Fabrics Company built in 1848 in the center of the village, and to the West, the Carmichael Mill complex, rebuilt in 1885 after a fire destroyed the original structure.  

The mill buildings and several additional structures, which had been vacant for 50 years, were unsalvageable. Marlowe’s crew razed those buildings, a project that was complicated by the permits required for asbestos abatement and demolition. Despite the  largely undeveloped state of the site, the Horseshoe Falls dam and the Pawcatuck River flowing past the property give the village an undeniable charm. Shannock Village was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1983.

The Wood-Pawcatuck watershed was designated in 2019 as “Wild and Scenic” by the National Park Service, and the Shannock Mill project enjoys the support of the Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Association. Members of the Wood-Pawcatuck Wild and Scenic Rivers Stewardship Council stopped by recently, to meet with Marlowe and hear an update on his progress.


The Remediation Continues


The challenge now facing Marlowe’s team is removing the remaining oil-contaminated soil. Efforts to work with Amtrak to remediate an adjacent contaminated parcel it owns have been unsuccessful.

“We ended up getting huge impact crushers on-site to crush up a lot of the cement,” Marlowe said. “These were the piers that were in the floor of the mill that they used to anchor all the weaving and looms to. The only buildings that are remaining are the turbine room building and the adjacent cut stone granite foundation. … Originally, the mill was sited there and they had a turbine located there for mechanical power. It was all belt drive at one point, then they put in a new hydropower turbine that then was electrified - the mill.”


Housing and Commercial Plans


Two recently-completed affordable housing projects, Richmond Ridge in Richmond and Shannock Village, just over the line in Charlestown, are very close to Shannock Village.

“Richmond dropped their Richmond Ridge in over there, 32 units, and then, Charlestown dropped in the Shannock Village Cottages, 11 units, and I know there’s concern,” Marlowe said, noting that Shannock Mill will offer both market rate and affordable housing.

“We don’t want to throw 100% affordable in the midst of the village and I’m fully in agreement on that,” he said.

The housing, which is expected to comprise 14 units, four of them affordable rentals, will be built at the North Road end of the property.

“Up along the road here, create some housing,” Marlowe said, pointing to a rendering of the site. “This is North Road right across here. So, the idea was, create sort of a four-way intersection, not that there’d be stop signs on all four, but access into the site would be right across from North Road. The beauty of that is, as you’re coming up that elevation grade change, you’re not putting headlights in somebody’s living room.”

Marlowe is also planning a commercial space for the old turbine building.

“I think that turbine building and the structure adjacent to it could really be a beautiful space, with decks open to the river,” he said.

With so much permitting and fundraising still ahead, Marlowe does not have a target completion date.

“We’re going to spend the remainder of this year, probably into early next year, doing the remediation with this latest round of grant funding,” he said. “We should get a long way and this should get us across the finish line, unless there’s some sort of pocket of additional contaminated soils that we haven’t discovered. … What I’m so grateful for, and I know I’m just sounding like a Pollyanna here, but I am, is that the state stuck with us on this project.”

Richmond Model Walks at NY Fashion Week

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

February 17th 2024

Our Oct. 6 2023 story about Richmond resident Elly Nehnavaj and her modeling career generated a tremendous response. We thought our readers would be interested in learning about her latest adventure.


RICHMOND – After overcoming multiple physical challenges to model in Rhode Island Fashion Week last September, Elisabeth “Elly” Nehnevaj, recently returned from walking an even bigger runway, at New York Fashion Week.

Nehnevaj found out just before the Christmas holiday that she would be in one of the New York shows. She traveled from Richmond with her husband, Joe, to her parents’ home in New Jersey and from there, the family took a train to New York City for the show, which took place on Feb. 9.


Getting Ready


In the weeks leading up to the show, Nehnevaj said her preparation focused on the basics.

“Healthy diet, exercise - not too much. You don’t want to overdo it,” she said. “Just a healthy diet, and a lot of stretching. A lot of people think ‘oh, you’re just walking up and down the catwalk. That’s something anybody can do.’ But it’s actually pretty strenuous. … It’s a lot, and you’ve really got to make sure your body is stretched well enough and hydrated, so you don’t end up cramping up.”

Nahnevaj admitted to being nervous before she walked the runway.

“I was shaking like a leaf right before, but as soon as my heels hit the floor, all of my stresses and worries just completely melted away and I was so focused on not falling and making sure I was walking slowly, steadily,” she said.


At just 4 feet 9 inches, Nehnevaj does not fit the typical profile of runway models, who are usually very tall. But “typical” no longer dominates a fashion industry that is evolving to include models of diverse ages and sizes, and Nehnevaj is finding her niche as a petite model.

In New York, Nehnevaj modeled for the designer “On the Go with Princess O,” whose clothes she had also shown in Rhode Island.

“They were the same designer who I walked for, for Rhode Island Fashion Week, and they had asked me to come back and walk for this show,” she said. “For our little group, there was about five of us ranging in all ages from five to 30.”


Overcoming Health Challenges


Nehnevaj was born with a rare blood disease, Fanconi anemia, which can affect many parts of the body. She has undergone two kidney transplants and is currently on dialysis as she waits for a third donor.

“I had to juggle all of my treatments with New York Fashion Week and luckily, that was not a problem,” she said. “I was able to have one of my treatments done in New Jersey before my show. Having a dream job and trying to juggle healthcare and managing health, it is a lot to handle, but I’m doing my best and keeping myself busy and doing the things I love to do.”

As exciting as it was to be in a big fashion show, Nehnevaj said she had also really enjoyed meeting other petite models. 

“Obviously, walking down that runway was a huge dream, but actually, meeting all the people and making new friends throughout this whole experience was really rewarding for me, because it was so fun being in a room filled with like-minded people, especially petite people like me.”


Future Projects


Nehnevaj is now looking ahead to her next project. She will be speaking at “Celebrate Women’s History” at the Boston Public Library’s Roxbury branch on March 13.

“I will be sharing my story with Fanconi anemia and chronic kidney failure,” she said.

She is also working with Naima Mora, winner of the reality television show “America’s Top Model” in 2005.

“When I was practicing my walk, she told me to think of a word, think of a special word, or a word that really makes you feel good, and you just keep saying that to yourself over and over again as you walk,” she said. “You’re trying to get yourself ready and hype yourself up to start walking, and that was really helpful. She knows about my personal story and she thought it was really cool – and I have her personal phone number now!”

Council Passes Resolution Opposing Chariho Proposal

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

February 7th 2024

RICHMOND – With Vice President Richard Nassaney and councilor Samantha Wilcox dissenting, a majority of the Town Council voted at Tuesdays meeting to approve a resolution opposing the proposal by the Chariho Regional School District to build three new elementary schools. It was a symbolic gesture, since it is the voters in the three towns, not the Town Councils, who will decide which of three options they want the district to pursue, but it is a possible indication of the depth of voter opposition to the plan. The resolution was introduced by council President, Mark Trimmer.

Three options have been presented for Chariho schools. The first would require the town to pass a bond of up to $150 million to build three new elementary schools. The second option, would involve the approval of a $30 million bond to repair and renovate the existing schools in what has been called the “warm, dry, safe” option, and the third option, costing approximately $7 million, would pay for improvements and repairs to the existing schools.

The text of the resolution had not been posted on the town’s website at the time of this writing, but Trimmer described its purpose at the meeting.

“We have a legacy to leave our children, and part of that legacy is to the public education that they receive,” he said. “But the other part of that legacy is not to get our society so deeply in debt that these children of ours are locked in. They’re yoked to work their entire lives paying taxes that grow and grow and grow.”

Trimmer cited several important facilities, including the police station and the public works building, that, in addition to the town’s roads, are in dire need of repair. He also warned that the town could find itself in a financial bind if it loses one or both current lawsuits, brought by The Preserve.

Trimmer advocated the two, safer, less costly options.

“I think there are other alternatives,” he said. “I do not support the building of a new school,” he said. “I support Option B or C, something in the middle, perhaps, where we pay as we go, and we address things and we renovate things.”

Wilcox said the final decision would be up to the voters.

“As councilors, or council President, we have no further or better or different say than any other registered voter,” she said. “So, I think that bringing a resolution like this to the table is unnecessary, unproductive. There’s no reason to lock your vote in right now.”

Councilor Michael Colasante, citing numerous conversations with officials in other towns (Cranston, Johnston, Newport) and construction companies (Gilbane), warned that with school districts throughout Rhode Island simultaneously undertaking large school construction projects in order to take advantage of state reimbursements, there would be shortages of labor and materials, which would in turn, lead to higher prices. 

“It’s my job, first and foremost, to protect the taxpayer, the ones that can least afford it,” he said.

Council member Helen Sheehan said she favored renovations and repairs over new construction. She also brought up the discrepancy in property taxes between Richmond and Hopkinton and Charlestown, where they are lower.

“The three new schools which have been proposed are almost identical,” she said. “… Charlestown taxpayers would only have to pay 25% of the cost while taxpayers in Richmond and Hopkinton pay 75% of the cost. This is not a fair distribution of expense. The tax burden should be equally shared.”

It should be noted that there is also a large discrepancy in the amount of state aid each town receives. The proposed Fiscal Year 2024-25 Chariho budget shows that Richmond and Hopkinton will receive considerably more than Charlestown in state aid to education. Richmond will receive $6.1 million, Hopkinton will get $6.6 million, and Charlestown will get $1.5 million.


The Public Weighs In


During the public comment period, School Committee member Jessica Purcell reminded the council that good schools were important drivers of the local economy.

“Our successful and well-managed school system brings new people to this area, brings back Chariho alumni to raise their families,” she said. “This opportunity to receive one of the highest reimbursement rates in the state is a once in a lifetime chance to thoughtfully plan for the short and long - term future of Chariho.”

Purcell then turned her attention to Trimmer.

“You are welcome to your own personal opinion, even if that means we disagree, but making a resolution like this, you are overstepping your purview,” she said.

But other residents applauded Trimmer for standing up for taxpayers.

“These people will be building an empire on the backs of the taxpayers,” one resident said. “…I want to thank you for your stance on this whole thing.”

Another resident raised the Charlestown tax issue.

“…We want [an] equalizing taxing district,” he said. “Before we go any further, get the tax situation straightened out. We can’t keep living the way it is now, with two towns hurting and the other one’s floating pretty.”

Jeff Noble, who supports the bond, attempted to explain why three new schools would make more financial sense than four old schools, because of the lower operating costs for new buildings.

“Yes, it’s going to take a lot to get there, but if we’re looking at our tax picture five or ten years out, it looks a lot better with these kinds of savings, and the only way we’re going to get it is by investing in our school system and not just doing ‘warm safe and dry.’”

Louise Dinsmore, founder of the “Chariho Forgotten Taxpayers” political action committee, thanked Trimmer for putting the resolution on the agenda.

“It takes a lot of political courage to put that on the agenda and I appreciate your considering this proposal,” she said.

Trimmer said Wednesday,

”The resolution will be that we reject Option A to build three new schools for $150 million as presented, period.”

Asked if he was leaving the door open to a possible compromise, he said,

“Yes, because I’m not a closed-minded person, if somebody can, at the 11th hour at the 11th day, show me something different.”

Trimmer also clarified a statement he made at the meeting about the project’s potential to financially “paralyze the town.”

“What I mean by that is, when a school budget and a school approach 90% of the portion of the property taxes that we pay, it leaves only 10% to run a municipal budget for a town, and that really severely limits what the Town Administrator can do and what the Town Council can do within the town,” he said.

The resolution passed. While a similar resolution has not been proposed in Hopkinton, several members of that Town Council have stated that they oppose the proposed bond for new school construction.

The bond referendum does not take place until May 7, so there is still plenty of time for voters in the three towns to consider the options.


The Canvassing Authority


At the request of the Richmond Democratic Town Committee, the council reconsidered the Jan. 16 appointment of Raymond Pouliot to the Canvassing Authority and ended up appointing him anyway. Pouliot replaces departing member, Tim Michaud, who is also a Republican.

Colasante made the original motion appointing Pouliot, later found to be a deviation from procedure, which requires the appointment to be made by the council President.

Two candidates, Pouliot, and Pamela Rohland, a Democrat who currently serves on the Authority as an alternate, were given a chance to tell the council why they wanted Michaud’s position.

As long as both Republicans and Democrats are represented on the committee, it is not necessary to replace a departing member with someone of the same party affiliation, but Trimmer said Wednesday that he had felt more comfortable nominating Pouliot, a Republican. Pouliot won the council vote, with Nassaney and Wilcox opposed.


Other Business


Town Solicitor Christopher Zangari was sworn in before the council meeting. The council also approved the hiring of Gary Robar to replace Scott Barber as Public Works Director and Electrical Inspector Michael Rosso, who replaces Jeffrey Vaillancourt, who was dismissed on Jan. 30 at a special Town Council meeting.


Town Planner Talia Jalette presented an update on the “Wood Pawcatuck Rivers Watershed Flood Protection Project” which the town co-sponsors with the National Resources Conservation Service. Jalette also discussed another NRCS initiative, the Emergency Watershed protection Program, which involves the purchases, by the NRCS, of permanent easements to help restore floodplains. Those purchases would include buying private homes at “fair market” prices, and demolishing them. Participation in the program is voluntary, but there are several additional issues that need further investigation.


The council approved the replacement of a culvert on Hillsdale Road to mitigate flooding from the Beaver River. Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Association Executive Director Christopher Fox told the council that if approved, the town-owned culvert would be replaced by a structure with an open bottom that will allow aquatic organisms to pass through and will also have the capacity handle more water. The project will be completed in a single phase of construction, at no cost to the town.

The council voted to approve the project.

Chariho, Canvasing Authority on Council Agenda

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

February 5th 2024

RICHMOND – At Tuesday’s Town Council meeting, members will discuss a proposal by council President Mark Trimmer to draft a resolution opposing the Chariho Regional School District’s new schools initiative.

Councilors will also be asked to reconsider the appointment of Raymond Pouliot to the Richmond Canvassing Authority.


The Chariho Resolution


Mark Trimmer will introduce a resolution opposing the proposal to go out to bond for up to $150 million to build three new elementary schools. The state would reimburse the district a base rate of 61%, which, with the addition of several “bonuses,” would increase to reimburse up to 81% of the cost. The second option, which would entail renovations to existing schools, would receive the base reimbursement of 61%. If the bond fails, the final option is to do emergency repairs only, which, for elementary schools, which were built more than 75 years ago, are expected to be increasingly costly.

Reached Monday, Trimmer said he could not support the new schools construction bond.

“Do we need new schools? That’s debatable,” he said. “Do we need $150 million worth of new debt that will paralyze the town and stop us from doing anything else? I’m not sure we do need that, and so, that’s why I feel it should be put on the agenda for discussion and the town should have its say as to whether or not this is a good idea.”

School Committee member Jessica Purcell, who also serves as the Vice Chair of the Richmond Democratic Town Committee, pointed out that the decision on the bond would be made by the School Committee, not the Town Council. In an email Monday, Purcell also expressed her disappointment with Trimmer’s opposition to the proposal.

“I am disappointed that Mr. Trimmer is taking an oppositional stance on these complex but necessary plans,” she wrote. “Learning is a process that requires patience. Voters in our three towns will make the ultimate decision on May 7th about how we move forward to address the challenge of maintaining aging school buildings, including Richmond Elementary as it approaches its 90th year.”

The Richmond Community Alliance political action committee posted an open letter by RCA President Mark Reynolds in its Feb. 4 newsletter, asking Trimmer to thoroughly research the issue before asking the council to consider a resolution opposing the plan.

“There is plenty of time between now and May to gather information and arrive at a solution that will best support students from Richmond in a way that is fiscally responsible,” the letter reads. “The Town Council should be spending its time providing information to residents, rather than telling them how to vote. Remember that you represent the town as a whole, and your personal opinion and self-interest does not outweigh the residents you serve.”

Reached Monday, Reynolds repeated a statement that he made at the Jan. 16 council meeting.

“These buildings are going to need to be replaced at some point,” he said. “You’re just kicking the can down the road, and say you get five to ten more years out of them before they really are in bad shape, it’s going to cost you more.”


The Canvassing Authority


The Richmond Democratic Town Committee has asked the council to reconsider the appointment, at the Jan. 16 council meeting, of Raymond Pouliot to the Canvassing Authority. The motion to appoint Pouliot was made by councilor Michael Colasante and approved by four council members with Samantha Wilcox casting the only opposing vote.

Committee Chair Chris Kona said Monday that he was encouraged that the council was willing to reconsider the appointment.

Kona explained that state law requires that the council President nominate members to the three-member Canvassing Authority.

“The President is supposed to nominate someone from the [voters] list and so, the fact that Councilor Colasante was the one who made the motion means that according to the law, it’s coming from the wrong direction and it reads as a way for Councilor Colasante to try to bully the council into picking a particular person,” he said.

The Committee is also asking why the council did not interview both candidates. The council briefly interviewed Pouliot, but Pamela Rohland, a Democrat, was not acknowledged.

“When other boards try to appoint someone, they interview all of the different candidates and in this case, we didn’t see all of the candidates interviewed,” Kona said. “Pamela Rohland was another candidate who was eligible for the position, but the council never considered her. They certainly had the opportunity to ask her to come and make a statement, as well as Mr. Pouliot, but they did not.”

Kona also challenged the assumption that the person filling a vacancy, in this case created by the resignation of Republican Tim Michaud, must be of the same political affiliation.

“There’s this myth that the person who fills that position needs to be of the same party as the one who was in it before, and, as long as the Canvassing Board has at least one Democrat, one Republican, then the third one can belong to either party,” he said. “In the case that we’re in, there is already one Democrat on the Canvassing Authority, there’s one Republican on the canvassing authority, so this position could be either one. … The council could have picked either candidate.”


Other Agenda Items


In other business, Town Administrator Karen Pinch will ask the council to approve the hiring of Gary Robar as the new Director of the Department of Public Works. If approved, Robar will replace Scott Barber, who has retired.

Pinch will also ask the council to approve Michael Rosso as the town’s new Electrical Inspector, replacing Jeffrey Vaillancourt, who was dismissed at a special Town Council meeting on Jan. 30.

The Vaillancourt Saga Ends With Dismissal

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

January 31st 2024

RICHMOND – At a special meeting Tuesday, members of the Town Council voted to terminate Electrical Inspector Jeffrey Vaillancourt. The council also voted to hire Christopher Zangary as the new Town Solicitor, replacing longtime solicitor Karen Ellsworth. Allan Fung was the only other applicant for the solicitor position.


Vaillancourt Fired


This was the third special meeting the council had held to discuss complaints about Jeffrey Vaillancourt, but this time it was the last, concluding with Vaillancourt’s dismissal, which took effect immediately.

Councilor Michael Colasante, who prompted a complaint to the Rhode Island Ethics Commission when he declined to recuse himself from previous discussions of Vaillancourt’s performance even though Vaillancourt was doing electrical work for him at the time, recused himself from Tuesday’s vote. Council President Mark Trimmer, Vice President Richard Nassaney and councilor Samantha Wilcox voted in favor of Vaillancourt’s termination, and councilor Helen Sheehan abstained.


The Complaints


The town has received numerous complaints about Vaillancourt’s conduct, which has been variously described as aggressive, rude, unethical and unprofessional. In addition, and of great concern to the council, was a growing perception that he might deter businesses from opening in Richmond.

The saga began last March when council member Michael Colasante, with support from council President Mark Trimmer and councilor Helen Sheehan, rejected the recommendation of then Town Planner Shaun Lacey to hire Michael Rosso and instead, at the next council meeting, voted to hire Jeffrey Vaillancourt, the owner of Amity Electric and a Republican who ran unsuccessfully for a council seat in 2022.

Town Administrator Karen Pinch has received complaints about Vaillancourt from the Washington County Fair and Pasquale Farms, as well as Twisted Pizza and other businesses. Administrators for the fair have banned Vaillancourt from the fairgrounds. The two most recent written complaints, one sent to Pinch in December and the second sent in January, echo previous complaints. The second complaint, which was confidential until it was revealed during the council meeting to have come from a representative of The Preserve, asked that Vaillancourt not go to that property. Several of the complaints also describe Vaillancourt as attempting to get additional work for his own company from the businesses he was inspecting, which would constitute an ethics violation.

Vaillancourt supporters, including Colasante, accused Pinch, Lacey and other town officials of being unfair to Vaillancourt. At the August 29 special council meeting, Colasante stated,

“Right off the bat, he didn’t like Mr. Vaillancourt, because it wasn’t his pick,” he said referring to Lacey. “It wasn’t his choice. It wasn’t who he wanted in that office. It’s not up to Mr. Lacey or any department head to say ‘this is my pick’. Again, the Town Council, all right? the town charter, hires and fires.”

Colasante has continued to push to remove hiring and firing authority from Pinch and transfer it to the council, but the Vaillancourt debacle, which lasted nearly a year, is not expected to bolster his case.

At Tuesday’s meeting, Vaillancourt repeated the accusation that he had not had the support from the Town Administrator.

“I feel that although I was hired by the Town Council to do this job, it was under protest by others,” he said. “It’s a fact.”

Pinch responded,

“Can I just make a statement for the record?” she asked Trimmer. “When that position came open, I encouraged Jeff to apply. I was not in the interviews, I was not the one that made the recommendation for another electrical inspector, so it’s not a personal thing for me. … I didn’t solicit any of these complaints. They all came to me. They all had a pattern, most importantly, that Jeff was trying to solicit business for himself. I feel like, every other time we’ve talked about it, I’m the bad guy. It’s not Jeff taking responsibility but the complainant’s the bad guy, I’m the bad guy, everyone’s the bad guy but the person who’s taking responsibility for his actions.”

The temperature in the council chamber rose again by several degrees, when Vaillancourt stated that he had recorded his supervisor, the town’s Building Official, Anthony Santilli, without Santilli’s knowledge.

“I don’t like people taping me,” an angry Santilli said from the audience.

“I wasn’t taping you,” Vaillancourt replied. “I was covering myself.”

Vaillancourt apologized, but he continued to defend his actions, saying he had felt “attacked.”

Some council members, including Nassaney, said that with Vaillancourt banned from several establishments, the town would need a second electrical inspector.

“We have to go out and hire another inspector… because a lot of business owners don’t feel comfortable with you being there,” he told Vaillancourt.

Trimmer said the bottom line, for the town, was that Vaillancourt’s reputation would not attract new businesses.

“We cannot use you at the largest event in town, we cannot use you at the two largest taxpayers in town, and new businesses – we’re desperate,” he said. “On the one hand, we’re saying we want economic development in this town, we want businesses to come in and help us defray the cost of schools and roads, and on the other hand, we’re driving them away with an inspector who they have asked not to come. We’ve reached a crossroads that I don’t think we can recover from.”

Reached Wednesday, Wilcox agreed that Vaillancourt had had to go.

“I’m sure that Mr. Vaillancourt is a great electrician, but the repeated complaints, consistent issues, really couldn’t be ignored anymore,” she said. “I’m really grateful for the people who were brave enough to come forward and I’m glad the council majority has proven to the residents, investors and business owners in Richmond that behavior like that is not acceptable.”

Trimmer, in an interview Wednesday, said,

“It was time. We tried to work with him. We have him many opportunities, and it just got to the point where the cost was too high. We would have had to hire another electrical inspector, and pay two.”

Michael Rosso, who has previously done electrical inspections for the town, will step in on a temporary basis as the town begins the process of hiring Vaillancourt’s replacement.


Council Chooses Zangary


The council discussed the two applicants for Town Solicitor, Allan Fung and Christopher Zangary, during an executive session before the council meeting.

It is not clear whether the discussion in executive session was contentious, but by the time the council members returned to open session, their vote to hire Zangary was unanimous.

Trimmer said Wednesday that he had invited Fung to apply for the position, but had changed his mind.

“I invited former Mayor Fung to apply for the job, but the more I evaluated it, the more I thought about it just realized that Zangary’s experience and the fact that attorney Cozzolino [the other Town Solicitor] felt comfortable with him and Karen [Pinch] felt comfortable with him – that’s what we want, we want a team that works together.”

A resident of North Kingstown, Zangary, a Republican, ran unsuccessfully for Town Council in 2022.  His law firm, which specializes in real estate and land use issues, is located in Warwick. Zangary will attend the next Town Council meeting, on Feb. 6.

Richmond in the News

Iva Lipton, “In the Easy Chair”


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

January 27th 2024

Just about everyone in Richmond knows Iva Lipton, and recently, she was featured in the Jan. 20 edition of “In the Easy Chair” in The Westerly Sun. The interview was conducted by Nancy Burns-Fusaro and is re-printed here with permission.

A retired registered nurse, Lipton is the former Director of the Richmond Elder Affairs Commission. She remains engaged in community events and attends every Town Council meeting, unless she is on one of her trips to an exotic foreign country.

Lipton is also the former Director of the Richmond Elder Affairs Commission, and an artist, who was photographed for the article sitting next to an array of Christmas ornaments she made.

The story and photo can be found here:

New Leadership for Richmond Democratic Town Committee

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

January 26th 2024

RICHMOND – The Richmond Democratic Town Committee has a new leader. Chris Kona took over as Chair this week, replacing Joseph Reddish.

A frequent speaker during the public forum segments of recent Town Council meetings, Kona served in the United States Navy and, after his discharge, began a civilian career as a warfare analyst at the Naval Undersea Warfare Center in Middletown.

Kona said the change in leadership was an orderly one.

 “We discussed it among the committee and sort of as a whole, the committee decided that this is a good shift and it’s not something, I think, that we went through a lot of motions for other than planning, to have the discussion about that in the first place,” he said.

Reddish, who said he had chaired the committee for “four or five years,” said he would remain involved with the committee and added that the change in leadership had been an amicable one.

“We transitioned, which is good,” he said. “I’m still part of the committee and so I’ll still be their conduit to the state capital and so on. The committee will do very well with Chris Kona.”

Reddish said he serves on the boards of several non - profit organizations, leaving him with little free time.

“I sit on five different non-profits and boards,” he said. “… so, I’ve got a lot on my plate. I just don’t have the bandwidth I used to have to be able to do everything I would like to do, perfectly.”

As for his political affiliation, Reddish said he would continue to support the Democrats.

“I’m still engaged fully, but I don’t have the bandwidth to do all the events and all that stuff that I used to be able to do, but I’ll still be a strong voice in the community as far as making sure we do everything the right way and have the right visibility, etcetera,” he said.

Kona and his family have lived in Richmond for ten years, and his two children attend school in the Chariho district.

Kona said he became more involved in town politics in 2022, when Jessica Purcell ran for a seat on the School Committee.

“I became engaged, initially, though some of the discussions a year ago,” he said. “It was really Jess Purcell’s campaign, her campaign to run for School Committee,  and then, about a year ago, when the Town Council had voted against following the procedure of the Chariho Act and to appoint someone else to the School Committee. At that point, I began to track town politics more closely and to look for opportunities where I might be able to help offer my services and be a volunteer to support the town.”

Chairing the committee, Kona, noted, would be a way for him to give more to his town.

“I think this is a good opportunity,” he said. “It presented itself very recently and I’m grateful. I think it makes for a good chance for me to help contribute to making Richmond a better town and making sure that the folks of Richmond are supported in a way that, I think, works with the kind of strengths I can offer.”

Committee Vice Chair Jessica Purcell thanked Reddish for his years of chairing the committee and welcomed Kona to his leadership role.

“The RDTC has voted unanimously for a new Chairperson,” she said in an emailed statement that was also posted on the committee’s Facebook page. “We thank Joe Reddish for his years of leadership and welcome Christopher Kona as our new Chair. Joe Reddish is a collaborative and inclusive leader who understands the need to ‘build a bigger table’ so all voices can be heard. Over the last couple of years, the RDTC has grown its membership as an active group of residents engaged in positive advocacy through volunteer service, town/school meetings, and community events. We support local government that is responsive to the needs of residents and not to ideological agendas or special interests. Joe has shown that a true leader must be a representative first and foremost, and the RDTC is grateful for his continued years of service on the committee and in our town. Joe will continue to be an active member with the RDTC and with many local nonprofits and state organizations. We welcome Chris Kona as our new chair, as he has proven to be an active and vocal leader regarding town and school matters of importance.”


So, What Now?


It is safe to say that Richmond is the most politically divided in recent memory.

“There’s certainly a lot of tension in the town,” Kona said. “I think it remains important that we find ways to make sure the folks in the town are taken care of and that we have government that’s supportive of the residents of Richmond, and so, I’m eager to see what the committee might be able to do to support that.”


With the election looming in November, Kona said the committee was mapping out the party’s local strategy.

“We’re still working through what we’ll do. I’m. not going to talk in depth about all our discussion points,” he said.  “We have upcoming events. I would urge folks to track our activities on the Richmond DTC website, where we post our upcoming fundraisers and community outreach events.”

Kona said he was expecting the upcoming election campaign to be a tough one, but he also noted that more residents were getting involved.

“I think the next year will certainly bring us a lot in terms of challenges,” he said. “I’ve been very excited to see how Richmond has been coalescing and I think that we’re starting to see a lot of commonality among the folks of Richmond, so I’m excited to see the next year starts to evolve as we begin to understand what the folks of Richmond are looking for and what they need and how we can make sure the government’s going to be able to support them for that.”

Johnson Honored by RI Attorney General

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

January 24th 2024

PROVIDENCE – Richmond Police Chief Elwood Johnson was recently inducted into the 2023 Rhode Island Criminal Justice Hall of Fame. The ceremony took place on Jan. 18 at the office of Attorney General, Peter F. Neronha.

“Chief Johnson is a shining example of what it means to put others first,” Neronha said Wednesday. “Chief Johnson honorably served the Rhode Island State Police, the Richmond Police Department, and led the Rhode Island Police Chiefs Association as a well-respected leader with a deep and unwavering commitment to the criminal justice community. Moreover, through his work with Special Olympics Rhode Island, Chief Johnson has fiercely advocated for tolerance and acceptance for people with intellectual disabilities. We should all aspire to be more like Chief Johnson.”


Johnson, in his usual self-effacing way, recalled how he had learned of his induction from the Superintendent of the Rhode Island State Police.

“I was very surprised and humbled,” he said. “I got a call a week before Christmas from [Colonel] Darnell Weaver. I asked him ‘are you sure you’ve got the right guy?’”


The inductees were invited to bring up to 10 guests to the ceremony. Johnson invited his parents.

“It was a nice opportunity for my family, particularly my parents,” he said. “It wasn’t so much what they said. It was having other people remark on their son. That they were witness to it was really nice.”


Johnson credited the people he works with and also, the entire Richmond community, for his award.

Richmond Town Council President Mark Trimmer said the community loves him right back.

“Chief Johnson is truly a one of a kind, and I mean that in a positive way,” he said. “His professionalism and his desire to portray the town’s police department in the best light is commendable. He does an amazing job. This has been a long time coming, and I congratulate him for a well-deserved honor.”


Johnson credits his sister, Jenny, who passed away in 1995, with inspiring his continued involvement in the Rhode Island Special Olympics. Johnson serves on the organization’s Executive Board and started the annual “Super Plunge” more than 10 years ago to raise money to help athletes participate in events hosted by Special Olympics Rhode Island.

Jenny was born with developmental disabilities, and lived to be 25.

“For 25 years, this person, who couldn’t speak, used sign language, was the best teacher I ever had,” he said. “She’s why I am involved with Special Olympics.”

He then added,

“It’s difficult to talk about my sister. I think about her every day.”


In addition to Johnson, six Rhode Islanders were inducted:

Roosevelt Benton

William J. Ferland

Robert Lauro

Attorney General Patrick C. Lynch

Federal District Court Judge Mary S. McElroy

Colonel Russel S. Serpa

Divisions Apparent at Omnibus Meeting

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

January 20th 2024

RICHMOND – Members of the Chariho School Committee and Chariho administrators hosted the annual Omnibus Meeting Wednesday, and it was the longest in recent memory, lasting nearly three hours.

Attending were Town Council members from Charlestown, Richmond and Hopkinton Town Councils, as well as representatives of other committees. The purpose of the Omnibus Meeting is to present the school district’s new proposed budget, in this case, for Fiscal Year 2025. The meeting is a requirement of the Chariho Act, the state legislation that created the regional school district.

As a small group of residents looked on, town representatives asked questions about the budget, but they also had questions about a proposal for Chariho to participate in a state program that would replace the district’s aging elementary schools with new buildings. Some town officials have balked at the first of three school buildings options, involving a $150 million bond for the new schools, because they worry that residents, already in a surly mood over their property taxes, will see their taxes go even higher. The other options are to go out for a $30 million bond to repair and renovate the existing schools in what has been called the “warm, dry, safe” option, and finally, a capital “pay as you go” improvement and repair option, which would cost approximately $7 million. The state will reimburse 76% to 81% of the cost of building new schools. Districts that choose the “warm, safe and dry” or “pay as you go” options will receive 61% reimbursements.


The Pitch


Superintendent of Schools Gina Picard, who presented the school buildings proposal to the Richmond Town Council on Tuesday, presented it once again at Wednesday’s Omnibus meeting. Reached Thursday, she said the important thing for residents to understand is that regardless of the option they choose, the costs to the taxpayers will be the same.

“It’s going to cost the taxpayers the exact same amount of money, whether we just do basic, whether we just do new schools,” she said. “It’s going to be, annually, about $2.3 million … you’re going to look at a $2.3 million increase, regardless of the pass forward,” she said. “What people have to understand is, for $2 million, the outcomes that you could get are new schools, prioritize projects like the Richmond [school]bathroom project, the Charlestown [school] paving project, the Ashaway playground and paving project, the main campus, the plumbing in the elementary schools, or, the third option, if both of those bonds don’t pass, it would be like putting our facilities at risk and trying to do our best for emergencies only.”


School Committee Chair Catherine Giusti said Thursday that the discussion of school building options had been marred by misinformation.

“I think there are a lot of questions, and hopefully councilors, who wanted accurate information,” she said. “I think something that plays this entire process is fear mongering and inaccurate information and hopefully, some of that was dispelled last night.”


Richmond School Committee member Jessica Purcell said she believed the annual event was worthwhile, despite the political posturing.

“I think that it serves an important purpose of reminding all of us in positions of representation that we’re better when we work together,” she said. “Sometimes, the discussion may not have immediate consequences, but it puts ideas in people’s minds, it puts questions and concerns in people’s minds, and hopefully in the future, they can take those concerns and work together to improve them for all their constituents.”


The Proposed Budget


The proposed Fiscal Year 2025 Chariho budget, including debt service, is $58.4 million, an increase of 2.2%. The three towns’ contributions, after state aid, would be: Charlestown $12.7 million, a 1.5% increase, Richmond, $16.2 million, a 3.1% increase, and Hopkinton, $15.9 million, a 5.6% increase. As has often been stated, each town’s contribution to the school district is based on its student enrollment, with Charlestown having the fewest students in recent years.


Hopkinton Town Council President Michael Geary said he believed that the Chariho contributions should be equal for each of the towns.

“I think a third, a third and a third would be good for us,” he said.

Charlestown council Vice President Stephen Stokes appeared to agree.

“If we’re going to do it as a district, we’re getting three equal buildings of equal cost, … then it should be voted upon as a district and the chips will fall where they may,” he said. “And I personally do not disagree in the building, considering the cost, we’re getting equal buildings, I don’t particularly have a problem with the discussion of a third, a third, a third.  I don’t see a problem with us paying a fair share in certain aspects when we talk about things that are equally done, so I think there’s a conversation that we certainly can have there.”

Charlestown Town Council President Deborah Carney disagreed, and presented a list of her town’s payments for additional services, beyond what was required by the Chariho Act.

“Right now, we have approximately 24% of the students at Chariho,” she said. “We’re paying 9% more every year than we’re required to pay by the Act, but it was a concession made by Charlestown.”


The public hearing on the budget is on March 5 and the budget referendum will take place on April 9. Budget details, and the timeline, can be found on the Chariho website.

Council Hears Schools Proposal

Council Hears Schools Proposal


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

January 17th 2024

RICHMOND – Town Council members heard a presentation on options for Chariho schools at the Tuesday meeting. At an executive session that took place earlier, councilors considered the applicants for the Town Solicitor position.




Several council members were skeptical of, and at times, hostile to a proposed plan presented by Chariho Superintendent of Schools Gina Picard and Mario Carreno, Director of the Rhode Island Department of Education’s School Building Authority, involving the construction of three new elementary schools to replace the district’s four elementary schools.

The issue is whether the town should go out to bond for up to $150 million for new schools and improvements to the main Chariho campus, or go out for a $30 million bond to repair and renovate the existing schools in what has been called the “warm, dry, safe” option. The third option is for capital “pay as you go” improvements and repairs, which would cost approximately $7 million.

Picard explained that RIDE requires all school districts to draft five-year capital improvement plans and as part of that process, consider the new construction option. The state, which must approve the capital improvement plans, favors “newer and fewer” schools, and will reimburse 76% to 81% of the cost. Districts that choose the warm, safe and dry or pay as you go options will receive 61% reimbursements.

“All districts must review the option of new construction when they draft their capital improvement plan,” Picard told the council. “During that review, we determined that maintaining our facilities would cost approximately $30 million over the next five years for our four elementary schools and the main campus, with the focus on ensuring our schools remain warm, safe and dry.”

Chariho administrators have been mulling capital improvement plans for decades.

“The district has been developing plans based on the needs of our aging elementary facilities [since] back in the ‘90s,” Picard said.

The question Richmond, Charlestown and Hopkinton residents must decide is whether to approve the bond for new schools, approve a smaller bond for improvements to existing schools, so simply continue to repair the existing buildings as necessary, two of which are nearly 90 years old.

“What I’m sharing with you,” Picard said, “is an opportunity for the three towns, and if that’s not what the voters want, that’s not what we’ll do. Often, we are asked, especially during budget season, to ensure that we provide cost effective approaches. I cannot, in good conscience, sit here and tell you that the best approach is to continue to maintain aging facilities when I know that we’ll be able to get a 76% reimbursement, minimum, up to 81 cents on the dollar, for just about the same, if less money to get three brand new schools out of that.”

There are other issues muddying the waters of the schools proposals. Hopkinton, which has two of the elementary schools, Hope Valley and Ashaway, has resisted giving up its second elementary school. In addition, Richmond residents, who have complained incessantly about the town’s tax rate, would likely balk at even a modest tax increase.

Councilor Helen Sheehan said,

“When I did the math, it looks as if we are 2,900 families in Richmond, and Richmond pays 37.5% of the [Chariho] bill. So that means the taxes per house will go up $297 per year for the next 20 years.”

Picard replied,

“Based on the taxes, you also have to take into account what the towns are going to do, so while I can’t predict the taxes, what I can tell you is, the dollars that you spend on each school is based on the residencies of where your students live, no different than when we get a CTC {career and technical] student from Westerly. They pay tuition coming into the high school. That’s how that works.”

Sheehan stated that if Chariho were a “truly regional” district, taxpayers in all three Chariho towns would pay the same.

“You are regional,” Picard said. “And when you think about it, you would also not just have to look at your local taxpayer dollars but you’d have to look at your state aid. Richmond gets more state aid than Charlestown, and Hopkinton, sometimes, gets more state aid than Richmond.”

Councilor Michael Colasante said he had met with North Providence Mayor Charles Lombardi, who had confronted rising costs with school bonds there.

“I had a sit-down with Charles Lombardi, the North Providence Mayor,” Colasante said. “He’s a great businessman, I’m telling you. $75 million, then it went to $100 million, and then it went to $125 million, and that’s when Charlie, the Mayor, said ‘no, that’s it.’ Because the $125 million, these are his words, not mine, would have ballooned to a loan of $150 million, so what they ended up doing is paring it down to three schools, like what we’re trying to sell the district, he went and he pared it down to two schools and he went up to a second story, which is cheaper than going out.”

Picard, who is also a member of the North Providence School Committee, said Colasante was making incorrect statements about what had occurred there.

“Miss Picard, even in North Providence, they had to scale back,” he said. “Their tax base is much greater.”

Picard interjected,

“You’re saying it because of the elementary schools, which is not accurate,” she said. “To be clear, they added projects – the administration building. So, I can have this conversation, I’m going to say to you I know what’s happening in North Providence, and you’re twisting information, which is unfair.”

Council President Mark Trimmer listed some of the town’s pressing needs, which, he suggested, should be addressed before the town borrowed money for schools.

“We have a police department that is in an old credit union,” he said. “We have a volunteer fire department. And yet, we’re going to platinum - plate our school system. It just doesn’t make any sense to me.”

Several people spoke during the public forum, including some who said the schools were a critical investment, especially for a community where people chose to buy homes specifically because of the quality of the public schools.

“It’s an opportunity that we need to take advantage of, and to not take advantage of it would be fiscally irresponsible,” Mark Reynolds said.

School Committee member Jessica Purcell, who represents Richmond, said she was disappointed that there had been so much rhetoric and so few questions.

“Instead of questions, what I heard was a lot of commentary by two very talkative town councilors sharing their own experiences,” she said. “I’m a little bit disappointed in that sort of behavior. Too many of these meetings have just run off the rails because of stuff like that and it bothers me.”

Purcell said being part of a regional school district made it possible for the three small towns to offer more than one town could on its own.

“But, we’re not as regional as we should be, right?” she said. “Hopkinton has two elementary schools. That is an issue that comes up year after year and that is part of why we are having a discussion about how to move forward.”

Stephen Moffitt, a member of the Hopkinton Town Council, said he was also disappointed by the tone of the meeting.

“We get a say by electing School Committee members, who hire our superintendent to do her job,” he said. “So, I would think it would be best practice to allow her to communicate her job. Do I think due diligence needs to be done? We need to know what it costs? Absolutely. We’d be stupid not to. …I applaud Gina for doing her job, coming up here. It’s part of the process. She has to present it.”

Trimmer asked Moffitt if he had a family member who works for the Chariho School District, and Moffitt replied,

“I do, but I also have five children in the school district, and I’ve lived here almost all my life. I’ve been here since – I heard Mr. Colasante say 36 years, or 1992 - I  remember when Mr. Colasante was on the Town Council then. You were a Democrat, then, right?” he said to Colasante, who confirmed that he had been.

Councilor Samantha Wilcox asked Picard about the timeline for the process.

“At the February meeting, I think it’s the 14th, we have the final application for Stage II and again, State I is a facilities review, Stage II is based on the opportunity of what we would qualify for and the right funding formula,” Picard said. “The architect presents what we can do to maximize the funding available.”

Details of the plan and the application process can be found here.


In other business, the council approved the appointment of retiring Department of Public Works Director Scott Barber to the Economic Development Commission.


Town Solicitor


At the executive session before the regular council meeting, council members discussed the applicants for Town Solicitor.

Karen Ellsworth, who was not reappointed to the solicitor position, departs at the end of January. The town has received only two responses to a request for proposals to fill the position and the RFP closes on Friday.  The names of the applicants and the discussions themselves are not public information.

Officials Monitoring Impacts of Beaver River Dam Breach

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

January 13th 2024

RICHMOND – The storms that brought torrential rain to Rhode Island have taken a toll, not only on roads and bridges, but also, on at least one dam. During a rainstorm before Christmas, strong water flow on the upper Beaver River broke through the 19th Century earthen dam on the Beaver River Preserve.

The Beaver River is a tributary of the Wood-Pawcatuck watershed, which, in 2019, received the federal “Wild and Scenic River” designation from the National Park Service. The Preserve and the dam are owned by The Nature Conservancy.

TNC spokesman Tim Mooney said it was not clear when the dam had failed.

“We don’t know exactly,” he said. “The rainstorm was on the 19th and the Preserve staff went down there on a routine visit. … We discovered it on the 21st.”

Mooney said TNC had been monitoring the dam.

“We’ve had our eye on this dam and what would be the pros and cons of removing it, ecologically,” he said. “It didn’t seem to be at imminent risk of failure, so to be honest, we were surprised to find that it had breached.”

Jim Turek, a restoration ecologist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, also serves as Chair of the Richmond Conservation Commission.

Turek said he had tried to learn more about the history of the dam before it failed, but he had not been able to find much information.

“I thought the dam was from the 1880s or so,” he said. “I’m going to try a little bit more research. It was a very old dam associated with a very old mill.

It was an earthen dam and it had a stone spillway which I would best describe as glacial boulders that were used to construct the spillway. That’s like stacking bowling balls, and it looked so funky, I always thought it was going to fall apart, to the point where you get on top there and move stuff around you could knock the thing over.”


Beaver Dams


Mooney said beavers have been active at the dam, adding material to the top of the dam itself and building additional dams downstream.

“Beavers had built on top of it and had also built a complex of dams, maybe 200 feet downstream,” he said. “That beaver dam was at least three feet tall. It was considerable, and some of that is still there. So, where the earthen dam breached cleanly through, the beaver material, the stone, the dirt, whatever, is washed downstream and the Beaver River now flows smoothly through it, and then a couple hundred feet downstream, it encounters this related complex of smaller, beaver-made dams which are intact, but not as tall as they used to be.”


No Rebuilding


“No one is going to come along and say ‘we’ve got a bunch of money for you to fix it,’” Turek said. “It would be foolish.”

Mooney added,

“That dam has been on the radar of conservationists. We have been asked from time to time would we consider removing it. There are benefits to open wetland habitats and there are benefits to free-flowing rivers as well. We had looked into it, but it was just too difficult and too expensive to bring machinery in there to remove it manually, so now, nature has taken care of it for us.”


Turek explained the steps that would be necessary to restore the flow of the river.

“We need to make sure that we clean up that outlet, because right now, that pile of boulders…a lot of it sits in the channel immediately downstream. I want to make sure that during lower flows, that channel reach is going to be passable, especially by brook trout,” he said. “We also want to make sure that the outlet to the pond is dynamically stable. I wouldn’t want to have a slough of material continue to go downstream. The best thing to do is just take some of those boulders and create a manmade riffle to support that being stabilized in a way.  The last thing we ought to do, someone should be monitoring, at least at a minimum, the changes that are going to occur in the plant community, because we know for a fact from many other dam removals, planned dam removals in particular, we always get a native plant community to come back quite rapidly, because there’s a seed bank in these sediments, and they sit there, and we know for a fact, from other dam removals that we have planned and implemented, that some of these seed banks are good and viable for over a century of being submerged.”


More Restoration Work to Come


The Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Association has also been monitoring the dam. Executive Director Chris Fox, who supports a free-flowing upper Beaver River, described a broader, cold water stream restoration initiative that is currently underway. Participating organizations, in addition to the Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Association, are The Nature Conservancy and the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, which have partnered with the Narragansett Bay Estuary Program. The program administers funding, in this case a $140,000 grant, from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, passed by the United States Congress in 2021.

The funds will be used to improve habitats for native fish species such as trout.

“What old, remnant dams, like the one that failed on Nature Conservancy’s property exist, that hold back water and have a negative impact on freshwater fishes’ habitat, creating a pond that gets really hot in the summertime that exceeds the temperature thresholds that species like brook trout can’t tolerate and cause them to have to leave that area of the river because of the water temperature,” Fox said.

And old dams aren’t the only structures impeding water flow and fish passage.

“There is a culvert on Hillsdale Road that is what’s called a perched culvert, which means the exit of the culvert is like a waterfall, so essentially, it blocks aquatic organisms’ passage through the culvert,” Fox said. “So, it’s not just looking at improving habitat for resident wildlife, it also looks at flood resiliency. Using that same culvert as an example, it’s grossly undersized. … That culvert was destroyed in the 2010 flood [and] was immediately rebuilt by the town exactly as it was designed so that they could get the road re-opened (Town officials have indicated that the culvert was replaced in 1999, not in 2010), however, as we’ve seen in these recent storm events in the last few weeks, the road on Hillsdale Road is overtopped several times and not simply because of the dam failure upstream, more because of the volume of water being conveyed in the Beaver River.”

Turek said his mission was to restore the river’s natural habitat.

“My goal in my life is to try to put streams and rivers back into free-flowing natural state to the best as possible and that’s a classic example, trying to restore that stream for native fishes like brook trout,” Turek said. “Because it is a cold water system, the Beaver River, it’s an important system and to try to put an impoundment with a dark bottom that warms up substantially in the warmer season just doesn’t make any sense for supporting cold water fish habitat in the location, or downstream of it. That’s the whole point of it, is trying to bring back an important resource which is a Wild and Scenic River designation.”

Planning Board Grants Preserve Plan Extension

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

January 10th 2024

RICHMOND – At their Tuesday meeting, members of the Planning Board agreed to grant a one-year extension to the preliminary plan approval for Phase 2B of the ongoing development at The Preserve at Boulder Hills. The initial approval was issued on Jan. 11, 2022.

Two one-year extensions of preliminary plan approvals are permitted “for good cause,” under the town’s land development and subdivision regulations.

Appearing for the Preserve, owner and developer Paul Mihailides said he intended to move forward with plans to build residences, a medical office building, and a gas station, but he continued to press for tax relief.

“I was actually hoping before we started this new phase, to try to get some resolution to the taxes,” he said.

Board Chair Philip Damicis asked Mihailides about the work that would be taking place.

“Can you give us an idea of maybe what we could expect, possibly for some future development in there, what you have in mind? he asked. “It’s not specific to this phase, just overall.”

Milhailides responded,

“As it relates to this phase, everything that’s in the phase is going to be started quickly,” he said. “The townhouses will be started, the single - family homes will be started. The tiny homes will be started soon, like in the next 90 days.”

Mihailides added that his representatives had been working with Town Planner Talia Jalette on the plans for the medical office building and the gas station.

“That’s on the docket as well as some additional development in some of the other phases. One of the off-property parcels that we have, we’re going to be developing some homes as well,” he said.


Outstanding issues


The Preserve has not yet notified the town how it plans to satisfy the state’s inclusionary zoning requirement. Applicants are required to build, either on or off-site, three affordable housing units for every 20 market priced homes. The fee, In lieu of the affordable units, is $87,000 per unit.

In her memo to the board, submitted on 12-29-2003, Jalette stated,

To date, this Department has not received either:

  1. fees in-lieu of affordable housing for the three units, or

  2. documentation of three off-site affordable units.


Board Vice Chair Daniel Madnick asked Mihailides when he planned to pay the affordable housing fees, which currently total $261,000.

“If it’s just the $87,000 on the first six units, it’ll be paid… in the next two weeks,” Mihailides said, adding that the delay in fulfilling the requirement was related to the property tax rate

“It’s a function of, why would I pay $287,000, ‘$261,000,’ Madnick corrected, “if I’m not going to build because nobody’s going to buy them because the taxes on a condominium are $50,000 annually. I’m trying to work that out. That’s kind of been a challenge. The tax on a new home, I’m told, might be as much as $187,000.”

“To put it in perspective,” Damicis said jokingly, “that’s one or two nice shotguns.”

The Preserve has repeatedly challenged property tax assessments before the Board of Tax Assessment Review. Mihailides has also publicly stated that prospective buyers, most of whom are purchasing third or fourth vacation homes, would be deterred by the high property taxes. It should be noted, however, that homes at The Preserve have continued to sell, including a unit that fetched $10.9 million, the highest condominium price in Rhode Island in 2023.



Jalette also informed the board that the town had not received copies of several of the Department of Environmental Management approvals of the onsite waste water treatment, or septic systems. Mihailides said the permits had been sent to the town more than a year ago, but Jalette said the town was still missing the remaining permits.

“For this particular phase, when this submission came in, there were only three OWTS permits included as part of the submission. There are six OWTS systems out there, so I need the three additional permits,” she said.


The board approved the request for a one-year extension of the preliminary plan approval.


Zoning Amendments


After a brief discussion, members voted to send their proposed amendments to Title 2 of the Zoning Code of Ordinances to the Town Council. Drafted by Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth, the amendments are required in order to comply with changes to state laws.


Kingstown Road Development


The board granted a waiver which will allow the developer, Shoreline Properties Inc., to make some improvements to the exterior of a commercial structure that will be part of a mixed - use development at 102 Kingstown Road. The town prohibits work on a property while an application is before the Planning Board, however, the board agreed to grant a waiver to allow some work, such as the replacement of windows, exterior painting and re-siding and electrical system upgrades, to take place.


Punchbowl Trail


Engineer Patrick Freeman provided details of the pre-application for a proposed conservation development, “Perry Hill,” on Punchbowl Trail. The developer is the Punchbowl Trail Corporation of North Providence.

“The plan shows a conventional five-lot subdivision, where each parcel would consist of two acres,”

Freeman explained that the proposal involved a five-lot conservation development, with each lot consisting of 30,000 square feet. 

“Each of the five parcels, we’re proposing to develop a four-bedroom single family home which will be serviced by a private well and onsite wastewater treatment system,” he said.

The developer would designate 6.8 acres of the 11.21-acre parcel as open space. 

Damicis said it would be important to include a drainage component that would be in keeping with the rural character of the parcel.

“You’re going to have to be very careful how you design that, obviously,” he said. “We’d expect more of a rain garden with proper plantings. As long as we’re all on the same page that we’re not looking at a classic detention basin with, you know, riprap and fencing around it that’s going to be horrible to look at from that street. And the streetscape for Punchbowl is extremely rural in that area.”

Board members agreed to schedule a site walk of the property in the near future.

Richmond in the News

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

January 8th 2024

Preserve Condo fetches Highest Condo Price in 2023:

Providence Journal


The Preserve was the focus of a Jan. 3, 2024 story in the Providence Journal by reporter Wheeler Cowperthwaite, who wrote that a six-bedroom condominium Unit N4, at 87 Kingstown Road, had sold for $10.9 million, the highest condominium price in the state in 2023.

This news may not sit well with Richmond residents who are struggling to pay their property taxes, especially those who attended the June 6, 2023 Town Council meeting, during which four of the five council members approved a request from The Preserve that would allow the developer to ask the General Assembly to consider requests for tax stabilization and partial tax exemptions on the property.

Addressing the council, Preserve owner and developer Paul Mihailides raised eyebrows when he said the taxes on the luxury vacation homes on his property were too high for many buyers.

“It’s just too much for a third or fourth vacation home, somebody that’s here a few times a year, that is here because The Preserve offers so many intangible items,” he said.

(Citing her discomfort with many aspects of the bill, including its last-minute submission without her knowledge, Rep. Megan Cotter withdrew the proposed bill.)

The Preserve has challenged almost every property tax assessment, and settled an outstanding tax bill just hours before license renewal hearings in November, which required that the taxes be paid before the licenses would be renewed. A representative of The Preserve brought two checks to the Town Hall, the first, $37,069.45, for outstanding property taxes and a second check, for $11,543.36, to pay the town water bill.

School Committee Votes to Censure Hopkinton Member

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

January 4th 2024

RICHMOND – At a special meeting on Wednesday, members of the Chariho School Committee voted by a margin of 7 to 4 to censure Hopkinton member Polly Hopkins for violating the rules of conduct for committee members. (The 12th member, Tyler Champlin of Hopkinton, was absent.)

Charlestown member Andrew McQuaide made the motion to censure Hopkins, first reading Hopkins’ Nov. 7 social media post about Chariho teacher Sandra Laub, that led to a complaint and then, the special meeting and the vote.

“Someone should check on Sandra Laub,” Hopkins wrote. “After her notorious role paying Golda Meir, she leapt onto the anti-racist bandwagon and whole-bodily supported the ARTF [the Anti Racist Task Force] at Chariho. She must be splitting in 2 between support of Israel and Hamas. Comrades should support comrades. Snort.”

The conduct violations concern provisions of the “Code of Basic Management Principles and Ethical Standards for School Committee Members”. Section 3F states that members’ concerns about district employees’ performance or character should be brought to Chariho Superintendent Gina Picard or committee Chair Catherine Giusti.

McQuaide elaborated on Sections 16 and 17 of the code.

“The Chariho School Committee accepts the obligation to operate the public schools in accordance with the fundamental principles and standards of school management, which principles include, but are not limited to, the following: 16: Avoid criticizing employees publicly, 17: Strive to promote harmonious working relations with all School Committee members and school staff that are based on mutual respect, fairness and openness,” he read.

The complaint to the School Committee was made by the teachers’ union representative, NEA Chariho President Vin Levcowich, who was contacted by Sandra Laub.

Levcowich presented his complaint to the committee at its previous meeting.

“I am here today to address an abhorrent and hateful public statement made by a member of this committee about a certified educator in this District,” he wrote. “School Committee member Polly Hopkins posted the following despicable comment to Facebook.”

Describing Hopkins’ words as “hateful,” Levcowich asked the committee to consider its code of ethics and “practice what they preach when one of their own clearly violates their principles and ethics.”

McQuaide said it appeared that Hopkins did not regret her post.

“I am not aware of any instance, since becoming aware of this, in which member Hopkins has shown any remorse for her statement,” he said.

Hopkins, in response, read a written statement.

“Thank you, Andrew,” she said. “This attempt at ridiculous political shenanigans is why parents are becoming increasingly enraged, and engaged, in our school district and its politics. An accusation has been made that I broke a rule. I did not. It is important that we address these issues through open dialogue, respectful debate and collaborative efforts rather than resorting to censuring fellow members.”

Several committee members condemned Hopkins’ post, and a few defended her right to free speech.

Richmond member Kathryn Colasante said she had not interpreted Hopkins’ post as hate speech.

“I do not look at this as being hateful towards the teacher,” she said. “I really think it was a political discussion. If I thought it was hateful towards any person, then I would agree with this censure.”

Hopkinton member Larry Phelps also opposed the censure.

“We have the right to speak online and social media,” he said. “It’s our right under God and the constitution. I’m not going to vote ‘yes’ to do this. It’s just a dog and pony show to me and you feel brave and strong that you did something tonight.”

Linda Lyall, of Charlestown, said she was waiting for an explanation from Hopkins as to why she had made the post.

“I don’t even know what, Polly, what was the purpose of this, and I don’t know if you want to answer that, because you never explained yourself in your comments and I guess you’re not sorry that you posted it,” she said.


The Public Comments


The first person to comment was the subject of Hopkins’ post, Chariho teacher Sandra Laub.

“It [the post] conflates my support for social justice causes with my supposed support for Hamas, a terrorist organization that calls for the slaughter of Jews and the destruction of Israel. That is a false and slanderous statement. It impugns my identity as a Jew, affects my standing in the community, my credibility as a teacher and therefore, my ability to do my job effectively,” she said.

Also condemning Hopkins’ post were Hopkinton Town Council member Stephen Moffit and Rep. Megan Cotter, who represents Exeter, Hopkinton and Richmond.

“I believe it is essential to maintain a respectful and inclusive environment that fosters growth and supports all individuals,” Moffit said. “Unfortunately, Ms. Hopkins’ actions have demonstrated a violation of principles, impacting students, staff members and members of our community.”

Cotter said,

“The member in question, using social media to target Chariho teachers and spread suspicion and lies, some comments are hidden in private Facebook groups while other comments are open for all. It is clear that the statement about Ms. Laub was carefully crafted and she [Hopkins] stands by what she says.”

Richmond Town Council member Michael Colasante said he supported civil discussions.

“I wasn’t sure if I was going to get up and say anything, but being kind of, like, right in the thick of this, people have asked me ‘what’s the difference in the 32-year gap from sitting on the council the first time to sitting 32 years later the second time’. What I have to say is that there is very little civility, there’s little decorum and there’s little class today.”

He was less than civil a few seconds later.

“Other people have a right to defend themselves,” he said. “Everybody does. It’s free speech and when somebody’s going after you, they really don’t understand the true intention of your heart, damn you!”


The Vote


Four committee members, Phelps, Patricia Pouliot, Kathryn Colasante and Hopkins voted against censure and the remaining seven members voted in favor, so McQuaide’s motion, which was seconded by Charlestown member Craig Louzon, passed.

Hopkins, who sat with her head down through most of the meeting, offered no apology, but maintained that her post had been submitted to a private group and had not, therefore, been public. She ended her comment with an account of a visit she had made to the site of the Dachau Nazi concentration camp.

“This is a political commentary on the current events,” she said. “It has nothing to do with religious. I’m sorry, Mrs. Laub. I didn’t know you were Jewish. I don’t look at people that way.”


Does the Censure Mean Anything?


Contacted Thursday, Guisti said the censure was symbolic, but meaningful.

“Really, all last night did was give the rest of the School Committee the opportunity to either say they agreed with Polly and what she said or to rebuke it as having crossed the line,” she said. “It does not take away any power from Polly, it does not take away the way she can interact as a School Committee member. I don’t think Polly took anything away from that meeting. It was just an opportunity for the rest of us to affirm, with the general public, that she went too far.”

Jessica Purcell, who represents Richmond on the committee, explained why she had supported the censure.

“I think it was up to us to govern ourselves and draw a line in the sand about what’s acceptable and what’s not,” she said. “In this case, a teacher felt targeted and they were looking for action, so they came to us. The censure doesn’t have much of an impact, and far as preventing anyone from doing anything, or taking any of their rights away, but it does set a standard that we uphold our rules of conduct.”

No Applicants for Town Solicitor Position

January 3rd 2024

RICHMOND – With no applicants so far for the Town Solicitor position, Town Council members agreed at Tuesday’s meeting to extend the application deadline by two weeks, from Jan 5 to Jan. 19.

The current solicitor, Karen Ellsworth, who has served the town since 2005, withdrew her application for the renewal of her contract, which expires on Jan. 31.

Town Administrator Karen Pinch asked council members how they wished to proceed with the hiring process.

“I just want the council to discuss, and give me input on, how do you want to move forward with the hiring of a solicitor?” she said.” I did post an RFP but once those have come in, the [deadline] date is Friday.”

Pinch asked whether the council would prefer to discuss the applicants in executive session, and also be involved in the interviews.

Councilor Michael Colasante said he believed that the council should not simply receive a recommendation from the Town Administrator, but take a more active role,  choosing from a list of qualified candidates.

Quoting a section of the Home Rule Charter, Colasante said,

“The administrator shall submit a list of qualified candidates, not a recommendation, for department directors...I would like to see the administrator forward all the applicants and resumes and discuss setting up an interview process conducted by the Town Council members as a whole.”

Councilor Samantha Wilcox pointed out that the charter was referring to the hiring of department heads, and that the Town Solicitor is not a department head.

“Those quotes are regarding department heads,” she said. “Just for clarity, the Town Solicitor isn’t a department head, but an independent contractor.”

Wilcox added that the procedure would depend on the number of applications the town received.

Council President Mark Trimmer asked Pinch,

“Karen, how many do we have so far?”

“As of right now, there’s none,” Pinch said.

The council voted to extend the application deadline to Jan. 19.


Why No Applicants?


The reason for the dearth of Town Solicitor applicants depends on whom you ask.

“It might be our town’s reputation as being kind of volatile right now,” Trimmer said. “It wouldn’t be a nice place to work.”

Council Vice President Richard Nassaney agreed.

“I’m concerned that the optics of this council so far have been one where people don’t want to work together, so why is a solicitor going to run to the door to take the job? I think it’s going to be very difficult,” he said.

Wilcox was more optimistic, attributing the lack of applicants to the busy holiday season.

“It’s that time of year,” she said. “We posted the job mid-December and then we have a number of holidays at the end of the year, so it’s a frequent time to take vacations, frequent time to not really be looking for a job.”

But there’s another deadline looming. Ellsworth’s last day is Jan. 30 and without a single applicant, the town isn’t even close to finding a replacement.

“I was planning to give Karen Pinch a call today to try and figure out what our contingency was going to be,” Trimmer said.


EDC Resignations


The council voted without discussion, and without the customary “with regret,” to accept the resignations of Economic Development Commission President Bryan LeBeau and member Louise Dinsmore. In her six-page letter of resignation, Dinsmore focused her ire on Trimmer, Nassaney and Wilcox “who would rather play politics and refuse to prioritize economic development.”

Wilcox, who was singled out for additional criticism in Dinsmore’s letter, felt it necessary to submit a statement of her own, which she read at the council meeting.

Wilcox’s statement reads, in part,

“Ms. Dinsmore is entitled to her personal opinion about me and I’m not going to take that away from her but I would like to remind everyone that the EDC letter dated 11/10/2023 acknowledged the service and unwavering dedication of myself and Councilor Colasante. After the EDC presentation, I asked some questions via email and offered feedback that is available in their minutes. After the EDC meetings, I was thanked by multiple members for my input. For what it's worth, I attend all other commission and committee meetings periodically to check in, offer feedback and see if there is anything they need help with.”

There are now three vacancies on the commission.


Ethics Training


A Rhode Island Ethics Commission training session for council members and members of boards and commissions was scheduled for Jan. 30.

Colasante asked whether the training was voluntary and Town Clerk Erin Liesse replied,

“The Rhode Island Ethics reached out to me and highly suggested Richmond trainings,” she said.


Police Heroes Recognized


Two Richmond police officers were recognized by the Rhode Island Police Chiefs’ Association at a ceremony on Dec. 12 for saving the life of a man whose vehicle had crashed into the water.

Chief of Police and association member, Elwood Johnson, told the council that Sergeant William Litterio and Patrolman Anthony Meola, had received the Distinguished Service Award for rescuing a man whose car had gone off the bridge and crashed, upside down, in the water at Horseshoe Falls. The accident occurred at about 1 a.m. on July 1, 2023.

Johnson described the harrowing conditions that night.

“It actually went roof first into the water,” he said. “The river was swollen and the current was raging. A lot of people, even if you have footing, chest deep, swept away, you just can’t regain and it was pitch black.”

Johnson continued his account of the two officers’ rescue of the driver, a 38-year-old man who, at first, did not want any help.

“They put themselves at risk. They had to navigate down this heavily vegetated embankment, work to get to the closest point they could to get to the victim in the river. As they’re trying to get him to cooperate with them and catch a line that they were going to throw, he didn’t want to be bothered.  He was somewhat despondent and wanted to be left in the river to die.

These officers encouraged him, ‘Listen, you matter. Just do what we tell you. We’re going to get you to safety.’

They threw a line. He caught it. They gave him instructions to tie it around his waist and when he took his first step toward them, he submerged, but because the line was on him, they were able to pull him in and with his assistance, got him to safety.”

Johnson said the quick actions by the two officers prevented other first responders from being exposed to the dangerous conditions.

“The ceremonies were really nice,” he said. “Their families were there to witness this. It was great work by those two officers.”

Looking Back on 2023

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

December 29th 2023



Nancy Hess

The year had barely begun when the Town Council voted at the Jan. 3 meeting to not reappoint Planning Board Vice Chair, Nancy Hess.

Hess, who works in the Rhode Island Division of Statewide Planning and was the town’s expert on land use, had served on the board for about 20 years and was also instrumental in drafting the comprehensive plan.

Over the objection of Planning Board Chair, Phil Damicis, three councilors, Helen Sheehan, Michael Colasante and council President Mark Trimmer,  voted against Hess’s reappointment. The reason given for the vote was Hess’s alleged belligerence with applicants. It is not clear which applicant complained, but council Vice President Richard Nassaney and councilor Samantha Wilcox were blindsided by the vote, especially Nassaney, who said he had witnessed an exchange between Hess and Trimmer that had concluded with Trimmer telling Hess that he would support her reappointment.

At the Jan. 10 Planning Board meeting, members named Hess board Chair. It was a symbolic, but significant gesture.

Damicis warned at the time that Hess’s departure at the end of January would be a significant loss to the town.

“I’m incredibly disappointed in this council for not reappointing her and I think this town is going to suffer because of that,” he said.


Jessica Purcell

January also marked the beginning of the Chariho School Committee debacle. With the resignation of school committee member, Gary Ligouri, Jessica Purcell, who had received the second-greatest number of votes in the November 2022 election, expected that she would be sworn in to replace him. Instead, there began a protracted legal battle between council members with Trimmer, Sheehan and Colasante appointing Clay Johnson to the vacant seat. The reason they citied was the Chariho Act, which, as state law, took precedence over the town’s Home Rule Charter and allowed the council to appoint a school committee member. Purcell supporters argued that the town’s Home Rule Charter stated that the seat should be filled by the next highest vote-getter.

The issue generated so much attention that the Jan. 17 council meeting was canceled because the crowd in the council chambers exceeded the legal limit.

At the rescheduled council meeting, held a couple of days later in the Chariho Middle School auditorium, Trimmer, Sheehan and Colasante ignored the angry shouts from the audience and voted to appoint Johnson. Nassaney and Wilcox voted against the Johnson appointment.

At a Chariho School Committee meeting on Jan 24, Purcell announced that she had hired an attorney and would take her case to the Rhode Island Supreme Court. Attorney Joseph Larisa was hired to represent Johnson and the town.


The Billboard

The political rhetoric ramped up at the end of the month with the appearance, on Jan. 28, of a billboard on Kingstown Road featuring Colasante, Sheehan and Trimmer, calling themselves the “Gang of Three,” in response to a letter to the editor by Democrat Kristen Chambers. The sign, paid for by the three council members, was removed a week later when it was determined that the councilors had neglected to apply for town permit to display it.



The “Tritown Coalition”

Colasante announced that he had met with representatives from Hopkinton and Charlestown to discuss education and unfunded state mandates.

“These other towns, like us, are in the same predicament, and it’s good to work with these towns without the bureaucratic red tape because again, keeping it local, local town councils working together, is stronger than any state organization that is given to us to try and coordinate us,” he told the council. “The other towns know of this and they were very excited to hear that we were getting this started.”

Contacted after Colasante’s announcement, neither Charlestown Town Council President Deborah Carney nor a senior Hopkinton administrator had heard anything about the coalition, or the meeting.


The Chariho Budget

At the Feb 7 School Committee meeting, newly-appointed member, Clay Johnson, voted against the proposed budget, because he said the school district’s cost per pupil was too high.

Chariho’s cost per pupil is the second-lowest of Rhode Island’s four regional school districts.


Daniel Ashworth

At the Feb. 21 Town Council meeting, Daniel Ashworth, a police officer who is also a firearms instructor at The Preserve, but did not disclose that connection at the time of his appointment, was named to the Planning Board with only Wilcox opposed. (Nassaney was absent.)

Ashworth has attended only a handful of Planning Board meetings since his appointment, and has had to recuse himself from discussions pertaining to The Preserve.


Wellness Director

Also at the Feb. 21 council meeting, Colasante and Sheehan tried, and failed, to eliminate the town’s newly-created Wellness Director position.



The Vaillancourt Saga Begins

At the March 7 meeting, held in the Chariho Middle School auditorium to accommodate the crowd, Colasante, supported by Trimmer and Sheehan, rejected Town Planner Shaun Lacey’s recommendation to hire Michael Rosso as the town’s electrical inspector. At the next council meeting, the three councilors voted to hire Jeffrey Vaillancourt, who had run as a Republican for a council seat in 2022.


The “Tri Town Coalition” a no-go

With acrimony reaching the point where council members were reluctant to even sit near Colasante, three of the five councilors, Trimmer, Nassaney and Wilcox, voted to decline an invitation to join the “Tri Town Coalition.”



Beaver River Solar

The month began with a major legal defeat for the town and a victory for a solar developer, GD Beaver River I LLC and William Stamp Jr.

The decision, by Rhode Island Superior Court Justice Sarah Taft-Carter, stated that the reasons for the Zoning Board’s denial of the application were “unsupported” and ordered the board to immediately issue a special use permit for the project.

Construction is currently underway on the solar energy project, with many residents remaining opposed to the commercial facility being permitted in the Beaver River Valley, which, in 2021, was added to the National Register of Historic Places.

The town, and abutting property owner John Peixinho, have each petitioned the court for a “Writ of Certiorari,” which would ask the Supreme Court to review the lower court’s decision.


Supreme Court Arguments

On April 13, the Rhode Island Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the Jessica Purcell, Clay Johnson School Committee case.


Chariho Budget Passes

On April 4, despite the efforts of the Chariho Forgotten Taxpayers and Clay Johnson urging voters to reject it, the $57 million Chariho schools budget passed by a wide margin.


The Roundabout

On April 28, preparation began for the construction of the roundabout at the intersection of Routes 112 and 138.



The Town Budget

In late May, days before the referendum on the town budget, another letter from Clay Johnson was sent to residents. This letter urged them to reject the spending plan.


Riverhead Expansion

Riverhead Building Supply announced a $20 million expansion of its facility on Kingstown Road.



The Town Budget Rejected

The proposed town budget was soundly defeated in a referendum on June 5. The vote was 271 in favor and 390 opposed.

The council voted, at the June 7 meeting, to approve the amendments that would make it possible for the town to continue to operate with the existing budget.


Tax Breaks for The Preserve

The council approved a request by The Preserve Sporting Club and Residences for enabling legislation that would make it possible for the developer to ask the General Assembly to consider requests for tax stabilization and partial tax exemptions on the property.

Preserve owner and developer Paul Mihailides annoyed some residents when, while addressing the council, he justified his request for tax cuts, saying the taxes on the luxury vacation homes on his property were too high for many buyers.

“It’s just too much for a third or fourth vacation home, somebody that’s here a few times a year, that is here because The Preserve offers so many intangible items,” he said.

The bill was hand delivered to the State House by a representative of The Preserve. It was pulled by State Rep. Megan Cotter, however, who said she could not answer questions from fellow lawmakers about the bill because she had not been told anything about it.


Vaillancourt - Again

The council also considered dismissing the new Electrical Inspector, Jeffrey Vaillancourt, following complaints about his behavior, but decided instead to extend his probationary period.


Lacey Resigns

Town Planner Shaun Lacey announced his resignation. His last day was July 28.



Purcell Wins

On July 18, the Supreme Court released its decision on the Chariho School Committee case, finding for Jessica Purcell. Justice Maureen McKenna Goldberg was the lone dissenter. Clay Johnson was removed from the committee seat and Purcell took his place.

At a special meeting on July 21, Jessica Purcell was sworn in as a Richmond School Committee member.


New Planner

The council also voted at July 21 meeting, with Colasante opposed, to hire Talia Jalette as the new Town Planner.


Aquifer Protection

At a public hearing on July 18, the council, with Colasante and Sheehan opposed, approved amendments to the town’s Aquifer Protection Ordinance.


New Survey

Residents of Richmond, Hopkinton and Charlestown were asked to complete a survey on their priorities for capital improvements to the four Chariho elementary schools.



Colasante and taxes

Colasante continued to argue that Richmond has the second-highest tax burden in the state.


Larisa’s Legal Services Bill

The town paid the $22,240 bill, submitted by attorney Joseph Larisa, who was unsuccessful in his defense of the town and Clay Johnson in the Jessica Purcell Chariho School Committee case.


The Fair

On Aug. 19, so many people converged on the Washington County Fair that day that organizers had to stop selling tickets to allow the traffic gridlock to clear.


Vaillancourt – Again

There were more complaints about the behavior of the town’s Electrical Inspector, Jeffrey Vaillancourt, this time from representatives of the Washington County Fair. He continues to serve as the town’s Electrical Inspector.



New Legislation

The council began grappling with changes resulting from eight new land use bills passed by the state legislature. Cities and towns must be in compliance with the new laws by Jan. 1 2024. 



The Town Council approved zoning amendments to allow retail cannabis sales.

The council also voted to partner with Hopkinton on a new community center.



A new political action committee, the Richmond Community Alliance, published its first newsletter.



The Town Council approved amendments to the zoning and comprehensive plan to allow a motocross track on a property on Buttonwoods Road owned by Jordan Carlson.



Scott Barber

Scott Barber, who served for more than 24 years as the Director of Public Works, announced at the Oct. 3 council meeting that he would be retiring on Feb. 1.


The Generator

During that Town Council meeting, Colasante proposed that the town, which had already gone out to bid for an emergency generator for the Town Hall and had chosen the winning company, consider a different company that had not participated in the bidding process.

Several people, including two council members, said they found Colasante’s proposal disturbing and warned that re-opening the bidding after a company had been selected might expose the town to legal action. With Colasante opposed, the council voted to award the generator contract to the winning bidder, Calson Corporation.


Colasante Goes After Wilcox

During the Oct. 17 Town Council meeting, Colasante verbally attacked councilor Samantha Wilcox. Colasante’s refusal to relinquish the floor necessitated an intervention by Police Chief Elwood Johnson.



Colasante contacted the Rhode Island Attorney General’s office and the ACLU regarding the role of the police in preventing him from speaking at the Oct. 17 meeting.

Richmond’s new dog park opened.




At the Dec. 11 meeting of the Economic Development Commission, four of the six commission members resigned, citing frustration with, and a lack of cooperation from the Town Council.

When the meeting adjourned, Colasante launched a verbal attack on one of the two remaining members, Pete Burton. Burton later said that he did not know the motive for Colasante’s attack.


Ethics Complaints

The Rhode Island Ethics Commission voted to investigate three ethics complaints, two against Colasante and one against Nassaney.


Ellsworth to Depart

At the Dec. 20 council meeting, Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth, who has provided legal services to the town since 2005, withdrew her request for reappointment. Ellsworth ran afoul of House Speaker K. Joseph Shekarchi for remarks she made about the state’s new land use bills. She had also lost the support of the majority of Town Council members.


A few words from the Town Council President…

BRVCA asked Mark Trimmer to comment on the past year’s council activities.

“Disappointingly divisive. That’s how I would describe it in two words,” he said. “Mike [Colasante] and a few of his followers seem to be just trying to make sure that if their kind of progress is not made, then no progress gets made at all.”

Trimmer also suggested that Colasante’s behavior had contributed to the departures of valued town employees.

“This is why we can’t have nice things,” he said. “I would say that he contributed to driving two long term integral employees in our town out of our town. … It’s really just stood in the way of doing what’s best for the town. It’s as though ‘you play the game my way, or we won’t let you play at all.’”

Search for Solicitor Begins

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

December 20th 2023

RICHMOND – The last Town Council meeting of the year was not overly long and did not include any major squabbles between council members. There were, however, some disagreements.


Solicitor Leaving


Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth, who has served the town since 2005, has not enjoyed the unanimous support of the council in recent years and this year, with councilor Samantha Wilcox opposed to her reappointment, and councilors Helen Sheehan and Michael Colasante also opposed, it was clear that Ellsworth no longer had the support of a council majority.

In a letter dated Dec. 7, 2023, Ellsworth withdrew her request for reappointment when her term expires on Jan. 31, 2024.

The position was posted on the town’s website on Dec. 14.


Economic Development Commission


Council members devoted considerable time to discussing the beleaguered Economic Development Commission and the resignations last week of four of its six members.

The only EDC member to have submitted his resignation in writing is B. Joseph Reddish. The council, with Sheehan and Colasante opposed, voted to send letters to EDC members, Bryan LeBeau, Louise Dinsmore, and Joan Kent, asking them to submit their resignations in writing.

Commission Clerk David Woodmansee and member Pete Burton did not resign, but Burton was loudly scolded after the Dec. 11 meeting in the council chambers, by Colasante.

At Tuesday’s council meeting, however, Colasante took a very different tone when councilors discussed the members who had resigned.

“Guys, it’s the holidays right now,” he said. “Let’s give them a break. Let’s show a little bit of Christianity here, all right? For this time of year.”

Trimmer, himself a Christian, was incensed.

“Honestly, that’s probably the angriest I’ve ever been at a Town Council meeting,” he said Wednesday. “When Colasante said ‘let’s be Christian and send out the olive branch.’ He’s the guy who was berating somebody.”

Citing a lack of progress by the current and previous EDCs, Trimmer proposed replacing the commission with a Chamber of Commerce that would include representatives from local businesses. Trimmer’s idea will be discussed at future council meetings.


Chariho Schools


Council members said they needed more information about discussions currently taking place regarding the possible consolidation of some Chariho schools and the construction of a new school.

Trimmer said Wednesday that he understood that some of the district’s school buildings were very old and might not warrant further investment, but he repeated his concern that the taxpayers might end up footing the bill for the latest state mandate, which encourages school districts to have “newer and fewer” school buildings.

“I’m trying to be open-minded about it, reasonable about it,” he said. “To me, everyone that says they’re against funding new schools is accused of being anti-child anti-student, and everyone who’s for building the new schools is accused of being frivolous and irresponsible with their money. It would be nice if we could get everybody to stop pointing fingers and calling names, and just try to work out a solution.”

Trimmer said he planned to attend the community vision meeting on Jan. 8 at 6 p.m. in the high school library. The public will have an opportunity to ask questions about the Chariho budget as well as school consolidation.


The Road Bond


Richmond voters, in 2022, approved a bond authorizing the town to borrow up to $2.5 million for road work. Colasante proposed reducing the amount borrowed by $410,800, which is the amount of a state municipal road grant.

Colasante said his intent was to try to save taxpayers money.

“As far as I’m concerned, that total bond should include the principal and interest for that, so $2.5 million should include the interest,” he said. “People did not vote to approve a $2.85 million bond.”

Finance Director Laura Kenyon said she had prepared a memo, included in the meeting packet, that spelled out the road projects and the sources of funding.

“You have the information I have sent a memo with the schedules, so you have the information,” she said. “We are very close to what we are talking about through that memo and schedules. A lot of issues have been raised. The first one that comes to mind is the fact of the approval of a 2.5 bond. It is not customary to say ‘including interest’ when you’re approving a bond.”

Council President Mark Trimmer said the town’s roads were in desperate need of repair, noting that residents often complained to him about them.

Councilor Samantha Wilcox reminded councilors that the road bond had already been discussed.

Colasante proposed removing one of the roads from the list and having the town pay for that work and Sheehan said the town’s Department of Public Works had paved roads in the past and could pave more.

With Sheehan and Colasante opposed, the council approved a motion to borrow up to $2.5 million for road work.


The Rhode Island 250th Commission


Deputy Secretary of State Rob Rock presented information on plans for celebrating the state’s 250th anniversary and invited the town to participate.

“One of the other things the commission was tasked with is working with other organizations to commemorate the 250th anniversary, which is going to take place in 2026, and one of the commission members had an idea of going to all 39 cities and towns and asking that they put together a local 250th committee to help commemorate the anniversary in their city and town,” he said. “We’d like to invite the town in some way, shape or form, to create a local committee. We have gone to 26 other councils so far, and so far, 26 councils have agreed, in some way, to either establish a new committee or take an existing committee and put this task on them.”

State funding will be available to assist the towns with their participation.

Rock’s pitch received an enthusiastic response from the council.

“We should start a committee of some sort, so we can partner with the state and be a part of it,” Wilcox said. “I could speak with the President of the historical society.”

Trimmer added,

“I think it would be great to have a committee that would include the EDC, the Town Hall, [Town Administrator] Karen [Pinch] and so on, the Town Council.

Sheehan suggested inviting students to take part.

“The schools, too, can do all kinds of writing projects. The kids would probably find it very interesting to learn about their ancestors,” she said.

The formation of a committee will be added to the agenda of the next council meeting.


Stop Signs and Small Business Grants


In a public hearing, the council approved a zoning ordinance amendment to allow the installation of a new stop sign on Hillsdale Road at Tug Hollow Road and Bell Schoolhouse Road.


Pinch announced that several local businesses had been

proposed as recipients of $5,000 small business grants.

The council approved seven awards of $5,000 each to: Barbara’s Beauty Shop, Mae Lumen Salon, Celebrated, Mama Earth, Navigators Coffee/High Grounds, Pasquale Farms Garden Center and the Bronson Family Farm.

More Ethics Complaints

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

December 19th 2023

The Rhode Island Ethics Commission voted on Dec. 12 to open an investigation following a complaint filed by Town Council Vice President Richard Nassaney against councilor Michael Colasante.

The complaint alleges that Colasante had a business relationship with D’Ambra Construction and Richmond Sand & Stone, but did not recuse himself from votes to award contracts for paving North Road and Tug Hollow Road. In both cases, Colasante made motions to award the contracts to D’Ambra and then voted.

The complaint describes a business relationship between Colasante and the two companies, in which those companies did work at Colasante’s Buttonwoods Sawmill.

The council voted to award the North Road contract on Aug. 15 and on Sept. 8, equipment from both companies was observed doing work at the sawmill property.

On Oct. 13, equipment from D’Ambra Construction and Richmond Sand & Stone was again seen working on Colasante’s sawmill property. At the Oct. 17 council meeting, Colasante made a motion and voted in favor of granting the Tug Hollow contract to D’Ambra Construction.

Nassaney explained,

“It was the simple fact that he had at the time a relationship with D’Ambra Construction. There’s photos and videos of D’Ambra Construction equipment running on his property after he approved the bid for D’Ambra Construction to do the North Road and the Tug Hollow Road projects for the town.”

The vote to award the two paving contracts was unanimous, so Colasante’s recusal would not have changed the final outcome.

“If he would have recused, because it would not have affected the vote in any way, I wouldn’t have said ‘boo’,” Nassaney added. “He, whether knowingly or not, had a relationship with D’Ambra Construction. You just have to recuse from anything that has to do with the town.”

In his response to the complaint, Colasante said he had been doing business with Richmond Sand & Stone, not D’Ambra Construction. However, in photographs of Colasante’s sawmill property, the name “D’Ambra” is clearly visible on the earth-moving equipment.

In addition, state documents show that D’Ambra is the Registered Agent for both companies.

The Ethics Commission has 180 days to complete its investigation.


The Second Complaint


A second complaint against Colasante, filed by council President Mark Trimmer, is also under investigation. The complaint pertains to Colasante’s involvement in council decisions regarding Electrical Inspector Jeffrey Vaillancourt, who, the complaint alleges, was also doing work for Colasante at the time.


A Complaint Against Nassaney


The Ethics Commission is also investigating a third complaint, filed by former council President Nell Carpenter, pertaining to Richard Nassaney’s business relationship with Pasquale Farms, which was selling Nassaney’s hot sauce.

In an executive session on June 6, 2023, council members discussed the job performance of Electrical Inspector Jeffrey Vaillancourt and a complaint made to the town by Pasquale Farms regarding Vaillancourt’s behavior.

Nassaney recused himself from the discussion, because his “Rich’s Sweet Heat” sauce is sold at Pasquale Farms, but Carpenter stated that Nassaney still participated in the executive session, and in the open session that resumed after, and that Nassaney had also voted to take disciplinary action against Vaillancourt.

(It is not clear how Carpenter knew the details of the executive session discussion, since the minutes are sealed and she is not a council member.)

Nassaney said he could not comment on the ongoing investigation of Carpenter’s complaint.

EDC Members Resign

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

December 15th 2023

RICHMOND – Most of the members of the Economic Development Commission, including its president, resigned at Monday’s EDC meeting, citing frustration with the Town Council.

As of this writing, the only member to submit his resignation in writing is commission Vice Chair, B. Joseph Reddish.

“I don’t feel that the Town Council is focused on wanting to support the EDC, based on their actions and comments that have been made by council members,” Reddish said Thursday. “I think we all, in our minds, were fed up and it came to culmination.”

In addition to Reddish, EDC Chairman Bryan LeBeau, and members Louise Dinsmore and Joan Kent resigned, leaving Commission Clerk David Woodmansee and member Peter Burton.

Town Council President Mark Trimmer said the members who resigned were breaking the oaths they had taken to serve the town.

“They took an oath to serve the town,” he said. “They did not keep their oath to serve the town and they did not communicate with the Town Council, other than a rather insulting letter that they sent.”

Trimmer said LeBeau had not responded to his telephone calls or emails, nor did he ever appear at council meetings.

“He didn’t return any of my phone calls or communications, emails, text messages and so on. I’ve been offering to meet with him since May. … I’ve spoken with him on the phone once, and I’ve had a brief text exchange with him, asking him if we could get together and talk, and he did not respond to me.”

Trimmer also noted that the commission had not responded to numerous invitations to attend Town Council meetings.

Going forward, he said the town would begin recruiting EDC members to replace those who had resigned.

“We look to fill the Economic Development Commission with people that will keep their oath and work for the benefit of the town,” he said.

Trimmer noted that he planned to invite Woodmansee to be a part of the ad hoc committee charged with attracting new businesses to the town.

Approved by the council in November, the committee will also include Trimmer, the Chair of the EDC, Town Planner Talia Jalette and Town Administrator Karen Pinch and would meet only when necessary.  

Councilor Samantha Wilcox, who attends commission meetings as an observer, said she had attempted to get the commission and the council to work together.

“I offered a workshop to get everyone on the same page and to work collaboratively, and instead, there’s four resignations, each person with their own reasons,” she said. “First, we need their official resignations, I believe,” she said. “From there, once we get new volunteers, I’d like for us to hold our workshop and get the new volunteers on the same page with council and move forward.”

Wilcox added that she was not anticipating any difficulties recruiting new commission members.

“I’m definitely confident we can get volunteers. I’ve reached out to a few people already, so we’ll see,” she said.

Trimmer added,

“At this point, I think the Town Council will need to assume the role of the EDC, and I think that I will ask David Woodmansee if he would be a representative on that ad hoc committee when we meet with potential investors in our town.


Colasante Attacks Burton


There was a perpexing incident after Monday’s EDC meeting in which council member Michael Colasante loudly berated the committee’s newest member, Peter Burton.

“Once the meeting adjourned, he walked from the back of council chambers up to the front where I was speaking with others and came right up to me and started bloviating, basically,” Burton said.

Asked what might have provoked the attack, Burton said he didn’t know.

“Well, I’m not exactly sure. He said that I glared at him. As usual, he wouldn’t give specifics, so I’m left to guess. …

He clearly didn’t want to have a rational discussion. That’s what was really obvious. He wanted to speak and I know what it’s like when you’re supposedly speaking with two people, where one person wants to do all the talking and interrupts whenever you try to interject to figure out what’s going on. That was it with him, basically. It’s pointless when somebody doesn’t want to have a rational conversation.”

And Then There Were Two

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

December 13th 2023

MYSTIC, Conn. – A third beluga whale in the group of five imported from Ontario, Canada in 2021 has died at Mystic Aquarium. In an announcement Tuesday, the aquarium stated that nine-year-old Kharabali had begun showing signs of illness in November. She was moved to the aquarium’s intensive care area where she died on Monday.

“Kharabali is the third whale from Marineland to pass away after arriving at Mystic Aquarium,” the aquarium stated in the press release. “Havok, who passed in August of 2021, and Havana, who passed in February of 2022, both were found to have underlying incurable conditions which led to their deaths that were unable to be diagnosed while alive.”

A fourth whale of the five imported from Marineland also fell ill. The young female, “Jetta,” recovered and joined the general population.


Were the Whales Sick When They Left Canada?


The Animal Welfare Institute, (AWI) an advocacy organization based in Washington, D.C., opposed the importation of the whales and raised questions regarding their health before they left the Canadian facility.

In fact, Mystic Aquarium requested, and received permission from the National Marine Fisheries Service, to substitute three of the whales, who were believed to be sick, with healthy belugas. All five whales imported by the aquarium were born in captivity.

In a press release responding to the death of Kharabali, Dr. Naomi Rose, AWI’s senior scientist in marine biology, stated,

“AWI is deeply saddened to learn of Kharabali’s death. From the beginning, we have opposed Mystic’s request to import these five belugas, citing legal, policy and welfare implications. These whales were supposed to be healthy prior to transport, but it is likely that all had pre-existing conditions.”

Rose said the whales, all of which showed signs of illness in Canada, should not have been subjected to the additional stress of transport to the United States.

“Unless and until they were fully healthy, they shouldn’t have been imported,” she said in a separate interview Monday. “It’s never wise to transport sick whales. It’s stressful enough for them when they’re healthy. When they’re dealing with some sort of health issues, it’s extremely risky to move them, and the only time you do it is when not moving them is going to kill them.”

The import permit was issued for eight research projects that the aquarium had proposed.

“One of those projects was disallowed, because, … they prohibited breeding them and one of those projects was about reproduction,” Rose said.

The remaining seven projects were approved, but the research was suspended when Havok died. Then, in Feb. 2022, a second whale, Havana, died.

“They had not been doing any research, because they were not allowed to,” Rose said. “They were told by National Marine Fisheries Service to suspend their research until this was resolved.  Now that Jetta has recovered, I think they were considering lifting the suspension, but now, I don’t know what’s going to happen.”


Critical Violations


Following an inspection in Sept. 2021 by the United States Department of Agriculture, the federal agency responsible for enforcing the Animal Welfare Act, the Sea Research Foundation, the research arm of the Mystic Aquarium was cited for three “critical violations.”

The first was the lack of veterinary care for Havok, as he was dying and in obvious distress. The USDA report states that aquarium personnel observed Havok as he suffered but did not call in a veterinarian until he had died.

The second incident also involved Havok, who had poor eyesight, and injured himself when he swam into a closed gate that separates the aquarium’s pools.

The third critical violation pertained to the conditions of the pools, which, the USDA stated, were not adequately maintained, and also contributed to Havok’s injuries.


Problems at Marineland


Marineland has been the target, not only of animal welfare groups, but Canadian and Ontario government regulators as well, who have found the facility lacking on many levels and have even filed charges of animal cruelty.

The facility was also home to Kiska, an orca who, until she died last March, floated listlessly and alone in a small, dark tank.

The Mystic Aquarium press release about Kharabali includes effusive praise from Marineland.

"We cannot thank Mystic Aquarium enough,” Marineland wrote. “They provide exceptional care for beluga whales, and despite being amid the challenges of COVID-19, in May 2021, Mystic Aquarium took these five whales on for us to provide the world-class care and expertise they needed. This collaboration underscores the global community's shared responsibility for animal welfare. Marineland is deeply thankful for Mystic Aquarium's professionalism and tireless efforts in safeguarding the health and happiness of these beloved marine creatures."

It is questionable whether four of five whales becoming sick and three of them dying, qualifies as “world class care.” If the zoo and aquarium community is, as it claims, committed to animal welfare, Rose urged its members to work together to help improve conditions at Marineland.

“Our message has always been the same, consistent and persistent, that the industry is its brother’s keeper,” she said. “They should go up there with their expertise – they’ve got all the expertise – they know how to take care of these animals in captivity, they keep telling us, they have the veterinarians. They need to go up there themselves and help Marineland. It is not our responsibility, even. First of all, we don’t have the expertise, but even if we did, are we going to take our members’ money and spend it on something the industry should be doing? Certainly, we’ve been very consistent in what we’ve been asking the industry to do, but the industry’s been blowing us off.”

Last week, as Kharabali was dying in one of its tanks, the aquarium was basking in the glow of favorable publicity on the release of a seal that was rehabilitated at the facility.

Rose wishes aquariums would stick to helping seals.

“That is the only thing the public display industry does that I find any common ground with,” she said. “The fact that they rescue and rehabilitate animals is the only thing that I approve of.”

Town Solicitor Re-Appointment in Doubt

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA                                         

December 7th 2023

RICHMOND – The re-appointment of Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth remains in doubt after Town Council members agreed at their Dec. 5 meeting to defer the discussion of her performance and re-appointment to the executive session that will follow the next council meeting, on Dec. 19.

Ellsworth’s contract will expire on Jan. 31, 2024. She has served the town since 2005, but her tenure in recent years has been less than secure, and the list of those opposing her appears to be growing.


Past Efforts to Oust Ellsworth


Former Town Council President Nell Carpenter tried several times to terminate Ellsworth, first in August 2021, then in October, and again in January, 2022.

Councilors Michael Colasante and Helen Sheehan opposed the renewal of Ellsworth’s 2023 contract, saying they needed more time to evaluate her performance. However, in the end, the council voted, with Colasante abstaining, to approve the contract.


This Time It’s Different


Ellsworth has never minced words when discussing the latest batch of land use bills to come out of the General Assembly, describing them as poorly drafted and confusing. But this time, it was House Speaker K. Joseph Shekarchi who learned of Ellsworth’s comments on the legislation and complained about her remarks to the Rhode Island League of Cities and Towns.

Town Administrator Karen Pinch was then asked to contact the League’s Associate Director, Jordan Day. The specifics of that conversation have not been disclosed, but Ellsworth is reported to have made the offending comments at the Nov. 14 Planning Board meeting.

One of those comments can be found about an hour and a half into the meeting, where Ellsworth, referring to the new state legislation tells the Planning Board:

“My attitude is, if they make you do something stupid and you know it’s stupid, don’t do it, you know? I used to work up there. I know how they make sausage. They’re not right all the time. This is crazy. It’s crazy.”

Contacted Wednesday, both Pinch and Ellsworth declined to comment.

“I’m not going to comment, for the record, on anything, at this time,” Ellsworth said.

Council member, Samantha Wilcox, has had disagreements with Ellsworth in the past and is reported to support her ouster. One notable instance occurred last January, when Ellsworth stated that the Chariho Act superseded the Richmond Town Charter, opening the door for the Town Council to approve Clay Johnson for a vacant Chariho School Committee seat over second highest vote-getter, Jessica Purcell."

(Purcell took her case to the Rhode Island Supreme Court, which ruled in her favor. Purcell then replaced Johnson on the committee.)

Reached Wednesday, Wilcox said she did not feel that it would be appropriate to discuss Ellsworth’s job performance outside the executive session of the council.

“It’s a tough situation, because it’s job performance-related, that’s all,” she said.

However, Town Council President Mark Trimmer, who has supported Ellsworth, was more direct.

“Karen Ellsworth said what everyone else was thinking,” he said. “These land use laws and ordinances that are being pushed by the state are really, really bad news for the rural communities. I think their intent was to shift the burden of failed policies onto rural towns, and I’d say that on the record.”


Another Skirmish


A discussion involving Colasante, Planning Board Vice Chair Dan Madnick and later, council Vice President Richard Nassaney, became so contentious that Trimmer and Nassaney asked for, and received, a short recess.

Council members were planning a joint workshop with the Economic Development Commission to discuss the re-zoning of certain areas of town to attract businesses.

Madnick explained that the Planning Board had considered the zone change proposal.

“The Planning Board got together and talked about how to facilitate economic development,” he said. “One of the things we discussed is how do we implement zoning changes that could facilitate additional economic development – mixed use, commercial. And we looked at our zoning maps. … We just felt like it would be useful, with all these discussions of economic development, to try to push the town forward and find some areas that we could potentially re-zone.”

Then, unexpectedly, Colasante asked Madnick, a member of the newly-formed Richmond Community Alliance political action committee, about something the alliance had posted.

“There’s that Richmond Community Alliance, I guess,” he said. “They had five points that I guess they posted recently. Did you pen these?”

Madnick replied,

“Is it relevant to this conversation?”

“Yeah, because it mentions the EDC,” Colasante said.

“So what’s your point? “Madnick asked. “Since we’re talking in public, why don’t you read those five points? Make the point you want to make.”

Trimmer interjected.

“I’m going to call it here,” he said. “This is not an agenda item.”

Colasante persisted.

“I was just curious Dan… It’s right there in print,” he said.

Trimmer repeated that the alliance was not on the council agenda.

Nassaney then weighed in, telling Colasante,

“You want to build bridges, but you’re constantly throwing bombs. Unbelievable,” he said.

“You’ve got your soapbox, Richard,” Colasante fired back.

Nassaney responded by asking Trimmer if he could take a two-minute break, and the council went into a recess.

Asked Wednesday about that exchange, Nassaney said,

“He [Madnick] got up and defended himself with factual points and then, when he was finished, Colasante decided to passively-aggressively point out the Richmond Community Alliance and he wanted to find out who’s writing it, and instead of doing it openly and honestly as a fair question, he has to do it in this snide manner, and at that point, I just lashed out and made my statement. He just constantly attacks people he says he wants to work with.”


Other Business


The council approved a resolution, introduced by Trimmer, opposing the recently - revived proposal to bring high speed rail through southern Rhode Island towns.

“It’s going to be going through tribal lands and wetlands, electricity and water don’t mix,” he said. “It’s an enormous amount of money being spent on a railroad that no one rides and I don’t think anyone would ride.”

Trimmer said he wanted the town to draft a resolution opposing the project, and Ellsworth said one had already been drafted the last time the rail line threat was looming.

Trimmer said the resolution would need to be updated with the names of the current council members and also reflect the changes to the proposed plan.

Trimmer also noted,

“I had a constituent called up and said that the rail would literally go through the front door of his house.”


The council did not pass a resolution, introduced by Colasante, in support of Israel in the Israel-Hamas war.

Sheehan and Colasante voted in favor, but Trimmer, Nassaney and Wilcox abstained.

Council Divided on Retail Cannabis

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

December 2nd 2023

RICHMOND – The pressing need for economic development is the subject of discussion and debate at most Town Council meetings. New businesses would ease the property tax burden, which has been described by many residents as unsustainable, but the town has struggled to attract commercial development.

To make things worse, just up the road, another town is enjoying a substantial boost in commercial tax revenue. A retail cannabis store in the Town of Exeter has generated nearly $204,000 in tax revenue in 2023. That tax revenue is from a 3% “local tax” on retail cannabis sales.

Plant Based Compassionate Care Inc. operates the Sweetspot Dispensary, at 560 South County Trail in Exeter. It is the only cannabis retail store in South County, and the sixth outlet to receive a state license since retail recreational cannabis sales were approved in Dec. 2022. The licenses for the dispensaries were awarded in a state lottery, and up to 33 retail licenses could be awarded by the recently-formed Cannabis Control Commission.

In 2022, Rhode Island communities were given the option of asking residents to vote on whether to allow recreational cannabis sales or prohibit retail cannabis sales entirely. In towns like Exeter that did not hold a referendum, retail recreational cannabis sales are automatically permitted.

In the Richmond referendum, voters approved recreational cannabis sales in the town by a margin of 2,098 or 58.1% in favor to 1,513 0r 41.9% opposed.


Will Retail Recreational Cannabis Come to Richmond?


It is not known when or even if Richmond might be in the running for a recreational cannabis store.

Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth said the new Cannabis Control Commission is still getting its bearings.

“The new law has not yet fully taken effect, because it’s going to be under the control of the new Cannabis Control Commission, and that commission has not yet promulgated regulations to the best of my knowledge,” she said. “So, the only places that are selling retail cannabis now are the places that were already in existence before the state law was changed. … Right now, they’re not issuing any new licenses, because the commission is just getting started.”


Differing Opinions on Town Council


At the Sept. 19 Town Council meeting, council members discussed zoning ordinance amendments that would designate areas in town where recreational cannabis can be sold.

The council approved two new use codes, “cannabis business” and “cannabis retailer.”

Retail cannabis sales will be permitted in several zones: general business, light industrial, industrial, planned development, planned unit development-village center and, by special use permit, in the neighborhood business zone.

Voting in favor of the amendments were council President Mark Trimmer, and councilors Samantha Wilcox and Helen Sheehan. Council Vice President Richard Nassaney and councilor Michael Colasante remained opposed to retail cannabis sales. Sheehan, who supports Colasante on most issues, voted in favor of the amendments, saying she felt she had to respect the will of the voters.

Nassaney said, in a recent interview, that his opposition was as strong as ever.

“It’s not about the tax dollars, it’s about the safety of our children of our children and our police officers and the public in general,” he said. “It’s a safety issue for me, and a moral standard. Our children are bombarded with far too many things. There’s no need for them to be subject to more drugs. We have enough drugs in our town, from opioids to alcohol. Why add another one? It’s not about tax dollars. It has never been about tax dollars for me.”

For Trimmer, however, it IS all about tax dollars – revenue that’s being generated in a neighboring town, and customers driving right through Richmond on their way to Exeter.

“In my personal opinion, and I’m only speaking for myself, I believe that retail marijuana is the same as retail alcohol, and if there was a retail marijuana facility right next to Wyoming Liquors, I wouldn’t complain,” he said. “I think that would be great. I’d probably shop there. I shop at Sweetspot in Exeter.”

Asked how he felt having to travel to Exeter to purchase cannabis, Trimmer said,

“It does drive me crazy and it drives me crazy that they’re eating our lunch and they didn’t even have to vote on it.”

DEM Approves Solar Project Modifications

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

November 29th 2023

RICHMOND – As construction continues on a commercial-scale solar energy project at 172 Beaver River Road, the owner of the property, William Stamp Jr., and the developer, GD Beaver River I LLC, have received authorization to change several components of the approved site plan.

Nancy Freeman, an environmental scientist in the Freshwater Wetlands program of the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, notified Stamp in a letter dated Nov. 10 that the proposed alterations to the plan, submitted to DEM on Sept. 15, had been approved.

Chuck Horbert, DEM’s Deputy Administrator, Groundwater and Wetlands Protection, responded to questions about the approved changes in the following emailed statement:

“- Access roads and equipment pads were reduced in footprint and relocated further to the west, farther away from the Beaver River and associated wetlands;

-The solar array footprint was reduced in size to allow for a larger buffer between the array and Beaver River Road to the west.

-A temporary irrigation well was included to facilitate quick vegetative stabilization of the site after construction;

-The portion of the interconnection that was originally to be located underground was revised to use poles and overhead wires.”

The most noteworthy of the changes is the use of overhead wires and poles instead of the underground utilities that were specified in the plan.

Freeman states in her letter to Stamp that given the “Wild and Scenic” designation of the Beaver River, the agency hopes that the developer will find a way to make the poles and wires less visible.

“The Beaver River is a designated Wild and Scenic River,” she writes. “Although the revised interconnection meets the Exempt Activities per the Rules for new utility work, any efforts or design configurations to avoid an overhead wire and poles in this location are encouraged [that would not result in further impacts to freshwater wetlands.]”


Some History


The solar array is being built on a 41-acre property, owned by William Stamp Jr., located in the Beaver River Valley, which, in 2021, was added to the National Register of Historic Places.

In addition, the Beaver River was one of the river segments designated Wild and Scenic under the federal Wood-Pawcatuck Wild and Scenic River Act.

Neither of those formal acknowledgments of the historic and natural qualities of the Beaver River Valley, and the river itself, could prevent the conversion of the field to a commercial solar array.

Nor did the Town of Richmond’s repeated denials of a special use permit, which was required because the parcel is in a residential zone where such a use is not permitted.

When both the Planning and Zoning Boards denied the application, the developer appealed to the Rhode Island Superior Court, which remanded the case to the Zoning Board, which again denied the special use permit.

The developer filed another court appeal, challenging the reasons for the denial and this time, the court ruled in its favor. Justice Sarah Taft-Carter stated in her March 31 decision that board’s reasons for denying the application were “factually or legally unsupported,” and ordered the Zoning Board to issue the special use permit.

Once the permit was issued, construction at the site began immediately.


More Legal Decisions Pending


In a final attempt to stop the project, the town and abutting property owner John Peixinho, have each petitioned the Rhode Island Supreme Court for a “writ of certiorari,” an order to review the decision by the lower court.

Richmond Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth said she had not heard any news regarding the petition she submitted last June on behalf of the town.

“We’re still waiting for the Supreme Court to decide whether to grant the petition,” she said.

Peixinho’s attorney, Thomas Dickinson, said he was not expecting any news until after the holidays.

“It’s still pending, and I wouldn’t expect to hear much for another month or so,” he said.

Such petitions, however, are granted only rarely, and as the project’s opponents await news from the Supreme Court, construction continues, the developer seemingly confident that the court will once again rule in his favor.

​​Human Services to Offer Student Financial Aid Workshops

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

November 25th 2023

RICHMOND – The Richmond Department of Human Services will offer the first in a series of “Free Application for Federal Student Aid” or FAFSA, workshops on Nov. 28.

The workshops, which are free and open to residents of the three Chariho towns, will take place before the 2024-25 FAFSA application period opens in December to students who are planning to go to college or career training.x

Richmond Human Services Director Kate Schimmel explained that the workshops are funded by Gov. Dan McKee’s Learn365 program.

“We are very excited to be able to offer these workshops to our community through the Governor’s Learn365 grant,” Schimmel said. “Our hope is that they provide additional learning opportunities and resources locally for our community members. We encourage students, parents, and adult learners who are interested in post-secondary education, including career training, job-based learning and two and four - year degrees to participate. All are welcome join one or all the workshops offered.”

The United States Congress approved a new version of FAFSA, known as “Better FAFSA,” in 2020. Co-authored by Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I., the new student aid program streamlines the application process and makes it accessible to more students.

FAFSA is available for a wide range of post-secondary learning programs, from job and career training to two and four-year college degrees, but completing the FAFSA application is a requirement in order to qualify for federal student aid.

Education consultant Geoff Decker, author of the FAFSA guide “Understanding FAFSA & Financial Aid: Your Guide to Paying for College” will be facilitating the workshops.

"Filling out the FAFSA is often an overlooked piece of the college application puzzle,” Decker said. “Yet if you want money to level-up your skills and education beyond high school, the FAFSA is the gateway to investing in your future. These free public workshops raise awareness and share important information about financial aid. I'm honored to be able to work with local municipalities like Richmond to get the word out." 

The first workshop, on Nov. 28, will show participants how to create a student aid account and explain the differences between the types of student aid, such as grants, scholarships and loans.

The workshop will take place at 6 p.m. at the Arcadia branch of the Ocean Community YMCA. Space is limited, but participants can reserve a spot at  FASFA sign-up.

There will also be a virtual workshop on Dec. 5. The registration form for the virtual event can be completed at:

The workshops are part of a regional initiative to connect with all three Chariho communities.

"These educational workshops are one of the ways that we bring community members together to discuss and learn about issues and topics that are relevant to them," Schimmel said. "We're thrilled to sponsor these important programs to expand learning opportunities for our community." 

Sheehan, Colasante Oppose Reynolds Reappointment

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

November 22nd 2023

RICHMOND – In a meeting that lasted only half an hour, Town Council members disagreed on the reappointment of Mark Reynolds to the Tax Assessment Board of Review. They also noted, but did not discuss, a report that the council had requested from the Economic Development Commission.


The Reynolds Reappointment


Before the council voted on the appointment of Mark Reynolds to the Tax Assessment Board of Review, which he chairs, councilor Helen Sheehan read a statement listing the reasons why she would not support the reappointment.

Sheehan said she would not vote to reappoint Reynolds, because “he does not have the best interests of the Richmond taxpayers in his heart.”

Sheehan provided several reasons for her opposition:

Firstly, an Open Meetings Act complaint, which the Rhode Island Attorney General’s office denied, against Sheehan, Michael Colasante and Mark Trimmer.

“It cost the taxpayers over $2,000 to defend us,” she said.

Second, Sheehan believes that Reynolds, who is running for a seat on the Town Council, was attempting to convince Richmond residents that Sheehan, Colasante and Trimmer are unethical.

Reynolds has also accused Trimmer, Colasante and Sheehan of costing the taxpayers $20,000 in legal fees when the three councilors appointed Clay Johnson to the Chariho School Committee.

“We were depicted as doing something unlawful, however, our Town Solicitor had given us a legal, written opinion that if it came to being a court case, that the court would probably say that the Chariho Act would take precedence over the town charter,” Sheehan said. “The Supreme Court did not agree, so Jessica [Purcell] now has the School Committee position.”

Sheehan’s third item was the ill-fated “Tri Town Committee,” an effort spearheaded by Colasante to get the three Chariho towns together to oppose unfunded state government mandates. (Charlestown never joined the committee.)

“Mike and I wanted the three Chariho Town Councils to get together to write legislation to require the state to fund any future mandates. Mark Reynolds was part of the group of people who misrepresented our goal as something nefarious,” she said.

Sheehan also accused Reynolds of having a personal bias against The Preserve.

“The Preserve is one of the biggest taxpayers in town,” she said. “I have some concern that Marks’ decisions on the Tax Assessment Board of Review might be influenced by his emotional bias against The Preserve.”

Finally, Sheehan said that the Richmond Community Alliance, a newly-formed political action Committee chaired by Reynolds, “criticizes Republicans on the Town Council.”

“The message that comes through in their written material is that the ethical group are the members of the alliance, while the unethical people are mostly Mike Colasante and me,” she said.

Colasante supported Sheehan’s assertions, adding that members of town boards and commissions should be required to work with the council as a whole.


Reynolds Responds


Asked if he wished to comment on Sheehan’s statement, Reynolds had plenty to say.

“There’s a lot of discussion recently about people’s First Amendment rights, and their rights to criticize, particularly, the government,” he said. “It’s a very important aspect of the First Amendment, yet, I’m being criticized by Ms. Sheehan, who I have never criticized in any newsletter or on social media. I’m being criticized because I come here and I tell you what I think.”

Reynolds also noted that he had served on the Tax Assessment Board of Review for three years, before he ran for a council seat.

“… to say that this is some campaign strategy that I have somehow concocted is absurd,” he said.

Reynolds then explained that most of the tax appeals heard by the board were made by The Preserve, which has contested almost every tax assessment.

“We would make decisions based upon evidence, and the evidence supports the assessments that the town has made against The Preserve, and we have upheld them, so in that respect, we are saving the taxpayers money, because we’re making sure The Preserve is paying its fair share of taxes just like everybody else in this room does,” he said.

Reynolds also noted that The Preserve is costing the town legal fees because it is suing the town on its tax assessments.

With Sheehan and Colasante opposed, council President Mark Trimmer, Vice President Richard Nassaney and councilor Samantha Wilcox approved the reappointment.




In a response to a request from the Town Council for a report on the activities of the Economic Development Commission, EDC President Bryan Lebeau sent a single-page letter, which was attached to the council agenda. Lebeau did not attend the council meeting.

The letter states that the commission put forward six action items last April, and had received feedback on only two of them.

“We trust that you will approach this matter with the seriousness it deserves,” the letter states. “Your proactive efforts in embracing economic development initiatives and responding to the Economic Development Commission’s recommendations will undoubtedly have a positive impact on our town’s growth and prosperity. It’s time to put a stake in the ground and for our council to put their money where their mouth is.”

Trimmer described the letter as “disappointing.”

New Citizens’ Group Aims to Restore “Civility” to Richmond

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

November 18th 2023

RICHMOND –Town Council meetings have been lacking in civility in recent months, exposing deep divisions and animosity between the five council members and residents.

Concerned with the direction in which the town is heading, the founders of the new Richmond Community Alliance, or RCA, have pledged to restore decorum and respect to council meetings.

The non - partisan political action committee has a steering committee of six, which includes three unsuccessful Town Council candidates:

Attorney Mark Reynolds, who chairs the town’s Tax Assessment Board of Review, is the group’s President. Planning Board Vice Chair Dan Madnick and former council Vice President Jim Palmisciano also serve on the committee.

The three remaining committee members are Joyce Flanagan, the group’s Treasurer, and members Jaime Marland and Jeff Noble.

Reynolds said RCA’s founders wanted the name of their group to reflect its objectives.

“We wanted something inclusive and community oriented,” he said. “Also recognizing the different viewpoints. We’re non-partisan, so we have Democrats, we have Republicans, we have Independents. The ‘Alliance’ part, it’s everybody working for the common good.”

After losing his bid for a council seat in 2022, Reynolds, an attorney, said he wanted to remain involved in town politics.

“I knew after the election that I wanted to stay involved and monitor and keep an eye on things and be a counterpoint and push back on things that I didn’t think were being done appropriately, and I think Jim Palmisciano and I both kind of talked about that right after the election,” he said.

The group formed during a time when council meetings were becoming increasingly contentious.

“There was a bit of an uproar and people started kind of meeting in their own little separate factions, I guess, and a group of us started talking and ultimately became this Richmond Community Alliance,” Reynolds said.

The “non-partisan” description of the RCA is more of a reflection of the diverse political affiliations of its members and does not prevent them from weighing in on town discussions.

“We’re not going to take a position on something simply because of the party of the person who’s acting,” Reynolds said. “So, we’re going to call out Democrats, we’re going to call out Republicans, we’re going to call out Independents. Basically, we’re going to call out behavior, so, in that regard we’re non-partisan, but we will be partisan with our opinions – sure.”

The RCA published its first newsletter in September and already has more than 125 subscribers.

Dan Madnick said he hoped the RCA would help restore unity in the town.

“How do we get a sense of community back in our town, where we can actually act like neighbors and help each other out and be able to have open dialogue and share our thoughts in a meeting where you won’t get ridiculed and you’ll actually help the town move forward,” he said.

Madnick, a supervising engineer at Electric Boat, and Planning Board member since 2019, believes that everyone has something to contribute and that disagreements are necessary to the process of moving forward.

“We need to have differing opinions, but it has to be done respectfully and we just haven’t had that for a long time,” he said. “I think, putting all those things together, it helps form the basis of the values of the RCA and what we’re trying to accomplish in the town.”

Madnick said residents appeared to be responding positively to the RCA.

“We’ve got some really good feedback,” he said. “People are really pleased to have people who are actually providing factual information in a positive light and also pointing out things where there may be mistakes happening, or something that we think is wrong.”

RCA Treasurer Joyce Flanagan said she had heard positive reactions from residents to the new group.

“From them, I hear very positive things,” she said. “They feel it’s been a good source of fact clarification and it’s been a good source in terms of being another strong voice in the community.”

Flanagan said she hoped the divisions in the town would begin to heal.

“I think it’s just so important that everyone listen to each other, learn from each other, plan for each other and take care of each other,” she said.


Jeff Noble, a commercial airline pilot, moved to Richmond with his family eight years ago, but only recently became engaged in town politics. Noble travels too much to serve on a town board or the Chariho School Committee, but he believes the RCA can be a positive influence in the town.

A strong supporter of the public school system, Noble said he realized the value of good public schools when he attended the Air Force Academy and saw the differences between students who had attended well-funded schools and those who had gone to struggling public schools. (All three Noble children attend Chariho schools.)

“You could see where people had great public school support, versus not so much,” he said. “Now, fast forward to after COVID, because things were moving along fairly well for Richmond. I didn’t have any problem with taxes or school or whatever. Along came a movement that says the spending on the schools is ridiculous, using national headlines to say that things in our public schools are going badly. And quite honestly, it’s just not true. … I thought the unreasonableness of the approach that everything is out of control is wrong, and the only way I could do that was to become more politically active.”

The RCA, Noble said, will back candidates who will be positive influences in the town.

“I think, for the group, a slate of reasonable candidates, candidates that are willing to follow the rules and not break norms and I believe that our candidates would be fiscally responsive, follow the comprehensive plan,” he said.

Town Council President Mark Trimmer said he welcomed the RCA.

“It would be great to have a group that cared about the town instead of politics and went about things in a tactful, diplomatic and neighborly way,” he said. “I appreciate thoughtful commentary over personal insults at any time.”

The only Democrat on the Town Council, Samantha Wilcox, said,

“I think it’s good that somebody is holding councilors accountable, and they’ve been very receptive to feedback that I’ve sent about their newsletter,” she said. “I thought it was really cool that they were kind about that feedback.”

The Richmond Community Alliance website, and its newsletters, are on the RCA website:

More Good Financial News for Richmond

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

November 15th 2023

RICHMOND – After learning that Richmond’s property taxes are not, as one Town Council member has continued to claim, the second-highest in Rhode Island, the BRVCA looked at other indicators of the town’s fiscal health and how Richmond compares to other cities and towns.

The BRVCA explored several data sets in a report by the Rhode Island Public Expenditure Council, the nonprofit research organization frequently cited by councilor Michael Colasante.

We also looked at federal census data and spoke with the Executive Director of the Rhode Island League of Cities and Towns. The consensus is that Richmond is in sound fiscal health and is doing a good job of keeping expenses low.


On the Rocks?


At the July 21 special Town Council meeting to vote on hiring Town Planner Talia Jalette, Colasante argued that council members should be more involved in hiring town employees and criticized the manner in which the town was running.

“I just don’t know how the Town Hall’s been operating like this for the last 10 years,” he said. “That’s why I ran, to try and straighten some of these things out. Because again, like I said, the ship is going to rocks along the shore because we’re the Number Two taxed town in the state and it’s the policies of this town that are bringing that ship to the rocks and I want to see it stopped.”

At the Aug. 15 Town Council meeting, Finance Director Laura Kenyon attempted to counter Colasante’s assertion that Richmond’s tax burden is the state’s second-highest in Rhode Island.

Referring to the RIPEC report, Kenyon said,

“I took the RIPEC property taxation report and only for the residential rate, because we have one rate and a lot of cities and towns have three to five different tax rates,” she said.

“We were 11th in Fiscal year 2022, 7th in ’23 and now, we also called every city and town for their ’23 and ’24 and we’re 17th. We’re actually tied for 16th, but we only have one tax rate that ties with East Providence, which has three tax rates.”

Kenyon took the opportunity to caution councilors against citing figures without fully understanding their context.

 “…when you’re using metrics of states and cities and towns, you have to understand the calculation and the discrepancies that could happen,” she said. “You have to understand what other towns have, three- tiered or two-tier. You have to understand if they’ve been revaluated for tax levies. There are many things that go into the consideration, so as we state statistics, we should understand what we’re stating as well.”


The RIPEC Report


RIPEC Research Manager Justine Oliva talked about the sources of data and how the report is prepared.

“RIPEC produced a report on property tax using the most recent available data a few years ago,” Oliva said. “We put that out on January 25th, 2022. The most recent available property tax data that we had was in regard to tax year 2021 at that point, I believe. Since then, two separate tax rate changes have been applied, and so, you see changes in cities and towns not only in their tax rates but cities and towns have enacted other changes in regard to their property tax structure. They’re seeing revaluations, so in a lot of ways, the data in that report is old.”

Richmond did have a revaluation in 2023, which reduced the property tax rate substantially, from $20.58 to $14.76.

Colasante has described the property tax burden as a combination of several factors.

“The tax rate is just that, the rate at which we’re being taxed,” he told Kenyon at the Aug. 15 council meeting. “You’re correct when you said that we were 11th. The tax burden adds the evaluations to the equation, which makes Richmond the second-highest burdened tax town in the state.”

The data for RIPEC’s residential property tax burden chart do show Richmond as having the second-highest in the state. However, those calculations are based on a median home value of $319,000 in Fiscal Year 2022, which, Kenyon said, is higher than the median home value in Richmond.

“The chart refers to the tax burden on a home in Fiscal [Year] ’22 for an assessment of $319,000,” she said. “It’s one assessment times the tax rate. They’ve used that schedule as what they consider to be the median assessed value of a home. … I checked with the assessor, and…the median household was $287,000 in Richmond, and understanding what is in a report and what is being referred to, you have to look and understand our median household assessment wasn’t the $319,000.”

Oliva noted that RIPEC is planning to update the information in its report when the state releases its latest figures.

“We are talking about, practically, what are you, as a resident homeowner, actually paying, so that’s why we use this example where we pick the median price home from that period,” she said. “…We do plan to revisit this report this winter, when the new data is released,” she said. “The new data – the Division of Municipal Finance will be releasing the data for the current year soon.”


Administrative Expenses


The RIPEC report contains a chart, prepared in 2021, that ranks municipalities’ administration costs. Those costs include police, administration, public works and parks and recreation.

Richmond’s municipal per capita expenditures, not including education, were $792, the second-lowest in the state. Only Exeter had lower expenses.

BRVCA asked Ernie Almonte the former Auditor General for the State of Rhode Island, to comment on Richmond’s ranking in the report. Almonte currently serves as the Executive Director of the Rhode Island League of Cities and Towns.

“If I was the leader of that community, I’d be proud that my expenditures were that low and near the bottom of costs of running an efficient community,” he said.


The Census

There is more good financial news for Richmond: The U.S. Census Bureau shows the median household income in Rhode Island, from 2017 to 2021, was $74,489. In Richmond, the median household income was $104,493, putting the town 10th from the top on a list ranking 39 communities in the state. In addition, the per capita income, $44,904, puts Richmond in 13th place on the list.

Richmond Tax Rate NOT the Second-Highest in R.I.

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

November 10th 2023

RICHMOND – In familiar refrain, Town Council member Michael Colasante continues to state that Richmond’s property tax rate is the second-highest in Rhode Island. But research conducted independently for this article (with current 2023 data from each city and town’s official website) shows that when compared to the taxes in other cities and towns, Richmond’s tax rate is, in fact, closer to the middle than to the top.

As recently as the Nov. 6 Town Council meeting, Colasante repeated his tax burden claim, objecting to the council’s rejection of his proposal to re-open bidding for the Town Hall emergency generator after the bidding had taken place and the winning company had been announced.

Colasante repeated his assertion twice.

“Unfortunately, we’re the second-highest burdened tax town in the state, and it’s always my idea to try and save the taxpayers money,” he said.

About four minutes later, still referring to the generator bid, he stated,

“That’s why we’re the second-highest property burden town in the state.”

Colasante appears to be basing his assertion on a 2022 study, using data from 2021, by the Rhode Island Public Expenditure Council (RIPEC). On page 33 of the study, there is a table showing the “tax burden for homeowners with $319,000 in assessed property value,” and Richmond, with a rate of $20.58, is indeed second on that list, with West Warwick at the top.

But that was two years ago, and the tax rate is lower now.

When The Rhode Island Department of Revenue did not provide an updated list of cities’ and towns’ property tax rates, BRVCA was left to do its own research, surveying every municipality in the state to determine their 2023 property tax rates. The result of that research is the table included in this story, and it shows that Richmond, with a tax rate of $14.76, is not even close to having the second-highest tax rate, coming in 16th on the list of 39.

Town Council President Mark Trimmer said the repeated use of out-of-date figures was an attempt by the opposition to create a scenario that would anger taxpayers.

“I feel that the angry Republicans had tried to create a false narrative regarding Richmond taxes to keep people angry and unhappy with the town and its services, and I think it’s great that someone took the time to do the research to determine that it was a false narrative and hopefully, it puts the false narrative to rest,” he said.

Trimmer also noted that he felt that the taxes on his Richmond home are not excessive.

“The taxes on my home are very reasonable, I feel, much more reasonable than when I lived in East Greenwich or Warwick, and it’s a much better quality of life and to me, this is good news and just reinforces why I moved to Richmond,” he said.

Mark Reynolds, who chairs Richmond’s Board of Tax Assessment Review, said the newest figures showed Richmond’s property taxes are reasonable compared to those in other municipalities.

“We are not out of line with other cities and towns,” he said. “No one likes taxes. Everyone wants their taxes lower, but those statistics show that we are doing our best to keep the taxes reasonable for people.”

Council Disruptions Continue

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

November 8th 2023

RICHMOND – The acrimony continued at Tuesday’s Town Council meeting with four agenda items introduced by councilor Michael Colasante, as he had promised to do on the Oct. 25 edition of the “#InTheDugout” radio program.

Colasante, told program host Mike Stenhouse that he had filed complaints with the ACLU and the office of the Rhode Island Attorney General regarding his treatment at the Oct. 17 council meeting, during which council President Mark Trimmer would not let him finish a statement he was reading from the podium normally used during the public forum.

Contrary to his promises to “hit the reset button” and work with his fellow council members, Colasante told Stenhouse that he was already preparing for Tuesday’s council meeting.

“Do you expect to do or say anything there in furtherance of this situation, Michael, or are you just going to wait for the ACLU?” Stenhouse asked.

Colasante replied,

“No, I’m going to put it on the agenda that I notified the ACLU and there’re going to be a few other things on the agenda too, concerning these issues.”


Colasante added four items to the council agenda:

The road work bond approved by voters in 2022,

The bid for a generator for the Town Hall,

Fees charged by Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth for Open Meetings Act complaints made by council member Samantha Wilcox and attorney Mark Reynolds,


A discussion of the accounting of revenue from the Beaver River solar project.


The Roadwork Bond


This was not the first time Colasante had proposed that the amount of the road bond, for which voters approved up to $2.5 million, could be reduced if the town used state funding.

“We can use the windfall of the road grant, save the taxpayers money,” he said Tuesday. “We go out to bond for $2.1 million and use the road grants to fill the gap of the $2.5 million and that would be actually more in line with what the voters voted for.”

Colasante made a motion, seconded by councilor Helen Sheehan, that the town go out to bond for $2.1 million and use state grants for the remaining $400,000.

Karen Ellsworth asked,

“Isn‘t that what the Finance Director already said to try and do?”

Finance Director Laura Kenyon was not present at the meeting, and Ellsworth suggested the council wait for her to return before making a decision.

Colasante made a motion to put the item on the next meeting agenda, but it was decided that the council would wait for the next meeting where Kenyon was present.

The council approved the motion, with councilor Samantha Wilcox voting against it, because, she said, the matter had already been discussed.


The Generator

The town went out to bid for an emergency generator for the Town Hall and announced the winning bid, $99,234, on Oct. 3.

Colasante had previously mentioned that he had reached out to a company that had not bid on the contract but could do the job for $73,000.  Since the project is not an emergency, he urged the council to delay the work and consider the lower bid.

Trimmer pointed out that the bid from the firm Colasante had contacted did not include site work.

“You got a bid for a commodity, a generator,” he said. “The bid we got for the town, which was $98,000, was not only for the commodity, but for the extensive site work to run the conduit from the pad, through the pad, under the ground –

Council Vice President Richard Nassaney added,

“and re-wire the entire building.”

Colasante said he was trying to save the taxpayers money, but Nassaney warned that circumventing a legal bidding process would end up in a costly lawsuit.

“If we want to save our taxpayers any money, we don’t even entertain this, because the contractor that was awarded the bid would turn around in a heartbeat and sue the town for breach of contract,” he said.


Town Solicitor Fees


Colasante asked what Ellsworth had been paid for defending the town against complaints of Open Meetings Act violations filed by Samantha Wilcox and Mark Reynolds.

“They both were denied and there was no OMA violation, so I would like to know how much it cost the town,” Colasante said.Ellsworth replied that the same request had already been made by Raymond Pouliot, a Colasante ally.

“I think it was about $1,500 and the second one was $2,052,” she said.

Colasante reminded the council that Wilcox had wanted to know what attorney Joseph Larisa had been paid to defend the town and Clay Johnson before the Rhode Island Supreme Court, a case that the town lost. Larisa was paid $22,242.

“Mr. President, the only reason why I brought this up was because councilor Wilcox wanted to know how much the fee was for attorney Joe Larisa, so, what’s good for you is not good for somebody else,” he said.


Beaver River Solar Revenue


Colasante’s fourth item pertained to the revenue from the Beaver River Solar project.

Since Finance Director Laura Kenyon was not at the meeting, Colasante made a motion, seconded by Sheehan, to postpone the discussion until she returned.

However, Wilcox said she had wanted to discuss it Tuesday, because of a quote from Colasante in the meeting packet, stating that Town Administrator Karen Pinch had said that the fee the developer had paid to the town in June had been “spent around town.”

Wilcox said,

“The quote was misquoted. What was said was, typically those revenues are accounted for in the budget process to be spent on whatever other town services.”

Wilcox suggested Colasante could get the information he was looking for by filing an Access to Public Records Act, or APRA request.

With Wilcox, Trimmer and Nassaney voting against Colasante’s motion, it was defeated.


License Renewals


A considerable portion of Tuesday’s meeting was devoted to victualling and holiday sales license renewals for businesses in the town.

In the case of The Preserve, the license renewals were contingent upon the payment of local taxes. In theory, the town could refuse to renew a business license because of unpaid taxes, however, it has never done so.

The Preserve did end up paying its tax bill on Tuesday afternoon, $37,069.45, and an additional town water bill of $11,543.36.

No “Reset Button”: Colasante Escalates Council Discord, Seeks ACLU Opinion

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

November 3rd 2023

RICHMOND – Appearing on the Oct. 25 edition of the talk radio show “#InTheDugout,” Town Councilor Michael Colasante, accompanied by political ally Louise Dinsmore, doubled down on Colasante’s behavior at the Oct. 17 Town Council meeting and told host Mike Stenhouse that he had requested an opinion from the American Civil Liberties Union on whether his rights had been violated by council President Mark Trimmer.


The Oct. 17 Council Meeting


During the public forum of the council meeting, Colasante recused himself from the council and walked to the podium. Trimmer told Colasante he had three minutes to speak, but when he began to attack fellow councilor Samantha Wilcox, Trimmer stopped him. Colasante initially refused to leave the podium, even when asked to step down by Police Chief Elwood Johnson, however, he eventually stepped away, handing his written statement to his wife, Kathryn Colasante, who read the rest of it.


In a response to a story about the meeting on the Beaver River Valley Community Association Facebook page, Colasante posted the text of his statement, in which he said he wanted to “reset” the discussion and work with his fellow councilors, a position he reiterated on the radio show.

“I just basically wanted everybody just to hit the re-start button. The reset button,” he told Stenhouse.

However, after expressing his desire for reconciliation, Colasante recounted a litany of grievances against council Trimmer, Vice President Richard Nassaney and Wilcox.


Dinsmore added her own comments.

On Nassaney:

“He was endorsed as a Republican, however circumstances were such that he was, you know, a chameleon, in that he was claiming to be part of our slate and part of our values, but in reality, he was working against our slate.”

On Wilcox:

She aligns herself with people like Megan Cotter and Jessica Purcell and Uprise Rhode Island.”

Stenhouse interjected,

“So pretty far left, then,”




Efforts to stimulate economic development, Colasante alleged, have been repeatedly stymied by left-leaning conservationists, who support the preservation of open space, increasing the burden on taxpayers.

“The town is actually going out to bond that the average taxpayer now is on the hook for to buy this land to take it off the tax roll, so we use our hard-earned money to buy the land, then it’s off the tax roll. Now it’s tax exempt,” he said, in a rambling narrative.


Were Colasante’s Rights violated?


Stenhouse played a recording of the portion of the council meeting during which Colasante claims his right to speak was denied.

But Colasante’s argument is disputed by Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth in a legal opinion requested by Trimmer and sent to council members on Oct. 20.

In an interview on Friday, Ellsworth stated that Colasante could recuse himself from a vote, but not from the council.

“He said ‘I want to recuse myself,’ but that’s not what ‘recuse’ means,” she said. “Recuse means not voting. What was he going to vote on?”

Ellsworth also noted that Trimmer had not been acting improperly when he asked Colasante to step down.

“The person presiding over the meeting was in his rights to ask the police chief to escort him from the room,” she said.

Insisting, during the radio interview, that as a councilor he had a right to speak in public forum, Colasante accused Ellsworth of intimidation.

“I’ve been dealing with attorneys for decades and decades now, and they like to intimidate people,” Colasante told Stenhouse. “The bottom line is, when they say ‘this is my opinion,’ my famous line is ‘you’re correct. It’s just your opinion.’ … “It’s just her opinion, and she’s going to side with the Town Council because she feels that the other two councilors are in her court, and it allows her to keep ringing the cash register for herself.”

Asked about Chief Johnson’s request that he leave the podium, Colasante said he had been in communication with the Rhode Island Attorney General’s office, in addition to the ACLU, regarding the role of the police.

“The first step is seeing what the ACLU has to say, and I think it’s going to be in our favor, and then actually, going to the Attorney General’s office and actually getting some of our state reps to maybe propose legislation, all right? that will finally, all right? take care of this issue and address it.”

Reached two days after the council meeting, Johnson said,

“My role at those meetings is that I’m a police officer, there to keep the peace. I make sure there are no disruptions. During that meeting, the President asked a person to stop speaking.”

However, Stenhouse saw the incident differently, suggesting that the ACLU sue the Richmond police, “so that we can force a judgment. I’m not trying to be mean here, but it’s two things: can people be denied their First Amendment rights, as Louise [Dinsmore] said, and can police be complicit in that when there is no disturbing of the peace?”

Johnson noted that it had not been necessary to escort Colasante from the council chambers.

“We didn’t have to go there, because the person returned to their seat. I treat people civilly,” he said.

But in the radio interview, Colasante described an exchange he had with Johnson in the Town Hall parking lot after the meeting.

“Before the chief got into his cruiser, he came up to me and he actually shook my hand and he said, ‘Mike, thank you very much for being such a gentleman in the way you handled that.’ And I just said to him, ‘well, you know, Chief, look, I didn’t want to be contentious, I am a gentleman, I wanted to handle it appropriately, but the next time it’s not going to go that way. I’m telling you right now.’ I said ‘so I’m giving you a heads up, all right? that it will not go the way it went this time around, so you’re going to have to make a decision beforehand as to what you’re going to do.’”


Will There be More Disruptions? Probably.


“I don’t think that there’s anything anyone can do about behavior that is not civil,” Ellsworth said. “The incivility is going on, on a regular basis, and not just from one person, and I think that’s the basis of the problem.”

Trimmer also seemed resigned to dealing with continued incidents, all planned, he said, as part of a coordinated effort that he called “Operation Disruption,” to interfere with Town Council business.

“I don’t believe anything will change as a result of a legal decision on the solicitor’s part,” he said. “This was all part of Operation Disruption, part of a plan to get reelected. … It’s a planned operation to disrupt and discredit anyone on the council who isn’t them.”

Veterans Appreciation Lunch

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

November 2nd 2023

RICHMOND – The annual Veterans Appreciation Luncheon will take place on Saturday, Nov. 11 this year, coinciding with Veterans Day.

The event, which first took place in 2010, has become an annual tradition in Richmond.

Senior Center Director and Army veteran Dennis McGinity explained that the event usually attracts about 35 veterans and their families.

“We don’t get an awful lot of people come, but we have a good group, so I have to make sure I have enough food,” he said.

McGinity and Senior Center volunteers began planning the event in September.

“Around the middle of September, we start getting things organized,” he said. “We start looking at volunteers and all the display items and flags. We get everything assembled and we have it here, ready to go.”

In addition to a light lunch, there will be a flag display and a display of photographs of veterans. The United States Department of Veterans Affairs will also have an information booth, and participating for the first time will be Operation Made, a Warwick-based business that markets veteran-made handcrafted products.

“It’s a nice, social event, where people can come in and see, not only the flag display that we put up, but meet some of the seniors, who are ex-military, who are veterans that will be here,” McGinity said. “When we first started this, we said ‘let’s not forget anybody, because every person who served in the service deserves to have a display flag,’ so we have put all the display flags in that we could get – regular Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard. We also have a POW flag.”

A particularly poignant component of the event is the Missing Man Table, which is set for those who served and never came home.

“It can be an emotional thing, especially to some of us older people,” McGinity said. “People who’ve been in the service, we’ve lost fellow soldiers and sailors and Marines and WACs and WAVEs, you know, there are so many people that are lost and it’s very important for us to remember that not all of them came back to flags and parades. A lot of them are still missing, have never been recovered.”

The volunteers organizing the event are determined, McGinity said, that veterans are never forgotten.

“We all feel the same way, that it’s very, very important for the Town of Richmond and the surrounding communities not to forget. It’s so important not to forget our veterans, people who have lost their lives and those who served honorably for a couple of years, or many years…I know from experience that they really appreciate it. They really do.”

Town Council President Mark Trimmer commended McGinity for his commitment to organizing the event.

“I think Dennis is really an asset to the town and the fact that he does that for the people who served our town is really important,” he said.

McGinity added,

“We know that people have seen a lot of this display before, [but] a lot of people haven’t. Our point is, we’re a representative of the Town of Richmond, and we are making sure that this celebration of veterans does not go away, not in the Town of Richmond or the surrounding areas. I know we have a lot of people come from Hopkinton and Charlestown and Exeter. … We’re not forgetting. If only one person comes, we’re not forgetting, and that’s the important thing.”


The open house and luncheon will take place from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Richmond Senior Center, 1168 Main Street. (Above the Police Department)

The event is free and open to everyone.

Barber to Retire from Richmond DPW

​By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

October 27th 2023

RICHMOND – Scott Barber, the longtime Director of Richmond’s Department of Public Works, announced at the Oct. 3 Town Council meeting that he would be retiring on Feb. 1. Barber will continue to serve as Richmond Carolina Fire Chief.

It is probably safe to say that Barber knows more than anyone about Richmond, its history, and its quirks. At the DPW building on a recent morning, in a conference room that he and his employees had renovated themselves, Barber looked back on his career with the town.


A Lifetime of Service


Barber took over as DPW Director 24 years ago. Before coming to Richmond, he worked for 10 years for the State of Rhode Island at the Department of Transportation and in the forestry division, and then worked in Hopkinton, where he was a DPW Foreman for five years. But Barber had always called Richmond home, and in 1999, he became the town’s Public Works Director.

“It was the town I grew up in and the town that I was most familiar with,” he said.

Richmond’s DPW, like the town itself, was a lot smaller in those days.

 “I was a 35-year-old kid that was ready to take on the world,” Barber said. “Back then, I believe there were only five of us total, including me.”

As the town grew, the duties of the DPW became more diverse. The department now has 11 employees.

“The whole direction of the public works department has changed over the years,” Barber said. “We’re the catch-all. We do buildings and grounds, manage the transfer station, and there’s a lot more public need out there – the phone calls, the requests for service, it’s just grown immensely.”

There are more regulations, too, and residents have become increasingly demanding.

“There’s so much exposure now, the increase in traffic and hazards on the roadside,” Barber said. “When you get into winter operations, the expectation of the public is that they want the roads cleared within a very short time period, and that’s a challenge.”

One of the department’s ongoing projects has been repairing and maintaining the roads, a job that Barber said has been a constant challenge to keep up with.

“There’s a long list of roads that need to be done, and there’s only so many funds available to do it, to keep the tax rate and the town budget manageable, and some of the projects get pushed out further than we’d like to see,” he said. “I mean, there’s roads that I did over 20 years ago that are already needing to be re-done, and we have roads that have never been done, so that’s frustrating.”


The Public Works Department “Lifestyle”


“The public works job itself, it’s a lifestyle,” Barber said. “It’s not a job. Your life revolves around the weather. Everything is impacted by what the weather does and every incident, whether it’s a windstorm, snowstorm, rainstorm, there’s some type of impact that you get affected by. It’s a mindset, you know? You’re going to have to go to work. You’re going to have to leave family behind and go to work, and a lot of people can’t do it.”

Barber became Fire Chief the same year he took over the DPW, and he admits that the two jobs consumed him.

“It was a struggle,” he said. “It had a huge impact on my home life, obviously. I probably put work at the Fire Department ahead of family when I shouldn’t have.”

Barber is divorced, and his son, Seth, lives with his family in the house next door. That means Barber gets to spend lots of time with his two grandsons, Sam, 4, and Jase, who was born last summer.

“They bring me so much joy and innocent love, you know?” he said. “When your grandson reaches for your hand and wants to be with Gramp, that’s always the best.”

Sam has already shown an interest in the one hobby Barber has made time for: collecting old tractors and tractor-pulling.

Growing up on his grandfather’s dairy farm, Barber developed a love for tractors, especially older models. He now has twelve farm tractors and “eight or ten” modified garden tractors.

“That’s probably the only real enjoyment that I get that’s not work,” he said.


Anecdotes and Accolades from Colleagues and Friends


Town Council President Mark Trimmer described Barber as “old school.”

“He has dedicated his professional life to the town and taking care of the people of the town,” he said. “He is truly a servant- leader, and it’s biblical. There’s nothing more revered than a servant-leader. His kindness, his level-headedness, his lack of demeaning people. He’s a gentleman. He’s an old school gentleman.”

Town Administrator Karen Pinch recalled that when she began working for the town, Barber took her on the most complete guided tour, ever.

“Like he does with everyone, the first thing he did was offer to take me around the whole town, which takes a very long time,” she said. “You would never expect it, but it does. He drove me around every road in town and pointed out all of the high points and things that he thought that I should know.”

Keith Place, one of Barber’s closest friends, was First Deputy Fire Chief for 40 years and also served as Richmond’s Town Moderator. Place retired in 2021 and moved to Florida, but the two old friends have stayed in touch.

“You could talk to him and he’d help you out, and if you had any problems, you could go and talk to him,” Place said. “I think he’s a great guy. He’s done a lot for the town, and I think the town’s going to miss him.”

The DPW employees will probably miss Barber the most. Gary Robar and Cody Caswell, both of whom started as truck driver-laborers, are now superintendents.

“I’ve never had an issue with Scott, never,” Robar said. “He has the answers. He’s got a knowledge…  not only for public works but beyond, for laws and certain things.”

Asked if he had any special insights into his boss, Caswell joked,

“He always knows what he’s eating next. He knows what he’s having for dinner, or for lunch. He always makes sure he’s got something in the works for food.”

Then he added,

“As Swap Yankee as a Swamp Yankee can get. Down to earth, level headed – you treat him fair, he treats you fair.”

Carpenter Takes Nassaney Feud to News Media

October 21st 2023

CRANSTON – Former Richmond Town Council President Nell Carpenter took to television news Friday evening to discuss complaints she has made to the Rhode Island Ethics Commission regarding Town Council Vice President Richard Nassaney.

Carpenter’s interview was included in a report on Channel 10 during the 6 o’clock broadcast.


The complaints were filed in September. The Ethics Commission is conducting full investigations into both, which it has 180 days from the day of filing to complete.

Reached in Pennsylvania where he was traveling on business, Nassaney said he would not comment on the complaints because the investigations are ongoing.


The Complaints


Filed on Sept. 14, the document introduces both complaints by stating that Nassaney “has acted in violation of the Rhode Island Code of Ethics.”


The first violation, Carpenter states, took place at a special Town Council meeting on Aug. 29, 2023, during which the Washington Pomona Grange, which runs the Washington County Fair, had complained to the town about the comportment of the town’s newly-appointed Electrical Inspector, Jeffrey Vaillancourt.

Nassaney, who sells his brand of sauce, “Rich’s Sweet Heat” at the Washington County Fair, recused himself from the discussion, citing that business relationship.

However, Carpenter charges that Nassaney nevertheless participated in that meeting, because,

“…after Councilman [Michael] Colasante obtained the floor and was speaking, Vice President Nassaney intentionally distracted the President by tapping him on his left arm. The Vice President effectively influences and gains the attention of the President in this action as evident in the video. As a result, The [sic] Council President then says ‘Hold on” and interrupts Councilman Colasante mid-sentence. At this time, Vice President Nassaney having commandeered the floor with this action, directs the President’s attention to the Administrator with two [2] finger points in her direction to his left. At that point, the Administrator interjects.”


The Second Violation


Carpenter states that on June 6, 2023, in an executive session that was closed to the public, councilors discussed the job performance of Electrical Inspector Jeffrey Vaillancourt and a complaint about Vaillancourt’s behavior made to the town by Pasquale Farms.

Nassaney, whose sauce is sold at Pasquale Farms, recused himself from the discussion.

Carpenter states that Nassaney nevertheless “participated in the closed session and upon resuming open session, Vice President Nassaney spoke extensively regarding the electrical inspectors [sic] job performance and behavior relating to his business associate, ‘Pasquale Farms.’ He additionally voted to take disciplinary action against the electrical inspector.”


Carpenter’s apparent knowledge of the details of a discussion that took place during the closed session has raised some eyebrows. Once the minutes of those Executive Session minutes are sealed, councilors are not to publicly discuss their contents, but Carpenter, who is not even on the council, seems to have a thorough knowledge of what transpired at the second “closed session” meeting.


The WJAR report appeared to take a slightly satirical view of the situation, framing it as a small-town, political dust-up over hot sauce.

In the first of several sauce-related puns, the reporter says,

“It’s not just a condiment, but an ingredient in a heated political climate in Richmond that’s getting messy. Rich’s Sweet Heat, sold locally and online. Rich is Richmond Town Councilman Richard Nassaney and his sauce had already landed him in a bit of a sticky situation…”

In the interview, Carpenter states that Nassaney may have recused himself from the discussions at the two meetings, but he had nevertheless participated in them.

“He was very effective in interjecting and participating,” she said, referring to her first complaint.

Carpenter was chosen council President over Nassaney in 2020, and the two were frequently at odds. Still, Council President Mark Trimmer was aghast to learn that those conflicts appeared to have continued to fester.

“I think it’s incredibly disappointing that she has not let the feud between her and Rich go,” he said. “Rich has moved on. She hasn’t. I just think it’s bizarre that she would be involved in all of this. Absolutely bizarre to me.”

Responding to a question from the reporter about her personal animosity toward Nassaney, Carpenter answered,

“Is it personal? Is that what you’re asking? We’re not breaking bread anytime soon and that’s not a secret.”

Councilor’s Tirade Mars Meeting

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

October 18th 2023

RICHMOND – Town Council members discussed and voted on several matters at Tuesday’s meeting, but the one exchange that will not be quickly forgotten is the unexpected attack by councilor Michael Colasante on fellow council member Samantha Wilcox.


During the public forum, which is intended to give residents an opportunity to express their views, Colasante asked to recuse himself from the council and go to the podium.

There was a moment of stunned silence.

Wilcox asked whether a council member could use the public forum to address an item that was not on the agenda, but

Council President Mark Trimmer allowed Colasante to speak.

Reading from a prepared statement, Colasante said he had been elected to reduce taxes and promote economic development, but other council members had made it impossible for him to do so.

“I began my service to the taxpayers as a member of the Richmond Town Council with the sincere hope that all Town Council members would work collaboratively,” he said. “However, just about the moment I was sworn in, to this day, I’ve seen [sic] nothing but resistance to the many positive proposals and ideas that I’ve put forward on the table.”

Colasante then directed his anger to Wilcox.

“At this point, I feel compelled to expose the hypocrisy of specific fellow councilors,” he said. “For the first council meeting, councilor Wilcox compiled copious pages of notes….”

Trimmer interjected.

“I’ve got to stop you there. This is just a public attack, and we’re not going to do that. This is a Town Council meeting,” he said.

Colasante persisted, saying,

“Let me finish.”

Trimmer responded,

“I’m done.”

“Well, you can be done, but I’m not,” Colasante replied, adding a comment about remarks “disparaging Italians.”

“This is an attack against councilor Wilcox,” Trimmer stated.

“No, it’s not,” Colasante said. “It’s factual record.”

Trimmer said,

“I don’t want to do this. This is not what public comment – public forum - is for.”

Colasante continued to insist that certain council members had been “disparaged.”

Wilcox asked, again, whether Town Council members could recuse themselves from the council to comment as members of the public.

“We’re part of this body. We’re not really supposed to recuse ourselves to speak in public forum.”

“Let me finish,” Colasante said.

“No,” Trimmer responded.

Colasante ally Louise Dinsmore broke in.

“Mark, you’re not respecting his ability to say what’s on his mind,” she said. “Let him speak his mind.”

Police Chief Elwood Johnson stepped in.

“Don’t speak unless you’re at the podium, and it’s at the direction of council as to whether you speak or not, Mr. Colasante,” he said. “Please don’t do this. This is not the way to achieve, I think, what you…”

“Well, Chief,” Colasante interrupted, “That’s your opinion, and you don’t have a right to get up and say that, okay? You don’t.”

“The Town Council President is asking … Johnson began, before Trimmer told Colasante,

“Just sit down. And stop.”

Colasante handed his written statement to his wife Kathryn, saying, “You read this.”

Resident Iva Lipton, annoyed at what she was witnessing, said to Colasante,

“Aren’t you lucky you’ve got a wife.”

Kathryn Colasante read the statement, which criticized Wilcox for taking “pages and pages of notes that she thought were Open Meetings violations.”

Kathryn Colasante continued,

“While he was fighting for the hard-working men and women of Richmond, the retired, on fixed incomes, young families with high mortgage payments – all right? – some councilors were more focused on getting Colasante.”

Lipton, a resident who has attended council meetings for decades, stood to address the council, but was actually addressing Colasante.

“I have never seen this kind of dissent and if you get attacked enough times, I was a boss for a long time. I never got attacked. That meant I was a good boss. If you’re attacked all the time, it means there’s something wrong with you,” she said.

Reached Wednesday, Wilcox said she did not understand the purpose of Colasante’s attack.

“I don’t think the statements were productive and there was no end goal,” she said. “What was the end goal?  My concern with councilors recusing and speaking as members of the public is that we are not members of the public. We are councilors.”

Trimmer said Wednesday, that the testy exchanges would have been seen by developers.

“His behavior is an embarrassment to our town and the developers were watching.”

Council Vice President Richard Nassaney said Colasante’s reported communications with developers, without the knowledge of the Town Council, would likely be impediments to development.

“I think that as a whole, any developer will pull their cards back to their chest, because you have this rogue person who sees it necessary to put himself into the limelight,” he said. “They [developers] have stated they don’t want to be part of the politics.”


Other Business

The council approved several items, which included applying for a Municipal Resilience Program grant from the Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank for three proposed projects:

The replacement of a culvert on Carolina Nooseneck Road, habitat restoration at Beaver River Park, and an initiative to increase resilience and promote ecotourism on the Heritage Trail property by restoring part of the property to grassland and pollinator habitat.

Colasante made a motion, which the council approved,  to approve the culvert replacement if other culverts needing replacement were bundled with the initial culvert replacement request.


Economic Development – Again


The council continued its long-running discussion of the need to attract economic development to the town. The Economic Development Commission has repeatedly asked the council to reinstate the American Rescue Plan Act funding it had allocated to the creation of the position of Economic Development Director.

Trimmer said he wanted instead to create a group that would be a “one stop” for developers considering locating in the town.

“It’s utilizing the people you already have all in one room, so the developer driving here from New York or from Boston doesn’t have to make 20 trips to talk to 25 different groups,” he said. “He can make one trip.”

Trimmer stressed that the group would support, not usurp the authority of the town’s Planning and Zoning Boards.

The group would include Town Planner Talia Jalette, Town Administrator Karen Pinch, Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth, Trimmer or council Vice President Nassaney, and one member each from the Planning Board, Zoning Board and the Economic Development Commission.

Colasante proposed that he be named the council representative since he had already spoken with several companies in the town.

Several council members expressed concerns that having more than one councilor in the group might lead to violations of the Open Meetings Act.

Trimmer stated that the town should present a united front, which only served as an ironic reminder to those watching the meeting who had witnessed Colasante’s earlier tirade.

“I want a united front,” Trimmer said. “Many of the developers have complained to at least two members of this council here that they don’t feel the town is united, that they feel there’s too much division, that they’re nervous about developing here and my feeling is, with the formation of this group, even if we just choose the chair of each one of those committees, with the formation of this group, we’ll be able to present a united front. One visit, they get to talk to everybody.”

Citing his experience facilitating major developments in Cranston, Colasante continued to insist that he should be a member of the group, but the other councilors did not appear to agree.

“I think I’m an expert in this category,” he said. “It doesn’t diminish anybody else on the council, it’s just, everybody’s skill set is a little bit different and that’s mine,” he said. “I did a knock-up job on all three of those fronts in Cranston and anybody who’s travelled to Garden City, Chapel View, Plainfield Pike can see how those developments, what the end result was, and I had a big part in that.”

The council asked Ellsworth to prepare a document, to be considered and possibly approved at the next meeting, creating the ad hoc economic development group and stating its composition and its goals.

Richmond Dog Trainer Leads Invasive Insect Study

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

October 15th 2023

LINCOLN – The Spotted Lanternfly, an invasive insect pest native to China, was first detected in Rhode Island in 2021 and has since been found in several northern Rhode Island communities. No lanternflies have been detected in Richmond – yet.

The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management is encouraging residents to watch for lanternflies, kill or “squash” the ones they find and report them to DEM.

Lanternflies are leaf hoppers and don’t fly great distances on their own, so their principal means of spreading is through the transportation of their egg masses. With their striking red coloring, adult lanternflies and nymphs are almost impossible to miss, but the egg masses are much more difficult to detect.

Looking like bits of gray lichen or smears of mud, the egg masses can be found on vehicles and outdoor furniture as well as wooden pallets, buildings and fences.

That’s where the dogs come in. The Canine Citizen Science Study, which began two years ago at Texas Tech, expanded East this year, partnering with Virginia Tech to recruit owners of scent work-trained dogs. The project is funded by a $475,000 grant from the United States Department of Agriculture and coordinated by Sally Dickinson of Virginia Tech.

In a press release describing the program, Dickinson said the goal of the project is to mobilize groups of handlers whose dogs can sniff out not only lanternfly eggs but other invasive species.

“At the completion of the study, we hope to have a strong network of handlers able to locate spotted lanternfly egg masses as a proof-of-concept program, with the intent to create an enduring citizen-based detection program for this and other invasive species,” she said. “Put your training skills to work and help protect our vineyards, fruit orchards and flower gardens.”


Richmond resident Jennifer Anderson leads the team, the only one in New England, and works with her Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Bellamy. The other team members are Ann Rapoza with Kin, an Australian Shepherd, Phyllis Zusman and Xena, a Portugese Water Dog, Vicki McKinney and English Shepherd, Gryphon, and Shady Stanley, (who was not able to attend this session) and her Border Collie, Huck.




Anderson, a scent work competition judge and certified canine search specialist with the Rhode Island Canine Search and Rescue team, was asked to recruit dogs and handlers for the Rhode Island component of the study.

“I put a ‘call to arms’ basically, out, to folks that I knew that were very involved in olfaction work with their dogs,” she said. “A lot of these dogs are scent work dogs, whether through the AKC [American Kennel Club] or other groups that do scent work as a sport, so we know they have the acumen and we know the handlers know how to recognize when their dogs are in a target odor.”

The group of five handlers and their dogs began training together in March.

“The proposition was, can dogs with high olfaction sense and knowledgeable trained handlers, can they be used as an intersection point to recognize the presence of the spotted lanternfly in areas before they become highly infested,” Anderson said.


The Tests

In order to participate in the study, the dogs must pass two tests: odor recognition, which takes place indoors, and a field test, where they are asked to find egg masses outdoors.

Each egg mass contains between 25 and 50 eggs. In the test protocol, which was developed by the USDA to avoid having to transport live egg masses, the eggs used for the study have been inoculated, or killed, so they cannot hatch.

For the odor recognition test, six perforated white boxes were placed on the floor of a barn. One of the boxes contained spotted lanternfly eggs. The others were either empty or they contained other things, such as a dead cricket, or grass, that can distract the dogs.

Anderson wanted to determine whether dogs could distinguish the odor of lanternfly egg masses from other scents.

“That’s another facet of olfaction detection for dogs,” she said. “Can they take something that – it’s not the human scent, we have cadaver dogs…can you take this and say ‘this is another thing for you to seek that’s different and separate from these things?’ …When I say the command ‘find bugs,’ it’s totally different than finding a person.”

When dogs locate the scent or object that they have been asked to find, they give their handler a special signal, known as an alert.

Anderson’s dog, Bellamy, barks. Other dogs stand or sit still with their noses close to the source of the scent. One does a play bow.

“Her alert is this very active, animated bark,” Anderson said, referring to Bellamy. “She really likes this. It’s a very different odor than the other odors she works.”

All the members of the Rhode Island group passed the odor recognition test, which took place in July at Delmyra Kennels in Exeter. Dickinson, of Virginia Tech, traveled to Exeter to administer the test.


The Dogs


Phyllis Zusman’s dog, Xena, is four, and has really taken to egg mass searching.

“She does a lot of other sports, she was nuts about nose work,” Zusman said. “I’d stand here and she’d see the cones and she’s be screaming ‘we gotta go! We gotta go!’ This is absolutely her thing, and in competitive stuff, she’s doing phenomenally.”

Vicki McKinney’s dog, Gryphon, who at 17 months is still considered a puppy, also loved the work from the beginning.

“I think he’s the only dog in the study who had never ever had any experience with nose work, so he’s starting from scratch,” she said. “He’s brand new at it and he’s an environmentally sensitive puppy, being a herding breed…This kind of thing, it helps a lot for a dog. It gives them confidence, it helps them use their brain and their body at the same time.”

Ann Rapoza has been doing nose work with her three-year old Australian Shepherd, Kin, since he was just six months old, and they have been competing in scent work ever since.

“When I first did it, we looked for food in boxes, and I think he right away really got into the hunt part of it,” she said.


The Field Test


The group moved outside to practice for the field test. Egg masses had been hidden inside and near an open barn and on the outer wall of a nearby shed.

It was early evening, and a breeze was moving the scent around. As each dog attempted to find the eggs, you could see them following the scent as it swirled in and around the outside of the building. This test is similar to how the dogs would be searching in the real world, in a winery or an orchard.

The first team, Zusman and Xena, started at a rock wall and searched the length of the barn.

Zusman gave the command, “search,” and Xena was off.

“She’ll stand and then look back at me,” she said, describing Xena’s alert signal.

As Anderson watched Xena working, she explained that the field test has many challenges and distractions, which is, of course, the point.

“It’s a very different scenario when you get outside with air movement and distractions,” she said.

As Xena continued to work, Anderson called to Zusman,

“She’s close. Continue working that wall. That would be enough.”

Then Xena pinpointed the source of the scent, between rocks in the wall.

“That’s it!” Anderson said. “That would have been more than enough at a vineyard.”

All the dogs overcame the distractions and located the egg masses, but the practice sessions will continue until the test, the date if which is still to be determined.

Cindy Kwolek, Survey Coordinator for DEM’s, Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey, or CAPS, said the dogs could be  valuable assets in controlling invasive pests. And, detecting the egg masses before they become lanternflies is more environmentally-friendly than spraying.

“The dogs are amazing,” she said. “I think incorporating their sense of smell into so many different applications is just a cool thing in general – aside from spotted lanternfly.”

Cotter Wins Healthcare Award

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

October 13th 2023

PROVIDENCE – State Rep. Megan Cotter D- Richmond, Hopkinton, is this year’s recipient of the John H. Chaffee Healthcare Leadership Award.

The announcement, issued by the Rhode Island General Assembly, states that the award is given by the Rhode Island Healthcare Association to an individual, group or organization “that embodies the spirit of the late Senator John H. Chaffee, demonstrating the commitment to strengthening the healthcare safety net and providing true justice and equity in health care for all.”

Cotter was honored for her work to increase rural residents’ access to health care by facilitating the purchase of a van by Wood River Health. The van was purchased through the Rhode Island Public Authority, and 80% of the cost was covered by federal grants.

Reached Friday, Cotter said,

“It is an honor to get an award named after an outstanding Rhode Island leader who exceled at reaching across party lines to move our nation forward, in health care, environmental protection and other areas. Senator Chafee set a lasting example of how working cooperatively is the most effective path to a better future. I strongly believe in that approach,

and it’s one I hope to maintain throughout my work for Rhode Islanders.”

The award was presented on Oct. 11 at the association’s annual meeting.

New Dog Park Opens

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

October 10th 2023

RICHMOND –The official opening of Richmond’s new dog park isn’t until Nov. 4, but the dogs chasing each other in circles on Tuesday morning didn’t care. Nor were they aware that it had taken more than a decade for a group of residents and a few members of the Town Council to make it happen.

Victoria Vona, who has been on the Dog Park Committee since it was formed, stood just outside the fence with her husband Mike, watching the dogs and their owners enjoying the new facility.

“I’m almost ready to cry, because, 11 years,” she said. “I was approached by Erik Davis, who was on the Town Council, and he said ‘hey Victoria! You want to be on the Dog Park Committee? We’ll get a dog park in Richmond.’ And I’m like, ‘yeah.’ At the time, I had a Golden Retriever, Ginger.”

Vona said there had been times when she thought the dog park was close to happening, but something would always get in the way.

“How many times did I cry?” she said.

Located near the entrance to the Heritage Trail on Route 138, the new dog park replaces the unofficial dog park, which is on an old landfill next to the transfer station. The old park officially closed on Oct. 10, the same day the new park opened.

Watching as his dog Samson played with the other dogs, Town Council President Mark Trimmer said he had walked him often on the trail, but couldn’t take him off leash because of the busy road nearby.

“I can finally let him loose,” he said. “My own yard isn’t fenced in. They thought I was crazy when I complained in 2017 that  they had a dog park on an uncapped landfill. We talked about moving it over here, but there wasn’t enough push behind me, but Samantha carried it through.”

Trimmer was referring to Councilwoman Samantha Wilcox, who was standing nearby, watching her dog, aptly named “Chase,” chase other dogs in circles on the grass. Wilcox served on the Dog Park Committee from 2021 until 2022, when she was elected to the council.

“It’s so fun,” she said. “Everyone’s obviously having a good time. The dogs are getting along. “

Funds for the dog park, $71,580, came from a recreation grant from the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management.

Assisting with the grant were Town Administrator Karen Pinch, former council member Lauren Cacciola and former Town Planner, Shaun Lacey.

The town was required to contribute a 20% in-kind match, which was provided in the form of work at the site by the Department of Public Works.

“They created the parking,” Wilcox said. “They made these cute hills, as you see, they moved all the equipment.”

The park occupies about 40,000 square feet of the property and about 30,000 feet are enclosed with a fence. There is agility equipment as well, built in 2022 as an Eagle Scout project by Hayden Puglia of Boy Scout Troop 2, Kingston.


Wilcox said she believed the dog park could boost the town’s economy, because it attracts visitors from other towns.

“Of the people you saw today, some were not even from our town, so it’s benefitting Richmond residents, but it’s drawing visitors in from other areas,” she said.

Jack Horrocks, who lives in Coventry, sat at a picnic table, watching his dog, Florence, playing with the other dogs. There is no dog park in Coventry, he said, so he has been bringing his dog to Richmond.

“We used to go to the one over by the DPW, but most of the time, there’s nobody there,” he said. “Last week with two rainy days in a row, I don’t want to say she’s out of her mind, but she’s pacing. She knows the routine. Like this morning, usually we leave the house about 6:30, quarter of 7, something like that. Knowing this was going to be 9 o’clock, I said ‘we’ll go about 8:30.’ She’s sitting staring at me with her tail going – let’s go!”

Trimmer said that the dog park, adjacent to the popular Heritage Trail, added another significant improvement to the quality of life in the town.

“Unfortunately, being a town that’s not on the ocean, and we don’t have any of those benefits, we don’t offer a whole lot and this is just another improvement, along with the playground [Beaver River Playground] and other things. When the pavilion gets built on that town land across from the Town Hall, that’ll be a huge improvement as well.”

The official opening of the park will take place on Nov. 4 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be a ribbon cutting at 11:30 a.m. The rain date is Nov. 5. Humans and dogs are welcome.

Walking Tall: A Petite Model Takes to the Runway for Fashion Week

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

October 6th 2023

RICHMOND – Elisabeth “Elly” Nehnevaj models for Donahue Models and Talent, and on Sept. 30, she walked the runway in the finale of Rhode Island Fashion Week. That might not seem noteworthy, until you learn what she has gone through to get there.

Nahnevaj was born with a rare blood disease called Fanconi Anemia. When she was nine, she received a stem cell transplant, and in 2017, a kidney transplant.

“I was born with a few medical complications,” Nehnevaj said. “I was born without thumbs, and the doctors were able to create new thumbs for me. I was also born with both of my kidneys on one side of my body, so one of my kidneys was actually crushing the other one; it was actually sitting on top, so that had to get taken out pretty quickly after birth, so I was left with one kidney that was working at about 40%, basically at birth.

There was also hearing loss.

“I was also born with hearing loss,” Nehnevaj said. “I can hear pretty well on my left side, but I do have a cochlear implant on my right side.”

Nehnevaj received the cochlear implant last year and her hearing is now very close to normal – 90%.

“You never truly understand how loud the world is until you experience hearing loss,” she said. “It was quite a shock, honestly. Everything was so loud and I wasn’t used to that, and it took me a little bit to get used to it, but of course, it’s all good and fine now.”

But there were more health hurdles. After Nehnevaj received a kidney, donated by her mother in 2017, her body began to reject it. Nehnevaj and her husband, Joe, were living in Chicago at the time, but in 2020, they moved to Rhode Island and settled in Richmond.

“I had my second kidney transplant here at the Rhode Island Hospital,” she said. “Everything was good, everything was going great, and now, unfortunately, I’m back on dialysis, and I am awaiting a new donor for a third kidney transplant.”

Nehnevaj attributes the rejections of her transplanted kidneys to her strong immune system.

“It’s like a double-edged sword,” she said. “You’re healthy on one end but then, your body doesn’t want to receive anything new on the other end. It’s kinda tough. We’re trying to figure out what kind of new anti-rejection medications I’ll eventually be on with the new kidney, because, this is kind of it. Third time’s the charm.”


A More Inclusive Fashion Industry


Nehnevaj recently got into modeling, at a time when the fashion industry had begun to welcome diversity.

“It’s more inclusive,” she said. “There’s plus size models now. There’s petite models. There’s models who have scars and they’re proud of showing that, and that’s where I feel that I could really make my mark and fit in.”

Nehnevaj said she hoped to set a different kind of example for girls thinking of becoming models.

“Most young girls, they look up to models and they look up to all these beautiful people and they say ‘I want to be like them when I grow up,’ but for me, growing up, it was ‘oh, I want to be like them when I grow up, but it’s probably never going to happen because I’m too short.’ I’m only 4 [feet] 9. I’m very petite and I’ve got scars. I’ve got things that most models don’t have, but I do have something most models don’t have, and that’s strength. It’s resilience. It’s a new perspective on life. And it’s not just about being beautiful on the outside. It’s also about being beautiful on the inside, and that’s the message I want to try to convey to people who want to get into modeling. You can do it, even if you do have these kinds of challenges.”

After a month of practice - walking on the runway with other new models, Nehnevaj made her runway debut.

“My first experience walking for Rhode Island Fashion Week was nothing short of amazing!” she said after the show. “I still can’t believe it happened and I hope many more opportunities will come my way.”

Being in a live fashion show is something Nehnevaj said she never thought she would be able to do.

“You could have told me a year ago that I would be in a fashion show, and I would have laughed in your face,” she said. “My family was always so encouraging of me. …I turned 30 this year and I just really said to myself, ‘now or never.’ What’s truly going to make me happy? Is it going to be a 9 to 5 job? Is it going to be a desk job? What’s truly going to make me happy? And that’s really what it came down to.”

Richmond Town Council Meeting for October 3, 2023

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

October 4th 2023

RICHMOND – Tuesday’s Town Council meeting was shorter than most, but as is the norm for this council, divisions and skirmishes persisted.

Town Administer Karen Pinch reported on several matters that would normally be addressed quickly, beginning with a request for council approval to sign a lease agreement for a copy machine for the police department.

Pinch explained that the town had solicited “mini bids” from companies that are part of the state’s Master Price Agreement and two companies had submitted bids. The lowest was from CORE Business Technologies, at $192.30 per month for 60 months.

Council Helen Sheehan asked,

“Will you own the copier at the end of the lease period?”

“We will not,” Pinch replied. “And I’ve spoken to Chief Johnson about that in past years and especially, his feeling is, the copier is of no use to us…The technology changes so much, it’s basically a computer now.”

Sheehan said that when she had owned her business, which she sold in 2020, she had purchased a copier and hired a service technician, which had saved “a lot of money.”

Councilor Michael Colasante, who appeared to not have read Pinch’s Sept. 27 memo on the lease, asked whether the town had previously done business with CORE. In that memo, Pinch states that the town has used CORE in the past.

The council voted to approve the lease.

Pinch also asked the council to approve additional American Rescue Plan Act or ARPA funds for an emergency generator for the Town Hall, to replace a generator which has been described in the town’s Hazard Mitigation Plan as inadequate.

Public Works Director Scott Barber determined the specs for a new generator.

The original amount requested from ARPA funds was $30,000, but Electrical Inspector Jeffrey Vaillancourt determined that a larger generator would be necessary, bringing the total price to $99,234. 

Pinch asked the council to approve two motions: one to increase the allocation from ARPA funds and the second to award the bid to Calson Corporation, the lowest of four bidders.

Colasante then made an unexpected announcement that he had discussed the bid with unnamed individuals not connected with the town.

“I talked with a few people about this and we are dealing with a supply chain problem,” he said. “I didn’t have the specs in front of me when I talked with a few people, but they thought that was kind of high, so I was wondering if we could just hold off on this, because it’s not an emergency kind of deal, and if you can give me the specs I can give it to the couple of people that I talked to,” he said.

Pinch replied that the town had already gone out to bid.

“It was a public bid,” she said. “It was offered to everyone who wanted to bid on it. It wasn’t limited to certain people.”

Colasante proposed that the town go out to bid again.

“All right, well, can we… go out to bid again?” he said. “There are a few people that I have notified about this and they would be willing to bid and their price would be lower than what we got.”

Council member Samantha Wilcox said going out to bid again might violate a town ordinance.

“I believe there’s really specific guidelines as to how we put out to bid and what we’re supposed do over a certain dollar amount,” she said. “I am concerned that something like that would violate that ordinance, and we really shouldn’t be sending out information.”

Council President Mark Trimmer said that without the specs, it would not be possible to say that the town would be saving money.

Wilcox responded that the specs had been posted online as part of the call for bids.

Trimmer also noted that the town had followed the advice of the electrical inspector.

“I think we’re all set,” he said. “I don’t see a need to go at this further.”

Colasante replied,

“Well, Mr. President, again, we can save some money with this. Again, it’s not an emergency and I think we can save a substantial amount of money. We can put some of that ARPA money to something else, because, you know, a lot of the smaller companies are not aware of the bidding process where they can plug in or get a notification…”

At this point, the online transmission of the council meeting unexpectedly stopped. The meeting was paused while the connection was restored, but not before attorney Mark Reynolds, who chairs the town’s Tax Assessment Board of review, described Colasante’s effort to re-open the bids as unethical, and possibly illegal.

Reached Wednesday morning, Reynolds said,

“Councilor Colasante’s suggestion that the bids that had been submitted through an open and fair process should be rejected so he can talk to somebody he knows about a lower price would be clearly unethical and most likely, illegal, and potentially subject the town to a lawsuit,” he said.

Council Vice President Richard Nassaney said Wednesday that he had found Colasante’s proposal disturbing.

“The only thing that came to mind was ‘I know a guy,’” he said.

Speaking of the open bidding process, Nassaney added,

“This is how people who are legitimate get work. They go through the process.”

Colasante asked whether the winning bidder, Calson, had an electrical license.

“They have an electrical license, or are they just a builder who’ll sub it out?” he asked.

“I will confirm that,” Pinch said.

Colasante then made a motion.

“If they don’t have an electrical license, they don’t get it,” he said.

Nassaney responded

“Why would they be bidding on installing a generator if they don’t have an electrical license?”

Colasante said,

“Well, there are contractors that will sub it out to the appropriate contractor, and I just want to make sure that’s not happening, because then there’s always a layer of more money being paid, all right? for that to happen.”

Wilcox said she had logged onto the Rhode Island Division of Professional Regulation and had easily located Calson’s electrician’s license.

“I think this is just another example of how we should trust our experts,” Trimmer said.

The council voted four to one to approve awarding the bid to Calson, with Colasante opposed and Sheehan, (who had voted earlier against allocating the additional funds) in favor.


Road Work


Finance Director Laura Kenyon, Scott Barber and Karen Pinch briefed the council on upcoming road work, which will be partially funded by the Rhode Island Department of Transportation.

“DOT has money for a municipal road and bridge grant program,” Kenyon said. “We’re authorized for up to $410,799 in funding if we agree to spend $847, 047 in road projects.”

Colasante moved and the council approved, the signing of the funding agreement with DOT.

The roads that will be improved as part of the state program are Punch Bowl Trail, New London Turnpike, the Pinehurst neighborhood, and Wendy Lane.

Kenyon explained that two additional road projects, North Road and Tug Hollow, will receive funding from another source.

“We have about $1 million that was put out with Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank for North Road and Tug Hollow,” she told the council. “That is why it’s on the spreadsheet here, and Tug Hollow, we just put out the bid. We don’t have the exact amount. I have the estimate. And that would be the first $1 million. The other, basically, $1.5 million, an estimate of the $2.5 [bond] authorization would be associated with the state grant roads.


Hopkinton Partnership Approved


The council approved a five-year agreement with Hopkinton to use that town’s planned community center.

Richmond has been allocated $569,284 in federal ARPA money for a community center and Hopkinton was allocated $627,315. If Richmond declines its share of the funds, that money would be distributed to other cities and towns, or, the town can choose to give its share to Hopkinton, which the council voted to do.


Hiring/Firing Ordinance Amendments


After a lengthy discussion, the council ended an effort to give itself greater hiring and firing authority.

Ordinance amendments, drafted by Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth at the council’s request, were filed, (no action taken) but not before several people, including Charter Review Commission member Joe Arsenault, Scott Barber, and a resident weighed in with their opposition to the initiative.

During his time at the podium, Barber also took the opportunity to announce his upcoming retirement.

“I’m officially letting you know now that February 1 will be it,” he said. “That’s not a rumor. That’s official.”

As the discussion of council authority dragged on, Nassaney appeared to be close to losing patience.

“You’re literally teetering on breaking the law for no reason. None,” he said. “Why open up that Pandora’s box when right now, you have a hiring process which has worked for this town for how many decades?  How many? A lot.”

Nassaney said Wednesday that he was relieved that the discussion was over.

“Last night was the finale of this 10-month long hiring and firing body, and I finally put it to bed,” he said.

Wilcox apologized for having initiated the discussion several months ago, noting that she had been attempting to end an ongoing debate about whether council members should be more involved in personnel matters.

“I thought that possibly we could find something that would help the town, as a whole, move forward together,” she said. “Clearly, I was wrong and that’s not possible.”

Court Rules for Town on Purcell Legal Fees

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

September 28th 2023

RICHMOND – The Rhode Island Supreme Court has denied a motion by Jessica Purcell to require the Town of Richmond to pay her legal fees in her challenge of the appointment of Clay Johnson to the Chariho School Committee.

Three of the five members of the Richmond Town Council, Council President Mark Trimmer and councilors Helen Sheehan and Michael Colasante, voted on Jan. 19 to appoint Johnson to the school committee seat vacated by Gary Liguori.

Purcell, who received the next-highest number of votes, maintained that the town’s Home Rule Charter stated that she should be named to the committee.


Legal Fees


The brief Supreme Court decision, released Wednesday, states that Purcell’s motion was denied and the matter was closed. Justice William Robinson III was the lone dissenter.

Asked to comment on the decision, Purcell said her attorney, Jeffrey Levy had not charged a fee to represent her.

“When I first discussed the situation of the Charter violation with Mr. Levy in January, I made it clear that I did not have the funds necessary to employ his services,” she said. “I am very fortunate that he understood the necessity to seek legal recourse on the matter and he agreed to represent me pro bono for his services, but that I could pay for expenses. I raised money through my campaign finance account for legal and campaign expenses, and will utilize those funds.”

The town has paid Johnson’s legal fees, for the services of attorney Joseph Larisa, which total $22,242.50.


The Case


Purcell, a Democrat, lost her bid for a School Committee seat by 27 votes.  When Richmond committee member Gary Liguori announced in January that he was moving out of Rhode Island and vacating his seat, it was believed that under the provisions of the town’s Home Rule charter, Purcell, with the next-highest number of votes, would be named to fill the seat.

But Trimmer, Colasante and Sheehan instead appointed Republican, Clay Johnson, to the vacant seat.

Named as defendants in Purcell’s Supreme Court case were Johnson, the Richmond Town Council and the Chariho School Committee.

Oral arguments were presented in April and in July, the court granted Purcell’s petition, with Justice Maureen McKenna Goldberg dissenting.

Levy based his argument on the compatibility of the Chariho Act and the town charter, because the act requires the Town Council to fill a vacant School Committee seat and the charter states that the person the council chooses should be the next-highest vote-getter.

Larisa argued that the Chariho Act and the town charter could not be harmonized because they are fundamentally incompatible. In their opinion, the four justices concluded that the charter superseded the Chariho Act.


The Town’s Responds to the Decision on Fees


Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth said she was not surprised by the decision.

“This is good news for the town, and it is the decision I expected,” she said.

Trimmer said the case had been complex and had exposed the divisions on the Court.

“The Rhode Island Supreme Court decisions and the dissenting opinions show just how difficult a decision this situation was,” he said. “The whole situation was not clear-cut at all.”


Purcell said she had not expected to win her motion for legal fees.

“Jeff [Levy] said it was a long shot, but I felt we should try because his services were invaluable in doing the right thing for the town and our voters,” she said. “A violation of the Charter was a dangerous precedent.”

Planning Board Considers State-Mandated Zoning Changes

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

September 27th 2023

RICHMOND – Planning Board members devoted the entire Sept. 26 meeting to a workshop focused on zoning ordinance amendments proposed by Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth in response to state land use legislation passed during the last session.

The town is amending its zoning ordinance to comply with the legislation, which will come into effect on Jan. 1, 2024.

After going through Ellsworth’s proposed amendments, board members agreed to study the three most significant changes and discuss them at the next meeting. Once they have agreed on the amendments, they will make their recommendations to the Town Council. The memo explaining Ellsworth’s amendments can be found here:

For Richmond, the most significant changes will be the replacement of development plan review with a similar process that Ellsworth calls “site design review,” as well as amendments to the ordinances pertaining to accessory dwelling units and inclusionary zoning.

The new law governing accessory dwelling units prohibits cities and towns from placing “excessive restrictions” on additional housing structures built on a property. It is unclear what the state considers “excessive.”

The old law required that the people occupying accessory dwelling units be family members, including those who have disabilities or are over the age of 62.

The amendment permits non-family members in addition to family.

Inclusionary zoning, as it exists now, requires that 10% of the units in a development be affordable. The new law, which applies to projects with 10 or more housing units, raises that number to 25% and requires towns to allow the developer to add two market-priced units for every affordable unit.

Ellsworth’s memo states,

“The developer is allowed to increase the density of the development to provide the extra lots. … In other words, the law is no longer intended to help cities and towns maintain their share of low or moderate income housing when new developments are built. Instead, it is intended to substantially increase the number of affordable dwellings.”


Rural Towns Not Considered


Ellsworth told the board that the state legislation appears to have been drafted from an urban perspective, without regard for the infrastructure limitations of smaller, rural towns.

“I think the biggest problem is the people who are in charge of passing this stuff have an urban outlook and not a rural outlook,” she said. “They’re writing all of this stuff for Cranston, Warwick, Pawtucket. They’re not writing it for the small towns.”

Board Chairman Philip Damicis agreed.

“It’s certainly more potentially harmful to us than it is to urban areas,” he said.

A major concern is the higher densities that will be permitted.

“Almost all of the small towns in the state, there are no sewers and there are no water systems, or very few water systems, Ellsworth said. “If you don’t have the infrastructure, you can’t have the same density of housing.


The changes are expected to have major impacts on development in the town, but as Board Vice Chairman Dan Madnick pointed out, only one person attended the workshop.

“We’ve got this workshop. The entire town was notified,” he said “There’s only one guy sitting here right now. These changes are going to affect you more than you realize.”

Richmond to Partner with Hopkinton on Community Center

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

September 20, 2023

RICHMOND – Members of the Town Council voted at Tuesday’s meeting to partner with neighboring Hopkinton on a long-awaited community center.

The council also approved zoning amendments for cannabis retailers.


Community Center


Town Administrator Karen Pinch described the proposed community center partnership to the council.

The state, she explained, has federal American Rescue Plan Act, or ARPA, funds for community projects.  Richmond has already declined the funds, because there is no “shovel-ready” project as required.

“The funding has to be for construction or renovation of a community center,” she said. “Those community centers have to provide three specific types of learning, so to speak. One is education, one is health monitoring and one is workforce development. Those things have to be carried out for a five-year period after the center opens.”

Pinch noted that Hopkinton was already planning to build a new community center at Crandall Field.

“They have asked us if we would, since we had already said we were going to give up our funding, if we would designate our funding to their community, so that our residents could share in the use of that facility,” she said.

Richmond has been allocated $569,284 in federal ARPA money for this initiative and Hopkinton was allocated $627,315. The applications are due by Oct. 6.

If Richmond declines its share of the funds, that money will be distributed to other cities and towns. However, the town can give its share to Hopkinton.

Under the partnership, Hopkinton, which has three full time recreation department employees (Richmond has one part time recreation director) would welcome Richmond residents to the new center. There might even be buses to transport Richmond residents to the Hopkinton facility.

Council members were unanimous in their approval of the allocation of the town’s funds to Hopkinton and the town’s support of the “Community Center Learning Compact” that specifies the three learning services that the community center will be required to provide.


Cannabis sales


At a public hearing at the start of the meeting, the council discussed where recreational cannabis sales should be permitted in the town.

Council President Mark Trimmer said that neighboring Exeter is offering recreational cannabis sales, and residents are driving there to purchase it. Richmond, he said, is missing out on tax revenue, which is 3% for the hosting town.

“I just think it’s an opportunity that we need to jump on before somebody else eats our lunch – again, because so many places have come wanting to locate in Richmond, and because we moved too slowly or we put too many stipulations on it, before you know it, they’ve moved somewhere else. We’ve lost out on the tax revenue and everybody gets to pay more taxes next year,” he said.

The amendment would allow retail cannabis sales in several zones: general business, light industrial, industrial, planned development, planned unit development-village center and by special use permit in the neighborhood business zone.

Two new use codes were created, cannabis retailer and cannabis business.

Councilor Helen Sheehan, who opposed cannabis sales in the town’s general business district, said she would nevertheless approve the motion because she intended to respect the will of voters, who had approved it. Councilor Michael Colasante and Council Vice President Richard Nassaney voted no with Colasante turning to Sheehan after the vote and gesturing his disapproval.


Agreement with YMCA


There was a lengthy discussion of a proposal to rent the new Community Room at the Arcadia branch of the Ocean Community YMCA.

The room would be used for learning activities associated with the state’s Learn365RI initiative, which Richmond has agreed to join.

The room would be available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The rent, $350 per month, is covered by the state Learn365RI grant.

Trimmer said he welcomed the opportunity to partner with the YMCA.

“We have long talked about partnering with the YMCA,” he said. “This is a first step, and Capstone, who holds the lease on that building, is looking for town participation in that building as well.”

Sheehan said the two-day arrangement would not adequately serve the students.

“It may serve the seniors, two days a week, but it’s not going to really serve the students,” she said.

Colasante repeated his earlier proposal that the Learn365RI activities should take place in a school.

“Teachers are there, some of the aides are already there,” he said. “The buses are going to be there to bring the kids back. …The big thing is, the kids are already there, they’re there for a reason, and it would be easy to shuffle them over to one or two empty classrooms at that point.”

Trimmer said that while the funds had been given to Richmond, two other towns, Hopkinton and Charlestown, were also part of the school district.

“Running that program at a Chariho school would be an expense to all three towns,” he said.

Resident Louise Dinsmore suggested the town contact Wood River Health Services in Hope Valley, which has recently expanded its facility and will have a new community room, due to open this month.

“My understanding is, it’s at no cost if it’s something during the day,” she said.

Human Services Director Kate Schimmel, who is overseeing Learn365RI and the state grant, told the council that the school district would use the community room at the YMCA as a quiet homework room, two days a week.

With Sheehan and Colasante opposed, Trimmer, council Vice President Richard Nassaney and councilor Samantha Wilcox approved a motion, made by Wilcox, to approve the rental agreement with the YMCA.


Executive Minutes


In the interest of increased transparency, Wilcox introduced a motion to un-seal minutes from the council’s executive sessions of Jan. 3, Jan. 25 and June 6, 2023.

Trimmer said he believed that executive sessions, which often addressed sensitive personnel matters or legal topics, should remain sealed, except in the case of a federal investigation.

“We speak freely with the expectation that what we say in those executive sessions are never going to make it to social media, make it to the public,” he said.

Trimmer added that the only purpose he could see for un-sealing executive minutes would be “a political one.”

Wilcox responded,

“I don’t appreciate that you’re claiming it’s political,” she said. “We entered executive session specifically to discuss a job performance, and then when we left, we continued to discuss it in open session. I thought to myself ‘why did we even seal those if it’s all public anyway?’”

Wilcox said opening the minutes would improve council transparency, but she did concede that un-sealing the Jan. 3 session would not be feasible, because it involved pending litigation.

Colasante moved, and Sheehan seconded, a motion to keep the minutes sealed.

Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth added that there were circumstances under which the discussions of matters, such as the possible purchase of property, should stay sealed but can be released after the purchase.

“But, whenever you’re talking about someone’s character health, job performance, I think sometimes things are said during a closed session with the expectation that they will remain in private,” she said.

Dinsmore told the council that information about the town’s embattled electrical inspector, Jeffrey Vaillancourt, had appeared on the Beaver River Valley Community Association website and asked how that information had come to light, implying that the information could have been leaked from the executive session.

“There was a post by the Beaver River Valley Community Association on August 30 saying the following: ‘Vaillancourt, who was hired in March, is currently under probation following an incident at Pasquale farms during which he is said to have been impolite to the owner,’” she said. “Now, I went through all of the Town Council meetings from open session. I don’t ever remember or I could not find – I went through this painstakingly and it took a long time to go through these Town Council meetings, that there was no discussion in open session about Pasquale Farm – that business. So, that would lead me to believe that if Pasquale Farm was discussed in executive session, that someone disclosed that to the reporter from the Beaver River Valley Community Association. …I would like to understand how Miss Drummond and the Beaver River Valley [Community] Association was privy to this information.”

Trimmer responded that the information was “all around town”  and “common knowledge,” and that he had had people approach him about the incident before the council discussed it.

Resident Bob Sayer raised the possibility that representatives of Pasquale Farm could also have spoken about it.


The council voted unanimously to keep the executive session minutes sealed.


Other business


The council discussed a resolution authorizing the town to issue up to $2.5 million in general obligation bonds. Finance Director Laura Kenyon explained that the funds would be used for road improvements. Voters approved the issuance of the bonds at the June, 2023 Financial Town Meeting.

Colasante said he had obtained $404,000 for road repairs under the state’s RhodeWorks initiative and suggested reducing the bond by that amount.

“My idea is to save the townspeople money, is that they voted to go out to bond for $2.5 million so with that $404,000, that was a big windfall to the town, so it’s my idea, and I’m just throwing it out there, that we should actually just go out to bond for $2.1 million.”

Kenyon said the authorization was for up to $2.5 million and added that she would talk with Department of Public Works Director Scott Barber to determine how much work the roads would need.

The motion passed, with Colasante and Sheehan opposed.



Pinch updated the council on progress on the Beaver River playground. The old equipment has been removed and the installation of the new equipment will begin this week.

Town Grapples with Legislative Changes

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

September 14, 2023

RICHMOND – The 2023 state legislative session ended with a flurry of changes to the state’s land use regulations.

The purpose of the amendments is to increase the housing stock available to low and moderate -income families, but the changes are a source of consternation for the more rural towns, which must comply by Jan. 1. 2024.

The changes will impact towns’ zoning ordinances, which govern which uses are permitted in which zones and subdivision regulations, which pertain to the procedures for developing land, including the different stages of review.

With just three months remaining until the deadline,

smaller towns such as Richmond are finding that understanding and complying with the many changes in the eight bills is a challenge.

In an e-mailed comment, Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth noted that in some cases, the amended legislation is confusing.

“I think that many cities and towns will have a difficult time complying with this legislation, which takes effect of January 1, 2024, not only because they will have to amend a substantial number of ordinances and regulations in a very short time, but also because first they will have to figure out what the new laws actually mean,” she said. “Some of the legislation is so poorly written that it’s difficult to understand the intent.”

Ellsworth has been asked by officials in Hopkinton and Exeter to help those towns draft the required ordinance changes.

“It will be easier to do the Exeter and Hopkinton drafts after I have finished the Richmond drafts, but they won't be identical,” she wrote. “Each town's ordinances and regulations reflect policy decisions that have been made over a period of time by the planning boards and town councils, and I need to make sure that the draft amendments I prepare for each town are consistent with those policy decisions.”


Here is a summary of the eight bills, all of which have been passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate. Links to the full texts of House bills are underscored.


Inclusionary Zoning:

Bills H 6058A and S 1051A


Inclusionary zoning requires developers of large residential or mixed-use projects to include affordable units in addition to market-priced units.

Most towns require that the number of affordable houses or apartments equate to 10% or 15% of the number of market-

rate houses or apartments. The amendment increases the number of affordable units to 25%. Towns will also be required to allow developers to build two additional market priced units for each affordable unit.

Ellsworth said a consequence of this change will be much larger residential developments.

“As a result, a town [like Richmond] with inclusionary zoning would have to allow large developments with substantially more homes than the number that would ordinarily be allowed in the zoning district. The only alternative would be to repeal the town’s inclusionary zoning provision,” she said.


Substandard lots:

Bills H 6059A and S 1032A


This amendment makes it easier for a property owner to obtain a dimensional variance to build on a lot that does not have the required setbacks or because of other factors, such as the location of a septic system or another building on the parcel.

The amendment will make it easier to obtain dimensional variances and will require towns to allow construction, without Zoning Board approval, on lots that do not meet the dimensional requirements in the existing zoning ordinance.



H 6061Aaa and S 1034A


This legislation redefines the procedures for the stages of approval of subdivision applications; development plan review, minor land development project approval, and major land development project approval.

A streamlined approval procedure known as “unified development review,” already in effect in Richmond, gives the Planning Board the authority to issue variances and special use permits for projects that need land development project approval, eliminating the need for the applicant to appear before the Zoning Board. Unified development review will now be mandatory.  The amendment also gives the Town Planner the authority to approve some applications that currently go to the Planning Board.


Low and Moderate Income Housing Act:

H 6081A and S 1037A


Planning Boards will be able to approve comprehensive permits for developments to be built at greater densities, as long as 25% of the units are affordable.

The bill mandates increased densities based on the percentage of affordable units and the availability of public water and sewers.


SHAB Abolished:

H 6083A and S 1050A


The State Housing Appeals Board, or SHAB, the state body charged with hearing appeals of denials of comprehensive permit applications, will cease to exist. All appeals will be heard in Superior Court.



Land Use Calendar:

H 6083A and S 1050A


This bill establishes a new land use calendar in Superior Court for appeals of planning, zoning and comprehensive permit decisions and state disapprovals of comprehensive community plan amendments. One judge, who is still to be named, will hear land use appeals and issue expedited decisions.


Comprehensive Planning and Land Use Act:

H 6086A and S 1038A


This amendment took effect upon passage, so it is already in effect. The legislation changes the notice requirements for public hearings on comprehensive plan amendments, major land development projects, subdivision regulation amendments, and zoning board hearings. Towns will be required to post notices on their websites, which Richmond already does.


Building Conversion:

H 6090A and S 1035A


This bill allows conversions, by right, of non-residential buildings such as schools and factories to residential, or mixed residential-commercial use if at least half of the gross floor area will be residential.


Legislative Changes on Planning Board Agenda


Town Planner Talia Jalette did not comment on the amendments, saying only that the Planning Board would be discussing the matter at its next meeting.

“The Planning Board will be discussing these myriad legislative changes, which will govern land use state-wide, at our September 26, 2023 Planning Board meeting,” she stated in an emailed response. “I would invite all interested parties to attend this meeting, so that they may learn more about the new rules that were enacted during the 2023 Legislative session.”


Big Ramifications for Small Towns


The bills appear to have been conceived with cities rather than towns in mind, with an emphasis on land development in urban communities. Towns like Richmond, and neighboring towns in the southwest corner of the state, do not have the infrastructure to service larger developments, nor do they have public transportation.


Rep. Megan Cotter, D-Richmond, said she was concerned about what the changes will mean for rural areas. Cotter also represents Hopkinton and Exeter.

“I am concerned that there may be some unintended consequences that could alter [the] vision called for in the 2025 State Land Use Plan, she said in a written statement.

“This plan called for an innovative urban/rural approach where future growth would be concentrated within an urban services boundary where development could be adequately served by supporting infrastructure. My district is outside the urban services boundary and is very rural.”

“The State required towns to adopt land use policies in the rural areas that accommodate residential and recreational land use while preserving natural resources and open space to avoid sprawl. The intent was to conserve essential natural resources and support resource-based economies. Farmland and forests will surround centers that are infused with greenways and greenspace.”

“It is too soon to know for sure what the impacts of the new legislation might be. I will be closely monitoring this situation and be seeking input from municipal officials in my district.”

Council tables Town Administrator review

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

September 9th 2023

RICHMOND – Town Council member Michael Colasante continued his effort to question the job performance of Town Administrator Karen Pinch at Tuesday’s council meeting.

Pinch’s annual performance review takes place in December, but Colasante added a performance review to Tuesday’s Town Council meeting agenda.

The discussion took place in Executive Session, but no action was taken. Council Vice President Richard Nassaney recused himself from the discussion, because it involved Electrical Inspector Jeffrey Vaillancourt’s work at the Washington County Fair, where Nassaney has a booth to sell his hot sauce.

Vaillancourt has been observed doing electrical work for Colasante, but despite that business relationship, Colasante did not recuse from the Pinch discussion.

Reached before the council meeting took place, Town Council President Mark Trimmer described Colasante’s effort as retaliation on behalf of Vaillancourt. While not his immediate supervisor, Pinch is ultimately responsible for all employees.

“This retribution/harassment goes right over the top,” Trimmer said. “It is highly unusual for a councilor to request a performance review based on retribution for his friend.”

Vaillancourt, who was hired in March, has been admonished for his comportment with local business owners, prompting several complaints to the town. He received an extension of his probation period after the town received additional complaints about his behavior from officials at the Washington County Fair.

The council discussed the situation in executive session, but did not take any action.


Hiring/Firing Authority


Colasante requested another agenda item for Tuesday’s meeting which stated that council members should be involved in all hiring decisions.

The agenda item read:  

“Request of Councilor Colasante for the Discussion and Consideration of creating a policy for the Town Council to be involved in all new hires including receiving all applications, resumes, and to be involved in the interview process if they so choose.”

However, the authority of the Town Administrator was confirmed in Nov. 2022, when residents voted on a referendum question pertaining to administrator’s role, as defined in the Home Rule Charter.

By a margin of 2,389 to 1,049, voters approved a measure that prohibits members of the Town Council from influencing hiring decisions.

Colasante’s proposal did not sit well with one resident, Christopher Kona, who, in an Aug. 19 email to the council, published with the council agenda, reminded members of the referendum vote.

Kona wrote,

“The opinion of the Richmond voters on the role of the Town Council in hiring is objectively documented from the November 2022 election, during which 69.4% of voters responded ‘yes’ to the question:

‘Shall the Charter be amended to prohibit Town Council members from attempting to influence the Town Manager’s decisions on hiring, promotion, and removal of Town employees?’

Kona’s letter also states,

“During the Aug. 15 meeting, Councilor [Helen] Sheehan remarked that Richmond did not vote her to Town Council to refrain from influencing hiring. This is factually incorrect – the residents of Richmond did vote for her and other council members to office with the expectation that they should not influence town hiring and firing.”

After a lengthy discussion, which included input from audience members, the council voted to continue the matter until Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth had prepared a new draft of the proposed policy.


Notices to Landowners


Colasante proposed that the town “send notice to landowners of any potential changes discussed regarding regulations, ordinances, regarding land use at the beginning of the discussion phase and throughout the process in order to solicit their participation and input. This would apply to the Town Council, Town Planner, Planning Board or any other town official or body that has authority to begin such a process.”

Colasante stated that he had been in contact with several large commercial landowners who had no idea that the town was planning to amend the “aquifer protection overlay district” ordinance, or APOD.

“These large landowners, that a lot of people around the state have said were waiting with baited breath, had no idea that something was going on with the APOD,” he said.

Trimmer interrupted Colasante, saying that he had had conversations with several developers about the ordinance amendments.

Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth pointed out that agendas were already posted publicly in advance of meetings, as required by law. She also noted that notifying every landowner by registered mail, as required by law, would be very costly.

“Every time one of those is first discussed, that individual notice be given to every property owner, I would say that you would probably have to add $60,000 to the budget,” she said. “…You would have to continually send notices all year, to probably half of the town, and that would require another clerical employee.”

Council members agreed to ask the Economic Development Commission to prepare a list of the town’s large developers and work with them to they are informed of proposed changes that might impact their businesses.


Motocross Track


At a public hearing that took place earlier in the evening, council members approved proposed comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance amendments to allow a motocross track on Buttonwoods Road.

The 14-acre property owned by Jordan Carlson, is located in an R-2 or residential district, which Carlson, represented by attorney John Mancini, sought to change to a Flex Tech zone. The council has received a positive recommendation from the Planning Board, which heard the application in August.

The council approval paves the way for Carlson to go through the development plan review process, however, in order to complete the review, he will have to obtain a Rhode Island Pollution Discharge Elimination System, or RIPDES permit from the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management. RIPDES permits are required for projects that are larger than five acres.

Carlson has already been cited by DEM for altering freshwater wetlands on his property and on Aug. 9, 2022, the agency issued a cease-and-desist order.

The Town of Richmond has also filed a complaint in Rhode Island Superior Court for zoning violations.

Asked at Tuesday’s hearing about the remediation he will be required to do in order to receive his RIPDES permit, Carlson said,

“As far as DEM goes, we’ve actually not been served with any formal violations at all,” he said. “It’s been over a year and a half since I’ve had any contact with DEM, and the question at issue would be a boundary issue.”

Ellsworth disagreed.

“I believe that there is a violation,” she said. “The DEM has not taken formal legal action against Mr. Carlson. I suspect that’s probably because they’re short-handed, but they went to Superior Court and got a search warrant to search the property to determine the extent of the wetlands violations and they filed a return on that warrant that indicated that there were extensive wetlands violations.”

Mancini reminded the council that wetlands violations were not on the meeting agenda.

“What we’re asking is simply for the town to look at your land use map, your comprehensive plan, the Planning Board recommendation and the zone change, and you make the determination as to whether or not all those things are aligned, according to the request,” he said. “The request is simply to do that, R-2 to FT. It’s not to use this as a way to circumvent DEM regulations.”

After a brief discussion about noise generated by the track and the addition of a helicopter landing pad to transport injured riders, council members approved the comprehensive plan and zoning amendments.

Forest Experiment to Take Place in Richmond

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

September 2nd 2023

RICHMOND – A 45-acre site at the former de Coppet estate, now known as the Hillsdale Preserve, is part of a forest health project that will help researchers determine which tree species will best adapt to the hotter, drier conditions that come with climate change.

This is the first project in Rhode Island to partner with the North American experimental forest management network, Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change, or ASCC. 

Working with the ASCC on this project are the University of Rhode Island, the University of Connecticut and the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management.

Christopher Riely, Forestry Specialist and Research Associate at the University of Rhode Island, said the project, on the south side of Old Mountain Road, will involve removing some dead and live oaks, but many dead trees, or snags, will be left to provide wildlife habitat.

“Most of the snags, or the forest woody debris, are going to be left on site,” he said. “They provide different types of habitat when they’re standing and start to lose their branches, then they fall and provide habitat for other types of creatures and life cycles. It’s not a project to remove the dead trees. That’s not the focus of it at all.”

The forest restoration project involves using different management approaches in forest parcels in the United States and Canada to determine ways to help forests adapt to changing climate conditions.

“We know that our woods are a big part of the solution, the answer, if you will, to climate change, but they’re also stressed by some of the changes that we’re seeing, and just what those stresses are will depend on what ecosystem you’re in,” Riely said.


Some History of the Hillsdale Preserve


A successful investor and ardent conservationist, Theakston de Coppet died in 1937. His will stipulated that the land, at 156 Hillsdale Road, was to be managed, in trust, by the Rhode Island Hospital Trust Company, and that the property would eventually be transferred by the trustee to the state, after the General Assembly had passed a bill authorizing the state’s acceptance of the land and agreeing to the terms of the will, which read, in part,

“It is my special wish that the wilderness features within this  special area shall be kept unmodified; that this area shall be kept free of all commercial uses, and that the sanctuary and scientific values thereof shall always take precedence over purely recreational values; that the recreational uses of the area shall be so limited as to interfere with the major sanctuary and scientific purposes for which the reservation and sanctuary are dedicated.”

In 2014, after the death of the last beneficiary, whom De Coppet had stated could live in the lodge until his passing, the 1,825-acre parcel was transferred to the state along with a $20,000 annual donation for maintaining the property.

In 2019, DEM notified the Richmond Town Council that the state was planning to demolish the lodge, the only building on the property, which had been damaged by vandals.

The plan, at the time, was to document the historic features of the lodge and then tear it down, however, while it remains closed and in disrepair, the lodge is still standing.


Why Rhode Island?


DEM Chief of Agriculture and Forestry, Ken Ayars, said research on the Hillsdale property will guide management strategies for all state-owned forests.

“Our aim, in part, is to use it as kind of a research facility to test out techniques and strategies to better manage the forest that we do in the state, some 40,000 acres of land that we manage,” he said. “We envision de Coppet, or Hillsdale, being a place where we can experiment with refining the techniques that fit the changing climate, in particular. So, we first of all changed our approach and strategy to de Coppet and decided that that’s how we want to use it. It’s part of where I wanted to go in my new role in taking over forestry. It’s a beautiful place. It’s not taking away any of the other uses.”

The ASCC research project, Ayars said, fits well with DEM’s intended uses for the Hillsdale property.

“We were approached in this regard, to be part of the overall research that’s going on,” he said. “They wanted a Rhode Island site. We said, ‘let’s go with de Coppet,’ and that’s more or less how it came about.”


The Research Plan


Following established research protocols at all ASCC sites throughout North America, the land set aside for this forest restoration project will be divided into four areas, one of which, as the “control,” will receive no management whatsoever.

Riely explained that the remaining three, 10-acre parcels will receive varying degrees and types of interventions.

“One is termed the ‘resistance treatment,’ where you’re trying to hold the line against climate change as much as possible, promote forest health, productive growth of the trees,” he said.

“The next treatment is termed the ‘resilience to treatment.’ Here, it’s more like a rubber band – bend but not break, where either you may have significant ecological disturbances like the significant spongy moth outbreak that we had a few years ago.”

The last area is allocated to the “transition treatment,” which will include planting trees that are from more southerly climates

“Conditions are changing,” Riely said. “We’re not going to be able to maintain historic conditions because of these changing climate and weather conditions, so let’s do everything we can to proactively help the forest adapt to these future conditions.”


The Project Timeline


DEM Supervising Forester Will Walker, who is also involved in the research, said work at the site, scheduled for the end of August, has not begun.

“It hasn’t started yet,” he said. “…There’s a lot of extra work that’s involved and having these three areas manipulated and harvested - the resistance, the transition, the resilience - there’s a lot of groundwork, but then, you get equipment breakdowns. In this case, the logger is doing some maintenance on one of his machines and parts are hard to find.”

The goals of the project are to improve forest health, reduce the frequency and intensity of wildfires, provide habitat for wildlife and protect water quality.

Another objective of the research, Riely noted, is to make the findings available to everyone.

“This is something that other landowners in the region could learn from and emulate,” he said. “We want it to have utility to the typical landowners of the region, the family forest-owners in Richmond and elsewhere in South County and Connecticut, for example.”

Walker said the Hillsdale property offered exciting forest research opportunities.

“This parcel, Mr. de Coppet really set us up and we’re lucky to have it,” he said. “All of the other management areas, we follow rules and regulations, so on this [land] we can do what we want when it comes to scientific research, so yeah, we lucked out for sure.”

Special Richmond Town Council Meeting for August 29th 2023

No Decision on Electrical Inspector Performance


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

August 30th 2023

RICHMOND – At a special Town Council meeting on Tuesday afternoon, which lasted more than an hour and a half, council members were unable to reach a decision on whether to terminate Electrical Inspector Jeffrey Vaillancourt and agreed to continue the discussion at a future meeting.

Council Vice President Richard Nassaney recused himself from the discussion because he has a booth at the Washington County Fair, where the most recent complaints originated.

The meeting was a response to those complaints, which pertained to the comportment of Vaillancourt at the Washington County fairground.

The three written statements, dated Aug. 15 and sent to Town Administrator Karen Pinch, were signed by fair Chairman, Pete Fish, Sean McGrory, the Co-Vice Chairman of the fair, and Andy Lemol, the fair’s electrician.

All three complaints expressed discomfort with Vaillancourt’s demeanor on Aug. 15 and on the opening day of the fair, on Aug. 16.

Vaillancourt cited the fair with three violations, which, Fish wrote, should have been reported before opening day.

“I just feel that finding us with violations should have been reported prior to us opening on Wednesday thus avoiding giving the impression to our patrons that the fair is unsafe,” he said in his written statement.

McGrory wrote that he had been uncomfortable with the nature of Vaillancourt’s questions, which, he stated, seemed to imply that Vaillancourt wanted to be the fair’s electrician.

“In my opinion, it felt like he was trying to push his company/brand on us without going through proper channels (i.e. RFP Bids),” he wrote. “I felt like he was pushing his way to become the next fair electrician.”


Not the First Complaints


Vaillancourt, who was hired in March, is currently on probation following an incident at Pasquale Farms during which, he is said to have been impolite to the owner.

The council determined, at an Executive Committee meeting following that incident, that Vaillancourt could remain in his job, but that his probationary period would be extended, because of his reportedly abrasive demeanor.

That same leniency was not evident in the case of former Planning Board Vice Chair Nancy Hess, who was not reappointed to her position because a developer objected to her demeanor.


On Tuesday, the council once again found itself dealing with complaints about Vaillancourt.

With the complainants from the fair sitting in the audience, Vaillancourt countered some of the complaints, defending his behavior and his actions in citing the three violations and informing the council that the fair had multiple “open” or in-process but still to be approved permits.

Councilor Samantha Wilcox said she wanted the discussion to focus not on technical electrical issues, but on Vaillancourt’s behavior.

“The issue that I have is not with the electrical outlets, it’s not with the electricity,” she said. “I really just, I respect what you do as an electrician because it’s way over my head. The problem I have is, all of the complainants are complaining about the same thing; difficulty scheduling appointments, showing up unannounced, attitude and demeanor, trying to make sales, and business owners uncomfortable with those sales, and trying to sell his own business as an electrician.”

Council President Mark Trimmer said that receiving the additional complaints about Vaillancourt had warranted an assessment of his job performance.

“When you have a number of complaints and they all pretty much say the same thing, we obviously made a mistake,” he said. “We chose somebody who’s excellent as an electrician, technically highly skilled, but his interaction with the public leaves a lot to be desired and it’s really causing a problem, and that’s what the issue is. It isn’t a violation for a dunk tank or an outlet that’s upside down or a piece of chafed wiring in the wall. What we’re talking about is the way we work with people, the way we deal with people.”

Council member Michael Colasante, a staunch Vaillancourt supporter, deflected the discussion to imply that Pinch had attempted to hand-pick Mike Rosso, her choice of inspector, over Vaillancourt.

“The past inspector, not too long ago, that was the Town Administrator’s hand-picked – he was not qualified and he actually didn’t re-submit his application to us…Then, on top of that, Mr. Vaillancourt was on his way to the fair and he got an email…

Pinch said, referring to Electrical Inspector Al Vennari, “The electrical inspector was hired before I got here. He retired.” Mike Rosso was hired as interim inspector when Vennari retired, and he applied for the permanent position, but the council chose Vaillancourt.

“One of the inspectors,” Colasante replied. “I didn’t say ‘electrical.’”

Colasante pointed out that there were at least 20 unresolved electrical permits at the fair, which, fair representatives countered, were for participating outside vendors and other groups, and not the responsibility of the fair administration.

“There was a lot of pressure on Mr. Vaillancourt when he went into the fairgrounds, knowing that all these open - ended permits were pulled and never closed…and when he went down there, a lot of these permits were not compliant and they weren’t inspected and they continue to do the work, so it just seems like kind of like a rolling thing with the fairground, where people are taking a blind eye, all right? to what they’ve been doing over there.”

Trimmer repeated his concern that Vaillancourt’s behavior, not his technical competence, was in question.

“Again, my concern is behavior, not the violations, and the reason for this meeting is because of the behavior, not the violations,” he said. “We are talking about a continued attitude, or behavior, that began back in May when we had the first complaint when we had the first Executive session to discuss that and we decided, after a long, protracted meeting, that we would do a probationary period and hope that this behavior did not come up again, and now, we have two complaints, and possibly a third, that discuss this kind of behavior again.”

Colasante attempted once more to frame the issue as that of Vaillancourt being an outsider, and not the preferred choice of Town Hall insiders, including former Town Planner Shaun Lacey.

“Right off the bat, he didn’t like Mr. Vaillancourt, because it wasn’t his pick,” he said. “It wasn’t his choice. It wasn’t who he wanted in that office. It’s not up to Mr. Lacey or any department head to say ‘this is my pick’. Again, the Town Council, all right? the town charter, hires and fires.”

Wilcox tried to re-focus the discussion on Vaillancourt’s behavior.

“I find it hard to place blame on anybody else for Mr. Vaillancourt’s actions,” she said.

The council heard Vaillancourt’s responses to the three complaints. They also heard from the complainants.

Then, in an unexpected development, Trimmer, who had insisted that the performance review remain focused on Vaillancourt’s comportment, began talking about how the issue was actually poor communications between the town and the fair and also, how the fair’s infrastructure was inadequate.

Fish, the fair Chairman, said the two violations that Vaillancourt had cited had been corrected.

“We only had two violations – the Verizon truck and the dunk tank,” he said. “Both were corrected, okay? So, to sit here and say that the fair has all these violations that we have never gotten in writing, that we have made major strides to correct our infrastructure, we spent half a million dollars, to sit here and say that we have all these violations that no one has ever cited us for…To sit here and say we have all these infrastructure violations and all this infrastructure problem, I think, is unfair.”

Wilcox proposed continuing the meeting and Colasante proposed that Vaillancourt’s employment status should, therefore, no longer be in question.

Trimmer announced that he wanted Vaillancourt, the town’s two other inspectors, and the fair to work together and come up what he called an “action plan” to resolve any outstanding infrastructure and communications issues.

“At this point, what I’m looking for is a solution, not a termination, not a chop, bam kind of thing,” he said. “I don’t want to harm the fairgrounds by any means, by any way, shape or form. I want to improve what seems to be very poor communication between the town and the fairgrounds.”

Wilcox urged Trimmer to focus on Vaillancourt’s job performance.

“Respectfully, I really think that we should just have the job performance of Jeffrey Vaillancourt, within 30 days, … an open, real discussion about the job performance of an employee who’s still on probation,” she said.

As the chambers filled with people who had arrived for another meeting, council members agreed to continue the meeting to the second council meeting in September.

Colasante tried one last time to circumvent the discussion of Vaillancourt’s employment status.

“September 19, that all parties will get together and resolve this issue and the issue of Mr. Vaillancourt being terminated is a moot issue,” he said, adding that “good faith” discussions could not take place if Vaillancourt’s continued employment was still undecided.

Trimmer and Wilcox disagreed and the meeting was continued.

Cardi Finances Prompt Questions about Roundabout

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

August 24th 2023

RICHMOND – Work on the roundabout at the junction of Routes 112 and 138 was halted last week, as promised, during the Washington County Fair. Construction was expected to resume this week, but it is unclear what, if any, work has resumed, and there are signs that the contractor, Cardi Corp., is in financial distress.

A visit to the site on Aug. 23 revealed no heavy construction work underway, and only two pickup trucks, both with Cardi Corp. logos, parked in the staging area across from the Town Hall. One of the trucks was empty, except for a section of pipe in the truck bed, possibly for the water line extension, which is also part of the project.

A worker was sitting in the second truck. There was no work taking place outside.

The Rhode Island Department of Transportation first proposed the project in 2019. The traffic-calming measure, which will slow vehicles to about 25 miles per hour, has been used successfully in many other cities and towns.

The roundabout will include sidewalks and cross walks for pedestrians. RIDOT also plans to modify Richmond Townhouse Road between Routes 138 and 112, changing the two-way road to a one-way, eastbound direction.

The roundabout will cost $6.5 million and is expected to be completed by April, 2025. A new water line, a town project funded by a $292,660 grant from the federal American Rescue Plan Act, is being built at the same time.


Which company is now doing the work? Cardi or Manafort?


It has been reported that Cardi has handed off the roundabout project to the Connecticut-based construction company, Manafort Brothers Inc.

Asked Wednesday whether work was continuing at the site, the single construction worker in the truck, who did not provide his name, said only,

“My paycheck last week was from Manafort,” an indication that it is likely that Manafort has indeed assumed responsibility for the project.

RIDOT spokesman Charles St. Martin said the state is aware that Cardi is handing over some projects to subcontractors, but he stressed that the timeline of the roundabout project would not be affected.

“The project is on time and on budget and will be built as designed,” he stated in an emailed response. “We are monitoring all RIDOT projects, including the Richmond Roundabout, to ensure they are completed on time, on budget, and to the scope outlined in the contract. We are aware that Cardi has been using subcontractors on some of its projects.”

Richmond Department of Public Works Director Scott Barber said he had been told that the work had not stopped.

“Workers say they are continuing to work, but Manafort has been named as one of several companies taking over the project,” he said.

Barber also noted that the project is bonded, which guarantees there will be sufficient funds to complete the work.

But whether that work has resumed remains unclear. The site was still idle on Thursday morning, and a call to Manafort was not returned.

The Cardi website states that the company, founded by Antonio Cardi in 1903, is the state’s “leading public works and site-work contractor.”

The company has not made any public announcements about its current financial position or possible closing.

Traffic, Illegal Parking Prompt Temporary Closing of Fair

Traffic, Illegal Parking Prompt Temporary Closing of Fair


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

August 21st 2023

RICHMOND – Officials are at a loss to explain why so many people decided to flock to the 57th annual Washington County Fair on Saturday afternoon, but whatever the reasons, the roads couldn’t handle the traffic.

Richmond Carolina Fire Chief Scott Barber attributed the high attendance to several factors.

“The weather was really good for outdoor activity,” he said. “I think the fair was well-advertised and everybody was looking for something to do, and they all showed up at once.”

Barber said the problems began on Saturday. (Attendance figures were not available at the time this story was posted.)

“Saturday was the problem day. It started to build as the problem, because all the parking lots filled up kind of at once and then the traffic became a problem, so people took it upon themselves to start parking on Route 112, on both sides, and anywhere they could find to park, even the Richmond Elementary School,” he said. “They parked all over the lawn and filled the whole lot up there, west on [Route] 138 and that amount of pedestrians on these major roadways and no lighting to account for pedestrians, there was a safety concern that somebody could be struck, and then the traffic was gridlocked in every direction and if there’s some type of emergency, we couldn’t mobilize.”

In an effort to clear the gridlock, Barber said emergency responders, organizers and fair staff, who were connected at all times by radio, agreed to stop selling tickets at 6:30 p.m. Saturday.

“We were trying to figure out how to get the traffic flowing and it just became apparent that we weren’t making any headway, and I suggested ‘Look, let’s stop the ticket sales for a little bit and see if we can work this whole traffic situation out, and then we’ll reassess,’” he said. “Well, after about 2 ½ hours, it wasn’t getting any better, you know? There are people that sat in line, waiting in traffic and everything, only to find out that they had closed the gates to admission. But they had never had that amount of people show up at once and we just couldn’t overcome the congestion with all the traffic.”

The traffic didn’t clear out until about 8:30.



Town Council Vice President Richard Nassaney had his usual booth at the fair, to promote and sell his bottled sauces. Because he was already on the fairgrounds, he was unaware of the chaos on the roads, but he did notice a sharp decline in the crowd after ticket sales were halted.

“You don’t know what’s going on, so all of a sudden, you just see this big drop in people and you’re like ‘wow, there’s not a lot of people here, even though it’s absolutely beautiful here. How come?’ Then you start to hear rumors and everything else…but you can’t make any assumptions. People always jump to conclusions and most of the time, they’re making the wrong conclusion.”

There were plenty of those “wrong conclusions” on social media over the weekend, with one post even claiming, falsely, that a ride had spun out of control and collapsed.

Others said they were relieved that ticket sales had been stopped before someone was struck by a car or emergency responders were unable to get through the traffic to respond to a call.

Barbie - Jo Fratus, the fair’s Director of Communications and Marketing, dispelled erroneous social media reports that the fair had halted ticket sales because it was over capacity.

“Let me just be clear on what happened that night,” she said. “…The decision was made, not on capacity – there’s been some confusion – but the decision was made based on the volume of traffic and of patrons not parking properly outside of the fairgrounds, so, because of that high influx of traffic, and people parking in undesignated areas, the Richmond Police Department made the decision to close the fair. This was not the decision of the Washington County Fair.”


Town Council President Mark Trimmer said the roads to the fair, Routes 138 and 112, had not been designed to handle such a large volume of traffic.

“We have 2023 levels of vehicle traffic on roads that were designed in the 1940s and it’s just simply overwhelming the system when we try and force that much traffic down our rural roads,” he said. “I think the fair was a victim of its own success. We had outstanding weather on Saturday and Sunday and both days an above average amount of people went to the fair, simply because the weather was so beautiful.”

Town Administrator Karen Pinch suggested that it might be useful to explore alternative parking and shuttle arrangements.

“I think we, as a community, being the emergency management community – police, fire and the fair, need to maybe put our heads together before next year’s fair and try to find some additional off-site parking and make sure that the public is aware of it and is encouraged to make use of it,” she said.

“There was a shuttle service this year to bring people from a lot on Beaver River [Road]. The problem is, I think, people coming from [Interstate] 95 have to go by 112 to get to it, and I feel like people think that it’s the path of least resistance to come here and they realize they can’t get in, so they just park wherever they can, which, in this case, was on 112 and 138, from what I’m told.”

Barber, a veteran of countless fairs and other public events, said he had never experienced an influx of traffic like the one on Saturday evening.

“It’s like any other system,” he said. “You don’t know the breaking point, because it’s never hit that point before and they’ve never had it to this degree. We have a playbook, but all the plays got exhausted.”

Endangered Toads Released in Richmond

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

August 17th 2023

RICHMOND – On a recent muggy morning, a team of wildlife biologists and volunteers gathered at the edge of a property owned by the Richmond Rural Preservation Land Trust.

(We have agreed not to reveal the exact locations of the release sites.)

The plan was to release thousands of baby toads, or toadlets, on Land Trust property where a spadefoot toad research project has been underway since 2019.

There are only a couple of remnant populations of Eastern spadefoot toads in Rhode Island, so they are considered endangered.

The toads, which spend much of their lives buried in the soil, get their names from the hard appendages, or “spades” on their back feet, which the toads use to dig themselves into the ground.

A DEM video shows adult spadefoot toads and their digging behavior.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Biologist Suzanne Paton, who also chairs the Land Trust, stood in a field, awaiting the arrival of the toadlets.

With her were Scott Buchanan, the former Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management herpetologist and several volunteers.

DEM is currently writing a statewide spadefoot reintroduction and recovery plan, but the research is a collaborative effort involving the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, DEM, the University of Rhode Island, Roger Williams Park Zoo, the Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Rhode Island Natural History Survey.

As she waited, Paton explained that spadefoots breed when they are between two and three years old, between April and September, in ponds that contain water only for a short time.

“They use ponds that have a very short hydroperiod,” she said.

Buchanan added,

“It can be as extreme as two to three weeks.”

Paton said a couple of weeks would not be enough time for most other species of amphibians, like wood frogs, to reproduce, but spadefoot toad reproduction is brief and intense, triggered by big rainstorms.

“It’s usually when we have one of those big, flashy thunderstorms,” she said. “That triggers them to go and breed, when a pond fills up, and then it doesn’t last very long. So, it’s not every year that they breed.”

The two shallow breeding pools on Land Trust property were created in 2019, an initiative spearheaded by URI professor, Nancy Karraker.  Researchers are still waiting to see if any of the toads released in 2019 will breed. 


The Release


Lou Perrotti, Director of Conservation at Roger Williams Park Zoo, pulled up to the site and began pulling plastic storage bins out of his car. The bins contained the thousands of toadlets that he had been caring for since July 24, when they were still tadpoles. The tadpoles were rescued, in an effort dubbed “Operation Spadefoot,” from a rapidly - drying pool at a National Wildlife Refuge.

Perrotti explained that feeding the tadpoles was a big job, because they needed to eat twice a day. It was also obvious that he had enjoyed the process.

“In captivity, they’re fed two species of fruit flies and usually pinhead crickets, very tiny, new born crickets that we enrich with calcium and vitamin powder, which gives the toads a nice boost so they can adapt to the environment, which they do really quickly,” he said. “We’ve seen them at our pond releases eating prey right out of the boxes.”

The team split into two groups so they could release toadlets at each of the two Richmond sites. Reaching the first site, it was agreed that the toadlets would be vulnerable to the gray tree frogs and other species living near the pond, so the bins were brought closer to the woods.

“Ten, 20 meters off the edge of the pond is where we should put them,” Perrotti said, before lifting the lid from one of the bins.

Looking like shiny, black dots, the toadlets were surrounded in the bin by moist mosses and had to be carefully removed, counted and placed at the release sites.

Perrotti told the volunteers,

“Don’t be alarmed if you find mortality in the moss, there’s probably going to be some when you’re trying to feed that many animals, making sure they’re all getting two meals a day with that much competition, with me having bins in every room of the house.”

Perrotti reached in the bin and extracted several toadlets. Cupped in his hand, they were counted and then released close to the woods, where they hopped away. Team members were careful to stay clear of the toads’ paths, because they were so tiny and hard to see.


Asked whether saving the toads was worth the time and effort, Paton said it was gratifying to be able to support a native amphibian that had come so close to disappearing from Rhode Island.

“I feel like it’s a species that was native to our area, and part of our native ecosystem, and I just feel like it’s part of our responsibility to help ensure that all those species continue to exist here, and if we can do anything to help, then, for me personally, that’s something I enjoy being a part of,” she said.  “As a Land Trust, we’re just super grateful for all the support from all the experts, and people like Lou at the zoo, who actually know how to captive-rear these individuals so we can boost their populations.”

Council Behavior, Tax Rate Lead Meeting Agenda

Richmond Town Council Meeting for August 15th 2023

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

August 16th, 2023

RICHMOND – Town Council members discussed a letter, at Tuesday’s meeting, from former council member and Democratic Town Committee Chairman B. Joseph Reddish admonishing councilor Michael Colasante for his behavior and urging council President Mark Trimmer to exert more control over council members.

In his letter dated August 4, 2023, Reddish wrote,

“It was disappointing to witness Mr. Colasante’s disrespectful demeanor of shouting on Friday, July 21, 2023.”

Reddish was referring to the special council meeting to swear in Chariho School Committee member Jessica Purcell and approve the hiring of Town Planner, Talia Jalette.

At that meeting, Colasante, the only council member to oppose Jalette’s hiring because the council had not been involved in the interview process, compared the town to “the ship is going to rocks along the shore, because, we’re the number two tax town in the state and it’s the policies of this town that are bringing that ship to rocks.”

Colasante also stated that he believed Jalette’s hiring had been “ a done deal, behind the scenes as usual.”

Reddish, in his letter, requested that council members’ conduct be added as a discission item to Tuesday’s council agenda.

“The Town Council President’s responsibility is to manage meetings and manage behaviors,” the letter states. “President Trimmer, we request that you place an item on the agenda that would begin a public discussion that would address and set the expectations of all Town Councilors [sic] behavior in meetings.”

Colasante asked to respond to the letter and read a prepared statement, in which he was unrepentant and repeated his commitment to easing the burden on the town’s taxpayers.

“I will not back down from pushing back against high taxes and doing all I can to promote fiscal conservatism,” he said. “What is in the best interests of our town and its residents is that we on this council try to work together on issues.”

Trimmer responded,

“…the letter refers to conduct which makes it difficult to work together, so that’s what I was hoping would be addressed, and it wasn’t” he said. “It is a matter of shouting out, interrupting, making inflammatory statements that were matters of concern. When you say the town’s heading for the rocks, do you know how many phone calls I get on that? I mean, you just can’t be making those kinds of statements when there’s no basis in fact for it, and it’s inflammatory, it damages our ability to entice developers into the town and it damages our ability to work as a council.”

Councilor Helen Sheehan came to Colasante’s defense, as did Kathryn Colasante, who frequently defends her husband’s actions.

Councilor Samantha Wilcox described Colasante’s conduct as “aggressive” and “passive-aggressive.”

Councilor Vice President Richard Nassaney added,

“…things can move forward, as long as the vision is for the town and the people of the town, not for ideology, not for partisan, not for one’s personal, or one group of people’s ideas or goals,” he said. “It has to be for the entire town.”

Trimmer asked that Reddish’s letter be filed.


The Finance Director Pushes Back


In response to Colasante’s frequent assertion that Richmond has the second-highest tax burden in the state, Finance Director Laura Kenyon produced figures showing Richmond’s taxes in a more favorable light.

The town’s residential tax rate in Fiscal Year 2023, Kenyon noted, is the seventh-highest in Rhode Island.

“We were 11th in Fiscal Year ’22, 7th in ’23 and now we also called every city and town for the ’23-’24 and we’re 17th,” she said. “…The other issue is the tax levy over the last six years, and from Fiscal Year ’18 to ’24, the total tax levy is up 9% for those six years. I just wanted to also say that when you’re using metrics of states and cities and towns, you have to understand the calculation and the discrepancies that could happen.”

Colasante countered that the “tax burden” as he described it, was, in fact, the second-highest in the state and that municipal spending had increased 38% from 2018 to 2024.

Kenyon pointed out that Colasante’s calculation of the tax burden was based on a median home value of $319,000 when the median in Richmond is lower - $287,000.

Trimmer pointed out that 80% of the town’s budget went to the Chariho Regional School District, and therefore, largely out of the town’s control.


Other Business


The council approved an amendment to the Rules of Procedure, which would require council meetings to end at 9 p.m. unless a majority of council members vote to extend the meeting.

There was a longer discussion of whether the sealed minutes and materials of executive sessions should remain in electronic form after council members have reviewed them.

Colasante has stated that he wants hard copies of executive session minutes and cited the Chariho School Committee as an example of a public body that receives hard copies of executive minutes in their packets.

“Even the fact that we go into executive session and we come out and we seal the executive session minutes, we can still tell somebody exactly what happened in executive session, so whether or not we get a hard copy of the minutes or not, it doesn’t matter, because it stays within this body,” he said.

After hearing an explanation of the evolution of the current policy from Town Clerk Erin Liese, the council, with Sheehan and Colasante opposed, voted to retain the current policy of sealing the executive session minutes.


Attorney’s fees


Following the council’s appointment of Clay Johnson to the School Committee and the subsequent challenge by Jessica Purcell, which was upheld by the Rhode Island Supreme Court, the town must pay the legal fee of attorney Joseph Larisa, who unsuccessfully defended Johnson and the town.

The fee is $22,240.

Wilcox pointed out that Larisa had charged for some work that had not been authorized by the council and that paying for that work would constitute a dangerous precedent.

The council voted to pay Larisa, with Wilcox and Nassaney opposed.

The town may also be required to pay the legal fees of Purcell’s attorney, Jeffrey Levy. Levy’s fee, including the court filing fee and printing costs, is $26,846. Larisa has filed an objection on behalf of the town, but there has been no decision on Purcell’s petition.

(The move by three councilors to appoint Johnson rather than Purcell, who received the next highest number of votes, will end up costing the very taxpayers they have vowed to protect, because taxpayers will foot the bill for that politically-motivated effort.)


Other Business


The discussion of the council’s authority over the hiring, firing and promotions of staff continued, with a debate over what the town charter requires.

Pointing to what he described as “conflicting language” in the charter, Colasante said the council, not the Town Administrator, should have authority over hiring and firing.

Sheehan suggested that council members should be present during the final interviews of candidates.

Wilcox said she would ask Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth to draft an ordinance amendment, and Ellsworth offered to draft an amendment that would establish a hiring and firing process.

Work Begins at Controversial Solar Site

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

August 12th 2023

RICHMOND – Once green with rows of crops, the field at 172 Beaver River Road is now scraped bare and studded with heavy equipment.

A construction trailer and a portable restroom have been installed at the entrance, along with a “No Trespassing” sign and a surveillance camera.

Years of opposition from residents of the historic Beaver River Valley, as well as the town government and boards have been futile, and the construction of the commercial solar energy facility has begun.


The town is overruled


The effort to build a solar array in the field dates back to 2018, when GD Beaver River I LLC and property owner William Stamp Jr. applied for a special use permit, which was required because the property was in a low-density residential zone.

The zoning officer at the time, Russel “Bo” Brown, denied the application because it would not conform to a town ordinance requiring that solar arrays be within two miles of a utility substation.

The Planning Board denied the application because the project would not be consistent with the objectives stated in the town’s comprehensive plan, which include the preservation of rural landscapes, cultural resources and the protection of the town’s rural and architectural heritage. In addition, the board said that as part of the federally-designated Wild and Scenic Rivers system, the scenic qualities of the Beaver River deserved protection.

The developers did not give up their quest to build the commercial solar array, first appealing the case to Rhode Island Superior Court, which remanded the case to the Zoning Board, which again denied the application.

But the developers appealed yet again to Superior Court and this time, they prevailed.

The decision, issued on March 31, 2023 by Rhode Island Superior Court judge Sarah Taft-Carter, stated that the board’s reasons for denying the application were “unsupported,” and therefore, the application should have been granted. The decision also directed the Zoning Board to immediately issue the special use permit required for the project to proceed.


A final effort to reverse the court decision


In a last-ditch attempt to halt the project, the town has petitioned the Rhode Island Supreme Court for a writ of certiorari, a rarely-granted order to review the decision by the lower court.

Submitted by Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth on June 30, the Memorandum of Law filed with the petition states:

“The trial court misconceived or overlooked material evidence and made findings that were clearly wrong in determining that the Board’s decision was based on insufficient evidence.”

Ellsworth concludes that a commercial-scale solar facility, while laudable in principle, is inappropriate in a rural community that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

“There is no question that production of solar energy is crucial to slowing the rate of climate change and mitigating the effects of fossil fuel use,” Ellsworth wrote. “But solar installations are not appropriate in every setting. If there was ever a place where it would be obviously wrong to install acres of solar energy panels, the Beaver River Road Historic District is it. Landscapes such as the one on Beaver River Road are what make each city and town in Rhode Island unique. Richmond has always been an agricultural community. No place in Richmond reflects that history more vividly than Beaver River Road. The Zoning Board’s decision in this case reflects the Town’s effort to maintain its rural character and keep alive a part of its rural past.”

A second petition for a writ of certiorari was submitted on June 29 by attorney Thomas Dickinson, who represents abutting property owner and historic preservationist John Peixinho, who could not comment publicly on the project because his case is before the courts.


Construction begins


After winning their court appeal, the developers wasted no time starting the project. If the rapid pace of construction is any indication, Green Development is not waiting for determinations on the two petitions.

From their home, built in the mid-1700s and located across the road from the construction site, Gail Tibbits and her husband Andy have watched with dismay as the field has been transformed.

“It’s very sad to see what’s happening out there, more so for my husband than for me,” she said. “It was his grandfather’s farm that they bought, back in 1925. His mother and his three aunts were raised here.”

Andy Tibbits’ grandfather sold the land in the 1960s because he was too told to farm it, and it was later sold again, to the Stamp family.

Stamp’s decision to convert the property from farmland to a solar field follows the sale by his daughter, Cindy Duncan, of her Richmond plant nursery to Green Development.

That project drew complaints from neighbors during and after its construction and when it was completed, the Duncans sold what was left of the property to  Pasquale Farms  and moved away.

“It’s just hard,” Tibbits said. “It’s hard to look out the window. Right now, we’ve got a fairly decent buffer of trees along the road on the opposite side.”

The trees are on town property so the developer can’t remove them, but they are deciduous, so Tibbits said she was expecting the site to be more visible in the winter.

Tibbits also worries about the value of her property and whether it would be negatively impacted if she and her husband ever decided to sell it.

“We’ll see what happens, 10 years, 15 years from now if we want to try to sell,” she said. “We have a historic home here, but that is going to take away from it. That was another thing, when the National Register recognized this road. And now what?”

(A listing on the National Register of Historic Places does not preclude development.)

The real estate tax for the site is still to be determined.

Town Council President Mark Trimmer said it was unfortunate that construction had begun.

“It’s very disappointing that the property owner and the solar developer have chosen to move ahead with this project, given the fact that the public is so dead set against it,” he said. “My feeling is that once this type of land is gone, it’s gone forever. We’re giving away, for small money, beautiful land that will never be replicated again.”

Board Recommends Zoning Change for Motocross Track

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

August 9th, 2023

RICHMOND – With Chair Phil Damicis absent and Vice Chair Dan Madnick running the meeting, the Planning Board voted at a public hearing to recommend to the Town Council that it approve amendments to the town’s comprehensive plan to allow a race track for motorcycles on a property on Buttonwoods Road.

The board also voted, in a separate discussion that followed the hearing, to amend the zoning ordinance to allow the race track.

Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth advised the Board,

“Because you’re doing two separate things, you need to separate them in your mind, and when you’re ready to vote on a recommendation, deal with them separately.”

Attending the meeting for the first time was newly-hired Town Planner Talia Jalette, who began working for the town on Aug. 7.

Attorney John Mancini, representing property owner Jordan Carlson, presented the application. The parcel is in an R-2, or residential zone, in which motorized vehicle racing is prohibited.

“The petition requests that the town amend its comprehensive plan, amend its zoning ordinance and also amend its future land use map to designate this parcel as FT, which is flex tech,” Mancini said. “In addition to that, the applicant is also asking for an amendment to your table of uses, which is your zoning ordinance, to permit, in the FT [flex tech] zone, a particular use, identified as race track for motorized vehicles.”

Manicini also noted that the 14-acre parcel is located in a largely industrial area.

“When you look at the zoning map, you will see that the parcel is surrounded by industrial, existing flex tech zoning, public and governmental zoning and further industrial, with open space across the way,” he said. “So, the existing parcel zoned there, R- 2, really isn’t consistent or congruent with the surrounding zoning and accordingly, we argue that the proposed zoning is a better reflection of what the future land use map has indicated that this area should be.”

During the public hearing, those who commented, including Town Council member Michael Colasante and the town’s Electrical Inspector Jeffrey Vaillancourt, spoke in support of the race track.

Board members agreed that the amendments should be specifically for motorcycles and that the “motorized vehicles” described in the initial proposal was too vague and might leave the door open for future auto racing.

The board voted unanimously to recommend to the council that the comprehensive plan be amended from medium density residential to flex tech. The board also recommended the council approve the requested zoning change from R-2 single family residential to flex tech.


Next steps


If the Town Council approves the amendments, Jordan Carlson will still be required to go through the development plan review process and clear one major state permitting hurdle.

In order to complete his application, he will have to obtain a Rhode Island Pollution Discharge Elimination System, or RIPDES permit from the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management. RIPDES permits are required for projects that are larger than five acres.

However, Carlson has already been cited by DEM for altering freshwater wetlands on his property and on Aug. 9, 2022, the agency issued a cease and desist order.

The order describes what state inspectors found after obtaining a warrant to enter the property. The warrant inspection took place on June 22, 2022 and revealed what DEM describes as “unauthorized alterations to Freshwater Wetlands.”

The order describes the violations:

“The inspection revealed that at least the following activities have been undertaken on the Property by you or your agents without the authorization of the DEM: Performing site work within several wetland corridors, including at least clearing, stumping, grubbing, filling, grading, and creating surface disturbances, within at least Swamp, a Perennial River/Stream, Streams, 50-Foot Perimeter Wetlands [associated with Swamp and Pond] Riverbank Wetlands [associated with the River/Streams], culverting an Area Subject to Storm Flowage (ASSF) and withdrawing water from/causing sedimentation within Pond.”

Asked Wednesday about the status of the case, DEM spokesman Michael Healey would say only that “It’s an open and unresolved case and the investigation is ongoing.”

Carlson would be required to remediate the wetlands damage before the state will issue a RIPDES permit.

The Town of Richmond, represented by Town Solicitor Michael Cozzolino, has also filed a complaint in Rhode Island Superior Court for zoning violations.


Riverhead expansion


Having reviewed 600-page application for the expansion of Riverhead Building Supply at 38 Kingstown Road, the Board approved the preliminary plan for the project.

The proposal involves the construction of a 200,000-square foot warehouse and distribution facility.

The new development will add 15 acres of construction to the 48-acre site, bringing the build—out to about 26 acres. The company, which is owned by GX3 LLC of New York State, plans to invest $20 million in the project.


The Preserve


In other business, the board approved a request from The Preserve at Boulder Hills for a one-year extension of the Phase 2 Master Plan approval, involving, in part, the construction of a medical facility and general store on Kingstown Road.

Asked about taxes owed to the town and fulfilling the affordable housing requirement, Preserve representatives said the company was looking for properties to develop as affordable housing that would satisfy the mandate.

Purcell Sworn in, New Planner Hired, But Not Without Drama

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

July 21st 2023

RICHMOND – At a special Town Council meeting Friday,

Jessica Purcell was sworn in as the Richmond Chariho School Committee member.

This was the culmination of a six-month effort by Purcell that began last January, when Clay Johnson was appointed to the vacant seat. Purcell, who had received the third highest number of votes, and would have been next in line for the seat, took her case to the Rhode Island Supreme Court.

The Johnson appointment was justified on the grounds that the Chariho Act took precedence over the town charter, giving the council the authority to appoint him.

Purcell’s attorney, Jeffrey Levy, argued that while the Chariho Act does require the Town Council to fill the vacant committee seat, the town charter states that the council should choose the next highest vote-getter; in this case, Purcell.

In an opinion issued on July 18, with one justice dissenting, the court granted Purcell’s petition to fill the seat.

There was a question of whether Purcell could be sworn in on Friday, before the town received the “judgment of ouster” from the court, officially removing Johnson from the seat, but Town Administrator Karen Pinch said she had been told that the town could proceed with Purcell’s swearing-in.

“… a court clerk has advised that there will be no separate “judgment of ouster” coming,” she said.

Levy administered the oath of office.

Clay Johnson’s appointment to the School Committee was supported by council President Mark Trimmer, and councilors Helen Sheehan and Michael Colasante. Both Colasante and Sheehan were in the court room with other Johnson supporters on April 13 during the oral arguments.

However, before the swearing-in ceremony, Colasante told Purcell that he had voted to appoint Johnson because Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth had told him to do so.

“Jessica, I want to make one comment,” he said. “If it wasn’t for the advice of our solicitor, if the advice of the solicitor was to appoint you, that’s the way we should follow, I would have followed that. I was only going under the guise [sic] of the recommendation of the solicitor. With that being said, there was nothing personal against you.”

It should be noted that Ellsworth did state that the Chariho Act, because it is a state law, does supersede the town charter, however, she advised the council that they should abide by the will of the voters, which would have meant appointing Purcell. Ellsworth also warned that failing to appoint Purcell would result in additional legal expenses that the town would have to pay. So far, the town has been billed about $22,000 by attorney Joseph Larisa, who represented the town, Clay Johnson and the School Committee, and may incur additional attorneys’ fees.

A motion by councilor Samantha Wilcox to appoint Purcell to the school committee received unanimous approval.


New planner approved, but not without drama


The council, with Colasante opposed, voted to hire Talia Jalette to replace Shaun Lacey, who is leaving for another position at the end of the month.


In a July 19 letter to the Town Council, Pinch stated the reasons she and the other members of the hiring committee recommended Jalette for the job.

“An interview committee of Shaun Lacey, Erin Liese, Planning Board Vice-Chair Dan Madnick and I met with Talia on July 13th,” she wrote. “After this interview, we felt comfortable that she would be capable of performing the job and would fit in here in Richmond. Additionally, as a resident of Richmond, we felt that she understood the town dynamics as well or better than anyone. All of this, coupled with Shaun’s professional exposure to her made her our unanimous choice.”

Jalette, the former Senior Planning Clerk, was the planner in Hopkinton for a little over two years, taking the position after the retirement of planner Jim Lamphere. Hopkinton officials said they had received Jalette’s letter of resignation on July 19.

At Friday’s meeting, Sheehan and Colasante said they would have preferred to personally interview Jalette and the other applicants, rather than follow the recommendation of the hiring committee.

“I don’t know who came up with the interview committee of Shaun Lacey and Planning Board Vice Chair Dan Madnick,” Colasante said. “That wasn’t run by the council and if anybody is best qualified to sit in an interview on this council, because I don’t think anybody else here is an employer, I think it would be me, to sit there.”

Colasante asserted, as he has in the past, that hiring and firing is the purview of the council, and proposed that the council meet in executive session to discuss additional information that he said he had gathered.

Trimmer interjected, stating that the town charter gave the Town Administrator authority over personnel.

“We oversee it, but we don’t hire and fire,” he said.

Colasante responded,

“I just don’t know how the Town Hall’s been operating like this for the last 10 years,” he said. “That’s why I ran, to try and straighten some of these things out, because, again, like I said, the ship is going to rocks along the shore, because, we’re the number two tax town in the state and it’s the policies of this town that are bringing that ship to rocks, and…”

Councilor Wilcox broke in,

“Mr. President,” she began, asking Trimmer to intervene.

Colasante continued,

“And I want to see it stopped,” he said.

Colasante’s wife, Kathryn, asked to speak but was denied. The special council meeting did not include a public comment period.

Sheehan continued to complain that the position had been advertised for just two weeks, there had been six applicants and the council was being asked to “rubber stamp” the hiring.

“Obviously, this is a done deal, behind the scenes as usual,” Colasante added.


The vote to hire Jalette was four to one with Colasante opposed. She will begin her new position on Aug. 7, with an annual salary of $67.000.

Colasante, who lost his bid for the council presidency to Trimmer, has continued to challenge Trimmer, Wilcox, and Vice President Richard Nassaney.

At Friday’s meeting he repeated several times that he made his own decisions and did not rely on the opinions of others.

“About deferring to the experts all the time – I don’t relinquish my responsibility as Town Council President,” he said in a clearly audible slip of the tongue. “I come here with a set of experiences and whatnot, and I just don’t defer to the experts.”

Council Approves Aquifer Protection Ordinance Changes

​By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

July 19th 2023

RICHMOND – By a margin of three votes to two, the Town Council approved amendments to the Aquifer Protection Ordinance at a public hearing Tuesday.

Town Planner Shaun Lacey explained that the changes will streamline and clarify groundwater protection regulations, allowing development in areas where it was previously prohibited. Lacey, who will be departing at the end of the month, also alluded to efforts by some to undermine the changes.

“In the day leading up to tonight’s public hearing, I was made aware of concerns by a minor percentage of the public…” he said. “My feeling on the subject is, it’s probably based on two things, a lack of understanding of these regulations, what they sought out to do, but unfortunately, I think part of it, too, is a little bit of a lack of trust in the process, and the message that I really want to send to you, and I think everyone in this room and I think, people that are on the call watching the deliberations, is that, if you trust your staff and you trust your Planning Board, and you trust your experts, many of whom that are sitting in this room tonight, good things are going to happen.”

Councilor Michael Colasante, a vocal opponent of the amendments, said he had personally contacted several developers, including GFI, Capstone Properties and D’Ambra, all of whom had expressed concerns about the changes.

“Businesses may feel the regulations cause economic hardship,” he said. “…This, however, may be what some people want, while they give lip service to economic development.”

Council member Samantha Wilcox asked whether it was appropriate for Colasante to be speaking on behalf of business owners and Trimmer agreed that it was not.

“Each and every meeting we have seems to result in a pontification on how three members are anti-economic development,” he said. “… This is ridiculous. It’s disrespectful, it’s disruptive and it’s a waste of people’s time.”

During the public comment period, some residents said they supported the amendments and others, including former council member Lauren Cacciola, appeared to mistakenly equate the amendments with higher property taxes.

“We cannot afford to live here,” she said “I work a full - time job. I care about the environment, I really do, but why do we need this? How much is it going to cost? What’s going to go into this?”

Representing one of the large developers was Rick Zini of Capstone Properties, who was participating remotely. Capstone manages the largely vacant Chariho Plaza, an eyesore that has been a source of angst for the current and previous Town Councils.

There have been unconfirmed indications that the company might be prepared to invest in the plaza and that the council’s chronic divisions might actually be discouraging development.


“I just want to make a couple of statements on the record, as Capstone’s name has been brought up on multiple occasions, including this evening,” Zini said. “I think it’s clear that everyone understands that there are large, commercial taxpayers in the town, such as Capstone, that are watching the process and are informed about the proposed regulations. Capstone has not spoken in favor or against the regulations, but has been observing in recent weeks the process that has been happening. I think it’s important also to state that before new development can happen in the town, the town must decide what it wants for development and how that is regulated. That needs to be settled before any developer or major taxpayer is going to make additional investment in the town. It’s also important to state that good development happens with both protecting the town’s natural resources and working with the town on its issues.”

The council voted three to two to approve the amendments, with Colasante and Helen Sheehan opposed.


Smoking in public


At a second public hearing, the council considered amendments to the town’s smoking ordinance, proposed by Police Chief Elwood Johnson, that would prohibit the smoking or vaping of cannabis in outdoor public places.

However, the proposed ordinance, drafted by Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth, would also prohibit smoking tobacco in public outdoor spaces.

Sheehan said she supported the prohibition of public marijuana use, but not cigarettes.

“I do not support a ban on smoking cigarettes in an outdoor public place, but that’s the way this was written. It included regular cigarettes. Cigarettes are cancer-causing, but that does not give you the right to control it,” she said.

Colasante agreed with Sheehan and asked that only cannabis be named in the ordinance.

“Smoking a cigarette does not impair…but marijuana does,” he said. “It’s basically the TSG [sic] that is so high today.”

Samantha Wilcox pointed out that the amendment targeted “the nuisance of secondhand smoke.”

The amendment was approved three votes to two, with Sheehan and Colasante opposed.


The council meeting


The disagreements continued into the regular Town Council meeting. Colasante complained he had not had enough time to read the executive session minutes before being asked to approve them and proposed they be included in the councilors’ packets. His effort was unsuccessful.

Wilcox said she felt there had been sufficient time to review the minutes, which are usually less than two pages long.

Council Vice President Richard Nassaney said that attaching the executive session minutes to the packets would make them vulnerable to leaks.

“Another reason executive session minutes are handed to you just before the meeting is because they’re executive session minutes,” he said. “You read them and you give them back. If you have them before a meeting, it gives the opportunity for that information to be put out into the public, shared with people who are not privy to that information.”


Mark Trimmer proposed limiting the duration of Town Council meetings. Ellsworth said the Rules of Procedure would have to be amended to formalize that change, and said she would draft a motion for the council to consider at the next meeting.

There was a lengthy discussion of another proposal by Trimmer to take the $20,000 from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) that had previously been allocated to the hiring of an economic development director and restore those funds to the design study of the Wyoming district. The study was a casualty of the town’s failed budget.

“What I realized in the last seven months was that Shaun [Lacey] was doing a great job as basically, an economic development director,” Trimmer said. “He’s been working with all these developers and he’s got a lot of things going on if were they to bear fruition, would really help the town financially and really mesh with what we’re all trying to do here.  I feel that hiring an economic development employee – I’ve always been against hiring an employee…and I continue to be against that.”

Trimmer added that he was also opposed to using ARPA funds for a review of the town’s planning and zoning ordinances. The council had previously approved $15,000 for the ordinance review and $135,000 for an economic development director.

“I just would rather see the money used for something that will give an absolute, definite benefit, rather than to be used for something that might give a benefit.”

Ellsworth pointed out that it would probably be a waste of time and money to hire someone to review the town’s ordinances since the General Assembly, during the last session, had passed significant changes that will impact the town.

“They will require us to re-write probably, most of the zoning ordinance and much of the subdivision regulations, and I’m not sure what value there would be now in reviewing the regulations and ordinance now, when we know we will have to enact new ones by next January,” she said.

Trimmer said he wanted to redirect the ARPA funds to certain federal grants, which are expected to require matching funds from the town.

Trimmer’s proposal was approved with Colasante and Sheehan opposed.

The council also approved allocating $40,000 to a small business grant program, which would be available to existing businesses as well as new businesses coming to the town.


Jessica Purcell


After her victory in the Rhode Island Supreme Court, announced on July 18,  Jessica Purcell will be formally sworn in to the Chariho School Committee at a special Town Council meeting on Friday at 9:30 a.m. 

The council will also consider a request to approve the hiring of a new Town Planner to replace Shaun Lacey.

Supreme Court finds for Purcell

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

July 18th 2023

PROVIDENCE – In an opinion released Tuesday morning, the Rhode Island Supreme Court granted a petition by Jessica Purcell challenging the Richmond Town Council, Clay Johnson and the Chariho School Committee over the council’s appointment of Johnson to fill a vacancy on the school committee.

Purcell, a Democrat, came third in the Nov. 8, 2022 election, losing lost her bid for a School Committee seat by just 27 votes.  When Richmond committee member Gary Liguori announced in January that he was moving out of Rhode Island and vacating his seat, it was believed that under the provisions of the town’s Home Rule charter, Purcell, with the next-highest number of votes, would be named to fill the seat.

But on Jan. 19, three of the five members of the Richmond Town Council, council President Mark Trimmer and members Michael Colasante and Helen Sheehan, appointed fellow Republican, Clay Johnson, to the vacant seat.

Purcell, represented by attorney Jeffrey Levy, took her case to the Supreme Court.

Named as defendants and represented by attorney Joseph Larisa were Johnson, the Richmond Town Council and the Chariho School Committee.

Oral arguments were presented before the Supreme Court on April 13.


The long-awaited opinion


In their opinion, released Tuesday, Chief Justice Paul Suttell and Justices William Robinson III, Melissa Long and Erin Lynch Prata, the author of the opinion, granted Purcell’s petition with Justice Maureen McKenna Goldberg the lone dissenter.

Purcell said Levy had notified her Tuesday morning of the court decision.

“My heart stated beating fast. I was sweating,” she said. “Relief was the biggest part. We went from winter to spring to summer.”

Levy, who had come under intense questioning by Goldberg during his oral argument, said he had been uneasy about whether the justices would find in favor of his client.

“I was a little bit concerned after the oral argument,” he said. “The oral argument consisted of Justice Goldberg yelling at me.”


The arguments


Levy’s argument was based on the compatibility of the Chariho Act and the town charter, because the act requires the Town Council to fill a vacant School Committee seat and the charter states that the person the council chooses should be the next-highest vote-getter.

Larisa countered that the Chariho Act and the town charter cannot, as Levy had argued, be harmonized because they are fundamentally incompatible.


In their opinion, the four justices concluded that the charter superseded the Chariho Act.

“The Charter is specific in its outline of a substantive procedure to fill the vacancy and precise in who the appointee will be,” the opinion states. “The Charter is clearly more specific. For these reasons, the Charter controls.”

The opinion continues:

“Our ultimate goal is to give effect to the purpose of the statutes as intended by the General Assembly, and we presume that the Legislature knew that the Chariho Act included a general vacancy provision for the School Committee when it approved the Charter that included a more specific vacancy-filling provision for the School Committee …. It is clear that it was the will of the voters in the Town to have procedures in place to fill a vacancy on the School Committee with an individual who had shown some effort and desire to be on the School Committee by running for the seat.”


Goldberg dissents


In a 38-page dissenting opinion, Justice Goldberg wrote,

“After carefully examining the relevant statutory provisions upon which petitioner Purcell relies, including the various iterations of the Chariho Act that span sixty-five years and this Court’s numerous and clear pronouncements when

confronted with a provision in a home rule charter that concerns the constitutional authority over education and elections reserved to the General Assembly, I am of the opinion that Article 2, § 5(B) of the Richmond Town Charter does not supersede the Chariho Act under article 13 of the Rhode Island Constitution. … Because Article 2, § 5(b) of the Richmond Town Charter directly, and irreconcilably conflicts with a special act of the General Assembly concerning the election of school committee members, our jurisprudence has been clear and unequivocal: The charter provision must be explicitly validated by the General Assembly to be operative.


What happens now?


Purcell’s appointment to the School Committee


The Chariho School Committee is awaiting the court’s written “judgment of ouster,” which will remove Johnson from the committee seat. The Town Council will then swear in Purcell, who is expected to be installed in time for the School Committee meeting on Aug. 8.

Chariho School Committee Chair Catherine Giusti said she was relieved that the matter of who should fill the seat had been resolved.

“I am happy that there has been a resolution to the matter of who should be appointed to the School Committee should there be a vacancy,” she said. “Jessica has proven, both by initially running for a seat and staying involved with Chariho, that she is willing to work hard for the people of Richmond.”


Johnson did not respond to a request for comment.


Legal fees


The town is paying Larissa’s $21,792 bill for legal services, and Levy said he intended to ask the court to order the town to pay his bill as well. (That amount is not known.)

“I intend to ask the court to require the town to pay my attorney’s fees,” he said. “It’s not fair the other side gets their fees paid but Jessica is on her own.”


Mending fences


Trimmer, who voted to install Johnson on the committee, now says he regrets his decision.

“I plan to apologize to Jess,” he said Tuesday. “I didn’t do it maliciously. I felt I was following the law and the laws do not harmonize.”

Trimmer said he wanted to swear in Purcell at the earliest opportunity.

“My goal is to do this as soon as possible, and right a wrong that was made and move forward,” he said.

Purcell said that waiting six months for a decision had been difficult, but she added that she had not allowed it to consume her.

“I did get on with my life,” she said. “I never lost my priorities – my family, my work and my home.”

In a written statement emailed later, Purcell added,

“All Richmond residents have been truly served by this decision as it upholds the power of our votes and voices in how we deserve to be represented by elected officials. 

This ruling affirms what we've known all along, Richmond deserves representatives not rulers. The Town Council should have followed the procedure in the Town Charter and appointed the next highest-vote getter from the last election. Three members chose to follow political motivations instead of local obligations and they have been thoroughly rebuked by a majority of the RI Supreme Court, and many fellow residents.”

Richmond Planning Board Meeting Update for July 11th 2023

Board to Explore Route 3 Re-zone 

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

July 13th 2023

RICHMOND – Members of the Planning Board agreed at their Tuesday meeting to ask the Economic Development Commission to determine whether property owners in a part of town near of Route 3 would be willing to consider re-zoning their properties from residential to commercial or light industrial.

The board approved a memorandum to the EDC which reads, in part,

“We would like to work with you to determine whether rezoning some of the property abutting Route 3 would be feasible. Would your members be willing to contact property owners in that area to find out how they would feel about rezoning of their property? We would also like to hear your suggestions about which areas are the most appropriate for rezoning, and whether the owners of existing businesses have told you if there are any locations where they would like to expand or relocate.”

The board asked Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth to draft the memorandum after a discussion during the June 27th meeting about the need for economic development in the town and possible sites for new businesses.

After looking at a map of the town and determining that there are few suitable sites remaining, board Vice Chairman Dan Madnick, who initiated the discussion, and other board members, agreed that the best prospective area is north of Wyoming on Route 3, east of Route 95.

“That area has easy access to Route 95 and most of it is outside the aquifer overlay, agricultural overlay, and flood hazard overlay districts,” the memorandum reads.

But the area is currently zoned residential. The Planning Board has usually re-zoned parcels after approving proposals from their owners, however in this case, the town would be reaching out to property owners to determine whether they would be interested in having their parcels re-zoned.

“We believe that some property owners welcome such a change because it would make their property more valuable, but many others would not want to see commercial or industrial uses in their neighborhood,” the memorandum reads.


The Preserve


Board members approved a request from The Preserve to waive the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management’s permitting requirements for the development’s Phase 2 applications.

The second phase includes two projects at the front entrance of the development: a gas station/ country store and an urgent care and medical office building.

Town Planner Shaun Lacey explained that there are three state permits that are normally required before the preliminary plan is considered complete.

“The septic system, we have a RIPDES [RI Pollutant Discharge Elimination System] … and thirdly, you have freshwater wetlands,” he said.

The waiver allows the Planning Board to consider the applications for the two projects without the state permits already in place. It is likely that the permits will have been issued by the time the project receives final approval.

Board Chairman Philip Damicis said,

“Overall, I don’t see a major issue, if the risk itself is primarily made on the Preserve - all the engineering, without wasting the town’s time.  Part of the reason we asked for this is, we don’t want to all of us to go down that road and have to come all the way back and do it all over again. The only question I have, is this the appropriate time?”

The Board approved a motion to waive the permit requirement. Member Daniel Ashworth, a firearms instructor at The Preserve, recused himself from the vote.


Housing needs survey


The town’s housing needs survey, a collaborative effort by Lacey and board member Bryce Kelley, was presented to the board, and comments were generally favorable.

Lacey said the survey results would provide an in-depth view of housing needs in the town.

“There might be something…that we could use to encourage the right type of growth,” he said.

Madnick added,

“If we want to have economic development to be able to hire people for businesses, you have places for them to live,” he said.


Lacey says goodbye


This was the last Planning Board meeting for Lacey, who is leaving at the end of the month. The town has begun the search for his replacement, but the new Town Planner will have to deal with the avalanche of new legislation approved during the last session.

Ellsworth said she had spent five hours reading the changes, which, she admitted are complex, but she told the board that she would do her best to break them down so board members could understand them.

“I’m going to try and make it as easy as possible,” she said.

Damicis asked Ellsworth to break down the changes into amendments that the town would be required to comply with and amendments that would be up for discussion.

“If you could just differentiate in this, ‘you have no choice’ and ‘these are the things we need to sit down and discuss, work on,’” he said.


The APOD hearing


A public hearing on amendments to the town’s aquifer protection overlay district ordinance will take place at 5 p.m. on July 18. While the changes update and clarify the regulations, there has been opposition from at least one Town Council member. The amendments have been under consideration by the board for about a year.

Human Services Director Hits the Ground Running

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

July 11th 2023

RICHMOND – Kate Schimmel, the town’s new Human Services Director, stood outside the Town Hall on Monday afternoon with Chariho Community Health Worker, Amy Neilson. On a table in front of them were shopping bags full of fresh produce, free to anyone who asked.

Schimmel, who was hired about three months ago, is still assessing residents’ needs, but she has already found one issue: accessing fresh, nutritious food. Some people don’t have transportation to get to a store or farmers market and others don’t have the money to buy it.

“One of our goals is to bring fresh produce, especially because we are living in a farming community, in a farming area,” Schimmel said. “A lot of people have private gardens, or there are a lot of larger farmers in the area, and so, we’re just trying to connect people who may be dealing with food insecurity to get fresh produce.”

This was the town’s first produce popup, with vegetables donated by Our Kids Farm in Exeter. A second produce giveaway will take place in mid-August. Partially funded by a grant to the Chariho Youth Task Force, the event coincided with the twice-monthly visit by the United Way Rhode Island 211 van, which parks for three hours in the Town Hall lot. United Way personnel provide information on a wide range of services such as job training, veterans’ assistance, transportation, health care and housing.

The van began coming to Richmond in February, at the invitation of Town Council member Samantha Wilcox.

“When I reached out to the Director of 211 back in January, he was so excited to come to Richmond that he returned my call when he was on vacation,” Wilcox said. “He stressed to me this was not a replacement of the Human Services Director and that the position would work with 211 to expand services. We are already seeing that happen since Kate is working on getting various programs in and they are changing the 211 Bus location to Chariho Plaza in the near future.”


Schimmel was hired after the town’s Wellness Committee, formed in 2021, recommended improved health facilities for residents, particularly seniors, and an administrator who could help people access the services they needed.

Town Administrator Karen Pinch said Schimmel had been chosen from a field of four candidates.

“Kate is a registered nurse with extensive experience in public health, federal government health clinics, and corporate health and wellness,” she said. “She has a great personality that will be conducive to success with the position, and she also happens to be a Richmond resident.”

Schimmel is paid $30 per hour and works 15 to 20 hours per week. Her salary is paid with funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).

“There is a total of $225,000 set aside for her salary and operating expenses over a three-year period,” Pinch said.

Schimmel and her husband, a diplomat, are originally from South Kingstown and travelled extensively before settling in Richmond. They have one child.

Schimmel holds two degrees, a bachelor of kinesiology with a concentration in disability studies from the University of Maine and a bachelor of nursing from Rhode Island College. Her new position, as she sees it, is to support members of the community who may be experiencing difficulties, especially after COVID.

“I also think, building our community and creating connections between our residents, in a positive way,” she added.


Loneliness: a major issue in Richmond


Schimmel believes it is important to help residents connect with each other. She noted that feelings of isolation and loneliness are not unique to seniors, but are felt “across the board.”

“I think we’re one of the towns who doesn’t have a truly accessible community center or senior center, and so bringing a few more activities, positive activities, where community members can meet and enjoy each other’s company, especially coming out of COVID,” she said. “I’ve been in the position three months now, and I hear a lot from residents that they are just lonely, and I think it’s coming out of COVID, people were in lockdown and people are just starting to get back out there and they’re not really sure where to go. And that’s similar for people who might find themselves in a difficult situation. They might be going through food insecurity or housing insecurity. They’re just not sure where to turn. I think Richmond doesn’t have a lot of resources, per se, in town, so finding those resources, maybe in the greater Washington County, can be tricky.”

Being available to residents, Schimmel said, was essential.

“So, for this position, it’s really being a contact person for community members to reach out and say ‘I’m going through difficult times, do you know of where I can seek the resources that I need to get back on my feet or maybe, where can I go to get a free meal?’ even, and then, ‘where can I go to just meet other people? Meet other residents and connect with people?’”

Residents of rural towns like Richmond are stoic and self – reliant, and sometimes reluctant to accept services.

Schimmel said she lets people know the services are there and that they are welcome to use them.

“The service is here, regardless of whether you’d like it or not. You certainly deserve it, and these services are specifically for you, if you would like,” she said.

While the need for services is not limited to senior residents, Richmond’s seniors face a special set of challenges, among them a lack of public transportation and a senior center on the top floor of the police station that is difficult to access for people with limited mobility.

Schimmel is in frequent touch with Senior Center Director, Dennis McGinity.

“She will be a big asset for the town of Richmond,” McGinity said. “I’ve spoken with her, she’s come to my office, offered some suggestions, which I thought were pretty good, and she’s accepted some of the words that I had to give to her. She just seems to be very level-headed. After the first two hours that we talked, I really get the impression that she not only knows what she’s doing, but she can do what the town expects, and even more.”

Chariho Polling Residents on School Building Options

Chariho Polling Residents on School Building Options


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

July 6th 2023

WOOD RIVER JCT. – Richmond residents, along with residents of Charlestown and Hopkinton, are being asked to fill out surveys indicating their priorities for capital improvements to the four elementary schools in the Chariho Regional School District.

The survey asks respondents which of three options they would prefer:

1: Keeping all four elementary schools, Richmond, Charlestown, Hope Valley and Ashaway, and doing only the necessary maintenance to keep the buildings “warm, safe and dry.”

2: A capital plan that will ensure that schools are equipped for 21st Century learning, which is described in the survey as “… an educational infrastructure that responds to the economical, technological and community shifts that are happening.” This plan would include significant infrastructure upgrades.

3. A consolidation plan, involving the construction of one new elementary school for each town.

There is also a fourth space for residents to write in their own preference, if it is not among the three options.


Why do the elementary schools need upgrades?


The four elementary school buildings are old and becoming increasingly expensive to maintain.

Richmond and Hope Valley Elementary Schools were built 88 years ago. Charlestown Elementary is 73 years old and Ashaway Elementary is 56.

One of the most significant developments in education is the extensive use of technology. School Committee Chair Catherine Giusti provided an example of one of the infrastructure issues: a lack of electrical outlets. That may not have been a problem back in the 1950s or ‘60s, but the district now issues a laptop to every student from Kindergarten to Grade 12, in the 1:1 program.

“There are two outlets per classroom in Richmond,” she said. What do you do with two outlets? I don’t have a room in my house that has two outlets. So, they have their smart board plugged into one outlet, well, now they’re all on the 1:1. Some classes are still 2:1, but in the 1:1 initiative, God forbid a kid forgets to plug his laptop in. Now he’s sitting on the floor, next to the outlet.”


The capital improvement plans


State law requires all school districts to submit capital improvement plans. Chariho’s annual plan, submitted on June 30, focuses on maintenance, health and safety.

A five-year capital plan is also required under state law.

“We have two things going on,” Chariho Finance Director Ned Draper said. “We have an annual capital budget, which is part of our routine budget process. We do that each year. And then, we also have a draft five-year capital plan, which is really the focus of the survey, which is finding out from the community, how do we want that five-year capital plan to look.”


Public input sought


In addition to the survey, which is available on the Chariho website, residents were invited to tour each elementary school at walk-throughs that took place during the month of June.

“It was eye-opening, I hope, to all the participants just how old our buildings are, and what an exceptional job our maintenance staff has done in keeping up with cleaning and maintain the buildings,” Giusti said. “But, at a certain point, there’s nothing that can be done. They’re just old.”

The four school tours were poorly attended, however, and additional tours may be offered in the fall.

“It was disappointing to me how few people came to the walk-throughs, because I think it was an excellent opportunity for people to really see,” Giusti said.


Newer and Fewer


In 2021, the School Committee approved a plan that would have replaced all four elementary schools with a single, large school. Residents, who were also surveyed at that time, opposed the idea of one large school, preferring small neighborhood schools. Opponents of a single large school dubbed it the “factory in the field,” and the consolidation proposal went nowhere.

But as it did in 2021, the Rhode Island Department of Education, (RIDE) still favors the “newer and fewer” approach to school buildings, offering higher financial incentives for consolidation.

Draper explained that additional state funds, or bonuses, are allocated to projects that align with RIDE’s priorities.

“The bonuses depend on which path you take,” he said. “So, for instance, newer and fewer is a bonus option, there’s safety and health as well as security. Those are different bonus areas, but you need to choose your path. So, if your path is newer and fewer, which, as you know, was an issue that the community seemed uncomfortable with, you may not want that. If the community says ‘we don’t want that,’ then that bonus wouldn’t be something we’d be eligible for anyway.”

After discussing five-year capital improvement options and state funding opportunities at the April 25 meeting, members of the School Committee agreed that the district should consider several options and involve the community in the process.

Giusti promised that this time, the committee would listen to residents.

“I hope that the community understands that we have to do something here, and we want to partner with the community in a better way than we did before, to really get an idea what the community wants their schools to look like,” she said. “We’re really just at the beginning of that process.”

Major school projects are expected to be a hard sell to residents. Voters in Richmond and Hopkinton rejected the proposed 2023 Chariho spending plan, not once, but twice, resulting in its defeat.

At the April School Committee meeting, Charlestown member

Craig Louzon urged the committee to ensure that public input remains a priority.

“One option is the extreme – the factory in the field,” he said. “Another option is do nothing, but at least the taxpayer, or stakeholders, should have a say… We’re not doing our job if we just kick the can down the road. We should at least let them decide.”

Board Mulls Re-Zoning for Economic Development

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

June 28th 2023

RICHMOND – The agenda for Tuesday’s Planning Board meeting focused on economic development possibilities, with board Vice Chair Dan Madnick leading the discussion in the absence of Chair Philip Damicis.

Members explored the feasibility of re-zoning some residential properties to encourage commercial development in the town; a medical use overlay zone for properties on Routes 138 and 3, re-zoning some parcels on Route 3 to support commercial development, and re-zoning properties on Route 2 and Heaton Orchard Road.

“This has been a discussion that planning boards had in the past and it looks like the Town Council’s been talking about it, so I just wanted to hear everyone’s thoughts and feelings on this particular idea,” Madnick said. “How do we try to facilitate, as a Planning Board, getting medical use, an urgent care or walk-in clinic. …  One of the things that people really want is urgent care. … The goal of this is to hopefully work with the Town Council to try to determine how to facilitate bringing an urgent care center in, and where it should go, and how do we do that.”

As they looked at a map on a large television screen, it became apparent that there is not much property available to re-zone.

Madnick said Town Planner Shaun Lacey had suggested creating a medical use overlay zone.

(Lacey, who last week announced his resignation, did not attend the meeting.)

Member Andrea Baranyk asked where medical facilities would currently be permitted, and Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth explained that they are permitted in every zone, except residential.

Madnick said he wanted to assess several areas of town to determine whether any of them would be suitable for re-zoning.

“One of the things that the Planning Board has been looking at for years, and something that came up in the comprehensive community plan revision, was the fact that we have very limited ability to develop the town of Richmond,” he said. “There’s roughly 25,000 acres in Richmond, 40 square miles, and of that, only about half of that is developable. So, the question’s been asked, are we limiting the potential development opportunities in Richmond.”

Madnick explained that the board was considering areas that could be re-zoned, such as the Aqua Science and Fasano properties on Route 3 that were re-zoned from residential to light industrial.

“Both of these things had to do with supporting small businesses in town,” he said.

After discussing which areas might be suitable for re-zoning, members agreed to ask the Economic Development Commission to approach property owners in one residential zone to determine whether they would support a re-zoning.

“We made a motion to request to Karen to draft a memo to the EDC and talk to property owners on Route 3 if they would be open to a potential re-zone of their properties,” Madnick said.

“There’s definitely a balance that needs to be struck with where we have commercially-zoned properties that allow for that type of development. I feel that Route 3 could support that, even though there are residential properties there now.”

While Route 2 and Heaton Orchard Road were also discussed, there are concerns that commercial development would have adverse impacts on the aquifer or farmland.

“What you run into is, we have the aquifer protection overlay district, then we have the agricultural overlay district and we start running into, when you look at different areas of the town, where we don’t want to develop because hey, these are prime agricultural soils, or this is going to have a huge impact on the aquifer,” Madnick said.

One area of town that might considered for re-zoning, Madnick said, is Alton.

“At a future meeting, we’re going to put an agenda item on to talk about re-zoning parts of Alton, which is in our future land use map and our zoning map as a potential growth area.”

Roundabout Construction Begins

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

June 27th 2023

RICHMOND – With students at Richmond Elementary School now on summer break, construction of the long-anticipated -  and debated - roundabout has begun. Crews from Cardi Corp. are preparing the site, at the intersection of Routes 138 and 112.

The Rhode Island Department of Transportation first proposed the project in 2019. The traffic-calming measure, which will slow vehicles to about 25 miles per hour, is used in many other cities and towns. The roundabout will include sidewalks and cross walks for pedestrians.

RIDOT also plans to modify Richmond Townhouse Road between Routes 138 and 112, changing the two-way road to a one-way, eastbound direction.

Town Administrator Karen Pinch said the work, at least so far, has not impacted traffic at the busy intersection.

“As of now, there don’t seem to be any impediments to travel through the intersection,” she said. “From what I’ve seen, traffic is flowing without delay.”

There has been some complaining on social media from residents who dislike roundabouts and don’t believe one is necessary in their town, but Police Chief Elwood Johnson said something needed to be done to improve safety at the most dangerous intersection in town, which, over the past decade, has been the scene of more than 100 accidents.

With school out for the summer, Johnson said this is the perfect time to start the project.

“The timing is good, because school just ended, so that corridor isn’t going to be as problematic,” he said.

Police details will be posted at the site as needed.

“There will be some delays, but we’ll try to keep them to a minimum,” Johnson said.

The project will cost $6.5 million and is expected to be completed by April, 2025. A new water line, a town project funded by a $292,660 grant from the federal American Rescue Plan Act, is being built at the same time.

Construction will be paused during the Washington County Fair, from Aug. 16 to Aug. 20.

Town Planner Resigns

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

June 22nd 2023

RICHMOND – Town Planner Shaun Lacey is leaving Richmond. His letter of resignation, sent on Thursday, states that his last day will be July 28.

“It is with a heavy heart that I resign as Town Planner,” the letter reads. “After careful thought, I have accepted an exciting career-advancement opportunity with the Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command [NAVFAC].”

Lacey, who will be a Community Planner at the submarine base in Groton, came to Richmond from North Kingstown about four and a half years ago.

In an interview on Thursday, he said that he was excited about his new position with the United States Navy, but also sad to leave the town.

“I want to thank all the residents and all the volunteers in the business community that have supported my work and my efforts over the past four and a half years,” he said. “I’ve gotten to know a lot of them personally, and I consider many of them friends of mine, after all the years have gone by.”

Planning Board Vice Chair Dan Madnick said he and Lacey had enjoyed a productive working relationship.

“Shaun has been instrumental in working towards fulfilling the goals and actions of the town comprehensive community plan and work towards a better Richmond,” he said in an emailed statement. “I give credit to Shaun for educating me on municipal planning and understanding land use when I joined the planning board in 2019. Since then, Shaun and I have worked diligently together, along with the members of the planning board to follow the comprehensive community plan and zoning regulations. Shaun fostered an environment where developers and the planning board respectfully worked together to meet the goals of both parties.”

Town Administrator Karen Pinch, who works closely with Lacey, said she hoped that his economic development initiatives would continue to progress after he leaves.

“We have big shoes to fill with Shaun’s departure,” she wrote in an email.  “He’s never been one to just be reactive to what comes into his office; he’s been very proactive in moving Richmond forward with projects and initiatives.  I sincerely hope that the developers Shaun’s been working with will continue to move forward with their plans to invest in Richmond.”


A troubled town


Beneath the niceties of his departure letter and the tributes from colleagues, Lacey’s resignation comes as no surprise to those familiar with the inner workings of the town. Lacey - and other town administrators and staff - have come under pressure from some members of the Town Council, who sometimes questioned their decisions.

Town Council Vice President Richard Nassaney addressed the issue head-on.

“I am deeply saddened and utterly disgusted in the conduct of council members, [and] members of the public that have done nothing but sabotage, attack, degrade and vilify a great man, who has done nothing but embrace our community and made it better and continued to make it better. But, they had their political agenda, to do nothing but attack him and undermine everything that he has ever done, with no understanding of the consequences of what they have done,” he said.

Reached on vacation, Council President Mark Trimmer said he had learned of Lacey’s resignation on Thursday morning but had suspected, before the formal announcement, that he was preparing to leave.

“I had suspicions for some time,” he said. “You don’t line up a job like he just lined up in a couple of weeks.”

Trimmer said he believed that Lacey had done good work for Richmond.

“I truly feel that he was guiding the town in the right direction,” he said. “I feel that his professionalism and expertise were very valuable for the town.”

Lacey’s departure comes at a time when the town is trying, (as it has for more than a decade) to attract commercial investment while preserving its rural qualities. The ongoing acrimony between council members is making it more difficult to achieve that elusive balance.

“I truly counted on his knowledge and expertise,” Trimmer said. “I understand that there were other pressures. Unfortunately, it’s very, very difficult to find someone with his level of expertise.”


What now?


With a divided, bickering council, some of whose members have made town staff uncomfortable, it could be challenging to find a qualified planner to replace Lacey.

Nassaney said he felt that the town was regressing to the chaotic days before former council President Henry Oppenheimer took over.

“What they have done is more damage,” Nassaney said. “They brought us back to the pre-Henry Oppenheimer era, when this town was regarded as something you just stay away from,” he said.

The conclusion of Lacey’s letter makes an oblique reference to the Town Council:

“Finally, I wish to offer some strong suggestions to the current and future elected leadership of Richmond [in no particular order]:” he wrote. “1) listen to and trust your experts; 2) be civil and respectful to one another; 3) place the needs of the many above the needs of the few; and 4) to quote the late Daniel Burnham, “make no little plans.”

The council will discuss the resignation and the search for a new planner at the July 18 meeting.



“Dated Today, June 22, 2023, Shaun Lacey’s letter follows:


Dear Town Council and Richmond residents,


It is with a heavy heart that I resign as Town Planner. After careful thought, I have accepted an exciting career-advancement opportunity with the Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC). My last day working in Richmond will be Friday, July 28.


Please know that I worked tirelessly to meet the needs of this community amidst evolving environmental, economic, and political pressures. To that end, I was fortunate to work with some wonderful staff, town officials, and many, many volunteers to achieve the town’s goals and uphold its values.


I am optimistic about new projects on the horizon that will likely shape the future of the community. The advent of these projects are based upon a land use strategy that encourages development along the town’s growth center (Route 138 from Town Hall to Route 3), predicated on favorable economic cycles and local regulations designed to capitalize on market demands. After years of careful planning, I’m pleased to see those efforts beginning to yield results.


It is very important to strike the right balance between new housing and commercial opportunities and protecting areas undesirable for development in order to retain the town’s agricultural and rural identity. To support growth where it belongs, I strongly recommend that town leadership closely study its existing infrastructure weighed against future needs, and make the necessary long-term investments to support private enterprise. Some examples include creating a long-term public water management plan (in partnership with the Town of Hopkinton) and a Complete Streets program for Main Street with support from RIDOT. I also encourage the town to conduct a sewer feasibility study in Wyoming to identify the cost and process for permitting, design, and construction, and to understand the potential return on that investment.


I wish to thank the residents and the business community who supported my efforts over the past few years, many of whom I now consider friends. I’d like to extend special thanks to the current and former members of the Planning Board, Land Trust, Conservation Commission, Dog Park Committee, and Affordable Housing Committee for their enthusiasm and civic engagement. I also implore the public to be engaged and educated on all matters pertaining to land use, municipal economics, and capital improvements.


Finally, I wish to offer some strong suggestions to the current and future elected leadership of Richmond (in no particular order): 1) listen to and trust your experts; 2) be civil and respectful to one another; 3) place the needs of the many above the needs of the few; and 4) to quote the late Daniel Burnham, “make no little plans.”




Shaun Lacey, AICP

Town Planner

Town of Richmond

Richmond Town Council Meeting Update for Tuesday June 20, 2023

Preserve Tax Breaks Bill, Aquifer Protection Dominate Council Meeting


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

June 21st 2023

RICHMOND – The saga of the failed enabling tax legislation continued at Tuesday’s Town Council meeting with state Rep. Megan Cotter, D-Richmond, asking why the town had not informed her of the proposed bill since as Representative, she would be required to present it.

And later in the meeting, more than a year of work came close to going down the drain when council members Michael Colasante and Helen Sheehan opposed a motion to hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to the town’s aquifer protection ordinance.

Council Vice President Richard Nassaney chaired the meeting in the absence of council President Mark Trimmer, who was out of town.


Tax Stabilization for The Preserve


At the June 6 Town Council meeting, four members supported a resolution asking the General Assembly to approve enabling legislation that would make it possible for the town to sign a tax stabilization agreement with The Preserve Sporting Club and Residences. Councilor Samantha Wilcox was the only member to vote against the resolution.

Drafted by Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth, the proposed bill was hand delivered to the State House shortly before the end of the legislative session, not by Megan Cotter, or a council member, but by a representative of The Preserve.

House bill H 6509 and Senate bill, S 1132 would have authorized the town to enter into tax exemption or stabilization agreements with owners of properties located in mixed - use commercial and residential developments.

The House bill states that the property must meet the following criteria:

*  “Has a total assessed value of not less than ten million  [$10,000,000] on the date on which the partial exemption or stabilization will take effect

* and is used for or available for use as short-term rental property for no fewer than twenty-six [26] weeks in each calendar year

* and an agreement to exempt or stabilize taxes on any one lot or on contiguous lots under the authority of this section shall be enacted in the form of a resolution.”


From its contents, to the discussion at the June 6 council meeting, to the manner in which it was delivered to the House of Representatives, the proposed legislation reeked of a last-minute attempt to give tax breaks to The Preserve.

Adding to the bad optics was the timing of the initiative, which closely followed the rejection of the town’s proposed 2023-24 budget and pleas from tearful homeowners to lower property taxes. In addition, the council had earlier declined to increase property tax exemptions for seniors.

In a statement that raised eyebrows, Preserve owner and developer Paul Mihailides told the council at the June 6 meeting that property taxes were too high, saying,

“It’s just too much for a third or fourth vacation home, somebody that’s here a few times a year, that is here because The Preserve offers so many intangible items.”

Despite assurances that the bill would stimulate economic development throughout the town, the enabling legislation appeared to have been written specifically for The Preserve, since no other properties in the town would meet the criteria.


Cotter pulls the bill


Citing her discomfort with many aspects of the bill, including its last-minute submission without her knowledge, Cotter said she had no choice but to pull it.

“I went to the State House and there was a piece of legislation on my desk that was ready to be submitted, and The Preserve had dropped it off at the State House,” she said. “I had no idea what it was, what was going on. It was drafted before I even got an email from the town, which is just – I mean, it’s not how things are done at all.”

Cotter said no one from the Town Council, or the Preserve, attended the hearing before the House Municipal Government and Housing committee, leaving her to answer questions about a bill she knew nothing about.

“The questions that the committee had asked…I didn’t have any answers for them,” she said. “I didn’t know why they’re giving this giant discount to people who are in short term rentals. I had no information whatsoever. It was disrespectful - to the process, to me, to the entire General Assembly to just rush legislation like that and not give any answers as to why.”


At Tuesday’s meeting, Colasante stated that both he and Sheehan had attempted, without success, to telephone Cotter.

“They called me the day the bill was up for a vote on the floor,” Cotter said. “They did not call me prior to that. They should have called me when the legislation was put in. Mark Trimmer should have called me. He is the Town Council President. He did not. Mark Trimmer also called me the day the bill was being heard on the floor. … To say they reached out to try to work with me is completely disingenuous.”

Trimmer, reached while he was out of town, said the proposed legislation had not been adequately explained.

“There were time constraints because of the end of the legislative session,” he wrote in a text message. “I personally didn’t do a good job of explaining how this legislation would benefit our town.”

Sheehan has also promoted the legislation as encouraging further commercial development in the town and reducing the tax burden on residents. She argued that Wilcox and Cotter had misunderstood the purpose of the bill, which would have brought in an additional $100,000 a year in tax revenue.

But Cotter said the bill would have had the opposite effect.

“As much as this Town Council says that the average Richmond taxpayer, homeowner, is not going to see an increase, the money has to come from somewhere and it’s going to come from taxpayers,” she said. “And when you have senior citizens that were not able to get a tax stabilization increase this year, who are struggling to get by day to day with inflation being what it is, it’s just not right.”

Nassaney said Wednesday that he now regrets his earlier vote supporting the resolution.

“I thought it was going to be a simple ask to the legislature, with no specifics of any deals or any kind of detail of any project or any building or predetermined specific projects,” he said.

Nassaney did not see a draft of the enabling legislation.

“I never saw the final draft. I don’t think anyone else did,” he said.

During the public forum, several residents criticized the resolution. Town moderator Mark Reynolds reminded the council that two council members, Trimmer and Colasante, had received $3,000 each in campaign contributions from people connected with The Preserve.

Board of Tax Assessment Review member Jeffrey Noble said The Preserve had presented 47 appeals at the June 14 meeting.

“In their complaints, The Preserve residential units thought that instead of being taxed closer to the sale price of $1,000 per square foot, that the $410 per square foot that the assessors set the units at was too much,” he said. “They felt the value of the units was closer to $220 per square foot. Because of where they would want to be, the town would look at losing, per unit, revenue, the total would be about $150,000 if we went with The Preserve’s valuation.”

Reynolds told the council that before the town considers any tax breaks, the entity receiving the break should be current on its taxes.

“One other protection that I would encourage you to include, particularly with respect to The Preserve is, there’s a provision that they have to be up to date on their taxes,” he said. “But they also should be up to date on all the other fees that they owe the town. It’s my understanding that The Preserve owes the town almost $200,000 in affordable housing waiver fees that they were granted, so they wouldn’t have to build affordable housing in there.”


A close call for the APOD


After more than a year of deliberation, the Planning Board has proposed zoning amendments to the Aquifer Protection Overlay District, or APOD.

Town Planner Shaun Lacey asked the council to schedule a public hearing to consider the proposed changes, but Colasante and Sheehan voted against the hearing.

Lacey appeared surprised.

“If we’re not going to proceed with the public hearing, we are effectively shelving these amendments from further review,” he said.

Wilcox and Nassaney reminded the two councilors that the purpose of the hearing was to allow the public to weigh in on the proposed changes, not to approve the amendments themselves.

Colasante said his mind was made up.

“We already voted on this, so I’ll move it. The discussion’s over,” he said.

Lacey and Ellsworth said landowners were waiting for the new regulations so they could proceed with their development applications.

“This is something that the Planning Board has been working on for more than a year…and property owners in town are eagerly awaiting the enactment of these ordinance amendments, because it’s going to make it easier for them to develop,” Ellsworth said. “It would be really helpful if you could explain to us why you don’t want to go forward with the ordinance.”

Holding a map of the aquifer protection overlay district, Sheehan said,

“I had this map printed for myself, in color, and I’m worried that there are so many places that I’m afraid that there will be no development in the areas that are supposed to be development allowed, and in addition to that, those who do try to do a development, they’ll be priced out of the market because the requirements seem to be excessive in some areas.”

Ellsworth said landowners supported the amendments, but Colasante disagreed.

“I talked to large landowners and they’re not for this,” he said. “…The best use of an aquifer is to stifle or slow economic development in those areas where they claim to want to protect their water. The Internet is a beautiful thing. You can just Google that.”

In a final attempt to clarify the amendments, Ellsworth explained that they would actually be less restrictive to developers than the ordinance is now.

“This is not a new ordinance,” she said. “We already have an aquifer protection overlay district. The one that we’re proposing is less restrictive than the one we have now. Less restrictive.”

“I’m going to change my vote then,” Sheehan said. “I’ll support a public hearing.”

With Colasante opposing, the remaining councilors, including Sheehan, voted to hold a public hearing on the proposed amendments on July 18 at 5 p.m.


Council agrees on amended budget


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

June 7th 2023

RICHMOND – At the end of a six-hour meeting, members of the Town Council agreed on amendments that will make it possible for the town to operate on the current budget in the coming year. The proposed 2023-24 budget was defeated in a referendum on Monday.

The council also approved a request by The Preserve Sporting Club and Residences for enabling legislation that will make it possible for the developer to ask the General Assembly to consider requests for tax stabilization and partial exemptions on the property.

During the executive session that followed the regular meeting, councilors considered the possible dismissal of electrical inspector Jeffrey Vaillancourt, but voted instead to extend his probationary period and give him a second chance.


The Budget


After voters rejected the proposed budget at Monday’s referendum by a margin of 371 to 290, the council was left to decide whether to hold a second referendum on an amended budget or continue to operate under the current budget.

A proposal by councilors Michael Colasante and Helen Sheehan to hold a workshop with Finance Director Laura Kenyon and members of the Finance Board was rejected by the other members.

Council President Mark Trimmer said he did not feel that another budget workshop would be useful.

“The last workshop did not bear fruit,” he said. “We did not have any actionable specifics suggested at the other workshops to cut the budget, to make changes to the budget. There was nothing offered up, absolutely nothing, other than cutting the fund balance, which is just a really, really bad idea.”

The town has fixed expenses that must be paid, the most significant of which are payments to the Chariho Regional School District, contractual obligations to unionized employees and debt repayment.

After council members debated which expenses might be reduced, with Colasante suggesting that department heads be asked to cut their budgets by 5%, Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth informed them that a solution might already have been found.

“I had a discussion earlier today with the Town Administrator and the Finance Director,” she said. “They have been discussing a lot of options for managing a level-funded budget that none of you have discussed, and none of you have asked them. The charter [Home Rule Charter] says the Town Administrator prepares the revised budget. My suggestion is that you ask the Town Administrator and the Finance Director to get together and propose something to you.”

Finance Director Laura Kenyon told the council that with increases in fixed expenses, there would be a deficit of $42,765 in a level-funded budget. Kenyon then presented the cuts that would be needed.

“My suggestion is to cut one capital project, $20,000 for the Wyoming design study,” she said.

The Wyoming design study, requested by Town Planner Shaun Lacey, would have produced design alternatives for the problematic Wyoming district.

Kenyon also proposed cutting $22,500 that had been allocated to new water billing software.

That left a deficit of $275, which Kenyon said she would cover with funds from her own department.

The council approved the cuts, which will make it possible for the town to operate with the current budget.


Tax Stabilization for The Preserve


The council approved, with councilor Samantha Wilcox opposed, a resolution that will clear the way for The Preserve to ask the General Assembly to consider tax stabilization or partial tax exemptions on structures on the property.

Owner and developer Paul Mihailides asked the council to consider the contributions (which he listed) that The Preserve has made and will continue to make to the local economy.

But, he said, his project has faced challenges, including taxes.

“What we’re going ask for is just permission, to get your permission from the legislature so we can have a discussion about it,” he said. “We’re not asking for anything in specifics. I just would like to say, we’re just faced with some challenges at The Preserve and some of those challenges are just based on the way our taxes are currently being viewed.”

Mihailides noted that the taxes on the luxury vacation homes on his property were too high for many buyers.

“It’s just too much for a third or fourth vacation home, somebody that’s here a few times a year, that is here because The Preserve offers so many intangible items,” he said.

Trimmer, Wilcox and a resident all raised the issue of the recent rejection of the town budget and the tax burden that many Richmond homeowners have said is too much for them to bear,

however, four of the five council members voted in favor of the resolution with Wilcox opposed.


Jeffrey Vaillancourt


During the executive session, councilors discussed the town’s electrical inspector, Jeffrey Vaillancourt, who was hired two months ago.

While details of the session were not disclosed, it appears that there has been at least one complaint against Vaillancourt for his comportment with a business-owner.

When the council returned to open session, Vaillancourt apologized for his behavior.

“Everybody has their bad days,” he said. “That was one of mine.”

The Vaillancourt incident brought to mind the decision not to renew the appointment of Vice Chair Nancy Hess to the Planning Board because at least one council member believed that she had been less than cordial with an applicant. In this case, unlike Hess, Vaillancourt was forgiven.

Addressing Vaillancourt, Wilcox said,

“I fully agree with second chances. We all make mistakes, but after 35 years on the job, you should know that’s not how we treat people.”

With Wilcox voting to approve a motion to fire Vaillancourt, the remaining council members voted not to dismiss him. They did, however, extend his probation for six months, beginning on June 6.


In other business, Trimmer, Nassaney and Wilcox voted against a resolution made by Helen Sheehan and supported by Colasante, to support House Bill H6324, “An Act Relating to Criminal Offenses-Obscene and Objectionable Publications and Shows.”

Co-sponsored by Rep. Sam Azzinaro (D-Westerly) the proposed legislation would hold all libraries liable for “explicit” materials, including cartoons and comics.

One resident warned the council that the bill would expand censorship.

“It seems that this language is expanding the censorship in libraries, is that right?” she said. ”It’s not just  things that are for sale, it’s bringing our public libraries into this issue.”

“Children under the age of 18 should not be exposed to pornography,” Sheehan replied.

“My thought is,” the same resident continued, “libraries are public places, so people don’t have to see this, they don’t have to be exposed to it.”

Mark Reynolds, an attorney who also serves as Town Moderator, said the proposed legislation would impose criminal penalties on librarians.

“If all this was about was adding comic books to the criminal statute on pornography, that wouldn’t be so bad,” he said. “But what this statute does is potentially impose criminal penalties against librarians by adding this language that it applies to libraries. …It’s one thing to regulate pornography in a commercial setting and impose people who are selling this material to criminal penalties, it’s another thing to subject librarians in school or public libraries to criminal penalties, and that’s one thing this bill does.”

The resolution failed, with Colasante and Sheehan supporting it and Trimmer, Wilcox and Nassaney opposed.


Stop signs and speeding


Trimmer said he believed a third stop sign was needed at the intersection of Hog House Hill and Gardiner Road. Ellsworth said she would draft an ordinance amendment for the additional stop sign.

Trimmer also proposed asking the Rhode Island Department of Transportation to improve safety on Route 138. He was informed by Police Chief Elwood Johnson that the state Traffic Commission had undertaken a study of that section of road and he would contact the commission to see whether the study had been completed.

Voters Reject Proposed Budget

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

June 6th 2023

RICHMOND – The proposed 2023-24 Richmond budget was rejected Monday in the town’s first-ever budget referendum.

The vote was 290 in favor and 371 opposed. Turnout was light, with 10.4% of the town’s 6,366 registered voters casting their ballots.

The proposed budget contained no property tax increase, and most departments would have been level-funded. But budget opponents, under the banner of the “Forgotten Taxpayers” political action committee, demanded more drastic cuts to provide additional tax relief.


Town Council President Mark Trimmer said he believed that switching from the annual Financial Town Meeting to an all-day referendum had contributed to the defeat.

“I think it was a big mistake for the Charter Review [commission] to put the budget up for a vote,” he said. “…I think they should have just kept it as a town meeting. We are a town. This isn’t Cranston.”

Trimmer also noted that budget opponents had not made any specific recommendations for cuts.

“It was really, really irresponsible to vote the budget down without any suggestions for cuts or any suggestions for modifications,” he said. “We have so much that’s in the budget structurally that you can’t cut and you can’t alter. There’s only probably, about 20% of the budget that you could actually do anything with at all. Our school [Chariho] payment is going to be due in just a month or two, and we found out yesterday [Monday] that Governor McKee cut school aid to Richmond and cut school aid to Newport, and so, we’re going to have to go to the voters to make up the difference.”

Legislators have not yet approved the 2023-24 state budget, but the spending plan does propose a reduction of $195,450 in transportation aid to Richmond.


Trimmer described members of the budget opponents’ group as aggressively attempting to persuade people to vote against the spending plan. A letter was sent to residents three days before the vote, urging them to reject the budget and Trimmer said opponents were also observed approaching voters in the parking lot of the Town Hall, which was the only polling place.

“They were so organized, and they were very aggressive with people in the parking lot,” he said. “I know an older woman who goes to my church who said the second she opened her door, they were on her, telling her to vote ‘no,’ and so, she asked them, ‘but it’s a zero tax increase. Why are you against the budget?’ And they told her there was all kinds of waste in it, and she says ‘well, where would you cut first?’ And they couldn’t tell her.”


Now What?


The town’s Home Rule Charter lays out two options after a budget is defeated: the town can amend the budget and hold a second referendum, or it can operate under the current budget.

Trimmer said he did not think there would be a second referendum.

“Most likely, we’re not going to put it up for a second vote,” he said. “Most likely, we’re going to stick with last year’s budget and make some ARPA [federal American Rescue Plan Act] fund reallocations to make up for the loss.”

A consequence of continuing to operate under the current budget would be the restoration of the fund balance, or surplus, to its current 16.2%. In an effort to help taxpayers, the council had reduced the fund balance to 15%, shaving $250,000 off the proposed budget.

“The drop in the fund balance, I suggested it because I thought it was a compromise,” Trimmer said.

With the fund balance back at 16.2%, property taxes would return to what they were before the council reduced the surplus to 15%.

Asked about the possibility of across-the-board budget cuts, Trimmer said it would be impossible to cut the police or public works departments.

“They’re making suggestions about cutting in the police department and the DPW. That’s insane,” he said. “The police department is minimally staffed, and our roads are in shambles.”

The Town Council will grapple with the fallout of the referendum at tonight’s meeting, which begins at 6 p.m. and will be available on Zoom.

Voters reject budget

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

June 5th 2023 

RICHMOND – The proposed 2023-24 budget has been soundly defeated.

In the town’s first budget referendum on Monday, voters rejected the spending plan by a wide margin of 371 opposed to 290 in favor.

We will have the full story tomorrow, on this page.



A reminder that the Town's ANNUAL BUDGET REFERENDUM is ongoing TODAY between the hours of 8am and 8pm. All polling will take place at the TOWN HALL.

On Monday, June 5th Richmond taxpayers will be asked to vote on the fiscal year 2024 municipal budget. The budget presented is based on many months of work, beginning with staff in December, the Finance Board spending many nights combing through it throughout the winter months, with the Town Council holding budget workshops, and finally two advertised public hearings held in April and May. The Town Council listened to residents, and a majority voted to send the budget to the voters with no increase in tax revenue over FY-23. WITH THE RECENT REVALUATION, MOST RESIDENTS WILL SEE LITTLE OR NO CHANGE IN THEIR TAX BILLS.


The Town runs a very lean budget. This year's increases are completely offset by revenues and a small use of fund balance. Municipal funds are used to pay for services such as paving and road patching, and essential items such as police equipment. It also pays the salaries of a town staff that is only moderately paid, but that is second to none.

This year there has been concern over the high tax burden to residents. Unfortunately, Richmond has very little commercial development to offset residential taxes. All of this was taken into account at the time the budget was prepared. To vote the budget down, in accordance with the Charter provision, the result would be a decrease of only around $43,000. This decrease would affect only the municipal portion of the budget; Chariho would still get what was allocated to them in the school budget referendum on April 4th.

Please support your Town Council and the staff by voting YES on Monday.

All polling will take place at the Richmond Town Hall between the hours of 8 am and 8 pm.

Town budget faces 11th hour chaos

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

June 2nd 2023

RICHMOND – With the budget referendum just three days away, a letter has been mailed to residents urging them to defeat the proposed spending plan.

Signed by Chariho School Committee member and Republican political operative, Clay Johnson, the letter was written on behalf of the “Forgotten Taxpayers” political action committee.

The mailing, days before the vote, is a familiar strategy, employed most recently last spring, in an unsuccessful bid to defeat the Chariho schools budget.

The letter urges residents to reject the budget at the June 5 referendum, the town’s first – ever budget referendum, which has replaced the Financial Town Meeting.

Johnson’s letter invites residents to join and donate to the Forgotten Taxpayers PAC. It also invites taxpayers to attend a strategy meeting on June 7, and to contact Town Council President Mark Trimmer to voice their concerns.

“Mark is the swing vote on the budget, respectfully ask him to TRIM the budget,” the letter reads.

Johnson’s letter praises the residents who spoke at council meetings against the budget.

“I watched several brave citizens speak at a recent town council meeting,” it states. “They told their stories, tears included, about the impact of poor town spending decisions. One taxpayer pleaded with the Town Council for tax relief. Councilors Sheehan and Colasante heard that plea.”

Trimmer responded to Johnson’s letter with a written statement, urging residents to vote for the budget.

The statement reads:

“Hello Richmond residents!

We have a ballot on Monday to APPROVE the Town Budget. The Town Budget as presented is a very frugal and responsible budget that will keep our town fiscally stable in a sea of instability, with no tax increases.

There is a group in town working to reject this responsible Town Budget and inject chaos where there was none.

As Town Council President and a taxpayer, I implore you to please vote on Monday and say YES to APPROVE our Town Budget and to make a statement that we embrace fiscal responsibility and reject chaos and negative politics!”


Some budget background


The proposed 2023-24 budget is $29.4 million, an increase of just under 5%.

The spending plan, which contains no property tax increase,  was approved by the Town Council on May 2, during the second of two budget hearings.

Voting in favor of the budget were Trimmer, Vice President Richard Nassaney and councilor Samantha Wilcox.

Councilors Helen Sheehan and Michael Colasante were opposed and demanded further reductions. The two council members pushed for additional cuts to the fund balance, which had already been reduced at the first budget workshop from 16% to 15%. That reduction trimmed $250,000 from the budget, but Finance Director Laura Kenyon warned that the funds would have to be repaid next year.

Colasante and Sheehan argued that taxpayers deserved additional relief with Colasante demanding that the fund balance be reduced as low as 10%, however, they were out-voted.

Trimmer said the new budget contained many existing financial obligations.

“I want to emphasize that the Finance Director is dealing with institutional debt,” he said. “It’s not like we started fresh. We had debt that goes back quite some time and we have expenses and commitments that go back quite some time, go back over two different finance directors and a half a dozen councils, and it's not like you can just wave a magic wand. It’s not Monopoly money. This is people’s lives, people’s jobs and it needs to be done seriously and judiciously and not recklessly to create chaos.”


What happens if voters reject the budget?


After attending an emergency meeting at the Town Hall on Friday morning to discuss the opposition to the budget and the consequences of its possible defeat, Trimmer said his biggest concern was that budget supporters would not take the trouble to vote but that budget opponents would, leading to a defeat.

“People are more concerned about playing a round of golf or going to the beach, what tanning oil they’re going to use, or whatever,” he said. “They’re not worried about a town’s budget. They figure somebody else will vote, but they don’t realize that in this case, if someone else votes, they’re going to vote ‘no,’ and we’re going to have chaos.

If the budget is defeated, Article 5 of the Home Rule Charter states that town can hold a second referendum on an amended budget.

If the town does not schedule a second referendum or, if the budget is defeated in a second referendum, the town will operate under the current budget and continue its payments to the Chariho School District.


The budget referendum is on Monday, June 5. Voters can cast their ballots at the Richmond Town Hall from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Super Dog Adoption Day Returns to Fairground

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

June 1st 2023

RICHMOND – Always Adopt returns to the Washington County fairground this Saturday, June 3, with hundreds of dogs and puppies looking for their forever homes.

This will be the second year that the spring Super Dog Adoption Day will take place in Richmond. A second adoption event is scheduled for November.

Always Adopt founder Louise Nicolosi, of Charlestown, said the fairground is the ideal venue, because there is plenty of space for people to meet the dogs.

 “People can have space to look at a dog, to take a dog to one side and just sit under a tree in the shade and get to know the dog,” she said. “There’s a lot more room and space.”

Nicolosi brought her adoption event to the fairground for the first time last year.

“We used to go up to Balise Toyota in Warwick, but after COVID, I was able to secure the fairground,” she said.

COVID prevented Nicolosi’s group from holding adoption events in 2020 and 2021, but adoptions continued nonetheless, with adopters  contacting rescue groups directly.

People interested in adopting a dog are encouraged to visit the Always Adopt website and  pre-register online. There, they can fill out the paperwork and receive a “golden ticket,” which entitles them to enter the adoption event two hours before the general opening.

“They go straight to that page and they can click on a form for early entry,” Nicolosi said. “The event is 12 till 4, but if they fill out that form, they get in at 10 o’clock, and they get the pick of the pups… Once you’ve filled out the form, you click ‘submit,’ and we email you. It’s a golden ticket which says your name on it, it’s done on a template.”


Saturday’s adoption event will have about 300 dogs and puppies from 13 rescue groups and shelters. All the rescue groups are registered in Rhode Island. An album with photos and descriptions of all the dogs is on the website.

“If they’re going to adopt a dog, they will need to bring their dog, because there’ll be a special area for them to do a meet and greet with their hopeful new dog, but they will need to bring someone else with them because they can’t take that dog into the arena [dog adoption area],” Nicolosi said. “On the early sign-up, it’s got an application that you fill out when you sign up and it tells you what to bring. And the important things to bring are your vet records, your references, your landlord’s permission and your lease. So, all those things are on the website.”

Nicolosi started Super Dog Adoption Day in 2013, after watching a documentary about the fate of unwanted dogs. Since then, more than 6,500 dogs have found homes.

“It never gets old,” she said. “I always say to people, ‘just imagine, when you got your own dog, how much joy you felt and then multiply that by 300.’ It’s absolutely palpable, and that’s what everyone talks about when they come and they see everyone going home with their dog.”

Richmond Planning Board Meeting Update for May 23, 2023

Board approves major project master plan


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA


RICHMOND – Praising the developer for submitting a thorough, detailed application, members of the Planning Board unanimously approved the master plan for a significant expansion of Riverhead Building Supply at 38 Kingstown Road.

The expansion is welcome news for the town, which, for decades, has tried to lure businesses, since upon completion, the facility will be one of Richmond’s largest commercial taxpayers.

Because the application, submitted by Riverhead owner GX3 LLC of New York State, is categorized as a major land development, it requires four stages of review. The proposal was first submitted to the Planning Board in January and board members visited the site in February. The master plan approval is the second step in the approval process.

Town Planner Shaun Lacey described the proposal, which will involve the construction of a 200,000-square foot warehouse and distribution facility.

“The subject property is a split-zone parcel which is zoned as general business and industrial,” he explained. “The proposed scope of work is within the general business zone, where warehouses are permitted.”

A traffic study, prepared by the developer and peer-reviewed by a consultant for the town, indicated only minor increases in traffic volume.

Lighting on the proposed structures would be dark sky - compliant and the parcel would be landscaped to provide screening along the perimeter.

Darren Hayward of CLA Engineers Inc., presented the plans for the project and answered questions from board members.

“The lot’s about 48 acres in size,” he said. “We have Stop & Shop to the West and Richmond Sand and Stone to the North and East of the site. The site currently operates Riverhead’s commercial storage and retail sales facility…There’s already several existing buildings, totaling about 40,000 square feet, and approximately 11 of the 48 acres are currently in use. The development proposes expanding the existing operations with a phased, 200,000 - square foot building with a combination of ambient and air - conditioned space. We’ve included office space, loading docks in both Phases I and II - [with] associated parking. The additional development will add 15 acres of new development, bringing the full build-out of that area to approximately 26 acres.”

Lacey described the proposal as consistent with the town’s comprehensive plan and recommended the board approve the master plan.

“This is a development that meets several of the provisions of the town’s comprehensive plan,” he said. “It happens to comply with all the zoning ordinance provisions, so, for that reason, I’ll recommend the board approve the application tonight, subject to the findings and conditions.”


A $20 million investment


With the subject of economic development dominating town meeting agendas in recent months, the Riverhead expansion represents a $20 million investment in the town. It’s especially good news for Town Council President Mark Trimmer, who has been accused by political opponents of not doing enough to attract commercial developers to Richmond.

Reached Wednesday, Trimmer said he had known about the pending Riverhead investment but had not disclosed the news until after the Planning Board meeting. He also hinted at additional commercial investments to come.

“The fact that they’re going to invest that kind of money in the town is amazing,” he said. “We need that kind of investment. That’s one, and there’s quite a bit more going on.”


Next steps


Board members had a few comments and questions.

Board Chairman Philip Damicis noted that the storm water drainage documented in the plan would require frequent cleaning to be efficient.

“It is a long way, and hopefully, you’ve got a lot of clean-outs and whatever you need to keep that from getting clogged up,” he said.

Hayward replied that modifications had already been made to the drainage configuration.

“We made this submission a couple of months ago now, and to your point, we are well on our way on the preliminary design now and we’re getting into more detailed design, and our drainage design in that area has actually changed, so all the drainage from those depressed loading docks are actually going West into that basin now.”

“That makes more sense,” Damicis said.

Board member Melissa Chalek noted that the landscaping plan included butterfly bush and asked if that shrub, which is considered invasive, could be replaced with something more sustainable.

The developer will now continue with the state and federal permitting processes. The next step will be the submission of the preliminary plan which will involve a more detailed review and a public hearing.

Richmond Town Council Meeting for May 16, 2023

Council appoints Zoning Board members


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA


RICHMOND  -- Members of the Town Council named several applicants to the Zoning Board at the May 16 meeting. They also agreed to consider a proposal to join the state’s “Learn365” initiative and heard from an unexpected guest, former Cranston Mayor, Allan Fung.  


The Zoning Board


The council considered seven applications for full and alternate positions on the Zoning Board. The applicants were former council President Nell Carpenter, current alternate member Louise Dinsmore, Robert Sayer, Joyce Flanagan, Linda Zambrano, James Brear and former state representative, Justin Price.

Councilors Michael Colasante and Helen Sheehan wanted to appoint Dinsmore, but with council President Mark Trimmer, Vice President Richard Nassaney and member Samantha Wilcox opposed, they were unsuccessful.

Councilors ranked their preferred candidates. Brear received the most votes with Carpenter second and Price third. Sayer, Zambrano and Flanagan were fifth, sixth and seventh.

The council then voted on the appointments. Brear was appointed to a full position on the board, which will expire on July 31, 2024.  

Carpenter’s board position, which Nassaney opposed, will expire on July 31, 2023.

Price was appointed to the second alternate position.

Trimmer reminded those who had not been appointed that there would soon be another opportunity for them to apply.

“I was asked tell everyone who didn’t get appointed tonight that on July 31st, there is one permanent and two alternate positions that are opening up again, and I invite all of you to apply for those,” he said.

Asked later why Dinsmore had not been considered for the full- time board post, Trimmer said he did not feel he could support her.

Dinsmore has been publicly critical of some council members in the past, including Trimmer, who said he had felt it necessary to  ask each Zoning Board applicant to state how they felt about a member of a town body criticizing another town official.

“They indeed have the right to say whatever they want, but I have the right to vote whatever I want, too, and that’s why I did not vote to promote Louise, because although she’s knowledgeable, I don’t feel she has the restraint and bearing,” he said. “And I’m fine with that being stated, because I told her that.”

Dinsmore would have been required to resign her alternate position in order to apply for the full-time position. Sheehan pressed Trimmer on the Dinsmore appointment.

“I think someone can resign and apply at the same time. It’s discrimination,” she said.

Colasante said he believed that as first alternate, Dinsmore “should automatically slide right in to the full position, and she comes with the most experience. There isn’t anybody here, right? that has any experience other than Miss Dinsmore.”

Nassaney countered that Dinsmore was required to resign her alternate position but that the resignation was not on the meeting agenda, and therefore, could not be considered.

“The way that the procedure has been, and has always been, is that you step down from apposition, you put your application in for the new position,” he said.

“That’s nuts,” Colasante interjected.

Nassaney continued,

“And it’s not even on our agenda. The resignation is not on the agenda. If it was on the agenda, then we would have taken care of it as an agenda item,” he said.


Economic Development


Trimmer, who was criticized for inviting a representative from an economic development firm to the May 2 council meeting, asked the council to consider issuing a request for proposals, or RFP, soliciting a company or a consultant to advise the town on economic development strategies.

Sheehan produced a job description that she had drafted and distributed shortly before the meeting.

“If we’re going to put out an RFP, we need to be able to say what we want to have happen,” she said.

But Trimmer said he had not had time to look at Sheehan’s document, and Wilcox, reached a few days later, said she had received it minutes before the meeting.

“It was distributed to us, maybe, five, 15 minutes before the meeting, but the council chambers are loud,” she said. “You have people waiting for the meeting to start, where they’re having their own individual conversations, so I find it hard to concentrate.”

“When Helen presented the job description for the person that we’re supposed to hire, at the meeting, that was another snafu,” Trimmer later said. “Between Helen and Mike, each meeting, they come and they show up and they pass things out that aren’t on the agenda, that aren’t discussed that haven’t been agreed upon, that don’t have electronic copies.”


Allan Fung


Sitting in the audience was former Cranston Mayor Allan Fung, who said he had decided to attend the council meeting after seeing an economic development consultant on an agenda of the Economic Development Commission and attending that meeting.

Fung was not on the council meeting agenda, but Trimmer invited him to speak.

An attorney with the firm Pannone, Lopes, Devereaux & O’Gara LLC, Fung said he was interested in submitting a proposal.

“The reason I’m here tonight is because I wanted to listen in on the conversation with the RFP for economic development,” he said. “I’m a firm, [an] individual, and I just wanted to say, I’m a little confused and the reason why I’m a little confused about the discussion what’s going on, I had an opportunity yesterday to come before the Economic Development Commission and I saw an agenda item for them for an RFP as well. I want to try to figure out, exactly, because my background at the law firm is putting together deals. A lot of what I do is in the state and municipal sphere.”

Fung asked the council to explain what it was looking for in a consultant.

“I could provide the appropriate services to kind of help put the models, guidelines in place, what we have, do we have the right toolbox, reaching out,” he said. “A lot of the stuff we did in Cranston, all the communities, with the appropriate business to put… you together, with the right developers, businesses, that may have an interest but this is where I think that scope is important of what Richmond is looking for.”

Trimmer withdrew his motion to draft the RFP and asked town staff to draft an RFP for the council’s consideration.

“I think we should get the information together,” he said. “I think maybe we should have a workshop, but I would like to limit the workshop to an hour so it doesn’t become a bully pulpit session.”

Contacted several days later, Trimmer said he had been surprised to see Fung at the meeting.

“It was orchestrated by Louise [Dinsmore] and Colasante, because Colasante knows him,” he said. “…I figured I would grab him while he was there because I respect him, and have him come up and just speak for a little bit – not to snub him off but, I was totally and completely unaware.”

“I wasn’t expecting him to be there either,” Wilcox said.

It appears that the continual political bickering on the council might be starting to deter developers from coming to Richmond.

“I had two developers specifically say ‘I have seen social media, news reports and watched Town Council meetings and I’m not sure this is a town I want to do business with,’” Trimmer said. “They’re saying ‘hey I know that you guys are claiming that you are pro-business, however, we really fear investing in the town, even though we’d like to, because of the political rancor, the comments that are made about three sitting town councilors, including comments made about the Vice President and the President.’”




The council voted to sign the Rhode Island Municipal Education Compact, part of Gov. Dan McKee’s “Learn365RI” initiative to enhance and expand educational opportunities in Rhode Island communities, outside of school hours.

After questioning program representative Jeremy Chiappetta on whether signing the compact would usurp the authority of the Chariho Regional School District or result in additional unfunded education mandates, the council voted to sign the compact on the condition that the town could later withdraw its support.

Richmond Planning Board Meeting Update for May 9, 2023

Board agrees on aquifer ordinance amendments


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

April 11th 2023

RICHMOND – Members of the Planning Board agreed at the May 9 meeting on several amendments to the town’s aquifer protection overlay district ordinances. The amendments will now go to the Town Council for consideration.

As the name implies, the purpose of the aquifer protection ordinance is to protect the quality and quantity of the Pawcatuck aquifer, the town’s sole source aquifer.

The board is proposing to divide the aquifer protection overlay district into two sub-districts.  “Sub-district A,” with the most restrictive use regulations, will include the sole source aquifer and well head protection areas. “Sub-district B” will pertain to groundwater recharge areas.

(It should be noted, however, that Sub-district A has effectively been eliminated, since it was intended to pertain to Phase I of The Preserve Sporting Club and Residences, which was on a private well but has since connected to the town water line.)


Over the course of several meetings, the board concluded that the current version of the aquifer protection ordinance should be repealed, because it is based on outdated mapping and in some cases, places unnecessary restrictions on economic development.

Assisted by consulting engineer and Richmond resident, Todd Greene, of the environmental engineering firm, GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc., the board approved draft amendments to the chapters of the ordinance pertaining to the storage and use of hazardous materials in the aquifer protection overlay district.

Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth explained that another chapter of the ordinance had been amended to allow a brew pub, a previously prohibited use in the aquifer protection district, at The Preserve, and that water consumption at the facility, should it be built, would be monitored by radio frequency meters.

“It’s radio frequency, so they don’t have to enter buildings,” she said. “They can just drive by.”

Board Chair Philip Damicus said water use by a brew pub would be limited.

“A manufacturing facility shall consume no more than 20,000 gallons of water per month,” he said.

The board also approved an amendment to the section of the ordinance governing development plan review and major land development approval.

“This just replaces the phrase, ‘development site’ with the phrase ‘proposed area of disturbance,’ Ellsworth explained. “So, it’s much more specific about explaining what part of the lot.”

The other change relates to hydrogeologic evaluations.

Among the requirements for applications for projects in the aquifer protection overlay district will be a peer-reviewed hydrogeologic evaluation which will remain valid unless there are substantial changes to conditions on or near the site.

There was also a discussion of a proposed buffer between the area of disturbance and the remaining area of the aquifer protection district.

Board member Kevin Stacey said,

“I guess what’s puzzling to me is that that 200 feet, 100 feet, whatever we’re talking about, that same area is something we wouldn’t require people to look at if they went right up to the line and didn’t cross it. But if they cross it by five feet, then that are comes into play, and to me, that seems a little bit inconsistent,” he said.

Board members agreed with Ellsworth’s proposal to remove language referring to the distance from the aquifer protection district and require the study of only the area within the district and agreed to send their recommended amendments to the Town Council.


Housing needs survey


Town Planner Shaun Lacey and board member Bryce Kelley presented an update on the design of a new housing needs survey which will be sent to residents.

“I would probably ask for a special meeting of the Affordable Housing Committee to review it so that they can they can get a little bit of community level control, buy-in,” Lacey said. “We started off with 20-something questions. I think we’re down to about 20.”

Kelley added that so far, there were no questions about accessory dwelling units, known as ADUs.

“The only thing that we really didn’t hit on, which was kind of the genesis of the idea of this housing needs survey, is questions specific to ADUs, and that is the one thing that I want to bring up to you,” he said. “I feel like the housing needs survey, as it is now, is pretty strong, but I know that we really initiated this conversation based on our conversation around ADUs, so I just wanted to quickly get the pulse on that.”

Damicis said he believed respondents should be asked about ADUs.

“It would have been nice to include that,” he said. “The only issue with that is I don’t know how you would word it…A lot of people, if you just say ADUs, or accessory dwelling units…they don’t have any idea what we’re talking about.”

Ellsworth proposed a survey question that would include an explanation of ADUs and Damicis said he wanted to add an ADU question.

A draft of the survey will be ready for Planning Board review in the coming weeks.

Town Council Meeting Update for May 2, 2023

Divisions evident at long, contentious council meeting


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA


RICHMOND -- The bickering between members of the Town Council continued Tuesday at two back-to-back meetings that together, lasted 4 ½ hours. 

In what was probably the most uncomfortable moment of the evening, former council President Nell Carpenter drove to the Town Hall while the meeting was in progress to express her outrage that current council President Mark Trimmer had invited an economic development consultant to make a presentation to the town.

Another awkward moment involved Raymond Pouliot, a council-appointed member of the Economic Development Commission, berating the council for not making additional cuts to the budget and ending his tirade with a warning that the first cuts should be the dismissals of Town Administrator Karen Pinch and Finance Director Laura Kenyon.

The meeting concluded with a proposal from Helen Sheehan

which included a suggestion that department heads consider cancelling their memberships in professional associations.


Solar proposed for Richmond Commons


At a joint meeting of the Town Council and the Planning Board that took place before the regular council meeting, members heard a proposal from BWC Canob Pond LLC for a commercial solar energy facility that would occupy part of the Richmond Commons property, at 116 Kingstown Road.

Joshua Lariscy, Product Development Director for the solar energy developer, also known as BlueWave Solar, presented details of his company’s plans. 

The firm has submitted a pre-application which includes a request to amend the Planned United Development Village District or PUD-VC zone, in which solar development is currently prohibited, to allow the solar project.

A May 2 memo from Town Planner Shaun Lacey explained the purpose of the joint workshop.

“The workshop with the Town Council and the Planning Board allows for a conceptual view in a public setting prior to any decision to formally file an application to amend the Zoning Ordinance,” he wrote.

BlueWave plans to lease up to 65 acres on the East side of the parcel for the solar development. The property is owned by Richmond Realty, which has sold the Western side of the property to the Boston commercial developer, GFI Partners.

In 2021, the previous council denied an application to amend the ordinance. This time, council and board members seemed to be more amenable to a solar project at the site, and discussed the continued viability of the PUD-VC zone which they willconsider changing, possibly to light industrial.





The Town Council meeting


At the second and final public budget hearing, the council approved the proposed 2023-24 budget by a three to two vote with councilors Michael Colasante and Helen Sheehanopposed. The proposed budget is $29.4 million, an increase of just under 5%. There is no property tax increase in the proposed budget.

At the first budget workshop, council members reduced the fund balance from 16% to 15% to trim $250,000 from the spending plan, a cut that Kenyon has warned will have to be repaid next year.

Colasante, Sheehan and others have continued to push for a further reduction of the fund balance to 14%, with Colasantesuggesting at Tuesday’s meeting, on two occasions, that councilors who resisted his proposal were demonstrating a lack of compassion for their fellow residents.

“Not everybody is doing as well as some people that advocate that ‘I don’t care what my taxes are. I like a nice, rural community and the hell with my neighbor.’ Because that’s basically what they’re saying to me,” he said.

Councilor Samantha Wilcox objected.

“Mr. President, nobody is saying that, just for clarification,” she said.

Trimmer responded, 

“We’re discussing a budget,” he said. “We’re not making political points.”

Colasante persisted, attacking Wilcox.

“Councilor Wilcox, you are not around me 24-7. You do not hear what people say to me. Are you a fly on the wall? Then don’t say to me that people haven’t said that,” he said.


Economic Development Commission member Raymond Pouliot demanded that the council make more budget cuts.

Asked by council Vice President Richard Nassaney where the proposed additional cuts should be made, Pouliot made a pointed reference to Pinch and Kenyon.

“With these increases in this budget, there would be two fewer people sitting up there right now, because this is obviously being mismanaged when you continually raise taxes at this rate. So,I’m telling you, you don’t want to know where I would cut,” he said.

Three of the five councilors voted to approve the budget, so it will now go before the voters in a referendum on June 5. (The budget referendum has replaced the Financial Town Meeting.)


The fireworks continue


Jim Damicis, an economic development consultant with the Maine-based firm, Camoin310, was invited by Trimmer to present an overview of what the town might need to consider in order to encourage economic development. 

Damicis, the brother of Planning Board Chairman Philip Damicis, is not bidding for a contract with the town and did not plan to do so, but his presence nevertheless raised some eyebrows.

Economic Development Commission member Louise Dinsmore told the council that the presentation should have been made to the EDC.

“I think the entire EDC should probably review his proposal and his PowerPoint and get back to the council about, you know, the specific parameters that he put in there,” she said. “I have to say that it doesn’t feel right to me that the chairman of the Planning Board is related to this person, if the town is potentially thinking about hiring this firm.”

Former council President Nell Carpenter arrived at the council chambers, saying that she had tried to comment on Zoom but had not been able to log on to the virtual meeting, so she had driven to the Town Hall to express her views in person.

Quoting the town’s ordinances regarding competitive sealed bidding, Carpenter said inviting Damicis to present to the council had given his company an unfair advantage.

“Allowing this company to give a presentation, let alone the mere presence of this company on the agenda, violates our town code of ordinances regarding purchasing, reeks of corruption and favoritism, blatant disregard of our regulatory process.” she said. “… The action by President Trimmer is a perfect of example of why the sunshine laws were created, to insist on transparency of economic and financial government decisions.”

Reached Wednesday, Trimmer said he had no intention of circumventing any town ordinance or hiring Camoin310 and noted that he had felt it necessary to seek advice from a professional because the suggestions presented by the Richmond EDC had lacked substance.

“The EDC gave blind, vague suggestions, based on their limited knowledge, none of whom are EDC professionals, and my feeling is, the next step would be to bring in a professional to fill in the blanks,” he said. 

Trimmer added he was taken aback by the negative reaction to his initiative.

“I know it sounds lame, but my feelings are hurt,” he said. “I worked really, really hard for the last month to try and find someone who had subject matter expertise on this.”

Trimmer ended up pulling his agenda item, to consider hiring an economic development consulting firm, or a lobbyist, and allocating $50,000 in American Rescue Plan Act money for that purpose.

Trimmer said he had hoped that Colasante would also pull his agenda item which would allocate up to $25,000 of the town’s ARPA funds to an audit of the town’s zoning and land development regulations, but Colasante said he believed the council should pursue the audit.

Trimmer proposed allocating $15,000 to the audit, which the other councilors approved.

A subsequent proposal from Colasante would involve using an additional $125,000 in ARPA funds to hire someone, on a two-year contract, “to direct economic development activities in the Town of Richmond.”

Wilcox said she would rather complete the ordinance audit before hiring anyone.

Lacey told the council that the town’s current infrastructure was a more significant limiting factor than ordinances in attracting new businesses.

“It’s not so much regulations. It’s really not,” he said. “It’s how much infrastructure that you have that can support whatever that developer, that use of that intensity is, right? You have limited water, and you have no sewers and you have 50, 60-year-old state roads that have only been incrementally expanded and improved over time. Those are important factors that really stack the cards against you.”

The council agreed to set aside $135,000 of APRA money “for the consideration of economic development.”

The discussion of economic development continued with Wilcox proposing to use ARPA funds to award grants to new businesses coming to Richmond.

“We see that we have some vacancies, not a lot, but some, and it would be good to incentivize where we have opportunities to incentivize new businesses coming in… to not only help a new business come into an empty building, but help the landlord who may want a tenant,” she said.

Sheehan proposed setting aside $50,000 of ARPA funds for the program. Councilors agreed that the grants would each be $5,000 and Wilcox said she would work on drafting the criteria for the grants.

After the lengthy discussions of hiring consulting firms and individual consultants, the council pivoted to Sheehan’s proposal to institute a one-year moratorium on all new hires as well as new, unbudgeted spending. 

Trimmer said to Sheehan,

“Before we go any further, I want to comment, we’re talking about possibly hiring an economic development person,” he said. “You might want to hold off on this so it will allow us to hire that person.”

Sheehan said she was referring to new employees, not a person hired under contract.

“I’m making a motion that we have no new positions for a period of one year,” she said.

Ellsworth responded,

“That’s controlled by the budget that you just approved,” she told Sheehan. “That’s where the personnel money comes from, and then you approve individual hires also, so you don’t really need to do this, because you’ve got two ways that you can control that.”

“Well,” Sheehan replied, “I’d rather say no in advance than have them here and have to say no.”

Trimmer agreed with Ellsworth that introducing a third way to limit new hires would be unnecessary. Sheehan’s motion was defeated, with Sheehan and Colasante voting in favor and Trimmer, Nassaney and Wilcox opposed.

The final discussion was also contentious. Sheehan proposed asking every department to find new ways to save money.

“There are lots of little ways that can add up,” she said. “There are lots of memberships that people have, professional memberships, in the budget, and maybe people can look at if they need to belong to all those organizations.”

Pinch said for many staff members, such as planner Shaun Lacey and Town Clerk Erin Liese, a membership also served as a professional credential.

“In Shaun’s case, it’s a credential,” she said. “He needs thatcredential to be our planner. A lot of those memberships, that’s the case. Same thing with Erin, right? She’s a certified municipal clerk so she has a membership – that’s what allowed her to be a clerk.”

Liese added that membership in professional groups also served as free networking opportunities.

“It’s a tool that we use as professionals to find better ways to be efficient,” she said. “In most municipal offices, we’re governed by state law, so our hands are tied of what we can and cannot do, but we are more efficient with our resources on a daily basis.”

Trimmer suggested considering financial incentives to reward employees and managers who save the town money, and

Sheehan stressed that she was not being critical of the town staff.

“Look around. See if there is anything that could be done differently and you obviously are doing those things,” she said.

Richmond Zoning Board Meeting for May 1, 2023

Zoning Board approves special use permit for solar project


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

May 2nd 2023

RICHMOND – Last night, at their May 1 meeting, members of the Zoning Board of Review approved a special use permit for the construction of a commercial solar energy facility at 172 Beaver River Road.

The approval follows a court decision by Rhode Island Superior Court Judge Sarah Taft-Carter, issued on March 31, directing the board to issue the permit to property owner William Stamp Jr. and G.D. Richmond Beaver River I, LLC.

There was no discussion at Monday’s four-minute meeting, which was also attended by Stamp and his attorney, John Mancini.

Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth explained that the vote was a “formality,” in order to comply with the court decision.

“The board has to vote to grant the special use permit because that was what the judge said you had to do,” she said.

The motion to grant the special use permit was made by board Chair Nicholas Solitro and seconded by Louise Dinsmore.


Some history


The court decision upholds an appeal of the Zoning Board’s denial of the application in Feb. 2020.

Named as defendants in the appeal were the Town of Richmond, Zoning Board Vice Chair Jeffrey Vaillancourt and board members Sean Carney, Chelsea Battinger, Daniel Jarstfer, and Lindsay Hannon. Also named were former zoning official Russel “Bo” Brown, and abutting property owner John Peixinho, one of the founders of the Beaver River Valley Community Association.

Taft-Carter’s decision concluded that the reasons for the board’s denial of the application were neither factually nor legally supported and directed the board to issue the special use permit without delay.


Stamp, and GD Richmond Beaver River I, first proposed the project in 2018. The 5.3-megawatt array would occupy about seven acres of the 41-acre property, located in the Beaver River Valley which, in 2021, was added to the National Register of Historic Places.

Peixinho has restored the Samuel Clarke Farm, which is also listed on the National Register and abuts the field proposed for the solar array. Peixinho has opposed the application, citing the importance of preserving one of the town’s few remaining historic, cultural landscapes.


What happens now?


The last avenue for opponents of the project is to file a petition for a writ of certiorari asking the Rhode Island Supreme Court to review the Superior Court decision.

Both the town and Peixinho have said that they intend to file petitions. Peixinho has hired appellate attorney Tom Dickinson and the council voted to file a separate petition on behalf of the town. Ellsworth said Tuesday that she was preparing the legal memorandum that would accompany the writ.

Roundabout Construction Prep Begins

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

April 28th 2023

RICHMOND – After nearly a decade of planning, construction of the roundabout at the intersection of Routes 138 (Kingstown Road) and 112 (Richmond Townhouse Road) is underway.

Financed, designed and built by the Rhode Island Department of Transportation, the roundabout will slow traffic on Route 138 and reconfigure the section of Richmond Townhouse Road behind the own Hall from a two-way road to a single, eastbound direction. The roundabout will be pedestrian-friendly, with sidewalks and crosswalks at each corner.


Roundabout vs rotary: What’s the difference?


The purpose of a roundabout is to slow traffic. Motorists entering a roundabout travel around a central island and traffic separator islands. Rotaries are larger, circular intersections, where traffic moves at greater speed.

Roundabouts are considered to be more efficient than traffic lights and stop signs at keeping traffic moving.

More information on roundabouts and rotaries is available on the RIDOT website.


The addition of the roundabout has been the cause of considerable angst among some residents, who have described it on the town’s community Facebook page as “a fine example of stupidity” and “so horrible and poorly planned.”

But the existing intersection, with several intersecting lanes of traffic and Richmond Elementary School close by, has been the site of more than 100 automobile accidents over the past decade, and Police Chief Elwood Johnson said he had no doubt that the project would improve safety.

“That particular area in town is our most dangerous stretch of roadway with so many intersecting roadways and driveways and directions of travel, all converging on the same stretch,” he said.

“The roundabout slows people down to 25 miles per hour or lower, and softens angles of impact, period.”

Johnson said he had driven through many roundabouts without experiencing delays of difficulties.

“If you look at areas with similar volumes or even higher volumes of traffic – Warwick is probably not the best example, because there’s so many roundabouts - but I’ve travelled through there at peak volume times and have had no problem navigating traffic,” he said. “And, the wait times are so much less, sometimes none at all. You’ve just got to slow your vehicle. Remember that the Richmond Elementary School is adjacent to this roundabout location, and we’ve had complaints and problems with speeding, particularly with vehicles travelling West, where the road is wider and smooth and improved and not so many houses situated along the roadway, so people tend to drive a lot faster as they approach the crest of that hill, and people travelling through the area don’t care to slow or stop.”


The Timeline


DOT spokesman Charles St. Martin III said construction is expected to be completed by April 2025.

“The project just started construction,” he said. “The total cost of the project, design and construction, is $6.5 million. One of the first things they’re doing is clearing some of the land. They’re also doing the water line.”

(The new water line, a town project, is funded by an American Rescue Plan Act, or ARPA grant of $292,660.)

St. Martin said there would be no road closures during construction, but there might be some delays.

“There will be occasional lane closures during working hours during the week,” he said. “There may be some traffic impacts, but we’re not totally closing 138.”

There will be no construction during the Washington County Fair, from Aug. 16 to Aug. 20.

Johnson said he expected that motorists would adapt quickly to the new traffic pattern.

“It’s going to allow people travelling South on Carolina Nooseneck and North on 112 to enter that intersection safely, rather than waiting for an opportunity to take a chance to lurch out, either turning left or right or travelling straight across,” he said. “I know it’s different. I get that it’s easy to assume the worst, but the fact is, these are working very successfully in other communities. Their rates of accidents are down. Their rates of serious injuries are also down.”


A long time coming

Town Administrator Karen Pinch said she remembered the roundabout proposal being presented to the town as far back as 2015.

“DOT presented their proposal to the town several times, to multiple Town Councils and each time the Council expressed their approval of the plan,” she wrote in an email. “Some people are concerned that the roundabout will be a hindrance, while others believe it will slow traffic in an area where traffic regularly exceeds the speed limit.  Having it by the school and at the intersection with Rt. 112 isn’t necessarily a bad thing considering the number of accidents that have happened at that intersection.”

Construction crews are preparing the site of the new roundabout at
the intersection of Routes 138 and 112.

The flower bed on the corner of Route 138 near Richmond Elementary School has been removed by DOT construction crews. The intersection is being prepared for the construction of a new roundabout and the land was needed for the project.

Cannabis sales lead Planning Board agenda

 By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

April 26th 2023

RICHMOND – Planning Board members discussed amendments to the town ordinance regulating marijuana businesses at Tuesday’s meeting.


State legislation, passed in May, 2022, legalized recreational marijuana use, and in November of that same year, Richmond voters approved a ballot measure which would allow retail sales of recreational marijuana in the town.


Town Planner Shaun Lacey proposed changes to the use table pertaining to retail cannabis sales.

“What we’re proposing tonight would be that, for cannabis retailers, the sales of cannabis products, we’re making a recommendation that those uses be permitted in the ‘General business’ zone, ‘light industrial,’ ‘industrial,’ and the ‘PUD VC’ [Planned Unit Development-Village Center] zone,” he said.

Lacey noted that the use table for recreational marijuana businesses will align with the use table for medical marijuana.

The use codes for “compassion center” and “commercial cultivation” would be replaced by new codes: “cannabis business” and “cannabis retail.”

Board Chair Philip Damicis noted that it appeared that there would be no distinction between medical and recreational cannabis.

Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth replied that there was a difference between the two uses, but she added,

“Practically speaking, retailers are going to be able to sell both, so it’s only a distinction in the sense that some people are going to have medical marijuana cards and buy medical marijuana, and other people who are just going to buy recreational marijuana, and I think it’s probably going to depend on which one’s cheaper. If you use medical marijuana and the recreational is cheaper, you’re going to buy that.”

Damicis asked whether compassion centers would continue to exist under the new state law. Ellsworth said she doubted it, but she noted that the recreational marijuana legislation requires the creation of a new commission to regulate marijuana, which is currently under the authority of the Department of Business Regulation.

“The complete changeover of the system is not going to happen for a couple of years, so I’d be a little uncomfortable in recommending that you send anything to the Town Council until you’ve seen the regulations, because it’s possible the regulations will make distinctions between different types of cannabis uses that the statute doesn’t, and the commission will have the authority to make those distinctions to add to the state law,” she said.

Members discussed the PUD-VC zone, which was created in 2002 for a large-scale mixed - use development at Richmond Commons that was never constructed.

“I think the PUD-VC really does not serve any purpose any longer,” Ellsworth said.

Damicis agreed.

The town’s only cannabis grower, Coastal Farms on Kingstown Road, has applied to the Town Council twice, without success, for ordinance amendments which would allow the facility to sell marijuana.

Board members went through the uses in the table and agreed on the following uses for cannabis retailers:

Cannabis businesses, including eventual retailers in addition to cultivators, will remain prohibited in all three of the town’s residential zones, and the neighborhood business zone.

They will be permitted in the general business, light industrial and industrial zones. They will not be permitted in the planned development zone, but will be permitted in the PUD-VC zone where the town’s only cultivator is located.

Cannabis businesses will remain prohibited in the flex tech and Shannock Village zones. They will also be prohibited in the agricultural overlay district, and in the conservation-open space zone.

The board is also waiting for the state to release its official definition of the term, “cannabis business,” because the town will have to use that definition in its ordinances.

Board member Daniel Madnick made a motion to provide the board’s proposed amendments to the Town Council at a future date.


In other business, the board briefly discussed an upcoming joint workshop with the Town Council to discuss a pre- application by BlueWave solar to amend the town’s solar ordinance to allow the construction of a solar energy facility on a section of the Richmond Commons site.

Lacey reminded the board that the Town Council, in 2021 denied the company’s proposal for solar at the site but said the company is now interested in re-applying.

“The operator, going back to last fall, asked if they could re-apply, and I said ‘well, you’re better off just discussing the concept broadly before you actually file anything formally, just to see if there’s any general appetite for it so that you’re not making a greater investment. Maybe you’ll get some direction,’” he said.

Two changes have taken place since 2021: the membership of the Town Council has changed, and in the absence of any of the hoped-for mixed use development proposals, the council might look more favorably on a solar application.

The developer will present a proposal to the council and Planning Board at the joint workshop, on May 2, at 5 p.m..

Richmond Town Council Update for April 18, 2023 PART TWO

Council urged to further reduce surplus at first budget hearing


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

April 22nd 2023

RICHMOND – The first of two public hearings at the Town Council meeting Tuesday offered residents an opportunity to express their opinions on the town’s proposed 2023-24 budget. Many of them urged the town to do more to reduce their property taxes.

The fund balance in the new budget will be 15%, the lowest level under the town’s existing fund balance policy, which requires a surplus of 15% to 25%. The Town Council, at its budget workshop, already reduced the fund balance from just over 16% to 15%.

At Tuesday’s hearing, councilor Michael Colasante proposed further lowering the fund balance, which would require the council to amend the town’s fund balance policy.

“It’s up to the council to set the policy on what the fund balance is going to be, because I know that prior councils, even under President [Henry] Oppenheimer, they went and they adjusted the fund balance percentage… When the auditor came in, I asked her, statewide, what is the average fund balance that a lot of municipalities are holding and she said 10%,” he said.

Finance Director Laura Kenyon interjected.

“I don’t believe she knew about the organizations,” she said. “I have actually reached out.”

The consequence of reducing the fund balance to 15% would be felt next year, Kenyon explained.

“It’s a one - time use of funds, so you would have to do something in your budget the following year to offset that $250,000,” she said. “Either your fund balance is going below that 15% which means that the third year during the policy, you then have to replenish that as well, or you just make it to the level that it becomes the 15%, but you’re going to raise taxes for whatever the differential becomes.”


The numbers


Kenyon presented an overview of the proposed budget at the start of the public hearing.

The total proposed budget is $29.4 million, an increase of just under 5%, or $370,000.

The municipal budget is $7.8 million but the town’s share of the Chariho school budget is up by 4.85%, or just over $1 million. The total amount paid by Richmond to Chariho will be $21.7 million.

The new budget contains no property tax increase.

 “They offset the $228,000 with fund balance. The estimated tax rate is $14.75,” Kenyon explained.

However, the final property tax rate is still to be determined.

“All of the assessments and exemptions are still being evaluated,” Kenyon said. “Just for everyone’s information, the assessments, with the reval [revaluation] went up an average of 39%.”

The good news is that state aid for education is expected to increase by $775,000, although the state budget could still change before it is passed, in June, by the General Assembly.

The capital budget, Kenyon said, will decrease.

“There’s a transfer to capital projects just shy of half a million dollars,” she said. “That’s down from $725,000 in Fiscal Year ’23. It’s been recommended from department heads for this year. It’s to help maintain our infrastructure.”

In anticipation of the payment of road bonds, the town’s debt service will increase by just over $300,000.

“There was an approval of $2.5 million dollars for road bonds and this would be the debt service for the issuance of those bonds,” Kenyon said.

Department heads level-funded their budget requests, but costs will still rise with a 3% cost of living increase for personnel. Health insurance is up 1.6% and dental is up 8.9%.

“Dental is a much smaller number so while it says 9%, the impact is not that much,” Kenyon explained.

The details of the proposed budget can be found on the town’s website.


The residents react


Several residents attending the hearing told the council that they were not pleased with the budget.

One man, who bought his house about 20 years ago, said his taxes had gone up every year.

“Right now, I’m working all the overtime I can at Kenyon Mill as a mechanic, textile mill, to pay my taxes in this town,” he said. “I don’t want to move out of this town but it seems like I’m being driven out. You have to listen to the little people. All of us aren’t rich in this town.”

Colasante said he agreed.

“As far as I’m concerned, it’s like an illegal squatter in your home, okay? That’s the way I classify it,” he said. “Think about that, and don’t lose that image in your mind, okay? They’re like a squatter in your home, because if you don’t pay your taxes, they’re going to take your house.”


In a separate interview two days after the budget hearing,

Town Administrator Karen Pinch said the reduction of the fund balance had been necessary to offset the impact of an increase in the Chariho budget.

“We had an increase in expenses, which was offset by increases in revenue,” she said. “So, the town was at a zero increase, but the school had an increase, and the will of the people, as evidenced in the [Chariho budget] vote, was to increase the school budget – to pay more taxes through the school. In reducing the fund balance, we’re basically erasing the schools’ increase.”

Kenyon said she believed the council might consider amending the fund balance policy.

“The issue is, the council can vote to use as much of the unassigned fund balance as they choose in the budget, it’s just that they have guidance with their own fund balance policy as to what would be the consequence of the decision,” she said.


It should be noted that the Government Finance Officers Association recommends that a city or town have a reserve that would be sufficient to cover two months of expenses. In the case of Richmond, that would be a fund balance of 16.6%.


What’s next in the budget process


A second and final public hearing on the budget will take place on May 2 at 6 p.m.

Residents approved the abolition of the town’s annual Financial Town Meeting, which has been replaced by a budget referendum on June 5. Voters will be able to cast their ballots from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Town Hall.

Richmond Town Council Meeting Update for April 18, 2023

Council votes to challenge Beaver River solar ruling


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

April 19th 2023

RICHMOND – A council meeting that lasted nearly four hours Tuesday concluded with a vote to launch a legal challenge to a recent court ruling on a commercial solar energy application.

Issued on March 31 by Superior Court Justice Sarah Taft-Carter, the decision upholds an appeal by GD Beaver River I LLC of the Zoning Board’s denial of an application to build a solar array in a field owned by William Stamp Jr. at 172 Beaver River Road.

The judge’s decision is described in detail on the Beaver River Valley Community Association website.

Named as a defendant in the appeal, in addition to the Town of Richmond, members of the board, and a former zoning official, was John Peixinho, one of the founders of the Beaver River Valley Community Association.

Peixinho has hired appellate attorney Tom Dickinson, of Providence, to file a petition for a writ of certiorari, asking the Rhode Island Supreme Court to review the lower court decision.

The council voted Tuesday to ask Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth to file a separate writ of certiorari on behalf of the town.

The council vote was three to two, with Council President Mark Trimmer, Vice President Richard Nassaney and councilor Samantha Wilcox voting in favor.

Councilman Michael Colasante, who, with councilor Helen Sheehan, was opposed, said he did not see why the town was involved in an issue involving land it did not own.

“Why are we going into executive session over this?” he said. “We lost the case. That’s public information and there’s nothing to do with town lands or anything like that.”

Ellsworth replied,

“Because we would be discussing our strategy for the appeal and the likelihood of success.”

Reached Wednesday, Peixinho said,

“I am grateful for the support of Mark Trimmer, Richard Nassaney and Samantha Wilcox. Michael Colasante and Helen Sheehan, who voted against the resolution and who frequently stress the urgent need to attract businesses to Richmond, might better focus their efforts on areas of town zoned for business rather than supporting the permanent destruction of open space that has been included on the National Register of Historic Places, and the peaceful, rural nature of our community that is so important to so many of us taxpayers.”


The budget


At the first of two public budget hearings, several residents weighed in on the 2023-24 spending plan. A story on the budget will be posted on the BRVCA website later this week. The proposed budget can be found here:


Other business


Colasante presented a report on Town Council priorities for economic development.

“Actually, it’s titled ‘Richmond Town Council Priorities for Economic Development Multi - Faceted Approach.’ That’s the title of it, and some of the things that we discussed here tonight, it goes through it,” he said. “Economic development at this time needs to be addressed with a multi – faceted approach with the main players being the taxpayers of Richmond, the school system funded by our taxes, and businesses considering making an investment in the Town of Richmond,” he said, reading from his report. “These three entities need to be addressed through responsible consideration of their needs.”

Colasante’s suggestions include: stabilizing property taxes by further reducing the town’s unrestricted fund balance, introducing a moratorium on new town hires, directing Town Administrator Karen Pinch to complete a five-year capital improvement plan, addressing the needs of business owners who might be considering investing in the town, addressing the Chariho budget, giving the Economic Development Commission increased authority and appointing a Town Council liaison to the commission. The council did not appoint a liaison, but Colasante said he would attend commission meetings.


Gun Control


With Wilcox, a Democrat, opposing, the four Republican members of the council voted to support a resolution by the Town of Burrillville opposing proposed state gun control legislation.

“What that bill would do, if I have a permit to carry, then I would have to leave either my gun at home or leave my gun locked in the trunk, and I wouldn’t be able to walk into the school and pick up my child,” Colasante said. “There hasn’t been one incident where a law-abiding citizen, parent or guardian has walked into a school and shot up the school. Never once. But you know something? I would want to carry my gun into the school to pick up my grandchild and God forbid, if there was a lunatic inside that school, I would not think twice, all right? About putting my life in jeopardy, all right? To try and take that person out, okay? to prevent a very horrific incident.”


ARPA funds


There was a lengthy discussion of the town’s remaining American Rescue Plan Act, or ARPA funds, and how they might be allocated.

There were plenty of ideas. Trimmer proposed using $50,000 of ARPA money to hire a consulting company to attract more businesses to Richmond.

Colasante proposed using $25,000 in ARPA funds to hire an auditor to review the town’s zoning and planning ordinances, an initiative originally put forward by the EDC.

Colasante also wanted to use $125,000 of the ARPA funds to hire a two-year contract employee to attract economic development in the town.

Councilor Sheehan said the town needed a dedicated economic development director.

“We need somebody whose job it is to make sure it goes through,” she said.

Ellsworth said the approval procedure was not overly burdensome, to which Sheehan replied,

“Well, it’s not happening. Not happening,” she said.

Ellsworth said,

“But that’s not why. It’s not because there’s 150 steps.”

There is also the issue of whether ARPA funds can even be used for the councilors’ proposed initiatives. Ellsworth said she had been discussing the matter with Pinch and Finance Director Laura Kenyon.

“We are not certain that the ARPA money can be used for this type of economic development,” she said. “We think that it might, but we need to speak to the consultants who are administering the federal [funds].”

Ellsworth said the council would have an answer soon, but recent EDC appointee Louise Dinsmore still berated the council for not prioritizing economic development.

“I’m really disappointed that that we didn’t advance the economic development conversation further tonight,” she said. “It’s really obvious to me who are the economic development proponents in this town, and that would be, obviously, Councilwoman Sheehan and Councilman Colasante. I’m disappointed in Mark, Rich and Samantha that we’re not prioritizing this a little bit more.”

Wilcox said,

“The reason we pushed it off is because we’re waiting for an answer regarding whether we can use ARPA money,” she said.

Dinsmore did not seem to hear her.

“It’s obvious to anybody sitting here who are the economic development champions and who are not,” she said.

Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments in Chariho School Committee Case

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

April 13th 2023

PROVIDENCE – Oral arguments were presented Thursday before the Rhode Island Supreme Court in the case of Richmond School Committee candidate Jessica Purcell, who is challenging the Richmond Town Council, Clay Johnson and the Chariho School Committee over the council’s appointment of Johnson to fill a vacancy on the school committee.

Purcell, a Democrat who came third in the Nov. 8, 2022 election, lost her bid for a School Committee seat by just 27 votes.  When Richmond committee member Gary Liguori announced in January, 2023 that he was moving out of Rhode Island and vacating his seat, it was believed that under the provisions of the town’s Home Rule charter, Purcell, with the next-highest number of votes, would be named to fill the seat.

But on Jan. 19, three of the five members of the Richmond Town Council appointed Republican political operative Clay Johnson to the vacant seat.

Purcell hired attorney Jeffrey Levy and took her case to the Supreme Court.

Named as defendants and represented by attorney Joseph Larisa are Johnson, the Richmond Town Council and the Chariho School Committee.

Several Johnson supporters were in the court room, including Town Council members Michael Colasante and Helen Sheehan, both of whom voted to name Johnson to the School Committee.

Also present were Chariho School Committee attorney Jon Anderson and attorney Mark Reynolds, the current Richmond Town Moderator.

Anderson said he had been instructed by the committee not to comment on the case.

“The School Committee voted for me to take no position,” he said.


The arguments


Each attorney had 20 minutes to present his case and an additional 10 minutes each for rebuttals. Levy presented his arguments to the five Justices, Chief Justice Paul Suttell and Justices Maureen McKenna Goldberg, William Robinson III, Erin Lynch Prata and Melissa Long.

At issue is whether the town charter or the Chariho Act takes precedence. The three council members who voted to appoint Johnson, who did not run for election, over Purcell, who received 1,469 votes, defended their decision on the grounds that the Chariho Act, state legislation passed in 1958 governing the Chariho Regional School District, took precedence over the Richmond Home Rule Charter, which was approved by voters in 2008 and ratified by the state legislature.  

The charter states that in the case of a vacancy on the 12-member Chariho School Committee, the person who received the next-highest number of votes should be named to fill the seat – in this case, Purcell.

Levy’s argument is based on the compatibility of the Chariho Act and the town charter, because the act requires the Town Council to fill a vacant School Committee seat and the charter states that the person chosen by the council should be the next-highest vote-getter.

Justice Lynch Prata posed a question that lies at the heart of the case.

“Is that what the voters of Richmond intended, in terms of having the next vote-getter win, and if that’s what they intended, did the General Assembly ratify that piece?” she asked Levy. “Because I don’t think that anybody’s trying to say that you were intending to repeal the Chariho Act.”

Levy replied that harmonizing the Chariho Act and the town charter would eliminate the need for the specific ratification of certain provisions.

“This court’s analysis, to me, seems to be that it’s possible to comply with both laws here,” he said. “It’s possible to comply with the Chariho Act in that the council appoints the replacement, and it’s possible to comply with the charter if the council appoints the runner-up from the last election.”

Goldberg, who was critical throughout Levy’s argument, said she believed that Richmond voters wanted the Chariho Act to prevail in cases where the act and the charter were incompatible.

“You have a provision in the Chariho Act that dictates how vacancies on that board are to be filled, period,” she said.

Levy countered that the town charter was not inconsistent with the Chariho Act.

“The charter provision is not inconsistent with the Chariho Act. It is consistent with the Chariho Act,” he said.

“No, it’s not,” Goldberg replied.

The justices questioned Levy’s assertion that when the General Assembly approved the town charter, it was, in effect, ratifying it in its entirety.

Justice Lynch-Prata asked what would be necessary for the state to specifically validate the town charter.

“What’s required for express validation?” she asked.

Levy replied that the General Assembly had ratified the entire charter, making further ratification unnecessary.

“The General Assembly ratified the entire charter in all respects which require ratification,” he said.

Goldberg pointed out that the Chariho Act applies not only to Richmond to all three Chariho towns, including Charlestown and Hopkinton.

“We have a charter and we have a state law that doesn’t just apply to Richmond,” she said. “It’s three towns, and it specifically says how vacancies are to be filled.”

Levy concluded his argument by alluding to the politics motivating the three Republican council members to name fellow Republican Johnson to the School Committee.

“There’s a political motivation here, but that’s beside the point,” he said. “The point is…”

Goldberg broke in,

“There’s more than a political motivation,” she said. “This is not a happy marriage over at Chariho, but that is not before us, happily.”


Larisa’s arguments


Central to Larisa’s arguments is the assertion that the Chariho Act and the town charter cannot, as Levy had argued, be harmonized because they are fundamentally incompatible.

“Why is it not?” Justice Robinson asked. “Why don’t the canons [ordinances] apply if they’re both actions of the General Assembly? ... Taking the two actions of the General Assembly, the Chariho Act and the charter, which it ratified, why doesn’t the charter control this issue, because it’s so specific, and because it’s later in time?”

Larisa responded that the General Assembly had never ratified the charter provision in question. He also cited case law showing the diverse ratification mechanisms employed by the General Assembly.

“As this court knows, a home rule charter community has certain rights in areas of local concern. It has no rights for ordinance and charter in areas of statewide concern,” he said.

Robinson questioned Larisa’s assertion that state law trumped the town charter.

“Where has that ever been said?” he asked.

“It was ratified,” Robinson continued, referring to the town charter, “so therefore, it becomes state law for Richmond. It’s an act of the General Assembly.”

Larisa said that the General Assembly had to specifically ratify the provision of the charter in order for that provision to be state law.

“The way a charter, or a provision of a charter, becomes state law is express ratification of the provision…saying all laws are repealed,” he said. “Without the ‘all laws are repealed’ in consistent … language or without express ratification… the provision at issue, the Chariho Act’s vacancy – filling provision, has simply never been repealed by the General Assembly and since it’s an inferior charter provision, or ordinance, it succumbed to the Chariho Act.”

(It should be noted that it would not be legally possible for Richmond to unilaterally repeal any provisions of the Chariho Act, since any and all amendments to the act require the consent of all three towns.)

Robinson also took issue with Larisa’s description of the charter as inferior.

“What do you mean an inferior charter provision,” he said. “The charter commission worked hard to come up with the charter. They went to Providence, to the General Assembly, and they passed it. It’s not inferior. It’s later in time, more specific, and, frankly, superior.”


Outside the Licht Judicial Complex after the arguments had concluded, Levy repeated his assertions that the charter and the Chariho Act are compatible and the charter had become state law when it was ratified by the General Assembly.

Levy also repeated that no part of the Chariho Act could, as Larisa suggested, be repealed because all three towns must agree on amendments.

“You can’t repeal the Chariho Act provisions, because then you would be leaving Charlestown and Hopkinton hanging without a way to replace, or fill vacancies,” he said. “So, the fact that there was no repeal is irrelevant here, from my perspective.”

Purcell, who was in the court room, said the legal arguments differed from her perception of her case.

“A lot of words, a lot of analyzing that is much different from the way I look at it and the way I think most people I speak to look at it,” she said. “I think it was very simple and clear what the Town Council should have done from the start and it’s unfortunate we’ve had to go through this many months of additional analyzing and back-and-forth and legal fees, honestly. So, I’m not sure how the judges will decide. They seemed sort of split about what they felt was the best way to interpret the conflict or the lack of conflict or what takes precedence, so I’m really not sure what’s going to happen.”

Johnson and Larisa did not speak to reporters after the proceeding.

The court is expected to issue its decision in the coming weeks.

Richmond Town Council Meeting Update for April 6, 2023

Council to reconsider Richmond Commons solar proposal


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA


RICHMOND – The Town Council agreed at the April 4 meeting to hold a workshop with the Planning Board to reconsider an application for a zoning change for a solar energy project at the Richmond Commons site.

Council members also agreed to engage the Church Community Housing Corporation to assist the town in procuring and administering Community Development Block Grants.


Richmond Commons


It was hoped that the 294-acre Richmond Commons property, located on Route 138, would be transformed into a mixed - use development, with 400 housing units and retail and office space.

The Planning Board created a special Planned Unit Development-Village Center zone in 2002 to accommodate the proposed project, but the plan failed to attract tenants. Since that time, the land has remained largely vacant and owner John Aiello has sold a portion of the west side of the parcel to a gravel company.

The Town Council first denied a zoning amendment proposed by  BlueWave Solar, of Boston, to allow solar in Feb. 2021, but with a different council now in place, the developer intends to apply once again for an amendment that would permit the construction of a commercial solar array on 65 acres on the northwest side of the property.

The PUD-Village Center zone currently prohibits solar energy installations, and BlueWave will ask the town to amend the use code to allow solar.

While the land remains largely vacant and the town is anxious to encourage economic development at the site, the lucrative tax advantages of allowing the construction of the facility no longer exist. State legislation introduced in 2022 requires cities and towns to tax renewable energy facilities at the same rate that existed prior to the developers leasing or purchasing the land.

A joint Town Council - Planning Board workshop to discuss the pre- application will take place on May 2 at 5 p.m.


Community Development Block Grants


Bob Plain, representing the non-profit Church Community Housing Corporation, told the council that his group, which is based in Newport County, was interested in administering the Community Development Block Grant program in Richmond.

“You have to be able to demonstrate that 51% of the beneficiaries are of low and moderate income,” Plain said. “What people on Aquidneck Island, where we largely represent do with it, it funds the social service agencies, it funds homeless shelters, it funds street scape projects, it funds senior centers.”

The corporation would offer services previously performed by the Washington County Community Development Corporation, where both representatives have retired.

Finance Director Laura Kenyon said the town would welcome a CDBG grant administrator.

“We’ve been waiting for an administrator to come to our door,” she said.

Town Planner Shaun Lacey said CDBG money could also be used for infrastructure improvements.

“If you can demonstrate that sidewalks or water service is benefitting 51% of the population that fall under low and moderate income, that’s a project,” he said.


State Mandates


Following an unsuccessful attempt to form a tri town coalition to fight unfunded state mandates, Councilor Michael Colasante said he was now asking state Rep. Megan Cotter (D- Dist. 39) to submit legislation requiring that state mandates be funded with state money.

“She is going to draft legislation for the mandates, for the unfunded mandates and basically, it will read that any new mandates that the General Assembly will pass will have to come with funding,” he said. “It will be a very, very simple bill, and then, Senator [Elaine] Morgan will do it on the Senate.”

At this point, the bill is far from reaching the floor of the General Assembly. Submitting the proposed legislation would first require a resolution approved by the Town Council asking Cotter to draft the bill, and no such resolution has been passed or proposed.


Economic Development


Economic Development Commission Vice Chair Joseph Reddish presented a report on the “Richmond Open for Business” campaign.

The commission’s mission is to attract new businesses to the town and to support existing businesses.

“How do we focus ourselves, as a town, to create revenue so that we can offset, in the future, our residential taxes,” he said. “And the way to do that, as we’ve determined, is really through economic development and growth in the town of Richmond. Our mission is to encourage and attract new businesses to locate in Richmond.”

The commission recommends that the town allocate $20,000 to $25,000 of its remaining American Rescue Plan Act funds to hire a firm to audit Richmond’s planning, zoning and building ordinances to determine whether they are business-friendly. Reddish said the commission had also determined that the town’s website needed an upgrade.

In addition, the commission proposes that the council use some of the ARPA money to hire an Economic Development Director.

“When I talk about the successes of other states and other towns, they have a Director of ED on their staff,” he said. “That person’s job is to go out and identify businesses and opportunities for bringing businesses, whether small or large. We have Richmond Commons, which has been a process, for, going on now, 30-plus years. Empty space. I think we get 10, maybe 15 grand worth of taxes.  Imagine if we could fill that with the right businesses and that would probably go up by 100 times and that right there would lower the taxes on the bottom line of the residents.”

Reddish also repeated a proposal, first made by commission member Louise Dinsmore, that town administrators be accountable for development objectives.

“We recommend that you develop a set of performance-based objectives and accountability of job descriptions for our Town Administrator and Town Planner related to economic development. I’m not saying they’re doing a bad job, but if we don’t set goals, it’s just like any other business out there,” he said.




The Rhode Island Center Assisting Those in Need, which has received approval from the town for an $80,000 grant from the town’s ARPA funds for improvements to the building, asked whether some of those funds could be reallocated from the proposed rooftop solar panels to other projects.

It has been determined that the roof of the building, which houses a food pantry and thrift shop, will not support the weight of the panels.

RICAN President Scott Straight asked the council to approve the reallocation of the funds.

“We are asking to re-allocate that money to other projects that we have identified,” he said. “A new well – our well is not sustainable for us going forward. It actually dried up on us. Solar light for our parking lot – that’s about $14,000 right there.”

Another $20,000, Straight said, would be used to make structural improvements to the roof on the RICAN building.

The council declined to approve funds for parking lot lighting, but agreed to the request for $14,000 for the well and $20,000 for the roof.

Council President Mark Trimmer said,

“I’m looking at the needs, and the $20,000 for the structural repairs is definitely a need. The $14,000 for their well is a definite need. The lighting in their parking lot, I’m not feeling that’s something we should pay for, so my thought would be to allocate them the $34,000, which would cover their well and their structural needs.”

The council approved the amended motion, made by Colasante, to approve a $34,000 allocation to RICAN.

Chariho Budget Passes Easily

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

April 5th 2023

RICHMOND – On Tuesday, voters in Charlestown, Richmond and Hopkinton approved the Chariho budget by nearly 800 votes – 1,950 to 1,336. This year’s budget referendum was a far cry from last year’s vote, when voters rejected the proposed spending plan.

After all the cuts, the new budget is $57 million, a 1.74% increase over the current budget.

In this year’s referendum, in Charlestown, 670 people approved the budget and 182 voted against it. In Hopkinton, 610 voted to approve and 596 were opposed, a margin of just 14 votes. In Richmond, the vote was 670 in favor and 558 opposed.

Charlestown Town Council President Deborah Carney, a budget supporter, said she was encouraged by the higher voter turnout in the three towns, including Charlestown.

“It’s good to see so many people come out and vote,” she said. “On a personal note, I’m glad that the budget passed.”


Why was this year different?


To understand the significance of this year’s voting shift, it is helpful to look at previous years, when the budget was rejected, or barely passed.

Voters soundly rejected the proposed budget last year, not once but twice, with Charlestown the only town to approve it.  That defeat resulted in a level-funded budget for the current year.

In 2021, Hopkinton was the only town to reject the budget, but there was sufficient support from the other towns for it to pass.

A list of budget votes doing back to 2018 is on the Friends of Chariho Facebook page.


Divided communities


In the weeks leading up to the most recent referendum, there was considerable rancor on both sides

On March 29, School Committee member Clay Johnson, of Richmond, sent a letter to unaffiliated and Republican voters urging them to vote against the budget.

Johnson’s letter concludes with,

 “Vote NO on Tuesday April 4th on the school budget. Send a STRONG message that we, the taxpayers, will NOT STAND for any more budget games, un-American teaching or inefficient spending. YOUR vote matters!”

The letter was paid for by Johnson’s Chariho Forgotten Taxpayers political action committee. The cost of printing and mailing it is unknown, since the PAC is not required to record the expenditure on the Rhode Island Board of Elections website.

Johnson owns a Goddard School franchise in South Kingstown. The Goddard School is a nationwide franchise of 600 private, “early child education centers” in 37 states.

Despite his vocal opposition to the budget, he did not attend the March 14 School Committee meeting during which it was adopted by committee members.


Chariho supporters reacted to the vote with a combination of relief and caution.

Superintendent of Schools Gina Picard was encouraged by the increased voter turnout and said she hoped to continue to demonstrate the value of the district to the community.

“I think, for me, the goal will be to continue to ensure that our community sees our district as one of its greatest assets,” she said.

Picard did note, however, that the district’s healthcare fund balance, which was reduced by $877,725 to $6.2 million during the budget process, will have to be monitored.

“The one I’m probably most concerned about is the healthcare fund balance that was cut, because we did see additional monies in that fund, because people were not utilizing those services throughout COVID,” she said.

The fund balance could be depleted by healthcare claims that have not yet been submitted, Picard warned.

“It could be something that costs us more money than people expect and I’m hoping that doesn’t happen, but we’re going to have to keep a close eye, because we may have to move some money back into that,” she said.

School Committee Chair Catherine Giusti, of Hopkinton, said the budget referendum could be viewed, in a broader sense, as a referendum on public education.

“That’s really what this came down to is, a community understanding that education is important, and a cornerstone of our community,” she said.

Giusti said she believed that voters had realized how much was at stake in this referendum.

“This is the first year in many where we have had to say ‘if this budget doesn’t pass, there will be catastrophic changes made,’ and I think that always motivates a community,” she said.

Picard agreed that voters appeared to realize what the district stood to lose if the budget did not pass.

“We all saw that elections have consequences, that the votes have consequences, and when our parents saw how class sizes had risen last year and while it was just a few, it was enough to notice, and our world language program was cut out of elementary, [and] there is a reduction in the way we can do business around buses. I heard a lot of parents say last year ‘if I had only known. I didn’t realize,’” she said.


Friends of Chariho versus Forgotten Taxpayers


After the Chariho budget was rejected last year, the Friends of Chariho group was resuscitated to counter the efforts of budget opponents, including Johnson’s Chariho Forgotten Taxpayers PAC.

The mother of two children attending Chariho schools, Jessica Purcell is a member of the Friends of Chariho.

“Last time, we were taken off guard when it didn’t pass the first time, and also, when it didn’t pass the second time, and I think that gave us a rude awakening that if we want this budget, we have to work harder for it,” she said. “We have to counter some of the information.”

Purcell was also the next highest vote-getter for a vacant Richmond seat on the School Committee, and has fought the Town Council’s decision to instead appoint Johnson. Oral arguments in the case will be heard next week in Rhode Island Supreme Court.


Purcell said she did not expect the budget battles to end with this vote.

“I don’t think the fight is over,” she said. “I think it’s going to be an ongoing discussion about what is public education for, how do we provide it, how do we show our appreciation and value of it? It’s not going to end.”

Beaver River Road Solar Developer Wins Appeal - April 3rd 2023

Solar developer wins appeal


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA


RICHMOND – A commercial solar developer that appealed the Zoning Board’s denial of its application has won its appeal of that decision in Rhode Island Superior Court.

The appeal lists as defendants: the Town of Richmond, Zoning Board Vice Chair Jeffrey Vaillancourt and board members Sean Carney, Chelsea Battinger, Daniel Jarstfer, and Lindsay Hannon. Also named as defendants are former zoning official Russel “Bo” Brown, and abutting property owner John Peixinho, founder of the Beaver River Valley Community Association.

The 32-page decision, issued on March 31 by Associate Justice Sarah Taft-Carter, concludes that the board’s reasons for denying the application were “factually or legally unsupported,” and therefore, the application should have been granted. The decision orders the Zoning Board to issue the special use permit required for the project to proceed.


The beginning: 2018


The developer, GD Beaver River I, LLC, and property-owner William Stamp Jr., applied for a special use permit to build a commercial-scale solar array in a field that Stamp owns at 172 Beaver River Road. A special use permit was required because the property in a low-density residential zone.

The 5.3-megawatt array would occupy about seven acres of the 41-acre property, located in the Beaver River Valley which, in 2021, was added to the National Register of Historic Places.

Richmond’s zoning official at the time, Russel “Bo” Brown, denied the application because it would not conform to a town ordinance requiring that solar arrays be within two miles of a utility substation.

Two months later, at a public hearing on Brown’s decision, Brown asked the board to deny the GD Beaver River’s appeal of his decision, because the developer had missed the 30-day deadline for its appeal. The board continued the hearing for another month, but in the end, maintained its denial of the application because the developer had missed the 30-day window. The developer appealed that decision, and the application nevertheless continued to move forward with the Planning Board conducting the mandatory development plan review.

In addition to reaffirming the Zoning Board’s decision that the facility would be outside the two-mile radius from the nearest substation, the Planning Board denied the application on the basis that it would not be consistent with the objectives stated in the town’s comprehensive plan, which include the preservation of rural landscapes, cultural resources and the protection of the town’s rural and architectural heritage. In addition, the board said that as part of the federally-designated Wild and Scenic Rivers system, the scenic qualities of the Beaver River deserved protection.

The developer appealed the case to Rhode Island Superior Court, which remanded the case to the Zoning Board. During several public hearings, board members heard testimony many expert witnesses called by the developer as well as residents who, with the exception of a single farmer, opposed the project.

The Zoning Board voted to deny the special use permit, and the developer appealed, once again, to Rhode Island Superior Court, challenging the three reasons for the denial: that the proposed project would harm the “appropriate use of surrounding property,” that the array would produce noise that would be a health hazard to people living nearby, and that the facility would not be entirely within the two-mile radius from a substation.

Taft-Carter wrote that the board had not produced evidence to support its first two conclusions and the third conclusion, pertaining to the utility substation, “was affected by error of law.”

The decision states,

“Because all of the grounds upon which the Zoning Board relied in denying the Application were factually or legally unsupported, the Application should have been granted. As a result, Plaintiffs’ substantial rights have been prejudiced.”

Attorney John Mancini, who represents the developer, said that despite the lengthy process, he was satisfied with the decision.

“You hate to go through the process as long as we did, to be held up like that, but we’re glad that the decision came down as it did,” he said. “I think it’s the right decision, because of the amount of testimony that was provided to the board over the course a few years. We have been at this for quite some time, and a lot of effort was put into screening and buffering, and the board really dismissed the effort that we put into that.”

Neither Town Solicitor Michael Cozzolino, who represented the town in the case, nor Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth would comment on the decision. It is unclear whether the town, or Peixinho, will pursue further legal action, which would entail petitioning the Rhode Island Supreme Court to review the lower court’s decision.

Richmond Town Council President Mark Trimmer said he remained opposed to converting open space and woodlands to commercial solar energy facilities.

“My family settled in Shannock in the late 1600s,” he wrote. “Once you take pristine rural land and develop it, you can never get that pristine land back again. I do not believe that the Beaver River Valley area should be developed with solar, a vineyard, or a brewery.”

Trimmer proposes introducing tax incentives for the owners of farmland.

“There is tremendous pressure placed on farm owners in Richmond,” he said. “The ballooning school budget and municipal budget drive taxes up. The taxes to fund these budgets become a burden to anyone who owns rural land in the town. The solution might be to offer tax incentives to these farm owners to encourage them not to develop their properties.”

Richmond Planning Board Update for March 28th 2023

Planning Board gives final approval to new dog park


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

March 29th 2023

RICHMOND – The March 28 Planning Board meeting was unusually brief – just half an hour.

Members gave their unanimous approval to the plan for a new dog park, near the Heritage Trail at 3 Country Acres Road.

Town Planner Shaun Lacey briefed members on the history of the new dog park.

“Last year, the town was awarded a DEM [Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management] recreation grant of $71,000,” he said. “That was awarded specific to the development of the Richmond Dog Park which is currently operating at Buttonwoods next to the DPW offices.”

(The exact amount of the DEM grant is $71,580. The town is responsible for a 20% match, which will be made in the form of in-kind work on the park.)

The dog park will comprise about 40,000 square feet of the 45-acre property, and 30,000 square feet of the park will be enclosed by a fence.

Approved by the Dog Park Committee at the March 16 meeting, the dog park site plan was prepared by a consultant hired by the town.

Board member Dan Madnick asked about securing benches and trash receptacles. Lacey said the town’s Department of Public Works would maintain those components of the park as it does all town facilities.

Madnick and board Chair Philip Damicis asked about the six parking spaces on the plan and whether there would be enough parking. Additional parking for people walking the Heritage Trail is available.

“I just want to make sure there’s enough parking for everyone,” Madnick said, “because the Heritage Trail is really nice and people use it a lot.”

One parking space will be ADA, or Americans with Disabilities Act, compliant.

Lacey said he expected the park to be completed well before the end of the year.

“I think we should be done long before 2024, because the reality is that this is kind of the last stop for permitting, because we’re outside of DEM jurisdictional boundaries,” he said. “So, there’s no DEM permitting, which in reality, would be the longest permitting stage. “… Essentially, once the board signs off on it, the Town Council has already approved it.”

In the audience were members of the Dog Park Committee, who applauded after the vote. Also present was Town Council member Samantha Wilcox, who was on the committee from 2021 until she was elected to the council in 2022.

Reached Wednesday, Wilcox said the new park had been 10 years in the making. More recently, the committee had received assistance in preparing the grant from Lacey, Town Administrator Karen Pinch and former council member, Lauren Cacciola.

“The committee itself has been together for a decade or more and Victoria Vona has been a part of it since the beginning and she’s still a member, so it’s really exciting for everybody,” she said.

Wilcox said she was looking forward to the opening of the new dog park, which will replace the current park, situated on a former landfill.

“I’m mostly excited it won’t be on an old landfill. The giant puddle in the middle will be no more,” she said.

Wilcox also noted that the road to the new dog park will bring people into town, and hopefully, to local businesses like the pet supply store, Fetch RI.

“Now, dog owners are going to be driving right past Fetch, right past a couple of local restaurants, instead of driving through our industrial district, because people come from out of town to go to the park more often you think,” she said. “So that will be good for us, and it might enhance the Heritage Trail. They complement each other very well.”


Housing/vineyard application


A public informational meeting on an application for a housing subdivision and vineyard on the agenda for Tuesday’s meeting was continued for a second time at the request of the developer, Punchbowl Development Corp.

The meeting was re-scheduled to the April 25 Planning Board meeting.


Other business


Members briefly discussed new developments in proposed state housing legislation, and the parameters of a possible housing needs survey of Richmond residents.

Richmond Town Council Meeting Update for March 21, 2023

Council rejects “tri town” proposal in meeting marred by skirmishes


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

Wednesday March 22nd 2023

RICHMOND – The acrimony between members of the Town Council reached an all - time high at the March 21 meeting. Before the meeting even began, councilors squabbled over the new seating arrangement, introduced at the previous meeting by council President Mark Trimmer because some council members did not feel comfortable sitting next to councilor Michael Colasante.

Recounting the incident on the condition of anonymity, several sources said Colasante became angry when he entered the council chambers and saw that he would not be in his original seat, but had instead been moved to the end of the table.

Refusing to take his seat, Colasante instead stood closely behind the seat of council Vice President Richard Nassaney, who found his behavior threatening. He eventually took his seat, but expressed his frustration, another source recounted, by flinging a paper copy of the agenda at the other council members, whom he referred to as ”f*****g” babies.”

In an interview on Wednesday morning, Nassaney described the scene before the meeting began.

“I sat where the V.P. would usually sit, and Mr. Colasante was not very happy with that seating arrangement and chose to stand over me for an extended period of time in a semi-authoritative manner, demanding that I move, and I informed him that the President, multiple members of the public and other council members had asked me to sit in that seat, so I obliged,” he said. “Colasante was asked a week or two before to move his seat, which he declined to do, so we made the move and last evening, after a very contentious standoff, he finally moved himself to the far side of the table.”


“Tri-town” is now just one town


A majority of three council members voted in favor of a motion made by councilor Samantha Wilcox to decline a proposal to endorse a “tri town collaboration” with Hopkinton and Charlestown.

The collaboration, spearheaded by Colasante, began with a discussion at the annual Chariho Omnibus meeting in January about how the three Chariho towns might work together to oppose unfunded state mandates and support funding for the regional school district.

The group has met twice, the first time at a Richmond restaurant and the second time at Colasante’s residence.

There were concerns, expressed by some members of the Chariho School Committee and members of the three Town Councils, that the group was not posting meeting agendas or holding public meetings with published minutes.

Wilcox noted that information about the meetings was not publicly accessible.

“… I had to really fish for information, I had to do an APRA [Access to Public Records Act] request to get information on this, and once I saw that information, it was, for me, the fact sheet was just something I couldn’t agree with,” she said.

Colasante vigorously defended the collaboration, insisting that council members’ concerns were unfounded.

“I don’t know how you can make this up in your head,” he told the council.

Trimmer countered,

“There is a reason why we have these ridiculously laborious rules to follow and so on, and it’s so that everybody stays involved, knows what’s going on makes informed decisions, and so on,” he said. “This situation wasn’t done that way, and so I don’t care if the commission [collaboration] meets a hundred more times. I personally, as Town Council President and I personally, as one of the five Town Council members, can’t say ‘hey, I’m going to … give the endorsement of the Town Council to this group.’ “

Councilor Helen Sheehan, who attended both meetings, praised Colasante for taking action when others had not.

“Everybody has talked about we have all the unfunded mandates and everybody says we should do something about it, and nobody’s done anything about it – I should say, nobody but Mike has done anything about it,” she said.

Trimmer suggested the items of concern to the town be added to a future Town Council agenda so the entire council could address them.

The motion to decline to join the collaboration passed with Trimmer, Wilcox and Nassaney voting in favor. Sheehan voted against the motion. Colasante was reluctant to cast his vote, but when pressed by Town Clerk Erin Liese to record a vote one way or the other, he voted nay.

With the Charlestown Town Council voting to take no action on the collaboration, only Hopkinton has endorsed the group, leaving its future in doubt.

Technical glitches prevented the town from video- recording the meeting, but some residents who were in the council chambers when the vote was taken clapped in approval and were then mocked by Colasante who mimicked their applause.


Councilors and Town Hall staff


The disagreements continued when the council discussed an agenda item, added by Trimmer, regarding interactions between council members and Town Hall staff.

“We as a council need to agree on, we can’t just go and assign  a job to somebody or tell somebody they need to do a job differently,” he said. “One individual can’t say ‘this should be your responsibility or what have you’. It is up to the council as a whole, put it on the agenda, discuss it, to pass it…It’s not up to us. It’s a threatening work environment at times.”

Some members of town staff, who spoke off the record to protect their identities, said Colasante had made comments that they had found threatening. One comment, confirmed to have been made by Colasante to several staffers, was,

“Don’t worry about a thing. I give people enough rope to hang themselves.”

There was, not surprisingly, continued disagreement over whether council members could or should direct town employees.

“Now, it’s my responsibility, however, to go in and talk with you from time to time, to ask you certain things,” Colasante said. “Certain people on the council are getting the feeling that certain people are being dictatorial and demanding that things have to be done, and, I mean, you just have to go back to the Town [Home Rule] Charter, because everybody’s trying to dodge that we’re the hire and firing agents and nobody has the authority to send out a letter of denial, but they’ll scoot around that and say ‘no the town, the way it’s been working for years, we haven’t done that’. Well, if you want to follow the town charter, then follow it 100%, everybody, okay?”

Council members debated what they could and could not ask town employees to do.

“I think that being a councilor and going into the Town Hall and you have to have the utmost respect for the people working there and not make them feel uneasy in any way, shape or form,” Nassaney said. “You are a servant. You’re a public servant. They are the employees of the town.”

Former council President Nell Carpenter said whether interactions with town staff were appropriate depended to a large extent on the council members’ intentions.

“It’s what your intentions are,” she said. “It’s what you’re trying to accomplish. Is it for the greater good?”

Mark Reynolds, who served on the town’s Charter Review Commission, said the role of the council did not include managing the daily operations of the town.

“Your role is the big picture, policy-making,” he said. “’What can we do to bring business into town? What can we do to lessen regulations on businesses?’ Big picture. Policy. You’re like the Board of Directors of a publicly-held company. Those are the kinds of decisions you should be talking about, not who we should hire as a clerk in the Planning Department.”


In other business, the council hired Jeffrey Vaillancourt as the part-time electrical inspector with Trimmer, Sheehan and Colasante voting in favor, Nassaney abstaining and Wilcox voting no.

The council also approved the hiring of a part-time Wellness Director, a position that was approved by the previous council.

Council members received an update from representatives from the Rhode Island Department of Transportation on the upcoming roundabout project at the intersection of Routes 138 and 112. Work is expected to begin this summer, but will stop during the Washington County Fair which takes place from Aug. 16 to Aug. 20.


It was evident Tuesday that the divisions on the council were, if anything, deepening. Asked whether he believed council members would be able to work together, Trimmer said he hoped the bickering would end so the council could attend to business.

“Now that we’ve put all that rancor behind us, we can get down to the work the people elected us to do,” he said.

Richmond Planning Board Meeting Update for March 14th 2023 

Board hears developer’s aquifer ordinance comments


By Cynthia Drummond for the BRVCA

March 18th 2023

RICHMOND – Members of the Planning Board spent much of Tuesday’s meeting listening to input on proposed amendments to the aquifer protection ordinance from Paul Mihailides, the developer of The Preserve Sporting Club & Residences, and his attorney, Americo Scungio.

While the amendments to the ordinance have not yet been approved by the Town Council, Mihailides is concerned that they will hamper his future development plans.

The proposed changes, intended to protect the town’s groundwater, divide activities in the aquifer protection zone into three categories: permitted, permitted with a special use permit, and prohibited.

The Planning Board has also recommended the creation of two sub-districts within the aquifer protection overlay district, often referred to as the APOD. Sub-district A, with the most restricted use regulations, includes the sole source aquifer and well head protection areas. Sub-district B comprises groundwater recharge areas.

Scungio began by reminding the council that the board’s approval of Phase 2 of the development had required a hydrogeologic study, which he hoped would not have to be conducted again.

“This was back in 2018, and had specific findings in those reports and in those hearings that there was no adverse effect upon the aquifer – all of the uses that were proposed in the master plan, so if you pass the APOD and apply it to the master plan approval, you’re basically requiring The Preserve to do the exact same work again, subject to your review again, which you’ve already reviewed,” he said.

Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth said the town did not intend to require another study.

“We’ve already said that we’re not going do that,” she said.

“Anything that received master plan approval under the regulations and the ordinance, as they existed at that time, is vested.”

Board Chair Philip Damicis added,

“As long as it’s a use that was proposed in the master plan. If you deviate from that, then you would have to do a hydrogeologic study to determine what the impact of that change is.”

One issue is a proposed brew pub, which the board approved in the master plan, but only for beer sold on the premises. Brew pubs are known to consume a lot of water.

“The concern with the brew pub is, brew pubs can often start off relatively small,” Damicis said. “Take the Tilted Barn. [located in Exeter] It started out very small and I’m glad they were successful, but they got very successful and the concern is, you could reach a point where you’re pulling a significant of water out of the aquifer.”

Town Planner Shaun Lacey said the brew pub activity was not in the town’s zoning use code and unique to the “planned development resort” zone created especially for The Preserve.

“The benefit, I think, of having the brew pub as a unique use within the PDR district allows you to position yourself to allow that type of application, that type of use, with a special use permit within the confines of your own property, as long as it’s outside of sub-district – A, which is the wellhead protection.”

Scungio asked several questions about water - use benchmarks and how the town would determine whether too much water was being withdrawn.

Mihailides told the board that he already had permission from the state to withdraw 600,000 gallons of water per day to irrigate his gold course.

“We’re not using a fraction of that,” he said. “600,000 gallons a day. So, I don’t know how many six-packs of booze that makes.

We could never get to that point, and to take away something that we already have. It’s nuances.”

Damicis said the overarching purpose of the amendments was to protect the town’s water supply, and that he and Ellsworth would contact the town’s consulting engineers, GZA GeoEnvironmental, to try to get an idea of a water - use limit that would protect the town and satisfy The Preserve.

Mihailides also wanted assurances that the two helipads on the property would not be impacted.

“We don’t want to be limited where a member can land a helicopter on the property,” he said.

Ellsworth replied that the ordinance amendments would not affect the helipads that were already there.

The concern, she and Damicis told Mihailides, was the potential for spilled fuel contaminating the groundwater. Mihailides replied that helicopters would not be fueled on the pads.

Board members moved on to the planned equestrian complex which will include polo grounds.

Board member Dan Madnick said the equestrian complex was already a permitted use.

“I’m trying to make it work for you and work for the town and try not to make it too difficult for you to do business there, and also protect the water resource,” he told Mihailides.

Ellsworth reiterated that the uses already approved in the master plan were permitted, but if Mihailides wanted to build a second hotel in Sub-zone A, over the aquifer, he would need to apply for a special use permit.

Damicis said the board would consult with GZA and submit a revised draft of the amendments at the board’s first meeting in April.


In other business, Lacey presented a brief overview of new development applications and members discussed the 14-bill package of proposed state housing legislation.


Before the meeting adjourned, Damicis introduced the newest board member, Daniel Ashworth, a Pawtucket police officer who also works part time as a firearms instructor at The Preserve.

Ashworth did not recuse himself from the proceedings pertaining to The Preserve, and did not speak during that segment of the meeting.

Ashworth was advised by Ellsworth when he was first appointed to request an opinion from the Rhode Island Ethics Commission regarding his participation in matters relating to The Preserve, and he is reported to be waiting for the commission to issue an opinion.

Chariho School Committee Meeting Update for March 14th 2023

Still Only One Town in “Tri-town” Coalition

By Cynthia Drummond


March 15th 2023

RICHMOND – School Committee members voted at Tuesday’s meeting to adopt the proposed 2023-24 schools budget. The vote was nine in favor, with one Richmond member, Kathryn Colasante, opposed and Hopkinton member, Polly Hopkins, abstaining.

Richmond member Clay Johnson, a vocal opponent of the budget, did not attend the meeting.

Reached the morning after the vote, School Committee Chair, Catherine Giusti, said she was surprised that committee members who had opposed the budget throughout the process had voted to adopt it. Giusti also noted that she hoped those members would end their efforts to defeat the budget.

“I expressed that if someone voted for the budget at the public meeting last night, but then went out into the public and tried to get the budget defeated, it would be really disingenuous,” she said. “I was surprised at the vote.”

Before voting to adopt the budget, members agreed to add some funds back to the $57 million spending plan.

“We restored about $70,000 back into the budget so that we would not have to make cutes to the transportation,” Giusti said. “And really, what we saw last night is how the routes were going to change and committee members were worried, really, about kids having to walk a longer distance, but also, some of the main road stops made people nervous.”

Giusti added that the committee agreed to cut about $14,000 in funds for the purchase of books, but a motion to further reduce the district’s unassigned fund balance from 2.25% to 2% was defeated.

 More information on the budget, which will be put to a vote on April 4 by residents of the three towns can be found on the Chariho website.


The coalition


Hopkinton is the only Chariho town, so far, to have officially joined the “tri town” coalition promoted by Richmond Town Council member Michael Colasante and more recently, Hopkinton Town Council member, Sharon Davis.

Despite efforts by Colasante and Davis at Tuesday’s meeting to persuade school committee members to name members to the proposed coalition, the committee took no action.

This followed a similar decision by the Charlestown Town Council on Monday to take no action on coalition membership. With the Richmond council yet to decide on whether to join the group, that leaves only one member town, Hopkinton.

Davis described the two previous meetings of the coalition as informal get togethers of town representatives to address common concerns.

Davis told the school committee that leading the coalition’s list of concerns is the need for a “forensic audit management study” of the school district, an idea long touted, but not described in detail.

It should be noted that although the term “forensic audit” does not automatically imply fraud, it differs from a “management study” and is defined by the Corporate Finance Institute as follows:

“A forensic audit is an examination of a company’s financial records to derive evidence which can be used in a court of law or legal proceeding.”

Davis said,

“I will keep trying to move forward on this issue, and look forward to creating an RFP [request for proposals] with the Chariho Director of Finance, once we are sure of obtaining funding,” she said. “My estimate is approximately $75,000.”

Davis said Sen. Elaine Morgan (R-Dist. 34) had been asked to try to raise those funds.    

Another concern of the coalition is unfunded state government mandates, which place unsustainable burdens on the towns.

The third concern is the Chariho teachers’ contract, which the coalition believes is too generous.

Colasante distributed a 14-page document to school committee members, which states the group’s objectives and asks people to submit their opinions.

The name of the group appears to have been changed from “coalition” to “collaboration.”

Colasante told the committee that despite its Republican origins, the group is not political. Colasante said he first brought up a collaboration between the towns and the school committee in January, at the annual Chariho Omnibus Meeting.

“It’s a culture of collaboration and it’s our opportunity, really, to work together to really humanize the process because it’s really not Democrat or Republican,” he said. “I feel that we have an opportunity, looking at the school committee, looking at the make-up now of the Town Councils. I got to know Sharon Davis, I got to know Steve Stokes.

[Stokes, a member of the Charlestown Town Council, attended the first meeting, held at the Dragon Palace restaurant in Richmond. He did not attend the second meeting, which took place at Colasante’s residence.]

Colasante then recounted an analogy, in which he referred to Charlestown.

“Even in Charlestown, if you have a gentleman – this is my analogy – he’s worth $10 million,” he said. “He sees a $10 bill on the sidewalk. Even though that guy could be worth so much money, is he not going to pick up that $10 bill off the sidewalk? So, everybody can benefit by it, even Charlestown can benefit by it.”

Charlestown Town Council President Deborah Carney told the committee that she remembered a tri-own/ school district committee which was formed about 20 years ago.

Those meetings, she said, were posted and public, with both agendas and minutes.

“What bothered me personally was reading in the paper that Charlestown was part of this tri town collaboration, because it had been given a name when I knew nothing about what was being discussed, so I, too, had my own issues with the way this was originally presented because in my mind, it was not what we discussed at the Omnibus meeting.”

Carney said her council had taken no action regarding joining the group, but had drafted a motion to discuss, if a tri town group is eventually formed, unfunded state mandates, and a possible management study.

Richmond councilor and staunch Colasante ally Helen Sheehan said the collaboration was addressing a need.

“Everybody agreed that something needed to be done, but nobody did it,” she said. “So, Mike started this collaboration. So [there was] a little bumbling about getting all the right forms and everything in order. So, I would like you not to throw the baby out with the bath water, because it’s a really good idea.”

Charlestown committee member Andrew McQuaide pointed out that the coalition’s actions to date had not been collaborative.

“You could have met in a public meeting and you chose not to, and that was a choice,” he said. “You could have vetted this publicly and you chose not to, and that was a choice. And when you cherry-pick individuals to participate, that is not how you develop a concentrated effort for collaboration and it’s definitely not how you develop a culture of collaboration. That’s not bumbling. Those are intentional decisions, and it has clearly impacted the ability for us to move forward. With that said, I share the sentiments that many other people have shared which is, let’s try this again and let’s see if we can do this in a public fashion, in a way that truly develops a culture of collaboration.”

Kathryn Colasante moved to elect two school committee members to participate in the coalition, but there was no vote.

Town Council and Chariho Meetings Updates for March 7th 2023

Council meeting, Chariho budget hearing expose ongoing divisions


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA


RICHMOND – Tuesday evening was a busy one for members of the Town Council, who first attended an early council meeting and then headed over to the Chariho Middle School for the public hearing on the schools budget.


Town Council


At the council meeting, there was a change in the councilors’ seating arrangement, after one council member stated privately that they were uncomfortable sitting near council member Michael Colasante.

Council Vice President Richard Nassaney now sits in the center, between council President Mark Trimmer and Colasante, councilor Samantha Wilcox has moved to the far end of the table and councilor Helen Sheehan is at the opposite end.


Council members briefly debated the recommendation of Town Planner Shaun Lacey to hire Michael Rosso as the town’s part time electrical inspector, but in the end, they decided to reject it.

Lacey’s March 7 memorandum to the council and Town Administrator Karen Pinch stated that after conducting interviews with several candidates, the Building, Planning and Zoning Department recommended Rosso, who has been doing electrical inspections for the town since the previous inspector, Al Vennari, retired.

Lacey said that Rosso, who has 40 years of inspection experience, had performed well while he was acting inspector and proposed that he be hired.

However, Colasante, backed by Trimmer and Sheehan, proposed that the town hire Jeff Vaillancourt instead and added that the council, not town administrators, should have authority over hiring and firing.

(Vaillancourt, the current Vice Chair of the Zoning Board of Review, is a Republican who ran unsuccessfully for the Town Council in the last election.)

“In the town charter, the Town Council is the body that hires and fires, and up to this point, when I get just the recommendation, without having the person’s, the whole set of applications and resumes,” Colasante said. “It kind of puts me at a disadvantage to really picking the most qualified person in my view. I asked Ms Pinch [Town Administrator Karen Pinch] if she would please in the future submit to the council all the resumes and all the applications, so that way, we can see who applied. “

Nassaney disagreed, arguing that prospective hires should be vetted by the administrators with whom they will be working.

Colasante, Sheehan and Trimmer voted against a motion to hire Rosso and immediately after that vote, Colasante moved to hire Vaillancourt.

Since the Vaillancourt appointment was not on the agenda, Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth suggested the council consider the proposal at the next meeting. The resumes of all the candidates will be attached to the agenda.

Council members also discussed Colasante’s “Tri Town Coalition” which has met twice, once at the Dragon Palace restaurant in Richmond and the second time at Colasante’s residence. The purpose of the coalition, as Colasante has often stated, is for the towns to band together to require that state mandates be funded by the state.

The coalition was first proposed at the annual Chariho Omnibus meeting in January.

“I floated the idea that basically, proposing legislation requiring all future mandates be accompanied by state funding,” Colasante said.

Colasante also stated, incorrectly, that recent revaluations would result in significant property tax increases. The mil rate, which is still to be determined, will be adjusted to mitigate the impact on property tax bills.

”It’s only a short span of time before they’re going to see big increases, - all right? -  to their taxes again because of …the high reval,” he said.

Trimmer said he was uncomfortable with the coalition meetings taking place out of public view and without the agendas posted.

“The whole idea of getting together with a few people and discussing things is one thing, but all of a sudden, it morphed, without any discussion in the council at all, it morphed to ‘Richmond has joined this tri-town coalition,’” he said.

Colasante replied that the Hopkinton Town Council had voted in favor of joining the coalition at its most recent meeting, and the matter was on the agenda for Charlestown’s March 13th  Town Council meeting.

Councilor Samantha Wilcox, said she wanted to know more about the coalition and what it stands for before deciding whether to support it.

Colasante responded by introducing Hopkinton Town Council member Sharon Davis, who had brought with her some written material about the coalition. Davis also told the council that she had contacted the Rhode Island Attorney General’s office and had been told that as long as only two members from each public body attended, there would not be a quorum (which is three members) and therefore, no Open Meetings Act violation.

Davis read a statement that included Charlestown, which has not joined the group.

“Several Town Council and School Committee representatives from the three towns, Charlestown, Hopkinton and Richmond, would like to meet and form an informal tri-town collaboration group to lobby for or against potential state legislative issues,” she said. “We would also encourage our state legislative representatives to create the legislation that we support.”

Trimmer said he supported the goal of working together to effect change, but he wasn’t comfortable with the process.

“The process needs to be laid out,” he said.

Wilcox said she supported the idea of reaching out to state representatives.

Colasante said that the coalition had already had an impact on the state legislature.

“In just the short time that we spoke, and, you know, some of us have gone to the State House for these hearings and listened to Speaker Shekarchi - all right? - on his proposals and whatnot, what has happened when they heard of our getting together and discussing these things as a collaborative, all three towns in sync with one another, it’s really, I mean, about that legislation, all right? Where they’ve kind of watered it down a little bit because of our concerns. …It’s going to help us out in the long run and I met some very wonderful people from Charlestown  and Hopkinton and if these issues didn’t come up, I don’t think I would have met Councilor Davis, and she’s a wonderful person, Steven Stokes, from Charlestown, and that’s what I mean about bringing the humanization to politics.”

Long time Richmond resident Iva Lipton said,

“I think it’s a good idea too, but you don’t represent the town without telling the town, and I think that, Mike, you overstep in so many ways,” she said.

Former council President Nell Carpenter said she supported Colasante’s initiative.

“The start of something always begins somewhere, and this is the start, so I actually commend councilman Colasante for initiating this,” she said.

Trimmer asked councilors whether they would be interested in serving on the coalition.

Wilcox said she needed to know more about it before making a decision. Sheehan told her that the information had been provided that evening.

Wilcox replied,

“So, let’s take our time and see a nice mission statement and what the group’s going to be and formalize the group,” she said.

Colasante said he would provide more information on the coalition at the next council meeting.

“More issues will come up over time, and the town councils will decide what’s in the best interest of all three towns, because it’s the only way we’re going to do things as long all three towns – it benefits all three,” he said.

Trimmer said he wanted a consensus of council members and assurance that “the tri-town coalition doesn’t become a shadow council, or secondary legislative body.”

Trimmer also resisted urging from Davis that the council vote to approve the coalition and said he wanted to put the item on the agenda of the next council meeting.

Wilcox, the only Democrat on the council, said both parties should be represented on the coalition.

“There should be a couple of different party members from each town to make sure that it’s completely balanced,” she said.

“That was always my idea from the get-go,” Colasante replied. “That why we approached councilor Davis and Ms. [Deborah] Carney from Charlestown, who is also a Democrat”

Carney said Wednesday that she was incensed that her town had been mentioned as being part of the coalition, when she had not yet submitted the item as part of the council agenda.

Carney sent a written statement to the BRVCA which reads:

“I was not present at any of those so-called tri-town collaboration meetings. I have not met with Mike Geary, Sharon Davis, Michael Colasante, Helen Sheehan Kathryn Colasante or Clay Johnson. [Johnson is reported to have been present at the most recent meeting at Colasante’s home.]

I do not know what was discussed or decided at these meetings, as I was not present.”


Chariho Public Budget Hearing


The public hearing, required as part of the Chariho budget preparation process, took place in the auditorium of the Chariho Middle School. Despite a strong showing by both supporters and opponents of the 2023 budget, the room was only about half full.

Before the meeting began, budget opponents were offered orange T-shirts that read: “Another Forgotten Taxpayer.”

The discourse was polite, considering the deep divisions in the community that touch many aspects of life in the three towns, particularly the public school system.

Town Moderator Mark Reynolds allowed three minutes for each comment, although several residents spoke for much longer.

Several people said the rejection of the budget last year, which resulted in level funding for the current year, was already hurting the district’s eight schools and urged the approval of the new spending plan, which, at just over $57 million, is a 1.45% increase.

Some, like Hopkinton council member Sharon Davis and Hopkinton resident and former councilor Barbara Capalbo, said they supported the budget but suggested that the school district further reduce the fund balance.

Davis asked the School Committee to consider reducing the fund balance to 2% which would save the district $148,000. The current fund balance is 2.25%.

Capalbo agreed on a 2% fund balance.

“I think that’s a reasonable request from Sharon Davis and from some of you,” she said.

Several Chariho teachers and support staff said they were already having difficulty maintaining the same level of performance with a level funded budget and worried what would happen if there were more cuts.

One Charlestown resident who has two children at Chariho schools has also worked as a substitute teacher.

“I had absolutely no idea how incredibly difficult it was to work in schools until I went inside,” she said. “I’ve seen, just over the past four years, our staff being constantly asked to do more with less, and they do it. They do it every day, for these kids.”

Other residents said it was important to support public education, but others, including Sen. Elaine Morgan, (R-Dist. 34) said the increase, even at 1.45%, was more than the taxpayers in the three towns could bear.  

“We have the best school system in the state, but enough is enough,” she said. “We cannot pay any more.”

But Richmond resident Jeff Noble said any further erosion of the public school system would hurt the community.

“We’re falling behind,” he said. “Everyone else in the world is investing in their schools. Those nations wanting to complete with us are not sitting around whimpering about investing in the future for our kids or their kids. They’re going to be competitive, we’re going to end up not being competitive, and then what’s going to happen?”

One Chariho parent warned that if the schools declined, parents would send their children to out of the district schools, or move out altogether, which would in turn hurt home values.

Carney told the committee that she supported the proposed budget, as did Richmond councilor Samantha Wilcox.

Colasante repeated several statements, including another description of a “tri-town coalition” that does not include Charlestown.

“We have a tri-town collaboration that Richmond, Hopkinton and Charlestown are discussing right now, to support our state legislators,” he said.

One teacher said that instead of blaming the school district, the towns should be bringing in businesses to alleviate the burden on taxpayers.

Colasante noted that one of his challenges was fighting for businesses.

“What the heck have Hopkinton and Richmond been doing in promoting economic growth in the last one to two decades?” he said. “I agree with them 100%. I am fighting - all right? -  the conservation elite in Richmond. They don’t want any development.”

Voters will have the final say on the budget at an all-day referendum on April 4.

Richmond Planning Board Meeting for February 28th 2023

Board continues vineyard, mulls housing survey options


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

March 1st, 2023

RICHMOND – A public informational meeting on an application for a housing subdivision and vineyard was continued at Tuesday’s Planning Board meeting at the request of the developer.

Attorney Steven Surdut, representing the Punchbowl Development Corp. of Westerly, requested the continuance to allow his client to address concerns expressed by board members when they first heard the application last June.

Surdut said he would be ready to present the amended application at the board‘s second March meeting.

A site walk, which gave board members an opportunity to visit the property, took place on Feb. 18, but Surdut offered to organize a second site walk for recently - appointed members who have not visited the 9.47-acre site.

One of those new members, Daniel Ashworth, who was appointed at the last Town Council meeting, did not attend Tuesday’s Planning Board meeting, which would have been his first. Ashworth, a Pawtucket police sergeant, was working on Tuesday evening.

The second newly-appointed member, Kevin Stacey, was present at Tuesday’s meeting.


Housing Survey


Board members resumed their discussion, which began at the Jan. 10 meeting, of affordable housing and accessory dwelling units.

Town Planner Shaun Lacey recalled that at the January meeting, the board had learned of a housing survey of residents of the town of Old Saybrook, Connecticut.

“The board wanted to see other examples from other communities that have done similar surveying of its residents to gain more public opinion and understanding of what their housing goals and needs might be,” he said. “So, working with Bryce [board member Bryce Kelley] included with your packet materials tonight are two surveys on housing, from the towns of Little Compton and Warren, for you to review and consider.”

Lacey proposed that the board work with the town’s Affordable Housing Committee to draft a survey.

Board Vice President Dan Madnick said he favored a joint workshop, which would help determine the parameters and goals of the survey.

“What we really have to try to figure out in all these surveys is, how narrow or how broad we want to have this survey and what our goals are,” he said. “We’ve got the data. We’ve got very little rentals in Richmond, very little deeded affordable housing.”

Kelley, a research analyst at HousingWorks RI who also serves as the Planning Board’s liaison on the Affordable Housing Committee, proposed that the survey be framed as a housing needs survey.

“Getting a sense of what Richmond residents’ needs are in this day and age, as it pertains to housing, without drilling as deeply into deed restricted affordable housing,” he said.

It would be useful, Kelley added, to determine which Richmond residents are facing housing issues

“Are older adults experiencing housing trouble? Are kids having to leave because they can’t afford housing and there’s no rental stock? So, we really need to drill into those pockets,” he said.

Members then began a discussion of an issue that has vexed Richmond leaders for many years: creating more affordable housing in a rural town that lacks many municipal services, including public transportation.

Madnick wondered how the town could encourage the construction of more affordable housing.

“I’m not sure how we’re going to be able to guide development in that direction, or what mechanisms we have to do that,” he said.

Board President Philip Damicis said ordinances could be amended to encourage affordable housing construction.

“We have ordinances, regulations that we could change to incentivize people to develop differently,” he said.

But Damicis also made it clear that he would resist any initiatives that would alter Richmond’s rural character.

“Honestly, there’s a lot of people like myself that live in Richmond because we don’t want to live in North Kingstown,” he said. “I want to live in a rural area. I like the idea that I’ve got some acreage. I like the idea that we have 2,000 acres of open space. That’s why I moved here. That’s why I stayed here.”

Also attending the meeting was Town Council member Michael Colasante, who expressed his views on the housing issues facing the town. Each of Colasante’s assertions, however, was disputed by board members and Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth.

Consulting what appeared to be notes on his cell phone, Colasante said he had recently spoken with Paul Mihailides, the developer of the Preserve at Boulder Hills who also built the Fox Run condominiums on Jupiter Lane.

“There were two units put aside, and Paul mentioned to me not too long ago that there were people who didn’t even fit the income value to buy those units, and they were empty, the last time I talked to him about those low to moderate income units, and on top of that, not only were they not filled, bought, what ended up happening is, I don’t know if many people know this, but say, hypothetically, they were to buy that unit at $210,000, they cannot ever reap the benefit of the property value going up, so if they buy it for $210,000, if they live there for 10 years, they have to sell it for $210,000,” he said.

Ellsworth was quick to correct him.

“Mike, that’s not correct,” she said. “It doesn’t stay at the original price.”

“Well,” Colasante replied, “it doesn’t go up proportionately… A lot of times, those people are kind of stuck there.”

Kelley joined the discussion.

“That’s not really the spirit of those units, to make a windfall,” he said. “It’s giving those people who are in those income brackets the opportunity to own a home. I don’t think it’s necessarily directed at building wealth at the same appreciative value as the neighbors, per se. I think it’s to discourage flipping.”

Ellsworth said the the Fox Run units didn’t sell because the asking prices were too high.

“The problem is that Paul had priced them at the higher end of what he can charge, based on family incomes,” she said. “And people who are eligible to buy those are not going to buy those units when they can spend a little bit more and get a unit that’s not deed restricted. And Paul knows that’s what the problem is.”

Colasante then turned his attention to open space.

“We’re talking about affordable units and what not and not having enough units, another thing too is the Land Trust, they have over 12,000 acres in Richmond that is put aside,” he said.

This time, it was Madnick who pointed out the inaccuracy.

The Richmond Rural Preservation Land Trust, the board of the town, they have less than 600 acres,” he said.

Colasante replied that 12 housing units had been proposed for a property behind his house until the Land Trust swooped in a bought it.

“They went out and they bonded for $1.2 million to buy land in Richmond,” he said. “They took it off the tax roll, so those [sic]10 or 12 cluster development behind me never came to fruition because they bought it.”

Ellsworth again stepped in with a correction.

“Mike, that’s not what happened with that development,” she said, noting that the developers realized they would not be able to afford to develop the property, so they asked the Land Trust to purchase it.

“What’s your point?” an irritated Damicis asked Colasante.

“Well, they took 12 units off the tax roll here,” he said. “We’re talking about not having enough units here in Richmond for people to be able to come in here and buy, and another thing, when your cluster developments…”

Damicis broke in.

“I don’t want to sit and argue all night about this, but that 100 acres pretty much abuts De Coppet, [the estate now owned and preserved as green space by the state]. It’s a crucial conservation open space and it’s what we keep hearing overwhelmingly from the community here is that they … love the rural character of this town, and they value open space. They value conservation,” he said.

Colasante continued to argue his point, proposing a zoning policy that fell out of favor about 20 years ago.

“Instead of doing the cluster, you do the two acres, two and a half acres, that way, out of the whole development, the town would have garnished [sic] at least another $30,000 to $50,000 in property values and just because that house is a three bedroom compared to a two bedroom, it would just put the same amount of kids in the school system…”

Kelley broke in,

“That’s sprawl you’re dealing with as well, though,” he said. We want to limit sprawl as much as possible.”

Ellsworth added

“That two-acre zoning, we don’t allow anymore,” she said. “We don’t allow people to develop like that anymore. We do conservation developments.”

As Colasante continued to speak, Damicis interrupted him with a suggestion that he talk with Lacey about conservation development subdivisions and why the town encourages them.

“There’s a lot more to that that I think you’re not understanding, quite honestly,” he told Colasante, before ending the discussion.

Richmond Town Council Meeting Update for February 21, 2023

Councilor loses bid to scrap wellness director


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

February 22nd 2023

RICHMOND – Town Council member Helen Sheehan lost her bid at Tuesday’s meeting to eliminate the newly-created position of Wellness Director and allocate the American Rescue Plan Act funds to another initiative. 

The council also made two appointments – one to the Planning Board and the second to the Economic Development Commission, and granted an entertainment license to the organizer of food truck events.


The appointments


Daniel Ashworth, a Pawtucket police sergeant and neighbor of councilor Michael Colasante, was not appointed at the Feb. 9 meeting because he was not present, but his appointment was approved on Tuesday, with councilor Samantha Wilcox casting the only dissenting vote. (Council Vice President Richard Nassaney was absent.)

One concern regarding Ashworth’s appointment has been his connection to the largest developer in town, The Preserve, where he is a firearms instructor. Ashworth did not disclose his position at The Preserve on his application, nor did he reveal that connection until Wilcox asked him specifically about it.

“When I Googled your name, you came up as a trainer at The Preserve,” she said. “That’s not a position you’re paid for? You’re not an employee there?”

“No, I’m also there as well. I’m sorry,” Ashworth replied. “So, I am a firearms instructor there. I also do some transportation services, things like that, for The Preserve - it’s four hours a week, maybe hours a month. It’s very limited. It’s firearms training.”

Wilcox said she was concerned about an employee of The Preserve being so closely involved with the Planning Board. (It should be noted that three individuals connected to The Preserve made campaign contributions to Council President Mark Trimmer and Colasante. See the Jan. 3 story on the BRVCA website.)

Trimmer said he did not believe that Ashworth’s position at The Preserve was a problem.

“Honestly, if it were someone who worked in the planning office, management, marketing, etcetera, etcetera, I would probably shy away from it, but it’s such a minimal impact…I’m sure he would recuse himself from issues as such, and I think it would be a really good idea,” he said.

After the vote, Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth urged Ashworth to contact the Rhode Island Ethics Commission for advice on recusals.

“The first thing that Mr. Ashworth should do is contact the Ethics Commission and get an advisory opinion so that they can explain to him exactly what it is he needs to recuse himself from,” she said.


Louise Dinsmore, a frequent commentator at council and Chariho School Committee meetings, was appointed to the Economic Development Commission.

Reading from a prepared statement, Dinsmore said the commission needed a written directive from the council, prioritizing the rehabilitation of the largely vacant Chariho Plaza property on Route 138.

“I would strongly recommend that at your next council meeting, your council be specific in your words and go an important step further and put some teeth behind this priority,” she said. “At your next meeting, I really feel that the town council should adopt the specific priority of the development of the Chariho Plaza and direct the Town Manager [Administrator] and the Town Planner to be co-point persons in driving this priority forward. I would go a step further in suggesting that part of the performance evaluations of the Town Manager [Administrator] and the Town Planner include tangible steps that lead to conversations among the Chariho Plaza stakeholders, various town boards and commissions, to ensure the thoughtful development of the Chariho Plaza. Someone has to be held accountable to get this done.”

Dinsmore’s appointment to the commission was unanimously approved, however, her remarks about administrators being held accountable raised some eyebrows.

Town Administrator Karen Pinch pointed out, later in the meeting, that accountability for the success or failure of Chariho Plaza development initiatives was not included in either her or Town Planner Shaun Lacey’s job descriptions.

“It was something that was said earlier that I can’t let go,” Pinch said. “…  It’s a private entity. They will do what they want to do with their own property. Whether they develop that or not to the liking of the public has nothing to do with our performance. In fact, there is nothing in the Town Administrator job description that says anything about economic development.”

Lacey added,

“Not myself, not you as a council, not Louise, not anyone in this audience, nor in this room, can force a private property owner to build.”


The Wellness Director


After describing the services provided by agencies and organizations to Richmond residents, Sheehan repeated a proposal she made at the beginning of her tenure: abolish the newly-created position of Wellness Director and use the federal grant money elsewhere.

The position, which pays $75,000 per year and can be renewed or terminated after three years, was approved by the previous Town Council on the recommendation of the town’s Wellness Committee. Interviews are set to begin soon.

The Wellness Director would serve as a resource for residents needing social or medical services, but Sheehan said the position was unnecessary.

“The population of Richmond, as of July 1, 2022, was 8,165 people,” she said. “Of those, 1.9% or 122 people, lived in poverty. I think they’d be better served by connecting with agencies that have the ability to give them heat vouchers, pay their rent, give them food, get them into an education program if they’re appropriate for one. Why would we start over with someone when they’re already existing people who already have the training there? ... I feel as if any time you start a new bureaucracy, it never goes away, so I think we should not fund the Wellness Director, because there are so many agencies that can do the job so well.”

Wilcox reminded the council that representatives from several community agencies, including Wood River Health and Police Chief Elwood Johnson, had served on the Wellness Committee and had determined that there was a need for a Wellness Director.

“Two of the people that you mentioned, both the Executive Director of Wood River Health and the police, by way of Chief Johnson, were both on the Wellness Committee and still found that this is a need that the community has to support the town and support the staff,” she said.

Colasante weighed in with his argument, which, like Sheehan, he has made since before taking office; that the position will end up being permanent, adding to the tax burden.

“My question to everybody is, when does it stop? Because it’s a perpetuating problem that just keeps going. Like Ronald Reagan said, ‘government is not the solution. Government is the problem,’” he said.

“On that, I have an answer for you,” Wilcox countered. “It stops after three years. … And I don’t agree that it’s a duplication of services and we can go back and forth on that all day, because there’s a need that Chief Johnson and the Director of Wood River Health found. They’re in the business, they know what they’re doing, and it’s not duplication.”

Several members of the public, some of whom had served on the Wellness Committee, said they supported the director position, and Trimmer agreed. So did Chief Johnson, who said it was difficult to navigate the many agencies who themselves had frequent staff turnover.

“Familiarity. Networking. Professional relationships you develop are how you get things done,” he said. “If you hire a competent person that knows what they’re doing, they’ve been vetted by the people that you put in charge of doing that, I think you’ll have success in at least facilitating somebody with a resource that they need.”

After hearing the opposition to her proposal, Sheehan declined to make a motion to eliminate the position, so Colasante moved to eliminate it and the motion failed.


A tri-town collaboration?


Colasante announced that he had been to a meeting last week with representatives from Hopkinton and Charlestown to discuss state education and other mandates and how to keep control with the towns.

“These other towns, like us, are in the same predicament, and it’s good to work with these towns without the bureaucratic red tape because again, keeping it local, local town councils working together, is stronger than any state organization that is given to us to try and coordinate us,” he said. “The other towns know of this and they were very excited to hear that we were getting this started.”

Trimmer said he hoped the coalition was not a political strategy.

Colasante replied that it was not.

“At that first meeting, we had Democrats, Independents and Republicans at the meeting and everybody was in sync with one another and nobody really cared what the heck the letter was at the end of their name,” he said.

Contacted Wednesday, Charlestown Town Council President Deborah Carney said she had not attended the meeting, and had no knowledge of the tri town coalition, nor had a senior Hopkinton administrator, also contacted on Wednesday.


Food Trucks to return


The council approved an outdoor entertainment license for P&EE Consulting Inc., which operates “PVD Food Truck Events.”

This year, the events will take place in the parking lot of Pasquale Farms at 421 Kingstown Road, the site of the former John and Cindy’s Harvest Acres Farm.

Council members agreed that unlike the former site, near the Town Hall, there would be more parking and fewer traffic safety concerns at Pasquale Farms.

Is Chariho’s Per Pupil Cost Really That High?

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

February 17th 2023


RICHMOND – At the Feb. 7 meeting of the Chariho School Committee, newly-appointed Richmond member, Clay Johnson voted against adopting the Fiscal Year 2024 budget.

Johnson cited the cost per pupil as one of the most important factors to consider in evaluating the proposed budget.

“There’s been a lot of focus on percentage increase, and I think that’s the wrong way to look at budgets,” he said. “When we look at the Uniform Charter of Accounts, that’s a way to compare budgets across the state, and nowhere on there is a comparison with a percent increase. So, there’s two important factors for schools. One is the academic performance and second is efficiency in how we’re spending our money, and when we look at the best-performing school districts in the state, they’re performing efficiently, at a much lower rate per pupil.”

Johnson pointed to the Barrington and East Greenwich school districts as examples of high-performing districts with lower costs.

“That’s the key way to look at budgets and in the private sector, you look at benchmarking, and I would recommend benchmarking against the best in the state, and those are East Greenwich and Barrington right now, from an academic standpoint,” he said. “If we look at their per pupil rate and applied it to Chariho, we’d be spending six to eight million dollars less in this district. So, what I would recommend, as we start to look at our budget for next year is, we start to look at what those districts are doing, how they’re allocating for these budgets and setting limits and caps on these line items so we’re not just guessing where we’re going to end up on each line item, and padding each line item and having to go through the budget and pull the padding out to get where we want to go.”


The per-pupil numbers


A chart on the Rhode Island Department of Education’s website provides a complete list of all the public school districts in the state and each district’s cost per pupil.

The most recent document, released in 2021, confirms what Johnson stated; Barrington and East Greenwich do indeed have lower costs per pupil - $16,551 and $16,841 respectively. (They are not the lowest in the state. Cumberland’s cost is $14,998.)

Rhode Island’s four regional school districts are grouped together on the chart, and Chariho, which is considered a high-performing district, fared well, with the second-lowest cost per pupil, $19,083. Foster-Glocester was the lowest, $19,061, Bristol-Warren had the second-highest cost, $19,321, and the highest cost per pupil was the Exeter-West Greenwich Regional School District, at $21,042.

It should also be noted that Westerly’s cost per pupil is higher than Chariho’s, at $24,510.

“I think that there is this misconception that we are very expensive in all areas at Chariho and that’s just not the case,” School Committee Chair Catherine Giusti said. “Our teachers are not the highest paid in the state. We do not pay the highest sub [substitute teacher] rates in the state, and our per pupil cost is not the highest in the state at all. I think that people are quick to throw out information that will get the taxpayers’ backs up, and I think that there are people who are very skilled at giving only part of the picture, and I think that’s what we are seeing now, is people who are giving part of the answer and hoping to upset people. I can’t think of any other reason. We have members of the school committee who have been very clear that their goal is to level-fund this budget again. They feel that it is the only avenue that they have to show their displeasure with Chariho which is unfortunate, because I think consistently under-funding a consistently high-performing school district is not the way to get anything accomplished.”


Different demographics


The regional school districts comprise larger geographic areas and several schools. Three of the four regional districts have six schools apiece, and Chariho has eight schools.

Chariho Superintendent of Schools Gina Picard and Director of Finance and Administration Ned Draper pointed to disparities between the demographics of the Barrington and Chariho districts, which make it difficult to compare the two.

“He used Barrington as an example,” Picard said, referring to Johnson. “When you look at Barrington, the average median income in Barrington is what – about $125,000?”

The most recent Census data show the median household income in Barrington is even higher, $130,455.

Incomes in the three Chariho towns are lower. In 2022, Richmond’s median household income was $100,493, Charlestown’s was $86,023 and Hopkinton’s was $87,712.

Draper also noted that the North Kingstown School District was more comparable to Chariho in terms of the geographic area covered.

“They’ve got a lot of land mass, so Chariho and North Kingstown share some interesting similarities in that regard,” he said. “Same thing with Exeter-West Greenwich. In terms of size, we’re a little closer to NK, too.”

The budget that the School Committee adopted at the most recent meeting is $63.5 million, a 1.45% increase. The committee still has time, until March 14, to make changes to the spending plan.

Last year, voters in Richmond and Hopkinton rejected the proposed budget twice, and with only Charlestown residents approving it, the district was level-funded.

There are efforts currently underway to ensure that voters reject the budget again.

Johnson has launched a political action committee “Chariho Forgotten Taxpayers,” and is seeking members - and donors - to oppose the budget. The PAC was registered with the Rhode Island Board of Elections in January, around the same time the Town Council appointed him to the School Committee.

“We are looking for support now to prepare for a school budget fight in April,” the message on the PAC’s website states. 

In a recent letter to the editor, posted on the same website, Richmond Republican Louise Dinsmore blamed Chariho teacher contracts for “unsustainable” costs.

“Contrary to the rhetoric and propaganda pushed by the ‘Friends of Chariho’ in the community, I am not out to ‘destroy the schools’,” she wrote. “I realize that a strong community = strong schools.  That's why I moved here in the first place.  But we can't just sit by while the NEA [union] shark negotiators for the teachers force our community to pay bills that are unsustainable.” 

Picard said she remained hopeful that this year, the budget would be approved, but she admitted she was concerned.

“My hope is that we can continue to share the information that shows the parents and the taxpayers the investment that we’ve made in education, and that the cost of education in general has increased, just like everybody else’s household budget, but I think we do a good job of providing a high - quality program for our kids,” she said. “With that said, we recognize there’s a balance. Are we concerned that the budget will not pass? I think there’s always a concern.”

Richmond Town Council Meeting Update for February 9th 2023

Council gets down to (some) business


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

February 10, 2023

RICHMOND – While they are still divided on some issues, the five members of the Town Council were able to get through their agenda at Thursday’s meeting. The meeting was re-scheduled from Tuesday, when an overflow crowd in the council chambers forced the postponement.

The meeting began with an announcement from council President Mark Trimmer that the public forum would be moved to the end of the meeting.

“The last time, we had it, it took up most of the meeting and we had to shut down,” he said. “It stopped us from doing the business. We had people to hire, we had bills to pay.”

Councilor Samantha Wilcox said she opposed moving the forum.

“It was one of the first things we did as a group, moving it to the front, because everyone felt that public input was really important and valued.”

The motion to move the forum to the end passed, with Wilcox and council Vice President Richard Nassaney opposed.


Municipal budget


Finance Director Laura Kenyon proposed, and the council approved, several dates for municipal budget workshops.

The April 4 council meeting, which would have been on the same day as the all-day Chariho schools budget referendum,  was re-scheduled to April 5.

Budget workshops were scheduled for April 5 and April 10, and there will be two public budget hearings, on April 18 and May 2. The all-day budget referendum will take place on June 5.

Information on the dates and times of budget workshops and hearings is available on the town website.




The council considered applications for appointments to several boards and commissions, including the Economic Development Commission and the Planning Board.

There are two vacancies on the Planning Board. Four residents submitted applications: Josh Comerford, Raymond Pouliot, Kevin Stacey and Daniel Ashforth.

Comerford, who has served on several board and commissions, withdrew his application. Pouliot, a retired post master who applied to several boards, was appointed to the Economic Development Commission. Stacey, who works in the communications department at the University of Rhode Island, was appointed to the Planning Board.  

Ashforth was not present at the meeting, but despite his absence, Colasante, who in the past has insisted on meeting candidates in person before voting on their appointments, said he supported Ashforth’s appointment and would be willing to postpone the vote until he could be present.

Nassaney disagreed.

“Any other time, when someone’s not here at the meetings…and the people who do show up are here, it’s disrespectful to any of the people that are here that showed up to be appointed to that position – any position, so you have two people that are here: Mr. Pouliot and Mr. Stacey,” he said. “Both of them could fill any one of those positions. You just heard Mr. Stacey speak very eloquently. Mr. Pouliot spoke eloquently. He’d be willing to be on any of these boards. Why would you hold up? If Mr. Ashworth wants to be the second position, fine, but why would you hold up tonight’s vote?”

Colasante said he had known Ashworth for several years and wanted to hold open one of the Planning Board positions for him. In the meantime, he made a motion, which was defeated in a four-to-one vote, to nominate Pouliot to the Planning Board.

Nassaney made a motion to nominate Stacey to the Planning Board, which passed with only Colasante opposed.

A single open Planning Board seat remains to be filled, but  there are questions regarding Ashworth’s suitability for the position.

A member of the Pawtucket Police Force, Ashworth also works as a firearms instructor at the Preserve. That association would require Ashworth to recuse himself from matters relating to The Preserve, which appears often before the Planning Board.


Council goals


Helen Sheehan presented a list of goals that she would work to achieve as a council member.

“What I wanted was for each of us to talk about what we wanted to achieve in the next two years,” she said.

Sheehan’s overall goal is economic development, which would include the repurposing of the derelict Chariho Plaza and creating more affordable housing.

“I would like for us to get credit for affordable housing that we already have in the town so that we wouldn’t have so far to go to get to the 10% [the affordable housing goal set by the state],” she said. “In conjunction this goal, we can get together as a group and think about doing something with Chariho Plaza. We could put in a 62+ housing facility that could take care of some of affordable housing numbers and not increase the number of children in the schools.”

Colasante said he would present his goals at the next meeting.

Wilcox agreed with the need to create more affordable housing, and rehabilitating the Wyoming corridor. Her additional goals are transparency in town government, increasing housing for seniors and broadening access to health care.

Nassaney said his goal was to have council members work together for residents.

“If the five of us can work together to actually get work done without small time bickering, we can actually get something done,” he said.

Trimmer’s goals also include affordable housing and economic development, and reducing the property tax burden.

“I really, really want to stop bickering, and what I’d love is for five people to find some common ground, work together and get it done,” he said.

Trimmer also introduced a proposal for an “enterprise zone,” which would offer incentives to upgrade neglected commercial properties, and a second initiative, which would create an “urban blight” zone.

“We have blight right here in town,” he said. “It reminds me of West Warwick and the Arctic section of West Warwick in the ‘70s, where we have a rundown, unoccupied shopping center. We really need to do something with it. It makes our town look hideous. It stops other people from locating here and developing here. It’s just, kind of, almost an embarrassment. I’d like to find some way to incentivize the landlords and owners of that property to upgrade it in such a way that it makes our town proud.”


Public Forum


The crowd that had packed the council chambers forcing the adjournment of Tuesday’s meeting did not materialize at the rescheduled meeting on Thursday. However, despite the talk of overcoming ideological differences and working together, hackles were quickly raised once more during the public forum.

Laurie Barrett, a spokeswoman for the group, Parents United RI, who does not reside in Richmond and was participating remotely, said her group supported the council’s hiring of attorney Joseph Larisa, and then listed several issues that her group has “under investigation.”

“The legal fees and apparently unconfirmed representation of the Chariho Regional School Committee by Jon Anderson, who, by the way is more expensive than Joe Larisa,” she said.

Barrett warned the council that her group would be submitting public records requests relating to Town Moderator Mark Reynolds.

(The complete story of the hiring of Larisa can be found in the Jan. 24 story on

Reynolds had strong objections to the council’s paying Clay Johnson’s legal fees and engaged in a verbal skirmish with Colasante, in which he pointed out that Colasante had not revealed his council goals.

“It was very disappointing that councilor Colasante did not contribute to the discussion that Ms. Sheehan brought to the table,” he said. “All of the members of the council were discussing their goals. He couldn’t be bothered to do his homework, basically.”

Resident Cynthia Reiser said she would not accept the council’s appointment of Clay Johnson to the Chariho School Committee after Jessica Purcell, who is challenging the appointment in court, had come less than 30 votes from winning the seat.

“We voted, and three of you, in your ultimate wisdom, said ‘you’re wrong – you did say it through your actions – you’re wrong. You voted for the wrong person. We don’t want that person. We found a way we can have a loophole, and we’re going to vote and we hope it goes our way but meantime, we’re using taxpayers’ money to defend the town. I was disenfranchised. Over 1,400 people were disenfranchised in your actions.

“Id like you to answer why you think you know betterthan we do.

Trimmer responded,

“It’s up to the courts to decide.”

Reiser replied,

“Well, it is,” and it’ll be very interesting and if it doesn’t go the way I hope it does, I certainly hope there’s a recall, that there’s a way to say ‘some people elected you. Great. But we elected Purcell and you didn’t care.”

Richmond Town Council Meeting Update for February 7th 2023

Overflow Crowd Prompts Another Council Meeting Postponement


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

February 8th 2023


RICHMOND – Once again, angry residents packed the Town Council chambers and forced the adjournment of the Tuesday February 7th council meeting. With more than 60 people packing a room with a maximum capacity of 52, the council was required to adjourn the meeting, as it had adjourned the Jan. 17 council meeting - for the same reason.

It is likely that opponents of the council had planned to pack the meeting, however, reached Wednesday, council President Mark Trimmer said he believed that many of the residents in the council chambers had come to support Jordan Carlson, the owner of a dirt bike track who is involved in a legal dispute with the town. Carlson was on the agenda for the executive session which follows the council meeting but is not open to the public.

“The Democrats that packed in early on to express their anger and so on, in a rather uncivil fashion, they didn’t themselves present enough to overwhelm the system, but unfortunately, when the dirt bikers arrived, we had to shut things down,” he said.

A new council meeting has been scheduled for Thursday at 7 p.m. Additional space will be available upstairs in the Town Hall to accommodate an overflow crowd, should there be one.




The Residents Vent


A couple of agenda items, such as a public hearing on changes to the ordinance pertaining to the Emergency Management Director were heard. However, the remainder of the meeting, which ended after just 35 minutes as more residents arrived, consisted of the public forum.

Some residents remain angry about the council’s failure to reappoint Nancy Hess to the Planning Board. Others are angry about the council’s appointment of Clay Johnson, rather than Jessica Purcell, to the Chariho School Committee.

Tensions were further inflamed when Trimmer, with councilors Michael Colasante and Helen Sheehan, erected a large sign next to the town’s busiest road, calling themselves the “Gang of Three” and reminding residents that they had promised that “it wasn’t going to be business as usual.”

Trimmer said the sign, installed on Jan. 28 next to a package store in Wyoming, was in retaliation for a letter to the editor by Kristen Chambers, in which she called the three councilors “the Gang of Three,” invoking China’s infamous “Gang of Four.”

“Slanderous comments, calling people criminals, thugs, and comparing them to the Gang of Four, that were responsible for 10 million deaths, isn’t the way you get compromise,” he said.

Contacted Wednesday, Chambers said,

“I’m like ‘wait a minute. What are they calling me out for? They’re the ones who took the name and ran with it, on a giant sign,’ and they also tied it in with that I’m on the Richmond Democratic Town Committee, which I already in a different letter said ‘I’m not writing for the Democratic Town Committee.’ So, I felt like I just had to get up and say, you know, ‘I wrote the letter. I wrote it on my own behalf, and you’re the ones who used it on your sign.’”

Town officials, including zoning official Josh Jordan, received complaints about the sign, which, as it turned out, had been installed without the necessary permit. It was subsequently removed, by Trimmer and Colasante, about a week later, on Feb. 5.

At Tuesday’s council meeting, resident Joyce Flanagan derided the three councilors for failing to obtain a permit before they put up the sign.

“You paid for and condoned the installation of the large sign in Wyoming,” she said. “We all know it’s not there anymore. Here is my question: are you really so uninformed and uninterested in following procedures that you never applied for a sign permit?”

Trimmer replied that he had not personally installed the sign and had not applied for a permit.

Former council President and Democratic Town Committee Chair, Joseph Reddish, reminded council members that they had sworn to represent the interests of all the members of the community.

“No matter how pissed off you are, how you feel you’ve been attacked, [you] always have to address the individuals behind me and the ones that are not in this room right now with respect,” he said. “Each of you are elected officials. You’re to be at a higher standard. So, I encourage you, step back, think about what you’re saying. You can’t be defensive.”

Trimmer said later that Reddish’s comments had struck a chord with him.

“His comments were sobering, and I hope that the Democrats, under the party he is chairman of, listen to those words and temper their words as well,” he said.


The Hiring of Joseph Larisa


Attorney Mark Reynolds, who chairs the town’s Board of Tax Assessment Review and ran unsuccessfully for a council seat in the last election, brought up the issue of the council’s approval, at a special council meeting on Jan. 25, of the hiring of attorney Joseph Larisa to represent the town in the Rhode Island Supreme Court case involving Jessica Purcell.

“The terms of the contract with that attorney were not disclosed at that meeting and I’d like to know what the terms of that contract with attorney Larisa are,” Reynolds said.

Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth said Larisa would be charging the town an hourly rate of $225. Reynolds asked how Larisa’s rate compared to those charged by other outside attorneys, and

Ellsworth said Larisa would be paid more than outside attorneys hired to represent the town in tax appeals cases, and also considerably more than the rate she herself was paid.

“It’s certainly higher than the hourly rate that I get,” she said.

“How much higher?” Reynolds asked.

“I get $120 an hour,” Ellsworth said.

Reynolds also noted that the council had not issued a request for proposals for the position, but had simply hired Larisa, without public scrutiny, at the higher hourly rate.


Thursday’s Meeting


Council Vice President Richard Nassaney did not attend Tuesday’s meeting, but councilor Samantha Wilcox said on Wednesday that she hoped the council would be able to get its work done when it meets again on Thursday.

“I think people are upset about different things, and they’re all coming together for that reason,” she said.

Trimmer said he had seen indications that residents were prepared to put their politics aside and work together.

“I had three Democrats who were at the meeting complaining last night contact me within the last 12 hours and we had civil, reasonable, intelligent, adult conversations that in no way impugned anybody,” he said. “It’s absolutely possible, but the people throwing the rocks and telling us not to throw rocks have got to stop throwing the rocks.”

Potts Foundation kicks off new campaign - February 4th 2023

By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

February 4th 2023


RICHMOND – Fundraising for the Maddie Potts Memorial Field House was a challenge made even more daunting by the chaos and delays caused by the pandemic.

After taking a break, Stephanie, Dan and Julia Potts and Maddie Potts Foundation Treasurer, Melissa DeJoseph, recently launched a new campaign to raise money for scholarships and local projects.

Stephanie Potts said she and her family needed time to recover from the pressure of raising money for the field house.

“That recovery’s actually taken a lot longer than I expected, and just kind of re-focusing,” she said. “I felt I needed to let our foundation board and our friends kind of recover from that, because they’d given everything they had to give.”


Stephanie and Dan Potts’s 17-year-old daughter, Madeline, was captain of the Chariho soccer team when she collapsed on the field from an asymptomatic brain aneurism. Maddie later died, on Sept. 24, 2017, at Hasbro Children’s Hospital.

The sudden death of the popular student athlete drove the Chariho community into mourning. Determined to create something good from the tragedy, the Potts family started the Maddie Potts Foundation and began raising money for scholarships for Chariho students and a new field house for the Chariho campus. The Maddie Potts Memorial Field House was officially dedicated last August.


Back to basics


The Maddie Potts Foundation board met in November - the first meeting in the new fieldhouse.

“We had our first board meeting there, and it was just a whole different feeling and atmosphere and to me, it really empowered us to continue to find ways to give back even more,” Potts said. “…I felt that we all needed to take time and be reminded that we’re here because of a monumental loss that has affected thousands of people and five years later, still does.”


With the field house open and paid for, DeJoseph explained that the foundation board will now broaden its donation focus.

“I think the field house was so huge, but I think we’re almost kind of like ‘what now?’” she said. “We all have so many ideas and of course, we wish we could just help everybody and do everything, but I think it’s important, too, to get back to the smaller things – not that scholarships are small, but compared to a $2 million fieldhouse, it’s smaller. So, I think that’s why we talked about expanding the scholarship program and expanding the donations to Unified Athletics, to local schools and also increasing the donations and the supply drives for the local animal shelters and the local food pantries. So, we’re getting back to basics.”

(The fieldhouse is valued at $2 million but donations of goods and services from contractors reduced the actual cost of construction to $1,258,696.11.)


Organized by DeJoseph and now in its second year, the  Jail and Bail campaign has already raised more than $3,000 of the $111,000 goal. (Maddie’s team jersey was Number 11.)

“The whole reason we did ‘Jail and Bail’ again is because it was so incredibly successful last year as an inaugural event for us. She raised over $25,000,” Potts said.

Donations can be made to the general campaign, or to a specific “prisoner,” a participating volunteer from the community.

The funds will go towards scholarships, which, in addition to Chariho students, will now be awarded to students in South Kingstown, Middletown and Narragansett. The foundation will also raise funds for the Westerly and South Kingstown Jonnycake Centers and RICAN, and collect food and supplies for the Westerly animal shelter and the Charlestown animal shelter.

Potts said the foundation was also in the early stages of discussing a possible program with Hasbro Children’s Hospital.

“We’re trying to increase awareness even further of brain aneurism, and Hasbro has reached out to me on a number of occasions, so we are trying to figure out how we can help with their needs – very early talks, but we’re trying to figure that out,” she said.

The time off after the dedication of the field house has given the foundation leadership a much-needed energy boost.

“I’m hopeful that that re-group will allow us to come back even stronger and do more diversified good,” Potts said. “You know, this isn’t just about athletics. This is about all the things that were valuable to Maddie as far as art, and, just, community and animals and the elderly, and she just supported every single underdog in every way, and that’s the intention of the foundation.”

Richmond Councilors Double Down with Sign - January 29th 2023


Richmond Councilors Double Down with Sign


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

January 29th, 2023

RICHMOND –Richmond residents hoping to get a weekend break from the recent political skirmishes that have roiled their town were confronted with a large sign that went up on Saturday next to the package store in Wyoming.

The sign is a jab at Democrat Kristen Chambers, who, in a Jan. 22 letter to the editor to The Westerly Sun, described Town Council President Mark Trimmer and councilors Helen Sheehan and Michael Colasante as a “Gang of Three” for their support of conservative activist Clay Johnson over Jessica Purcell for a vacant Chariho School Committee seat.

The Richmond Home Rule Charter states that the council should choose the next highest vote-getter for the seat, but Trimmer, Sheehan and Colasante have said that the Chariho Act, as state law, supersedes the town charter – which was also ratified by the state.

Purcell and the town have both hired attorneys, Jeffrey Levy for Purcell and Joseph Larisa for the town, to argue their cases before the Rhode Island Supreme Court.  

(Please see the Jan. 24 story on the BRVCA website.)


The sign, featuring a large photograph of Trimmer, Sheehan and Colasante, reads: “’Gang of 3’ Proudly representing the TAXPAYER! Stand with us, Richmond. We told you it wasn’t going to be business as usual.” 

Reached Saturday, Trimmer said the sign had been a response to recent suggestions that the councilors should be recalled.

“There have been multiple sources within the town’s Democratic party that talked about a recall for the Gang of Three,” he said. “In many cases, we’re doing what’s best for the town, and a lot of this has been given nefarious undertones. It’s not. So, we were quoting the Democrat, Kristen Chambers, and the others that have made these statements. We were following the Chariho Act regarding the appointment. The Court should bear [that] out in the end, and I think that we’ll be validated in the end by the Rhode Island Supreme Court.”

Asked who had come up with the idea for the sign, Trimmer said,

“I don’t know. I think we just talked about it and it kind of organically came up. I didn’t like the term ‘Gang of Three,’ because I studied history and the term is a negative, Communist term.”

The sign was paid for by the three council members.

“I think each of us paid $47 apiece,” Trimmer said. “I think I had $42 left in my campaign account. Mike and Helen had a little bit more, and we’re each chipping in and we’re paying for it, because we’re expecting the recall. We can’t just disagree or not agree all the time. We have to go to extremes.”

Democratic Town Committee Chairman Joseph Reddish was seeing the sign for the first time when contacted by BRVCA on Saturday evening.

Reddish said the current situation in the town stemmed from the appointment of Johnson, which amounted to disenfranchisement.

“Taking away the voters’ rights to selection is what they’ve done,” he said. “This is not ‘business as usual’. They disenfranchised the voters, is what they did.”

Chambers said she found the new sign shocking.

“Shame on them for their lack of shame,” she said. “They used that term because I used it in a letter to the editor so my friend sent it to me and I said ‘hmm, maybe I used it the wrong way.’ But I looked up ‘gang’ and the definition of gang is an organized group of criminals, so I did use it the right way.”

Reddish said he does not believe the town is divided over the school committee issue, but he stressed that not enough moderate – leaning residents took the time to vote and express their views.

“What’s taken place is, yes, they [the Republicans] got out the vote of a select group of people,” he said. “If you look at the percentage of voters, 31% of the voters voted. That is not a representation of the opinion of the Town of Richmond.

…People can’t be passive. They have to be engaged.”

Trimmer still hopes that both sides will be able to cooperate for the good of the town.

“The two extremes, left and right, can’t coexist,” he said. “Somebody has to move a little bit. That’s how I feel. I’m hoping that I can convince the two edges of the spectrum to kind of edge towards the center and we can get some things done.”

But Chambers said she felt that the sign had exacerbated the divisions.

“It’s like a slap in the face, not just to Democrats but to Richmond residents. They’re proud of everything that they’re doing that people are getting angry about,” she said.

Work Progresses at Shannock Village - January 28th, 2023

​By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

January 28th, 2023

RICHMOND – After decades of neglect, the center of Shannock Village is now being cleaned up and brought back to life.

Listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1983, the village contains important examples of mid-19th Century Greek revival architecture, including homes built for the mill owners, George H. Clark and his son, George P. Clark. 

Bordered by the Pawcatuck River and known for the iconic Horseshoe Falls dam, the village spread across the river into Charlestown back when the mill, the Columbia Narrow Fabrics Company, expanded. 

The Clarks sold the mills in 1964 and the Columbia Narrow Fabrics mill closed in 1968.


The Shannock Mill Project


The goals of the Shannock Mill Project are ambitious: clean up and repurpose the site, and redevelop the property, which is just under three acres, as mixed - use.

The man behind the Shannock Mill revitalization is the property owner, Jeffrey Marlowe, who, in 2020, received $235,280 from the Brownfield and Economic Development Fund of the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management. An earlier grant of $429,000, also from RIDEM’s Brownfield and Economic Development program, was already in place to fund the initial remediation work.

In addition to the former mill property, Marlowe owns three nearby buildings. He is also planning to open a café in one of the buildings.

“Nothing fancy,” he said of the café. “We want to use locally grown and milled grains keeping either a flatbread or pizza as our base, it’s possible to do a decent job with a small staff making the dough in-house so that it’s something special – high hydration using a natural leavening that results from a sourdough starter.”

Marlowe lives in Newport, but at one time, he lived in one of the houses that overlook the mill property and he still appreciates the historic qualities of the village.

“I bought some property here in the late ‘80s,” he said. “I was working for a company in Hope Valley and I was living in Newport at the time. I had a junk car, a cheap car, I was in my 20s, and so I needed a place that I could be a little closer to my work in Hope Valley and there was a cheap rental here in the village and I found it and I moved in.  About the same time there was a couple of properties for sale down the street.”

Marlowe bought those properties and began rehabbing them.

“…It was a real homesteading mentality here in the village,” he recalled. “People were buying property. It was cheaper than anywhere else in the area, but you had to manage a water system and everything else that went along with that, and the sense of community was really something special. We were trying to keep this whole thing up and going, keeping a water system that was completely put together with plastic well pipe, galvanized steel pipe and some copper tubing. Every time the water pressure would be turned up so people with second floor showers could get some pressure, we’d blow out another leak. Neighbors would have to run around, figure it out, and the sense of community that was developed during that stage was something that I’ve never seen or felt anywhere else.”

The first step in re-developing the village was modernizing the water system, and in 2013, under the guidance of Geoffrey Marchant, the Director of the Community Development Consortium at the time, the Shannock Water District completed a new, $1.7 million water system.

Marlowe purchased the mill property at the center of the village in the spring of 2020. He didn’t know then what he would do with the parcel, but he believed the time was right to get the remediation started.

“I was frustrated nothing was happening with the site, and I was concerned that if DEM reallocated this funding, it would tarnish the community’s standing for any future remediation funding and we’d be stuck with this hole in the middle of the village a site that would remain contaminated and unusable.”

Unfortunately, after sitting vacant for 50 years, the mill building, and several adjacent structures, could not be saved.

“Our history in the village is, we’ve tried to save these structures as much as we could, because an existing building is always the greenest one, but in this case, there wasn’t much savable about them,” he said. “The exterior masonry walls had extensive water damage and if we had tried to reinforce the walls, it would have been like building a new building inside an old one.”

In addition to taking down the crumbling buildings, the team had to remove all the trash that had been dumped on the property; refrigerators, couches, underground storage tanks and 125 tires.

Soil remediation work was the first task to be initiated. Some of the soil had been contaminated with oil, so that had to be dug up and removed. The remaining contaminated soil is scheduled for removal this spring.

The next challenge involved finding a contractor to remove the asbestos and demolish the building ruins.

“The actual physical work takes a matter of days, but the paperwork to get everything in order for the asbestos abatement approval and the demolition permits, those just take months and months,” Marlowe said.

Once the site has been cleared and remediated, Marlowe is proposing to build homes and two commercial spaces.

“Our goal is to create something special right here in the middle of the village,” he said. “And this is what is so common with brownfield sites. Typically, they’re located in important areas. They’re in the center of town or on a waterfront or in this case both. And if you can get them cleaned up and repurposed, they can really have a positive effect on the surrounding community.”

The plan calls for workforce housing, with public, riverfront access. Of the 14 planned housing units, four will be deeded affordable, but Marlowe said even the market-priced units will be reasonably priced.

“What’s needed most in South County is that ‘missing middle,’” he said. “The missing middle is duplexes, maybe townhouses, small cottages, bungalows in the 1,200-square foot range that are still affordable.”

Green space and “village scale” businesses are also planned. Commercial spaces would include small retail and arts and crafts production studios and a coffee shop. The green space would provide public access to the river, and the plans include a pedestrian bridge that would link both sides of the village.

Marlowe has not yet appeared before the Richmond Planning Board, however, Town Planner Shaun Lacey said the town would be considering a comprehensive permit, which requires that 25 % of the housing units on the property be deeded affordable – something the proposed plan already includes.

“Comprehensive permits would need to set aside a minimum of 25% the total number of units to be designated as affordable,” he said. “The remainder of the units themselves would be market rate. I think it is interesting, and maybe notable, to mention that all the units in their entirety, especially the large buildings, they’re not especially large dwelling units individually, so I think Jeff’s belief is that even a market rate home in Shannock Village, would, I think, lend itself to a great starter home opportunity for new home-buyers that live in the region.”

The project has also received support from the Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Association, which, in 2013, built a fish ladder to allow migratory fish to pass over the dam.

WPWA Executive Director Christopher Fox said his experience working in the village had convinced him that its revitalization, while worthwhile, is a complex, long term project.

“Something’s always getting started, work is always being done,” he said. “It’s usually at a slow pace, because of funding, but always continues to push forward. …My understanding is, a handful of people who live in and love the village looked at the whole big picture of the village and said, ‘this is all the things that need to happen to bring this village back to the heart of the community that it once was’.”

What began with Geoffrey Marchant putting together the funding for the water supply has continued to grow with Marlowe’s vision.

“One of the things I really love about the village of Shannock’s overall revitalization is that you have different people championing different aspects of bringing that village back to a gold standard of a revitalized industrial village that could have just completely fallen apart,” Fox said.

Marlowe and the town are currently considering options for a road through the mill property.

“The town of Richmond would like to see the re-development  include a drive-through,” he said. “In other words, you would come in maybe right across from North Road and then drive through, versus a cul de sac.”

Amtrak owns the land that would be necessary for the construction of a drive-through. Lacey said he and Marlowe had agreed that the ideal solution would be a second point of access, which would require agreement from Amtrak.

“Considering the proposal and the design concept and the site layout that was presented, two points of access, certainly in my mind, would better serve the site,” he said.

Fox said he respected Marlowe for persisting with his project and overcoming state and municipal roadblocks.

“Any profiteer would have given up long ago,” he said. “It’s just that history is a clear indication that he’s doing this because of his love of the village, not because of his love of the almighty dollar.”

Jeffrey Marlowe at the Shannock Village site.

Richmond School Committee Meeting Update for January 24th 2023


Plenty of Discussion, But Not Budget Cuts at Chariho Budget Workshop


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA

RICHMOND – With continued controversy over the appointment of Clay Johnson to fill the vacant Richmond seat on the Chariho School Committee, many of the 50 or so residents who came to the middle school auditorium on Tuesday were eager to express their opinions on the issue, even though the meeting was advertised as a budget workshop.

After Board Chair Catherine Giusti opened a public comment period, more than an hour was taken by people telling school committee members, and Chariho solicitor Jon Anderson, how they felt about the district’s initial resistance to seat Johnson, who was appointed by a majority of Richmond Town Council members on Jan. 19. Jessica Purcell, a Democrat received the second-highest number of votes, losing by a margin of just 27.

Supporters of Johnson’s appointment have argued that the district must follow the Chariho Act, which requires council members to vote for a replacement for a school committee seat. The town’s Home Rule Charter states that the council should select the committee replacement with the next-greatest number of votes.

While Johnson supporters, including three of the five Richmond council members, have stated that as state law, the Chariho Act supersedes the town charter, Anderson and others have countered that the two statutes are compatible, because the council would be voting for the replacement member, and also, the replacement would have the second-greatest number of votes.


The Supreme Court


There were several developments before the meeting.

Purcell announced that she had hired attorney Jeffrey Levy to file a writ of “Quo Warranto” in Rhode Island Supreme Court, which asks the court to determine whether Johnson should hold the school committee office.

Soon after the meeting had begun, attorney Joseph Larisa, hired to represent Johnson, appeared briefly before the committee to announce that he, too, had filed a Quo Warranto.

“I just wanted to make the committee aware that the matter is before the Supreme Court, both parties claiming the right to the position are represented,” he said. “There is no injunction whatsoever by the court against anybody, so you should proceed, in my view, exactly as you are with the budget workshop.”

It is not clear who will be paying Larisa’s fees for representing Johnson, but Larisa has previously represented the conservative group, the Gaspee Project, which Johnson chairs.

Purcell said she had received no financial assistance to pay Levy’s fees.

“I asked around, I networked, to see if anyone knew a lawyer for advice, and on Friday night, I finally found someone who would represent me,” she said. “I’m not receiving financial backing from anybody.”

Tuesday’s meeting revealed the extent of the political divide in the three Chariho towns. Supporters of Purcell were far outnumbered Tuesday by school committee critics, who largely focused their attacks on Anderson, for writing a legal opinion opposing Johnson’s appointment without first having obtained the authorization of the school committee to post it.

(See the Jan. 19 post in the BRVCA blog.)

Several members of the public, and school committee members, raised the same argument: that Anderson had acted inappropriately, violating the school committee’s code of conduct, when he submitted a legal opinion to the council on Jan. 17, without first obtaining the approval of the committee.

Anderson’s written opinion stated, in part:

“… the Council need only follow the plain language of the Chariho Act and the Richmond Home Rule Charter and appoint the next highest vote getter. There is no need to explore the rules of statutory construction as suggested elsewhere.”

Hopkinton school committee member Polly Hopkins, representing Hopkinton led the charge and was joined by several others, including former Hopkinton school committee member David Stall, who currently serves as the Hopkinton Town Moderator.

Stall called for both Anderson and committee chair Catherine Giusti to resign.

“What happened is a legal action and a letter on behalf of the entire school committee without any meeting of the school committee,” he said. “That is a violation of this board’s procedures, practices and policy, and I think, the Open Meeting [sic] Act. And I think it’s egregious, and I think it was intentional and strategic, and I give you enough credit to know the rules to believe that you broke them intentionally. Mr. Anderson and Mrs. Giusti, I believe it calls for your immediate resignation.”

Richmond Town Council member Michael Colasante, who, with council President Mark Trimmer and councilor Helen Sheehan, had voted to approve Johnson’s appointment, said he believed having Johnson on the school committee would be beneficial, because the committee would be more balanced, with equal numbers of liberals and conservatives.

“When we look at the next election, when you have six people from each side – whatever you want to say – they’re conservative or liberal, it will give the voters a good chance to see who is pushing what, what agendas and what is actually the best for the Chariho School District as a whole,” he said.

With Johnson now on the school committee, there is a question of what will happen if the Supreme Court rules that his appointment is not valid.

Charlestown member Craig Louzon asked what would become of committee decisions that Johnson had voted on.

“They don’t make a decision on this until, hypothetically, July, or August, or something of that nature, and we made a bunch of decisions involving Mr. Johnson’s participation in those decisions…what do we have to do about those decisions?” he said.

“All those decisions become void, because Mr. Johnson’s vote would not properly count,” Anderson said.

The committee would then have to vote again, with Purcell and without Johnson, on every decision.


The budget


The comment period ended and committee members and administrators turned their attention to the Fiscal Year 2024 schools budget. The committee has not yet begun making cuts to the proposed, $60 million spending plan, which represents a 6% increase over the current budget. The towns have asked the district to make reductions that will bring the budget under the 4% tax increase limit set by the state.

Superintendent of Schools Gina Picard will present budget scenarios to the school committee at the next workshop, including an alternative budget that is level-funded.

“We would need about $3,800,000 in cuts to get to level funding, so I’m going to put together what gets to $3,800,000, and they will determine what they want to do, based on what they want to cut,” she said Wednesday.

Picard also told the committee on Tuesday that the proposed state budget, if it passes in June, includes significant increases in state aid to the towns, in addition to the transportation aid they already receive.

Charlestown would receive $60,283, Richmond, $564,248, and Hopkinton, $552,571.

The next budget workshop is open to the public and will take place on Thursday, in the Chariho library, at 6 p.m.

Richmond Town Council Update for January 19th 2023


Council names Clay Johnson to School Committee


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA


RICHMOND – Amid a chorus of boos, three of the five Town Council members rejected the second-highest vote getter, Jessica Purcell, and quickly moved to appoint Clay Johnson to the vacant seat on the Chariho School Committee.

The meeting was continued from Jan. 17, when an overflow crowd in the council chambers necessitated the postponement.

About 70 people attended the council meeting on Thursday, in the auditorium of Chariho Middle School.

The discussion of the selection of a replacement for departing school committee member, Gary Liguori, has centered on the legal obligations of the town, but it is also evident that politics have played a pivotal role.

The debate has centered on which statute applies in the school committee case; the Chariho Act, which is state law, or the Home Rule Charter.

Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth has stated that the Chariho Act supersedes the charter, but others, including attorney and Town Moderator Mark Reynolds, and Chariho School Committee attorney, Jon Anderson, have submitted written opinions stating that the Chariho Act and the Home Rule Charter do not conflict and that Purcell, who received the second-highest number of votes, should be appointed.


Purcell out, Johnson in


With most of the audience attending the meeting for the school committee discussion, the school committee item was moved up to the top of the agenda. The ensuing discussion, which continued for nearly an hour and a half, was, at times, rancorous.

Councilor Samantha Wilcox opened the discussion by stating that she had been elected to the council to uphold the town charter and because of that oath, as well as town precedent in following the charter for past appointments, she was making a motion to appoint Purcell, who lost the election by a narrow margin – 28 votes.

“The voters want her,” Wilcox said. “1,469 taxpayers voted for her. We should not ignore their wishes. “

Michael Colasante countered, citing Ellsworth’s memo and then reading an opinion authored by retired justice Robert Flanders that affirms that as state law, the Chariho Act supersedes the town charter.

After reading a list of Flanders’s legal, political and academic accomplishments, Colasante said,

“Mr. Flanders opinion states, ‘yes, I confirmed that state law generally trumps contrary local laws and I do consider these two laws to be contrary, because the council would deprive the council of the discretionary choice that the state law provides as to the selection of the replacement for the resigning member’.”

Council Vice President Richard Nassaney, a Republican,  implored the councilors to put aside their personal political opinions and respect the will of Richmond voters.

“You need to do the will of the people and that is, put Ms. Purcell on the seat,” he said. “Yes, I may not have voted for her but that’s irrelevant and quite honestly, it would be quite shameful for us to kind of spat [sic] I the person’s face. I know that some of the councilors here at this table don’t believe that. They think that they need to put in someone with a different political view. This isn’t politics. This is your children. This is their education.”

But Colasante and councilor Helen Sheehan, who, with council President Mark Trimmer are members of the conservative education lobbying group, Parents United R.I., countered that Richmond voters had demonstrated that they wanted to elect more conservatives to the school committee.

“The voters very clearly voted two conservative candidates and there were also four conservative candidates for Town Council , and the voters very clearly voted for the four conservative voices, so I take my responsibilities very seriously so, I would say that the Chariho Act, I follow what Chief Justice Flanders said, that the Chariho Act gives us responsibility to make the best decision that we can for someone to be on an important position of school committee,” Sheehan said.

Colasante said he had heard from residents during the election campaign who told him that they wanted a “more conservative-minded person” on the school committee.

“Many, many of these people brought up the point that the Department of Justice, with the NEA [teachers’ union] drafted a letter stating that anybody – all right? – that pretty much went against a school committee – all right? – in their opinion, was considered a domestic terrorist,” he said.

As his comments were greeted by groans from audience members, Colasante persisted.

“With all these things, we can’t have our heads in the sand,” he said.

Trimmer cited another legal opinion supporting Ellsworth’s memo, this one from attorney Joseph Larisa whose clients include the Town of Charlestown where he is the “Town Solicitor for Indian Affairs.”

Trimmer noted that he had no personal opinions of Purcell.

“I don’t know Jessica Purcell,” he said. “I’ve never spoken to her in my life.”

(He was immediately corrected by Purcell, who noted that the two had spoken.)

During the public forum, former school committee William Day described Purcell as the most qualified person for the committee position and blamed politics for the reluctance of some members to appoint her.

“I’m a registered Republican, but right now, I’m very embarrassed about being a registered Republican, because Jessica is the most qualified individual that I’ve heard out there in the community to be our next school committee representative” he said.

Several residents, including former town officials, urged council members to follow the provisions of the charter.

Former council President Nell Carpenter said,

“…as a Richmond Town Council member, just as I did when I raised my right hand, I swore to uphold and preserve the town charter rule of Richmond, not the Chariho Act.”

Trimmer closed the forum and called for a vote on the motion to appoint Purcell. Wilcox and Nassaney voted in favor and Trimmer, Sheehan and Colasante were opposed, defeating the motion.

Immediately after the vote, Colasante, who, on several occasions has said that he is new to the council and therefore needs additional time to do his due diligence on important matters, quickly and without hesitation made a motion to appoint Clay Johnson to the committee, taking many residents by surprise.

Several people, including Nassaney and Wilcox, objected, arguing that the motion could not be voted on because the Johnson’s appointment was not on the agenda, but the discussion continued.


Clay Johnson and the Gaspee Project


Johnson, who served on the school committee from 2016 to 2020, chairs the conservative group The Gaspee Project, which donated more than $20,000 to the printing of flyers distributed to voters on Oct. 14, before the November election.

The flyers urged voters to reject Purcell, a Democrat, and independents Ryan Callahan and William Day and vote for Republicans Patricia Pouliot and Kathryn Colasante (the wife of Michael Colasante).

The full story on the flyers can be found on in the Nov. 5 edition of the BRVCA blog.

It is also important to note that there is a connection between the Gaspee Project and attorneys Larisa and Flanders, whose opinions Colasante and Trimmer submitted as supporting Ellsworth’s memo. -Link Here- and -Here-

Flanders and Larisa represented the Gaspee Project in a 2019 lawsuit, in which the group challenged the state requirement that required the organization to report expenditures made to support issues or individuals.

The challenge was unsuccessful, both in the U.S. District Court in Providence and later, in the First Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston, in which the Gaspee Project was represented by Larisa.


Council precedent ignored


Several residents, including former council President Joseph Reddish, asked the council to delay Johnson’s appointment and advertise for the position.

“As a former council member, it has been the pattern of this council for many, many years that if we have an opening on a board or commission, that we advertise it for a minimum of at least 30 days,” he said. “It has not been advertised for this position for the school committee, so you’re going out of order with past precedent…Tonight, what’s been displayed, except for a couple of council members, is that we’ve lost our integrity in listening to the people of the town of Richmond…And let it be known, I am sure that there are people in this community that will be suing the Town of Richmond for a poor decision that’s unauthorized. Lastly, you are violating OMA [the state Open Meetings Act]. It was not advertised that you would be selecting anybody else. “

The debate ended and Colasante announced that it was time to vote on the Johnson appointment. With Trimmer, Colasante and Sheehan voting in favor, Nassaney and Wilcox, who voted against the appointment were outvoted and the motion passed, as furious residents shouted “shame,” and “recall.”

Asked how he felt about the hasty and unexpected appointment of Johnson, Nassaney replied,

“For once in my life, I think I’m actually speechless,” he said. “I’m disgusted, actually.”

Richmond Town Council Meeting Update for January 17, 2023

Overflow Crowd Forces Postponement of Council Meeting


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA


RICHMOND – The old adage of crowds packing Town Council meetings when people are angry held true on Tuesday, when the Town Council meeting did not take place because the number of residents packing the council chambers exceeded the 52-person limit.

It appears that two recent developments have struck a chord with residents: the apparent reluctance of some members of the council to elect or appoint Jessica Purcell to the Chariho School Committee, and the decision not to renew the appointment of Nancy Hess to the Planning Board.

The council meeting was re-scheduled for Thursday at 7 p.m. in a much larger venue, the Chariho Middle School auditorium.



The school committee appointment


Some residents are voicing their collective support for Purcell, who was expected to fill a seat on the School Committee vacated by Gary Liguori.

Purcell, who received the second-highest number of votes, would have filled Liguori’s seat under the terms of the Home Rule Charter. However, council President Mark Trimmer and council member Helen Sheehan asked Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth for a legal opinion, and Ellsworth stated that because it is state law, the Chariho Act supersedes the town charter. The council is not required, therefore, to name Purcell to the position.

Others have publicly disputed Ellsworth’s opinion.  Attorney Mark Reynolds, who serves as the Town Moderator, stated in a Jan. 11 letter that the council should appoint Purcell to fill the vacancy.

“The Chariho Act simply states that a vacancy is filled by the Town Council,” he wrote. “The Richmond Home Rule Charter dictates how the Town Council makes the appointment. The Home Rule Charter states that if ‘a school committee seat becomes vacant, the Town Council shall appoint the unelected candidate who received the greatest number of votes for that office in the most recent general or special election.’ So, although the Town Council makes the appointment, it must follow the Home Rule Charter when doing so. The unelected candidate who received the greatest number of votes in the November 2022 election was Jessica Purcell. Therefore, the Town Council must appoint her to fill the vacancy.”

The council also received a dissenting legal opinion from Jon Anderson, the attorney representing the Chariho School committee.

In a letter submitted to the council on Jan. 17, Anderson wrote,

“…I fear that there is some confusion that there is a ‘conflict’ between the Chariho Act, 1958, Pub. L. ch. 55, § 10[1][c]

[‘Chariho Act’], and the Richmond Home Rule Charter, 2009, R.I. pub. L. ch. 12, §§ 1-2 [‘Richmond Home Rule Charter’]. In fact, there is no conflict whatsoever between the Chariho Act and the Richmond Town Charter when it comes to filling vacancies on the Chariho School Committee. Consequently, the Council need only follow the plain language of the Chariho Act and the Richmond Home Rule Charter and appoint the next highest vote getter. There is no need to explore the rules of statutory construction as suggested elsewhere.”

Anderson warned the council that he would advise the school committee “not to recognize any person putatively appointed to the Chariho School Committee in violation of both the Richmond Home Rule Charter and the Chariho Act because both can be read together. I have no choice in the matter to give such advice. Otherwise, every decision of the Chariho School Committee would be void…The one simple way to avoid any disputes is to read the Richmond Home Rule Charter and the Chariho Act consistently, as this Town Council most recently did in 2016 and appoint/elect the next unelected person who received the most votes.”


The Hess reappointment


Nancy Hess, one of the longest serving volunteers on the Planning Board, was not reappointed to the board, infuriating other Planning Board members, who at their Jan. 10 meeting, voted Hess board President until her term expires on Jan. 31.

The decision not to reappoint Hess was supported by councilors Helen Sheehan, Michael Colasante and council President Mark Trimmer, who just days earlier had assured Hess that he would support her.


The Town Council-Planning Board workshop


Earlier in the evening, council members and members of the Planning Board held a joint workshop to discuss the Planning Board’s proposed amendments to the town’s zoning map, zoning ordinance and the aquifer protection overlay district. (Hess did not attend the meeting.)

“We spent quite a bit of time on it,” Board Chairman Philip Damicis told the council. “We think it’s changes to the ordinance that both protect the value of the aquifer as well as foster our economic development.”

Town Planner Shaun Lacey presented an overview of the proposed amendments. In response to a question from Trimmer about how the amendments might pertain to the special resort district zone that the town created for largest development in town, The Preserve at Boulder Hills, Ellsworth said the board had made special “accommodations” for that property.

“They have a heliport there already and that heliport is in the district of the aquifer,” she said. “The problem with a heliport is not that helicopters land on it, it’s that sometimes, they have gas tanks. We suggested that we change the definition of heliport in the resort section of the zoning ordinance to exclude refueling facilities, and The Preserve agreed to that.”

Ellsworth noted that the brew pub at The Preserve was also an issue, and that The Preserve had agreed to limiting consumption of brew pub beverages to its own property.

“Breweries use an inordinate amount of water, a lot of water, and they agreed to limit that use to their purchases that are manufactured on the premises but not sold for consumption off the premises.”

Damicis added,

“We spent quite a bit of time on The Preserve itself, and looking at all their use codes, because we do appreciate them.”

Trimmer said he wanted to solicit further input before advertising for a public hearing.

“I’d still like to get some input, I think, before I go out [to public hearing], he said.

Councilor Samantha Wilcox said the council would receive that input at the hearing itself.

“We’re supposed to offer a public hearing and tonight’s not really the public hearing,” she said.

“So, it would be inappropriate at this time to ask for public comment,” Trimmer said.

While the workshop agenda did not include a period for public comment or a public forum, Preserve Developer Paul Mihailides, accompanied by his attorney, Americo Scungio, rose and asked to speak.

Trimmer recognized Mihailides, who said,

“We were invited to the workshop, to participate, so I brought my lawyers and our engineers. Are they not going to be able to participate?”

It was not clear who had invited the representatives from The Preserve, but Ellsworth said the decision would be up to Trimmer, who said he would have to limit comments to three minutes.

Although earlier, Ellsworth and Damicis had described agreements with The Preserve that had been reached on several aquifer-related issues, Mihailides said he did not agree with most of the amendments.

“I am not in favor of the [aquifer protection] overlay district, and I am not in favor of what we had to acquiesce to, and the changing of our zone, he said. “We really weren’t given a choice. As everybody knows, on our Master Plan, we’ve asked for a gas station. It says that everything that we touch in the overlay district is going to be constrained. That’s already approved on our Master Plan. Helipads, the ability to gas our vehicles is currently in place. We have three tanks currently that are more than 10,000 gallons, that are permitted by the state, that we use to fuel our vehicles. This would be a significant change.”

Several minutes later, Wilcox reminded the council that it would soon be time to close the workshop, since the council meeting was scheduled to begin at 6 p.m.

Colasante said he needed more time to consider the changes.

“Being on this council for all of 20 seconds, I cannot – all right? - in good faith, look at this document and say that we should make a decision on this,” he said.

Damicis responded that there would be time to consider the document before the public hearing but Colasante said he wanted to consult business owners.

“It took a lot of time on your part. I have to be given enough time to do my due diligence and be able to say that feel easy sending this off,” he said.

Damicis suggested the council take time to study the document, and Trimmer proposed six weeks.


Council strife


Wilcox recounted an incident at the start of Tuesday’s soon-to-be adjourned council meeting in which Colasante attempted to silence her. Wilcox said she had asked Trimmer, in his capacity as President, to allow her to speak but he did not intervene.

“I felt that as the minority [Democrat] on council, I wasn’t being heard, and Robert’s Rules is there to make sure that I’m being heard,” she said. “You can hear in the audio that Mr. Colasante and I were trying to talk at the same time, so I went to Robert’s Rules of Order and tried to get the floor from the President, at which time Mr. Colasante told me to stop talking and Mr. President did nothing about it, so it’s disappointing.”


The agenda for Thursday’s Town Council meeting can be found here:

Crowd Expected at Tomorrow’s Town Council Meeting


January 16, 2023


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA


RICHMOND -- Residents angry about the failure to reappoint Nancy Hess to the Planning Board will be joined Tuesday evening by residents demanding that Jessica Purcell fill the school committee seat vacated by Gary Liguori.

The regular Town Council meeting, at 6 p.m., will follow a joint workshop at 5 p.m. during which the council and members of the Planning Board will discuss proposed amendments to the zoning ordinance and zoning map for the aquifer protection overlay district and the planned development resort district.


School Committee


Jessica Purcell, who, last November, narrowly lost her bid for a seat on the Chariho School Committee, believed that because she had received the next highest number of votes, she would be next in line to fill the seat vacated by Gary Liguori, who is loving out of state.

Reached on Jan. 13, Purcell said she had been contacted on Jan. 5 by Town Clerk Erin Liese, who informed her that according to the town’s Home Rule Charter, she was next in line for the position and that she needed to formally accept or decline the appointment.

Purcell said she told Liese the next day that she would accept the appointment, but a few days later, she was informed that she would not automatically fill the seat.

Town Council President Mark Trimmer and councilor Helen Sheehan had requested a legal opinion from Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth on whether the Chariho Act, which is state law, or the town’s Home Rule Charter, applied to choosing someone to appoint to a vacant school committee seat.

In a Jan. 10 memo, Ellsworth advised the council that state law supersedes the town charter.

“I believe that if a court were asked to decide this issue, the court would find that when the General Assembly ratified the Richmond Home Rule Charter in 2009, the General Assembly did not intend any provision in the charter to supersede the Chariho Act,” the memo states.

The Chariho Act requires that the person filling the vacant seat receive a majority vote of the Town Council. Ellsworth concludes that the council “is not required to appoint the unelected candidate who received the greatest number of votes for that office in the November 8, 2022 election.”

Purcell, who was planning to attend the council meeting, accept her appointment and be sworn in, will now watch as the council discussing the appointment.

Purcell said she emailed Trimmer and Sheehan, both of whom told her that they were following the rule of law.

“I just feel like Erin Liese told them what the agenda item was, and then they enlisted the help of the Town Solicitor to change the agenda item,” Purcell said. “That’s effectively what happened. She told me one thing, they did another thing, and it changed the whole presentation.”

Reached Monday, Liese said that contrary to Purcell’s assertion,  she had not had any contact with members of the Town Council regarding the Purcell appointment.

“To this day, I have not had any correspondence with the council on this matter, and the reason why the agenda reflects the way it appears today is because of the legal opinion from Karen Ellsworth, and not influenced by any council member, nor was I aware of any inquiry,” she said.

Purcell’s supporters have submitted letters to the council. Among them is attorney Mark Reynolds, who also serves as Town Moderator.

In a Jan. 11 letter to council members, Reynolds wrote that both the Chariho Act and the town charter should apply.

“The Chariho Act simply states that a vacancy is filled by the Town Council,” he stated. “The Richmond Home Rule Charter dictates how the Town Council makes the appointment. The Home Rule Charter states that if ‘a school committee seat becomes vacant, the Town Council shall appoint the unelected candidate who received the greatest number of votes for that office in the most recent general or special election.’ So, although the Town Council makes the appointment, it must follow the Home Rule Charter when doing so. The unelected candidate who received the greatest number of votes in the November 2022 election was Jessica Purcell. Therefore, the Town Council must appoint her to fill the vacancy.”

There have been suggestions, as yet unconfirmed, that Justin Price, the Republican incumbent who failed in his bid for a fifth term as state Representative in District 39, is interested in filling the school committee seat.


Nancy Hess


Many residents are still fuming over the council’s decision at the Jan. 3 meeting not to reappoint Nancy Hess to the Planning Board.

Planning Board members, who have also expressed their anger at the council’s decision, voted at their Jan. 10 meeting to name Hess the board chair until her term expires on Jan. 31.

Agendas for the workshop and the Town Council meeting can be found on the town’s website.



To attend the January 17th 5pm meeting, use this link:


To attend the January 17th 6pm meeting, use this link:

Richmond Planning Board Update for January 10th 2023

Board Names Hess Chair


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA


RICHMOND – At the first Planning Board meeting after the Town Council declined to renew the appointment of Vice Chair, Nancy Hess, board members named Hess Planning Board Chair. It was an act of defiance as well as a show of support for Hess, who has served on the board for 20 years. Her term expires on Jan. 31.

At the Jan. 3 Town Council meeting, council President Mark Trimmer and members Michael Colasante and Helen Sheehan voted against Hess’s reappointment and council Vice President Richard Nassaney and councilor Samantha Wilcox supported it.

The vote has generated considerable fallout, since Trimmer had told Hess at a meeting over the holidays that he would support her reappointment. The reason for his change of heart, Trimmer later explained, was Hess’s treatment of developers, which he described as overly harsh at times.

Adding to the controversy, however, was the revelation that Trimmer and fellow councilor Colasante, had accepted campaign contributions from donors connected with the largest developer in town. 

Trimmer and Colasante each received three $1,000.00 donations from people connected with The Preserve at Boulder Hills, which has sued the town over what the developer described as inaction on applications. That lawsuit was dismissed, but attorneys for The Preserve have said they will appeal.


Hess elected Planning Board Chair


Hess has not commented on the council vote, but Philip Damicis, who strongly opposed the council decision, opened Tuesday’s meeting with another statement supporting her.

His voice occasionally choked with emotion, Damicis said of Hess,

“She is incredibly knowledgeable. She’s an incredible asset to the board. She’s an incredible asset to the town, and quite honesty, everything she has done has been for this town, for the residents of this town, and for the protection of our town’s regulations, and she has treated everybody fairly, as far as I’m concerned. I’m incredibly disappointed in this council for not reappointing her and I think this town is going to suffer because of that.”

To Hess, Damicis said,

“I’m hoping there’s some way we can get you back, but in the meantime, I’m glad we will pass on the gavel to you tonight, at least. If only symbolically, you deserve it.”

Hess thanked those who had supported her.

“I just want to thank the members of the community, the dozens, and dozens, and dozens that have reached out in various ways and have given me kind words, words of support, words of sympathy and words of disgust – not at me, but the situation of being caught between politics and special interests. This is never good for the community,” she said.

The town has ongoing difficulties in recruiting qualified volunteers to serve on boards and commissions. Hess, who works in the Rhode Island Division of Statewide Planning, played a critical role in the update of the town’s comprehensive plan. 

Board member Dan Madnick who agreed that Hess would be difficult, if not impossible to replace, said she had mentored him when he first joined the board.

“For those who don’t know, Nancy does teach all the planning training for the state,” he said. “So, while Nancy is also on this board, she does all that training, and she also trained me, and she’s been an excellent mentor.”

Madnick also noted that the council members who had voted against Hess’s reappointment had not provided specific reasons for their decision.

“The Town Council did not justify with any substantial reasons why she should not be reappointed to the Planning Board,” he said. “I can understand why someone may not be reappointed if they don’t have the background or the skill set to utilize on a board such as this, but Nancy has it all…This board hasn’t been full for a number of years, so, specifically to Nancy and this board, to not reappoint her and opening up another vacancy on the board doesn’t pass the voice of reason for me.”

Madnick then nominated Hess to the position of Chair, which the members voted to approve.

Damicis, who will serve as Vice Chair, then passed the gavel to Hess. With Hess’s appointment expiring in a couple of weeks, Tuesday’s gesture was largely symbolic. Behind the scenes, however, there have been suggestions, as yet unconfirmed, that Hess might apply once again for reappointment, giving council members an opportunity to change their minds.


Annual Report


Town Planner Shaun Lacey presented the Planning Board’s Annual Report for 2022, which lists, by month, the major decisions and activities of the board.

The report included several long-range goals, such as resolving the ongoing challenges posed by the Wyoming commercial district.

Lacey explained that the town’s comprehensive plan points to a need for design guidelines for the district.

“… one way to achieve that is through design elements, and knowing that we don’t have anything in our operating budget that would be able to cover the cost of doing a new design, we would need to hire a consultant that has real design expertise, someone that has design charette type of experience,” he said. “So clearly, it is something that the board might want to start considering for next year. It would be subject to capital appropriations, so, in this year’s capital improvement program, I’ll be requesting $20,000, both for FY ‘24 and FY ’25, totaling $40,000, which would be needed in order to hire a consultant who can help us put together a plan for Wyoming.”

Board members then engaged in a lengthy discussion of Wyoming’s development challenges, including transportation and traffic issues.


Housing Survey


Members discussed the 2022 HousingWorksRI Fact Book, which analyses existing housing throughout Rhode Island and provides data on income and housing in all 39 cities and towns, including Richmond.

Hess pointed to a lack of information in the report on rental housing, of which there is little to none in Richmond.

“There’s nothing wrong with rental housing that serves multiple generations, to move them into home ownership, but we are missing that,” she said. “People talk about the ‘missing middle,’ and that’s for middle income people, but there’s the missing rentals and I think, we need to look at, as our population ages, because Rhode Island has a very high elderly population compared to other states, where are our seniors able to go?”


Joint workshop


The Planning Board and the Town Council will hold a joint workshop on Jan. 17 to review proposed amendments to the aquifer protection overlay district regulations and ordinances.

The meeting will take place at 5 p.m. in the council chambers. The Town Council meeting will follow the workshop at 6 p.m.

Richmond Town Council Update for January 3rd 2023


Council Nixes Planning Board Reappointment


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA


RICHMOND – A vote to deny an application by Nancy Hess for reappointment to the Planning Board has exacerbated tensions on the Town Council.

At Tuesday’s meeting, council members also debated the reappointment of Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth before voting to renew her contract.


Nancy Hess


Hess, who did not attend the meeting, was seeking a three-year reappointment. Her contract expires on Jan. 31. Some council members said they objected to the manner in which Hess sometimes treated applicants, but Planning Board Chair Philip Damicis, who has served on the board for 30 years, about 20 of them with Hess, urged the council to reappoint her.

“I can assure you that every applicant she has treated fairly,” he said. “She has only been looking out for the best interests of our town and our residents. She’s been trying to protect the rural community that we live in. If she comes across as being strong, quite honestly, I feel it’s her passion for what she does.”

Hess, a supervisor in the Rhode Island Division of Statewide planning, has brought considerable knowledge and experience to the board.

Council member Samantha Wilcox, who supported the reappointment, said the town needed volunteers like Hess.

“We’re not in a position to turn down quality volunteers,” she said.

Councilors Michael Colasante and Helen Sheehan voted against Hess’s reappointment, and were joined by council President Mark Trimmer. With only Wilcox and council Vice President Richard Nassaney voting in favor, the motion to reappoint her was defeated.

Reached Wednesday morning, Trimmer said his vote to deny Hess’s reappointment had not been an easy one.

 “I was on the fence with it,” he said. “I really, really struggled with it. I lost two nights’ sleep over it, easily. On one hand, she [Hess] brings unrivaled expertise in her field. And on the other hand, she tended to get personal, and sometimes belligerent with applicants, and I felt that if any other volunteer, paid town employee, or Town Council person for that matter, were to approach the public the way she sometimes approached applicants, that we would ask [sic] to step down or we would be terminated, disciplined.”

Nassaney said he had believed Trimmer would support Hess. He recalled how, on Dec. 29, he had stopped at a local coffee shop and had come upon a meeting between Trimmer and Hess. He was invited to join the meeting, which, he said, ended with Trimmer telling Hess that he would support her.

“Nancy asked Mark if he would give her support for reappointment and he confirmed ‘yes,’” Nassaney said. “They shook hands and he said ‘you have my support’ and then they parted ways.”

Nassaney said that witnessing that coffee shop exchange made what happened at the council meeting even more shocking.

“Tuesday, everything came crashing down,” he said. “The internal screaming in my brain was overwhelming. I had to put my hand over my mouth. I had to put my head down. I was in utter disbelief.”

Neither Hess nor Damicis responded to a request for comment, but board member Dan Madnick said he was disappointed in the council’s vote.

“Nancy has been an integral part of the Planning Board for many years and has been instrumental in developing the Comprehensive Community Plan, along with being the town’s subject matter expert on land use,” he said. “Her expertise and knowledge is not easily replaceable. It’s unfortunate that the Town Council, while voting against her reappointment, did not provide any specific reasons or justification for their votes, and ignored all public input that favored her reappointment.”

Trimmer said it was essential that the town attract new businesses to relieve the tax burden on homeowners. In order to do that, he said the council would have to introduce new tax incentives to attract businesses and issue quicker approvals of development applications.

“The council needs to and will come up with a tax incentive plan to encourage business to locate and develop here,” he said. “We need to fast track the planning approvals, fast track the zoning approvals and set up some sort of incentive to bring the business in, because the homeowners are disproportionately burdened with taxes in our town.”

Ellsworth said the perception that Hess and other Planning Board members had delayed or obstructed applications was incorrect, and pointed out that the board has submitted favorable opinions to the council for every application it has received, with the exception of two commercial solar energy proposals.

“We have not missed deadlines for approvals,” she said.

Ellsworth also reminded council members that the board does not have the authority to deny applications.

“They don’t have any discretion not to approve, nor do they have any choice about how long it takes to approve,” she said.

“Those are not discretionary. That’s controlled by state law.”


The Preserve Connection


The Preserve at Boulder Hills is Richmond’s largest commercial taxpayer. Trimmer is not a member of the private sporting club, however, state records posted on the Rhode Island Board of Elections’ website show that he and Colasante each received three, $1,000 campaign contributions from people connected with the club.

“There were residents who contributed money towards flyers,” Trimmer said.

The Preserve has sued the town for its actions and inaction on several projects. That suit, which claimed $100 million in damages, was recently dismissed, but The Preserve has vowed to appeal the decision.

The council discussed the case in executive session after Tuesday’s meeting, but before the regular meeting adjourned, Ellsworth asked if any councilors wanted to recuse themselves from the discussion.

“If anybody needs to recuse themselves, I think this is the time to do it, before the executive session,” she said. “I’m not saying anybody has to.” 

None of the councilors recused.


Solicitor contracts


Town Administrator Karen Pinch, who is charged with evaluating the performances of the town solicitors,  recommended that the council approve new, one-year contracts for Ellsworth and fellow Town Solicitor Michael Cozzolino. Their current contracts expire at the end of January.

Colasante and Sheehan said they wanted to approve a 90-day contract for Ellsworth rather than a full year, during which they would conduct their own performance review.

“It will give the new council people, there are three of us here, a chance to review her performance and make a better decision,” Colasante said. “Being basically on the council for 17 seconds, you’re asking me to make a decision on something like this.”

After pointing out that Ellsworth had won all the cases in which she had represented the town, Nassaney said he was comfortable leaving the responsibility for her performance review with Pinch.

However, Colasante said he, not Pinch, was accountable to taxpayers.

“I’m the one who is going to hear from the taxpayers,” he said. “Even though Karen Pinch is the administrator, she doesn’t have to really answer to the taxpayers like we do. So, when she makes her recommendations, I appreciate the recommendation and that’s what it is, a recommendation. I still have to do my due diligence and to really look at this, all right? To have clear conscience.”

Sheehan said she also needed more time to evaluate Ellsworth’s performance, however, in the end, the council voted, with Colasante abstaining, to approve Ellsworth’s contract.

Any discomfort that Colasante and Sheehan may have had with Ellsworth’s contract did not appear to apply to Cozzolino, whose new contract was quickly approved with no discussion.

UPDATE: Zoning Board Meeting for Monday, December 19th 2022

Board Approves McDonald’s Drive-through Changes


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA


RICHMOND – Meeting for the first time since Sept. 2021, the Zoning Board of Review approved an application Monday for a special use permit for the addition of a second drive-throughlane at the McDonald’s restaurant at 12 Kingstown Road.

Appearing virtually at the public hearing on behalf of the applicant was Eric Dubrule of Bolher Engineering, of Southborough, MA, who explained the reasons a second lane was needed.

“This drive-through, today, functions with one order point and one lane, so effectively, if you were using the drive-through, you’d come into the site, however you came in, and circulate around. The drive-through would start,” he told the board, using a plan of the site to illustrate. “There’s one order point at the rear of the building. There’s a drive-through cash window and then you would pick up your order at the second window. What we are proposing to do is to make improvements, just to the drive-through and specifically, just to the drive-through ordering process, by adding on a second ordering point speaker to the site… We are adding a landscaped island, it’s curved, and an order point.”

Drive-through customers would still enter using a single lane, but the lane would split into two ordering points.

The second order lane, Dubrule explained, would address the issue of a line of cars formed by customers waiting to order.

“Some of those car queues can stack up behind the ordering points where you don’t want happening, again, behind the order points,” he said. “By adding the second order point, effectively what you do is, now, customers that would come in and otherwise be stuck behind the single order point under existing conditions, they would come in, recognize that someone may be making a long order, a more complicated order, and recognize that a car or two are stacking there, and they could just use the other lane that is moving.”

The new lane will be 10 feet wide. The existing drive-through lane, which is 12 feet wide, will also be upgraded with new signage and a new canopy over the order point. 

Several parking spaces will be lost to the new ordering lane, and the receptacle that houses the trash and recycling bins will be moved. The one-acre site, which is required to have at least 20 parking spaces, will be left with 36 spaces.

“For these improvements, we have removed about eight parking spaces along the rear,” Dubrule said. “We have moved, and proposing to replace the existing trash barrel that is located here, and we propose to rebuild it with a brand new trash barrel with Trex fencing.”

The Planning Board voted on Dec. 13 to recommend that the Zoning Board approve the site plan for the special use permit, after determining that the proposal was consistent with the town’s comprehensive plan. The restaurant is located in the town’s “general business” district.

The Planning Board attached four conditions to the approval of the site plan, which were read at Monday’s hearing by Town Planner Shaun Lacey.

1. The approved plan should be recorded with the Zoning Board decision.

2. The proposed trash enclosure should be located 10 feet from the west and north property lines to comply with the required setback for accessory structures.

3. To discourage drivers from cutting through the access to the ordering lanes by using the northeast entrance, stanchions will be installed along the striping of the new drive-through lane.

4. While the restaurant was built before the town introduced a dark sky ordinance for commercial structures, the Planning Board encouraged the applicant to use dark sky-compliant lighting outdoors.


“What’s the applicant’s position in respect to the conditions recommended by the Planning Board,” board Chair Nicholas Solitro asked Dubrule.

“We’re amenable to addressing all of those,” Dubrule replied.

With no members of the public asking to comment on the application, board members, in a unanimous vote, approved the special use permit.


Last Council Meeting Before Holidays Reveals Tensions Between Members


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA


RICHMOND – The five members of the Town Council managed to agree on several agenda items Tuesday, but there were disagreements on important issues that, in two cases, resulted in deferred votes.

Minutes into the three-hour meeting, outgoing Economic Development Commission Chairman William McIntosh resigned from the commission.

Invited to read his resignation letter, McIntosh blamed his departure on council Vice President Richard Nassaney, who has questioned the effectiveness of the commission.

“Vice President of the Town Council [at the time] Richard Nassaney is one of the reasons,” he said. “He has proven that he cannot play well with others on a team and consistently voted against proper growth and [while creating] a tremendous amount of drama for the town for the last four years. I was not sure if Mr. Nassaney actually is capable of acting properly, effectively or ethically as a leader, so I step down to avoid any additional dealings with him.”

As Nassaney listened without commenting, McIntosh, a developer who challenged the Planning Board’s denial of master plan approval for one of his projects, accused Nassaney of wanting to disband the commission and warned the council that unless the town encouraged a considerable expansion of commercial space, it would not have the tax base necessary to fund education and programs for residents.

Council President Mark Trimmer said he was sorry that McIntosh had not tried to work with the new council.

“From what I’ve heard, you guys are doing great work, and I’m really disappointed that you haven’t at least given us a chance, as a new council, to work with us,” he said.

Council members agreed to accept McIntosh’s resignation “with regret.”


Planning Board


The reappointment of Philip Damicis to the Planning Board, where he serves as Chair, was quickly approved, but there was opposition to the reappointment of Vice Chair Nancy Hess.

Hess, a supervisor in the Rhode Island Division of Statewide planning, brings to the board decades of experience and knowledge of state planning priorities and procedures.

Nassaney said that Damicis had told him during a previous conversation about Hess that he would resign from the Planning Board if she left.

“…if you lose Phil and Nancy, you’ve literally put this town at a standstill,” he said, addressing the three newly-elected council members. “Nothing happens without them. Zero. All projects stop.”

Asked for his opinion, Town Planner Shaun Lacey described the current Planning Board as the best he had ever worked with.

“This town has a long, documented history of making informed, good, land use policy decisions, good policy practices,” he told the council.  “You have Phil and Nancy, who are very long-standing members of our community, who’ve been on the board for 20 and 25 years. “…I think the current fabric of this Planning Board now, we have one vacancy that isn’t filled. We have six members. I would hate to lose anybody on that Planning Board, including Nancy.”

Trimmer appeared to be on the fence. He agreed that Hess had experience and institutional knowledge, but he added,

“My negative is, it doesn’t seem that she’s always working with our commercial people to develop things and move forward,” he said. “She just seems to me to be very obstructionist at times.”

Councilor Michael Colasante said he was concerned that Hess would hamper commercial growth and cited McIntosh as an example.

“Mr. McIntosh knows what the problem is,” he said. “He tried to initiate commercial growth here, because he knows we need a tax base for the homeowner and it just seems like Nancy, for the amount of years she’s been on, things have not moved fast enough. Her wealth of knowledge can also be used to stifle growth also…We need somebody that’s going to help move our town forward quickly, all right?”

Nassaney asked Colasante which business had been “stifled” by Hess.

Colasante cited “a suit with Mr. McIntosh and the state came back and they really lambasted the Planning Board for their decisions and whatnot because they were trying, again, to stifle his development.”

At this point in the discussion, Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth interjected, pointing out that the development Colasante was referring to was residential, not commercial, and that there had been neither a lawsuit nor lambasting.

“That was not a commercial development. That was a very high- density residential development,” she said. “There was no lawsuit. There was an appeal to the State Housing Appeals Board and the State Housing Appeals Board remanded the case back to the Planning Board for additional hearings and at that point, after the additional hearings took place, the project was approved.”

Mark Reynolds, who chairs the town’s Board of Tax Assessment Review, then addressed the council.

Referring to McIntosh, Reynolds said,

“You just begged someone to stay and volunteer, and help, and now you’ve got someone with over 20 years’ experience on the Planning Board and you’re telling her, ‘we don’t want you anymore,’” he said. “It’s not appropriate to not appoint someone that you don’t agree with. Is she following the planning rules? Yes. Is she acting in accordance with the comprehensive plan? Yes. As long as she’s performing those functions in accordance with the law and the rules and regulations, she should be permitted to serve on that board. You should not deny her this appointment because you don’t agree with her.”

Planning Board member Dan Madnick said the board had denied only two applications, both of which were for solar energy installations.

“We’re there to follow the comprehensive plan and not stifle economic development,” he said. “In fact, if you look at our record, the only thing two things that we’ve given negative advisory opinions for had to do with two solar developments. Every other development application that has come in front of our board has been approved, including Mr. Colasante’s Buttonwoods property. In fact, we provided him a waiver for one of his DEM stormwater management permits, and we did that because we wanted to have small businesses benefit from the town. We didn’t have to do that, but we did that because we wanted the economic development.”

Council members agreed to defer the decision on Hess’s reappointment to the next meeting on Jan. 3. In the meantime, councilors said they would speak with Hess.


Water issues


There was a lengthy discussion regarding the allocation of town funds to the town’s water supply. There are about 300 customers on the town water line. Under an agreement with the Rhode Island Department of Health, the town is required to chlorinate the water to reduce coliform bacteria.

Town Administrator Karen Pinch has requested $300,000 of the town’s American Rescue Plan Act, or ARPA funds for the chlorination project, but councilors Colasante and councilor Helen Sheehan have said they are not comfortable using ARPA money. Colasante has proposed allocating $150,000 of the town’s ARPA funds and going out to bond for the remainder.

Trimmer said it was important to invest in the water system.

 “Exeter doesn’t have a water system. Hopkinton doesn’t have a water system, but we do,” he said. “That is an economic driver. We should invest in it. We should improve it.”

Councilor Samantha Wilcox said she favored using the ARPA money for the water system but Sheehan said the cost should be borne by the residents who would use town water.

Colasante said that being on a private well, he alone had to bear the costs of repairs and maintenance.

“They can drill a well,” he said.

“They can’t drill a well,” Wilcox countered. “The reason we have a water system is it’s all contaminated.”

(The private wells are contaminated with mercury.)

The decision on funding the chlorination was deferred to the Jan. 17 meeting. Trimmer, whose home is served by the public waterline, said he was awaiting a written decision from the Rhode Island Ethics Commission confirming that he is not required to recuse himself from the discussion.


The wellness committee


The subject of the findings of the wellness committee, on the agenda at the request of Colasante, prompted another long discussion.

Wellness Committee Chairwoman Pamela Rohland provided an overview of the commission’s work and its findings, including the need for some services.

“Richmond has no public transportation at all,” she said. “So, when people who are in social isolation or who, for example, lost their license for whatever reason or who don’t drive, there’s nothing in Richmond to help them get to the resources they need.”

The commission recommended, and the former Town Council approved, the hiring of a human services director on a trial basis, who would obtain grants and coordinate services for residents who need them.

Sheehan said services were available in neighboring towns.

“Westerly and South Kingstown, they’re not far, so to say we don’t have the services, I don’t see that,” she said.

Rohland replied that traveling to other towns required a car, which many residents do not have.

Colasante said the town could not afford a full - time human services director and a new building, which would serve as a community and senior center. Several council members and residents agreed.

Trimmer, who evaluated the community center proposal when he served on the council in 2018, said his group had found that the town could not support a new building on its own.

“What we determined at that time was unless we were a partner, with, say, the YMCA or somebody else, the town could absolutely not afford a community/senior center,” he said.

Despite several more assurances to the contrary, Colasante said he remained concerned that there would be a new building and that taxpayers would be on the hook for it.


Snow plowing


Colasante asked for a clarification of who was responsible for plowing the snow at Chariho schools.

Department of Public Works Director Scott Barber explained that this year, Richmond has not been able to secure its usual number of snowplowing vendors.

“It’s gotten to the point where we don’t have the vendors that we used to have,” he told the council. “We used to have seven vendors to supplement our staff. I have one vendor. We would have at least three, maybe four CDL drivers to back us up if we have sickness, injury or whatever. We have zero.”

Barber noted that staff and vendor shortages have made it difficult to service the town.

“They [Chariho schools] should be self-sufficient, take care of what they’re responsible for, meet their own goals,” he said.

Barber noted, and Ellsworth and Town Administrator Karen Pinch confirmed, that there was nothing in the Chariho Act requiring Richmond to provide snow plowing services.

And there was one more thing Barber, who is also the Fire Chief, wanted to say.

“It’s no secret that I have an appointment with the Retirement Board Feb. 15, so we’ll see where I go from there,” he said. “I’ve been working full time for the public for 38 years and I’ve enjoyed working for the public, this town, the other town that I worked for, but I’m no longer young. I’m ready to start cutting back…It’s finally catching up with me, you know? And I don’t want to be that grumpy old person that stays too long.”


Public forum


The council discussed, but did not decide on time limits for people wishing to speak during the public forum. They also mulled a sign-up sheet for speakers. Ellsworth suggested that rather than adopt a policy, the council could first try using a list and asking speakers to sign it.

Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Against Town

Preserve owner Paul Mihailides (right, holding scissors)   

photo from


RICHMOND - A Rhode Island Superior Court judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed by the Preserve at Boulder Hills against the Richmond Town Council. 


The lawsuit, filed last December, claimed that the Town’s “wrongful, tortious, discriminatory, arbitrary and capricious actions and omissions have substantially and unnecessarily driven up the cost of the Preserve’s development of its property, slowed down the regulatory approval process, stifled and/or interfered with The Preserve’s use of its property, caused the Preserve to lose a significant financing opportunity and continues to cause the Preserve to unnecessarily and detrimentally alter financing arrangements, conditions and terms.” 


In its notice of claim to the Town Council, submitted nine months before the lawsuit was filed, John Tarantino, the Preserve’s lawyer, said that the Preserve was entitled to $100 million in damages. The notice also “reminds the Town of the statutory requirements that may be necessary to hold a Town Council meeting in accordance with § 45-15-6 to levy a tax to pay this demand or otherwise resolve this case.”    


The decision by Superior Court Judge Richard Licht, filed on December 12, said the Preserve does not have the right to move forward to a trial because some of the Preserve’s claims were filed too late, and most of the claims in the lawsuit, even if they are true, are either too vague or not substantial enough to support the Preserve’s assertions that its rights have been violated. The judge also found, based on public documents, that some of the allegations in the lawsuit were not correct.


Development of the Preserve began in 2011 with the purchase of the 178-acre Boulder Hills Country Club. The development now encompasses more than 750 acres. 


Concerning the Preserve’s allegation that the Town intentionally delayed development approvals, Judge Licht noted that state law sets deadlines for such approvals and there was no evidence the Town exceeded any of them. “Plaintiffs are asking this Court to require local officials to meet a developer's deadlines, and that is the province of the General Assembly, not the Superior Court. To allow Plaintiffs to succeed on this claim would essentially be putting all municipalities at the mercy of developers who come with their own deadlines,” the decision says. 


In response to the argument that the Town overcharged the Preserve in application and review fees, Judge Licht found that the Town “acted pursuant to statutory authority and the local municipal regulations in the charging and collection of the application and peer review fees.”


James Marusak, Steven Sypole, and Per Vaage of Gidley, Sarli & Marusak represented the Town in the case. They were retained by the Town’s insurance carrier. Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth declined to represent the Town because of the likelihood that she would have to testify on behalf of the Town in the case. She said Marusak, Sypole and Vaage did an exceptional job representing the Town. “It’s very difficult to get a case like this dismissed before trial,” she said. “Jim, Steve and Per worked extremely hard on this case and this decision is an outstanding achievement.”


Developer Paul Mihailides, the Preserve owner, referred a request for comment to his attorneys, Tarantino and Nicole Benjamin of Adler, Pollock & Sheehan. Tarantino said the Preserve plans to appeal the decision, and that he is confident that his client will prevail in the Supreme Court. “The Preserve believes this case has merit,” he said. “It wants an opportunity to have it heard by a jury and that’s the reason we are taking an appeal. We hope the Supreme Court agrees with us and we get a chance to have a jury decide whether the Town acted inappropriately.”


Ellsworth said she believes the Supreme Court will uphold the Superior Court decision.


Sunday December 18, 2022


Beaver River Valley Community Association

P.O. Box 10, Shannock, RI 02875



Facebook: Beaver-River-Valley-Community-Association

UPDATE: Stamp Solar Case Appeal Now Awaiting Judge’s Decision

“Beaver River Road Rainbow at Sunset” Photo by Sherri Stearns 


by Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA


RICHMOND – The attorney representing GD Beaver River I LLC has filed a reply memorandum in the appeal of a Richmond Zoning Board decision to deny an application for a commercial-scale solar energy development.

Filed on Dec. 5 in Washington County Superior Court, the memorandum supports an earlier memorandum, filed last June.

Attorney John Mancini, representing the applicant, William Stamp III, states in the latest memorandum that members of the Richmond Zoning Board and Zoning Official, Russel “Bo” Brown, overstepped their authority in denying the application. The memorandum also argues that the development would be consistent with the town’s comprehensive plan and states that the board misinterpreted a zoning ordinance requiring that a solar energy system be located entirely within a two-mile radius of an electrical utility substation.

Mancini’s memorandum states,

“GD Richmond avers compliance with [Richmond zoning ordinance] § 18.34. based on the solar energy system being “in the range of” of two miles of the utility substation; that § 18.34.030A does not require the solar energy system to be ‘inside of’ two miles of the utility substation. By, applying the definition ‘inside of’ to ‘within’, while applying the definition ‘in range of’ to ‘within’ for other sections of the Richmond Zoning Ordinance, the Town has unfairly prejudiced GD Richmond to the extent of reversible error.”


The History


The legal wrangling began in 2018, when Stamp proposed the construction of a commercial-scale solar array in a field he owns at 172 Beaver River Road.

The developer, GD Beaver River LLC, owned by Green Development of Cranston, applied in May, 2018, for a special use permit to build a 5.3 – megawatt solar energy facility in the residential zone. The array would occupy about 7 acres of the 41-acre property, located in the Beaver River Valley which, in 2021, was added to the National Register of Historic Places.

Russel “Bo” Brown, who was Richmond’s zoning official at the time, denied the application because it violated the town zoning ordinance requiring that the solar energy facility be “within two (2) miles of a utility substation.”

The proposed array, comprising 15,896 solar panels, as well as transformers and other equipment, would be located almost entirely outside the two miles required by the town.

In July, 2018, at a public hearing on the developer’s appeal of Brown’s memo, Brown asked the board, before the hearing even began, to deny the application on the grounds that the developer had missed the 30-day deadline to appeal Brown’s decision.

The board continued the hearing to August 1, when it denied the developer’s appeal because it had not been filed within 30 days, as required by the town’s zoning ordinance.

On Aug. 21, the developer appealed the zoning board’s decision on the 30-day window.

The special use application proceeded nonetheless, with the Zoning Board referring the application to the Planning Board for the required advisory development plan review. 

In its Dec. 2019 decision, the Planning Board found that in addition to not complying with the substation ordinance, the project would be inconsistent with the town’s comprehensive plan, specifically, policies that protect rural landscapes, cultural resources and the protection of the town’s rural and architectural heritage.

The developer appealed the case to Rhode Island Superior Court, which remanded the case to the Zoning Board.

On Feb.22, the Zoning Board voted to deny the special use permit.


The case now rests with the judge


Richmond Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth said she was confident that the Zoning Board’s decision would be upheld.

“There are two reasons why the Zoning Board’s decision is correct,” she said. “The entire solar array is not within two miles of the substation and putting it where they want to put it is not consistent with the comprehensive plan, because it is a state-recognized, and now, federally-recognized historic district.”

John Peixinho, owner of the historic Samuel Clarke Farm on Lewiston Ave., which is itself on the National Register of Historic Places, said he hoped the judge would take into accountthe importance of preserving Richmond’s historic cultural landscapes.

“I am hopeful that the judge will agree with the many residents of Richmond, our Planning and Zoning Boards and our Town Council, who have all consistently voted against and rallied against out of town developers building industrial-scale solar facilities on historic Beaver River Road,” he said. “It should also be noted that the Beaver River Road National Register Historic District determination of eligibility, by the Secretary of the Interior, dates back to the mid-1990s.  National awareness of the cultural and historic significance of Beaver River Road and this section of our town is not something new.”

Peixinho also noted that in addition to marring the natural and historic qualities that have made Beaver River Road worthy of national recognition, the solar development would have few tax benefits for the town.

“In the end, the developers make millions at the expense of our farmland and rural character,” he said. “The town makes pennies and isn’t able - legally - to even raise the taxes on the newly developed property.”

It could take many months for Superior Court Justice Sarah Taft-Carter to rule on the appeal. 

“An appeal of a Zoning Board decision is an administrative appeal,” Ellsworth said. “The judge does not conduct a trial or hearing. The judge makes a decision based on the record in the case and the memoranda of law filed by the lawyers.”

Richmond Town Council Meeting Update for Tuesday, December 6th, 2022

New Council Sworn In, Two Outgoing Councilors Launch Departing Attack


by Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA


RICHMOND – The celebratory ritual of swearing in new Town Council members was marred Tuesday evening when defeated council members, their allies and Republican Town Committee officials launched attacks on the highest vote-getter and another newly-elected councilor.


There were two meetings. The first was largely devoted to allowing members of the 2020-2022 council to make closing remarks.

But the jostling for the positions of President and Vice President on the new council began even before departing members had said their good-byes.

During the Public Forum, former Richmond Republican Town Committee Chair Louise Dinsmore read a statement which was signed by herself, outgoing council President, Nell Carpenter, who is unaffiliated and outgoing councilor Lauren Cacciola, a Democrat.

The statement urged councilors to support for Republican Michael Colasante for council President.

“When we examine the past records of the veteran members of the incoming Town Council, that of councilman [Richard] Nassaney and Mr. [Mark] Trimmer, we feel that neither councilman Nassaney nor Mr. Trimer possess the leadership skills or foresight to assume the position of Richmond Town council President or Town Council Vice President, for that matter,” Dinsmore said. “Their actions, and more importantly, inactions, while on the council, have resulted in the status quo, and quite frankly, their records fall short of any major accomplishments for the taxpayers and residents of this town.”

It should be noted that Nassaney, a Republican, received the greatest number of votes in the recent election. Trimmer, also a Republican, did not serve on the last council but has served on past councils.

It should also be noted that Nassaney ran afoul of the Republican Town Committee in the recent campaign and saw his name wiped from the slate and erased from campaign signs and literature.

Patricia Pouliot, who has replaced Dinsmore as Chair of the Republican Town Committee, also urged council members to choose Colasante for President.

“The council has a choice – continue down the path of financial irresponsibility or choose a direction of financial responsibility,” she said. “They can choose Mr. Nassaney or Mr. Trimmer with their record of increasing our taxes every year they served on the council, or choose a candidate that has a record of lowering taxes when he served on the council.”

Former Town Clerk Tracy Nelson also attacked Nassaney, pointing out his recent ethics violation.

“You have been recently found guilty and penalized by the Ethics Commission for violating the Code of Ethics,” she said. “In my opinion, when coupled with your conduct, you are the least worthy of the five candidates to guard Richmond’s future.”

Reached Wednesday, Nassaney said he had paid a $300 fine on Nov. 15, for a single ethics violation. The complaint against him was filed by former councilor and Chair of the Democratic Town Committee, Joseph Reddish.

Eight additional ethics complaints were filed by Carpenter. All of those, Nassaney said, were dismissed.

The creator and owner of “Rich’s Sweet Heat” sauce, Nassaney was cited by the commission for not recusing himself from a vote on a victualling license for the sales of prepared meals at Richmond Market.

“Their view of a relationship, or a partnership was, honestly, different from how I looked at it,” Nassaney said. “How I looked at it, I wasn’t a business owner of their property, but a victualling license has to do with grab and go products – sandwiches, stuff like that. My stuff is a sauce, so I didn’t think that my sauce had anything to do with a victualling license. Well, they perceived it in a different light. We came to an agreement and an understanding. I recuse from everything that has to do with Richmond Market.”


President and Vice President


At the second meeting, which followed almost immediately, the five council members voted for council President and Vice President. Colasante and fellow Republican Helen Sheehan voted for each other for both positions, but lost on both counts.

With Democrat and council newcomer, Samantha Wilcox, casting the deciding vote, Trimmer was elected President and Nassaney, Vice President.

Asked Wednesday about her vote, Wilcox said,

“I do take everyone’s opinion seriously, and last night, a lot of people did speak up against Rich, but also, people do reach out to me via email and people do text me and they say nice things, so there’s both happening, from my perspective.”

Trimmer said both he and Nassaney had been expecting attacks at the meeting.

Referring to Dinsmore, Trimmer said,

“I think the most unprecedented thing would be for the three times-resigned Republican Town Committee Chair, Louise, to craft a letter, with two Democrats that are no longer on the  council as of today, against a Republican that she allegedly supported.”

Trimmer said that going forward, he hoped to serve as a uniting force on the new council.

“I may not be their favorite, but I’m on nobody’s poop list – at least nobody on the council’s poop list,” he said. “I can work with Mike, I can work with Rich, I can work with Sam, I can work with Helen, and that’s what I want to do.”


Finally, on to business


As they had promised during the campaign, the newly-elected and reelected council members voted to move up the public forum segment of council meetings so residents would have an opportunity to ask questions about and comment on agenda items before the council voted on them.

The proposal to amend the rules and procedures for the public forum, made by Colasante, met with no opposition.

“…I don’t think any one of us has a right to tell another person, ‘you have to wait. We’ve already decided everything that’s concerning you before you have the opportunity to voice your opinion,’” he said. “So, I would like to see that the public forum be moved up on the agenda, after the consent agenda is listed on the agenda.”

There was also a discussion of allowing residents to comment on agenda items outside of the public forum. Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth warned that allowing that change could lead to violations of the Open Meetings Act and Wilcox agreed.

However, the other council members favored allowing a short public comment period on certain items before each vote.

Ellsworth said she would draft a public forum amendment for councilors to consider at their next meeting.

Another item that generated a lengthy discussion was a request from Town Administrator Karen Pinch for $300,000 of the town’s American Rescue Plan Act funds for a chlorination system that will reduce coliform bacteria in the town’s water supply. The improvement is part of an agreement with the Rhode Island Department of Health.

Colasante, who has promised to lower taxes, said he did not feel comfortable approving a $300,000 payment from the town for a system that serves only 300 customers, arguing that ARPA funds should be used to benefit all residents, not just a small group. He proposed using some of the ARPA money and going out to bond for the rest.

“You’re coming to us for $300,000, right? I don’t want to leave nothing on the table, because something definitely has to be done, and I think putting $150,000 of the ARPA money instead of $300,000 will at least give us a start, and then the other money’s going to come from bonds.”

Sheehan said she was uncomfortable using ARPA money for the water system improvements.

“I’m a little conflicted about giving the ARPA money, which is supposed to be linked to the town, but I understand your desire to not want to make the users pay,” she said. “On the other hand, the majority of us, we have wells. When we have water problems, it’s going to cost us $20,000, $30,000.”

Lack of Quorum Preempts Council Action - December 2nd 2022

Lack of Quorum Preempts Council Action


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA


RICHMOND – Tuesday’s special Town Council meeting was scheduled to address business matters that could not wait until the next regular meeting, but the lack of a quorum meant that no votes could take place.

The council was expected to vote on holiday sales and victualing licenses for Pasquale Farms, and to authorize Public Works Director Scott Barber to proceed with the purchase of a new plow-equipped dump truck.

The only two council members present were council President Nell Carpenter and councilor Ronnie Newman. Councilors Lauren Cacciola and James Palmisciano, both of whom lost their seats in the Nov. 8 election, and councilor Richard Nassaney, who won reelection, were absent, leaving only two of the three councilors necessary for a quorum.

Carpenter explained that because the licenses required council votes in order to be approved, the Pasquale Farms application would have to wait until the Dec. 6 meeting.

The truck purchase, however, did not require a council vote since it was already in the approved capital improvement plan, so the two councilors could discuss that agenda item.

The price of the new dump truck, a Ford F-750 diesel, will be $124,947.00. It will replace a 2007 vehicle.

Barber told the council that the town is behind by about two years in purchasing the new truck because of shortages resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We basically put everything on hold and the supply chain issues started to happen,” he said. “So, we figured that kink was going to work itself out by now. We knew that we were budgeted to purchase the truck.”

Barber said meetings with several vendors had revealed a worrisome trend that would significantly raise the cost of the new truck.

“…they can’t guarantee to hold the price to the delivery times of between 18 and 24 months,” he said. “So, they’re telling us that January 1, it’s going to be an $8,000 to $10,000 increase in the pricing.”

With inventory low and other cities and towns anxious to purchase vehicles, Barber finally found a dealer, Gervals Ford in Ayer, MA, with three trucks in stock.

But he had to act fast.

“I went ahead and signed the sales agreement to hold the truck and now it’s coming down to where they want to know that they’re going to get paid for it,” he said. “I made a commitment on behalf of the town, knowing that there’s going to be a future price increase and availability is very short.”

Currently, the town has a single spare truck and repairs are slowed by shortages of even the most common parts.

“If we had a storm tomorrow, and we had a breakdown, we’re going to be in trouble,” Barber said. “I know it’s not the ideal way of doing things, but I’m trying to stay afloat and keep the operation so that we can do the job that we need to do.”

Before the meeting adjourned, Carpenter asked Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth to confirm that a vote on the truck purchase was not required.

“That’s correct,” Ellsworth said. “It’s an emergency.”

Barber said he had wanted to make the council aware of the need to act quickly in order to secure a vehicle.

“I felt that we were making a decision in the best interest of the town,” he said. “I’m the one that’s up in the middle of the night trying to figure out how to keep things running. I’m going to sleep a little better tonight, knowing that we’re doing this.”

The new truck is expected to be delivered in the third week of December. The Pasquale Farms license renewals, which will require council votes, will be considered at the Dec. 6 council meeting.

RI House District 39

Cotter Defeats Price in Recount


By Cynthia Drummond for BRVCA


RICHMOND – More than a week after the Nov. 8 election, it appears that Democrat Megan Cotter has defeated Republican incumbent Justin Price to become the new State Representative in District 39.

The Rhode Island Board of Elections approved the recount, which had been requested by Price, on Friday morning. When the recount was over, Cotter had a 32-vote lead over Price. The final recount totals were 3,031 votes for Cotter and 2,999 for Price.

This was Cotter’s second attempt at unseating Price, who has served four terms. The first time she challenged Price, she lost by only 321 votes, which, she said, made her want to try again.

Reached Friday, Cotter said she was excited and ready to get to work.

“I will work hard for our community,” she said. “I am excited to represent all the voices in District 39.”

When the polls closed on election night, Cotter was ahead by a razor-thin margin of four votes. Her lead increased in the following days as provisional and overseas military ballots trickled in. By Thursday, she had pulled ahead by 29 and then, by Friday, 32 votes.

Cotter said she had been unable to attend the recount in person, but she believed that it was a worthwhile process.

“It’s killing me that I can’t be there, but I’m happy to let the process play out,” she said. “It’s something else we’re testing to make sure that the process works properly.”

The Board of Elections will certify the recounted votes in District 39 and several other districts next Tuesday. Price said waiting for these election results had been a stressful experience.

“It was roller coaster ride,” he said. “It still is.”

The electoral process, Price added, has become more complicated with early voting and mail ballots.

“The whole system has been altered,” he said. “Now, we’re 20 days before and now, we’re up to 10 days after, to actually find out results that might not be confirmed because you need to be able to go through the data. So yeah, it’s exhausting. Doing the whole campaign, it used to be, show up, show your ID, paper ballot, know the results by 8, 9, 10 o’clock.”

As the Cotter team celebrates, Price’s team will continue to pour over the votes.

“Now that the tech part of my team has the data, the voter data, they’re going to do whatever they have to do to oversee it,” he said. “They’re going to oversee the data that was given to them from the Board of Elections and the Secretary of State.”

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